126 research outputs found

    Sub-seabed CO<sub>2</sub> storage: impact on marine ecosystems

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    2nd AtlantOS progress report plus International Scientific and Technical Advisory Board minutes and AtlantOS Legacy document

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    Prior to the 3rd annual meeting in month 32 a project progress report for the external project boards will be prepared to enable them to as good as possible prepared for the meeting and to ensure consequently that AtlantOS receives as constructive as possible recommendations from the board. The report together with the external summary board meeting report will be part of D11.

    Paired Sr isotope (<sup>87</sup>Sr/<sup>86</sup>Sr, δ<sup>88/86</sup>Sr) systematic of pore water profiles: A new perspective in marine weathering and seepage studies

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    The simultaneous and independent determination of the radiogenic (87Sr/86Sr) and the fractionation reflecting stable (!88/86Sr) Sr isotope ratio on pore waters, sediments and precipitates (e.g. carbonates and sulfates) opens a new perspective in the field of submarine weathering and Sr contribution to the ocean chemistry. Four initial case studies covering (1.) CO2 seeps of the Okinawa Trough (OT), (2.) mud volcanoes (MV) and mounds in the Gulf of Cadiz (GoC) and the (3.) Central American Fore Arc as well as first results from the (4.) Black Sea are conducted and reflect a stable Sr perspective on seeps from a broad range of geological settings. Referred to NIST-SRM-987, in this study the IAPSO seawater (SW) standard has a !88/86Sr of 0.39 ‰ (±0.03, 2SD). As a prominent systematic deviation the OT pore water (PW) data from a site with CO2 hydrate and liquid CO2 occurence show values ranging from 0.27 to 0.59 ‰ (286 to 64 cm sediment depth), accompanied by a weak inversely correlated trend from 0.2 to 0.15 ‰ for the corresponding bulk sediment (286 to 36 cm). In contradiction to a simple fluid/SW-mixing approach as driving mechanism for the PW stable Sr trend the 87Sr/86Sr signature stays within analytical uncertainty constant with depth (0.70980 (1)) and differs significantly from SW (0.70917 (1)) and the more radiogenic, slightly heterogeneous sediment (0.71892-0.71731). Potential explanation for the observed !88/86Sr trend and PW signatures heavier than SW are (a) strong fractionation processes enriching light isotopes in secondary precipitates and remineralisation products and heavier signatures in the remaining fluid and/or (b) preferential dissolution of heavier mineral phases. Examples for the latter kind of sediment component are determined in a detailed study of the Mercator MV (GoC) by high !88/86Sr ratios of 0.72 for authigenic and 0.92 ‰ for potentially extruded gypsum crystals. Combined with PW data from the other seep settings (0.2 to 0.52 ‰) a broad range of Sr contribution and fractionation processes becomes evident

    Investigating the impact of sub-seabed CO2 storage on marine ecosystems

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    As the world faces the consequences of rising anthropogenic carbon dioxide entering the atmosphere and ultimately the ocean, a growing arsenal of adaptation and mitigation strategies are being investigated. Carbon dioxide capture and storage (CCS) is regarded as a useful way of removing CO2 at source, transporting it and storing it at depth underground, in saline aquifers or depleted hydrocarbon reservoirs beneath the seabed. But will there be any impacts in the marine environment above these sites? Anja Reitz describes how one EC- funded project hopes to find the answers

    1st AtlantOS progress report plus summary of external board meetings

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    Prior to the 2nd annual AtlantOS meeting in month 14 a project progress report for the external project board – the International Scientific and Technical Advisory Board (ISTAB) - will be prepared to enable them to be as good as possible prepared for the meeting and to ensure consequently that AtlantOS receives as constructive as possible recommendations from the board. This report together with the external summary board meeting report, that will be requested from the ISTAB, will represent D11.5

    AtlantOS Exploitation Plan

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    Strategy for knowledge management, protection and exploitation of result

    3rd AtlantOS progress report plus summary of external board meetings

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    Prior to the 4th annual AtlantOS meeting in month 48 a project progress report for the external project boards (EB and ISTAB) will be prepared to enable them to be as good as possible prepared for the meeting and to ensure consequently that AtlantOS receives as constructive as possible recommendations from the boards. This report, together with the two external summary board meeting reports, which will be requested from the EB and ISTAB, will represent D11.7

    AtlantOS Project Website

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    Design, initial content loading and launch of AtlantOS project website www.atlantos-h2020.e
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