54 research outputs found

    Muzej ljekarne Picciola u Trstu

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    Using poetic licence, the author of this essay interchanges documentary approach and her own impressions to describe a unique Italian museum dedicated to the history of pharmaceutical practice. This Picciola Pharmacy Museum was founded in Trieste in 1799 by the Picciola family, later to be taken over by the du Bans. In addition to valu-able exhibits such as furniture, apothecaryā€™s utensils and tools, there is a library with substantial holdings, including the first poetry collection Chamber Music of the great Irish novelist James Joyce, who happened to live at the same address between 1910 and 1912. For this reason the museum has been included in the well-known ā€œTrieste Joyce Schoolā€ itinerary. The author concludes that the Picciola Museum has helped many a visitor to understand and appreciate the forgotten world of classical pharmacy and other precious curiosities related to the political, cultural and historical development of Trieste.Autorica u eseju u slobodnijemu poetiziranom stilu, ispreplećući faktografiju i osobne opservacije, prikazuje osebujan talijanski muzej posvećen povijesti i praksi farmakoloÅ”kih vjeÅ”tina. Riječ je o muzeju ljekarne Picciola osnovane u Trstu 1799., čiji su vlasnici bili najprije iz obitelji Picciola, a zatim du Ban. Osim Å”to muzejsku zbirku krase vrijedni eksponati ā€“ pokućstvo, ljekarničko posuđe i alati te bogata knjižnica, muzej na joÅ” jedan originalan način sudjeluje u afirmaciji kulturnog identiteta grada. Zahvaljujući tome Å”to je na istoj adresi od 1910. do 1912. obitavao znameniti irski romanopisac Joyce te Å”to se, među inim, u muzeju čuva prvo izdanje njegove zbirke poezije Chamber Music, muzej je uključen u poznati itinerar Trieste Joyce School. U zaključku se ističe misao da zahvaljujući Muzeju Picciola posjetitelji mogu početi shvaćati i viÅ”e cijeniti gotovo zaboravljeni svijet klasičnog ljekarniÅ”tva, kao i ostale neprocjenjive zanimljivosti o političkom, kulturnom i povijesnom razvoju grad

    Picciola pharmacy museum in Trieste

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    Autorica u eseju u slobodnijemu poetiziranom stilu, ispreplećući faktografiju i osobne opservacije, prikazuje osebujan talijanski muzej posvećen povijesti i praksi farmakoloÅ”kih vjeÅ”tina. Riječ je o muzeju ljekarne Picciola osnovane u Trstu 1799., čiji su vlasnici bili najprije iz obitelji Picciola, a zatim du Ban. Osim Å”to muzejsku zbirku krase vrijedni eksponati ā€“ pokućstvo, ljekarničko posuđe i alati te bogata knjižnica, muzej na joÅ” jedan originalan način sudjeluje u afirmaciji kulturnog identiteta grada. Zahvaljujući tome Å”to je na istoj adresi od 1910. do 1912. obitavao znameniti irski romanopisac Joyce te Å”to se, među inim, u muzeju čuva prvo izdanje njegove zbirke poezije Chamber Music, muzej je uključen u poznati itinerar Trieste Joyce School. U zaključku se ističe misao da zahvaljujući Muzeju Picciola posjetitelji mogu početi shvaćati i viÅ”e cijeniti gotovo zaboravljeni svijet klasičnog ljekarniÅ”tva, kao i ostale neprocjenjive zanimljivosti o političkom, kulturnom i povijesnom razvoju gradaUsing poetic licence, the author of this essay interchanges documentary approach and her own impressions to describe a unique Italian museum dedicated to the history of pharmaceutical practice. This Picciola Pharmacy Museum was founded in Trieste in 1799 by the Picciola family, later to be taken over by the du Bans. In addition to valu-able exhibits such as furniture, apothecaryā€™s utensils and tools, there is a library with substantial holdings, including the first poetry collection Chamber Music of the great Irish novelist James Joyce, who happened to live at the same address between 1910 and 1912. For this reason the museum has been included in the well-known ā€œTrieste Joyce Schoolā€ itinerary. The author concludes that the Picciola Museum has helped many a visitor to understand and appreciate the forgotten world of classical pharmacy and other precious curiosities related to the political, cultural and historical development of Trieste

    Picciola pharmacy museum in Trieste

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    Autorica u eseju u slobodnijemu poetiziranom stilu, ispreplećući faktografiju i osobne opservacije, prikazuje osebujan talijanski muzej posvećen povijesti i praksi farmakoloÅ”kih vjeÅ”tina. Riječ je o muzeju ljekarne Picciola osnovane u Trstu 1799., čiji su vlasnici bili najprije iz obitelji Picciola, a zatim du Ban. Osim Å”to muzejsku zbirku krase vrijedni eksponati ā€“ pokućstvo, ljekarničko posuđe i alati te bogata knjižnica, muzej na joÅ” jedan originalan način sudjeluje u afirmaciji kulturnog identiteta grada. Zahvaljujući tome Å”to je na istoj adresi od 1910. do 1912. obitavao znameniti irski romanopisac Joyce te Å”to se, među inim, u muzeju čuva prvo izdanje njegove zbirke poezije Chamber Music, muzej je uključen u poznati itinerar Trieste Joyce School. U zaključku se ističe misao da zahvaljujući Muzeju Picciola posjetitelji mogu početi shvaćati i viÅ”e cijeniti gotovo zaboravljeni svijet klasičnog ljekarniÅ”tva, kao i ostale neprocjenjive zanimljivosti o političkom, kulturnom i povijesnom razvoju gradaUsing poetic licence, the author of this essay interchanges documentary approach and her own impressions to describe a unique Italian museum dedicated to the history of pharmaceutical practice. This Picciola Pharmacy Museum was founded in Trieste in 1799 by the Picciola family, later to be taken over by the du Bans. In addition to valu-able exhibits such as furniture, apothecaryā€™s utensils and tools, there is a library with substantial holdings, including the first poetry collection Chamber Music of the great Irish novelist James Joyce, who happened to live at the same address between 1910 and 1912. For this reason the museum has been included in the well-known ā€œTrieste Joyce Schoolā€ itinerary. The author concludes that the Picciola Museum has helped many a visitor to understand and appreciate the forgotten world of classical pharmacy and other precious curiosities related to the political, cultural and historical development of Trieste

