413 research outputs found

    Quality control parameters of Gandhakadi Yoga tablets W. S. R. To its microscopic evaluation

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    Gandhakadi Yoga is a formulation suggested for Loha Sevanajanya Vikara Prashamana (Iron overload) in Ayurveda Prakasha and can be used as iron chelator which might help to decrease the iron overload. The present study was carried out to standardize the finished product Gandhakadi Yoga tablets for confirmation of its identity, quality and purity. Thus a trial was made to establish the Quality assessing parameters for Gandhakadi Yoga tablets by simple microscopic technique. The characters i.e. black debris of Gandhaka treated with Bhringaraja, light yellow brown content of Gandhaka, fragment of spongy parenchyma of Agastya leaf, oil globules and epicarp cells with tannin content of Vidanga etc. were the characteristic features of the finished product

    A case benign struma ovarii

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    Struma ovarii is a rare ovarian tumor and a monodermal variant of dermoid tumors of the ovary in which thyroid tissue components constitute more than 50% of the mass. Struma ovarii accounts for 0.5тАУ1.0% of all ovarian tumors and 2-5% of ovarian teratomas. Most cases are benign, but malignant transformation is found in a small percentage. It usually presents as a unilateral adnexal mass at fifth and sixth decades of life, with symptoms like other ovarian tumors. The definitive diagnosis is made by histological examination. Adnexectomy remains the standard line of treatment for benign disease. A 41-year-old lady presented with pain in abdomen for 3 months. On ultrasonography and MRI, a multiloculated solid cystic lesion of 7├Ч6 cm with internal echoes was found in the right adnexa. Laparoscopic right adnexectomy was performed. Histopathology was consistent with struma ovarii. Due to its vague clinical manifestations and diverse imaging characteristics, pre-operative diagnosis is challenging.

    Incidental diagnosis of granulosa cell tumour in a 25-year-old woman

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    A 25-year-old woman presented with backache of 2 weeks duration and had 45-60 days menstrual cycle. On transvaginal sonography (TVS), her left adnexa showed a heterogenous solid mass of 5.3├Ч4.2 cm and moderate vascularity on color doppler. Serum inhibin B was raised to 2249 pg/ml. MRI showed 5.5├Ч 4.5 cm solid mass in the left ovary with lobulated margins suggestive of sex cord-stromal/ germ cell tumor. Laparoscopy showed an enlarged left ovary with intact surface. Left adnexectomy with staging biopsies and infracolic omentectomy was performed. Histopathology showed adult granulosa cell tumor with intact ovarian capsule. One-month post-surgery, inhibin B level was 44 pg/ml. She wishes to conceive after six months follow-up.


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    Climate change can adversely affect rice production, especially for weed management in the context of emergence and proliferation of newer weed species like weedy rice (Oryza sativa f. spontanea) in the rice growing tracts of Kerala. In the past decade, atmospheric carbon dioxide (CO2) has risen from 371.82 to 407.05 ppm from 2000 to 2018 which might have an impact on the competitive ability of a C3 plant like weedy rice. The competitiveness of weedy rice was studied in an open top chamber (OTC) under a CO2 concentration of 500 ppm (Chamber A), OTC without external CO2 supply (Chamber B), and open condition along with two popular cultivated rice varieties Uma and Jyothi with both air and soil temperature inside the chamber to the tune of 40-430C and 35-400C respectively. The study revealed a higher competitive potential of weedy rice in terms of tillering ability under elevated carbon dioxide as it responded well compared to cultivated rice varieties. There was a differential response of rice varieties to elevated CO2 conditions with medium duration variety responding well compared to short duration one. Compared to ambient conditions (chamber B and open condition), higher tillering was observed under elevated CO2 (chamber A) in which weedy rice tillered profusely (17.33) than cultivated rice species (9 and 11.33). There was a linear increase in plant height of weedy rice in chamber A (108.97 cm) during the initial stages and in chamber B (112.77 cm) during reproductive stages. The study evidenced that in the coming future, higher CO2 levels can stimulate biomass production of C3 weed like weedy rice with a greater increase in tillering which could be an important trait affecting inter specific competition

    A rare case of primary fallopian tube carcinoma in a woman with post-menopausal bleeding

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    Primary fallopian tube carcinoma (PFTC) is a rare tumor accounting for about 0.5% of all gynecological cancers. The rarity of the tumor with its non-specific clinical presentation and radiological findings lead to a low suspicion of PFTC by the attending clinician. We present a case of this tumor in a 62 years post-menopausal parous woman who presented with intermittent vaginal bleeding with normal clinical examination and an adnexal mass on USG and MRI. She underwent laparosopic total hysterectomy with bilateral salpingo-oophorectomy, infracolic omentectomy and staging biopsies followed by adjuvant chemotherapy. Primary fallopian tube carcinoma should be considered in the differential diagnosis of peri and postmenopausal women who present with an adnexal mass, unexplained bleeding per vaginum, pelvic pain, or a cervical smear with abnormal glandular cells. The treatment is similar to epithelial ovarian carcinoma, which includes total hysterectomy with bilateral salpingo-oophorectomy and comprehensive surgical staging

    Larval development and seed production in the 'whelk' Babylonia spirata

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    The larval development of the whelk, Babylonia spirata (Linnaeus, 1758) (Neogastropoda: Buccinidae) which forms a major component of the bycatches of shrimp trawlers of south- west coast of India was studied and its seed production techniques were developed. The broodstock, which were conditioned at low temperature of 26 - 28OC, spawned intermittently between January to April, and again during September to December, 2002. Each spawner laid an average 35 transparent egg capsules, which were firmly attached to the substratum by a slender stalk. Fertilized eggs of 260 to 280pm diameter started their development within the transparent egg capsule itself by spiral cleavage and progressively developed into morula, blastula, trochophore and veliger stages. The larvae hatched out as veliger between the 7th and 8th day after spawning and these were reared in the hatchery. Percentage of survival, feeding rate and settling percentage of the larvae were studied in detail. Optimum stocking density of the larvae was found to be 150/1 which resulted in 65% settlement of the larvae. Chaetoceros calcitrans was given as feed till settling stage and after that the juveniles were fed with shrimp meat. Details of the spawning, morphology of capsule and growth of the larvae are presented in the paper
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