    Dance in medical tradition

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    Ples je oduvijek bio jedna od najviÅ”e upražnjavanih čovjekovih aktivnosti, koriÅ”tenih u najrazličitijim sferama ljudskog druÅ”tvenog i religioznog razvoja. Ples je imao i važnu ulogu u stvaranju onoga Å”to danas najčeŔće nazivamo medicinskom umjetnoŔću. Osnovni je cilj ovoga članka dati Å”arolik prikaz iskoriÅ”tavanja plesa u medicinske svrhe različitih kultura i u različitim vremenskim razdobljima. Želi se istaknuti i moguća uloga plesa u odgovarajućim patoloÅ”kim procesima, pogotovo hrvatska plesna tradicija. Moć liječenja pripisivana plesu koristila se različite načine: stoljećima je ples bio religiozni ā€œvotivā€ božanstvima, dok je u drugim kulturama služio postizavanju psihičke i fizičke homeostaze manipulirajući tokom tjelesne životne energije. S druge strane, mnoga su patoloÅ”ka stanja tijekom povijesti bila izjednačena s plesom (chorea, ergotizam, epilepsija, sunčanica). Brojnim legendama, činjenicama i zanimljivostima članak prikazuje čudesan svijet povijesti plesa i njegovu ulogu u oblikovanju moderne medicine, koja danas ponovno otkriva njegovu korist u održavanju ljudskog zdravlja.Dance has always been one of the most practiced human activities, used in different social and religious contexts. Moreover, it played an important role in the evolution of the medical art. The main goal of this article is to show how dance was used in medical practice of different cultures at different times, and to investigate its role in many pathological processes, focusing on Croatian dancing tradition. The healing power of dance has been used in many different ways; for centuries it was offered as a tribute to gods; in other cultures it improved mental and physical state by influencing the flow of vital corporeal energy. On the other hand, many diseases have been associated with dance through the history such as chorea, ergot poisoning, epilepsy, and sunstroke. Legends, facts and curiosities referred to in this article reveal the enchanting world of dance history and the role that it played in the forming of modern medicine, which now seems to rediscover its benefits for human health

    BIOARCHAEOLOGY ā€“ a discipline that encompasses the past, present and future of mankind

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    In the past, archaeology was less concerned with the study of human skeletons than with the analyses of the artefacts recovered from archaeological sites. Over time, the importance of a targeted scientific research of the recovered human remains has become apparent leading to the development of different scientific disciplines dealing with the analysis and interpretation of human skeletal remains. One of these is bioarchaeology ā€“ a branch of physical anthropology that studies human remains recovered from archaeological sites. This review article presents the main differences between bioarchaeology and other physical anthropology branches, and offers a glimpse into current methods and concepts in bioarchaeology. The second part of the review deals with the development of the discipline in Croatia. Besides offering a historical review of the individuals that contributed to the development of this field, we also highlight important current bioarchaeological resources, particularly the rich Osteological collection of the Croatian Academy of Sciences and Arts. This collection currently contains the remains of over 6500 skeleton dated from the Neolithic to the Modern Period with important examples of traumatic and pathological cases and thus represents an irreplaceable study material for current and future bioarchaeological projects and collaborations. Finally, in the closing part of the paper we reveal and discuss the preliminary results of ongoing bioarchaeological research that deals with the effects that endemic warfare had on the health of Historic period populations in Croatia and through this highlight the importance of bioarchaeology and its unique ability to, through the study of our past, allow a better understanding of the present, and therefore better planning of our future

    BIOARCHAEOLOGY ā€“ a discipline that encompasses the past, present and future of mankind

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    In the past, archaeology was less concerned with the study of human skeletons than with the analyses of the artefacts recovered from archaeological sites. Over time, the importance of a targeted scientific research of the recovered human remains has become apparent leading to the development of different scientific disciplines dealing with the analysis and interpretation of human skeletal remains. One of these is bioarchaeology ā€“ a branch of physical anthropology that studies human remains recovered from archaeological sites. This review article presents the main differences between bioarchaeology and other physical anthropology branches, and offers a glimpse into current methods and concepts in bioarchaeology. The second part of the review deals with the development of the discipline in Croatia. Besides offering a historical review of the individuals that contributed to the development of this field, we also highlight important current bioarchaeological resources, particularly the rich Osteological collection of the Croatian Academy of Sciences and Arts. This collection currently contains the remains of over 6500 skeleton dated from the Neolithic to the Modern Period with important examples of traumatic and pathological cases and thus represents an irreplaceable study material for current and future bioarchaeological projects and collaborations. Finally, in the closing part of the paper we reveal and discuss the preliminary results of ongoing bioarchaeological research that deals with the effects that endemic warfare had on the health of Historic period populations in Croatia and through this highlight the importance of bioarchaeology and its unique ability to, through the study of our past, allow a better understanding of the present, and therefore better planning of our future
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