77 research outputs found

    The various European capitalism models: Convergence and growth in the 2014–2019 inter-crisis period

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    The Varieties of Capitalism (VoC) literature has recently manifested a dynamic development. Among others, the member states of the European Union (EU) have been studied extensively from this viewpoint, and main capitalism models have been identified. Yet, the global financial and economic crisis and its aftermath in Europe have impacted the member states' economies, typically in asymmetric ways and, in 2020, a highly diverse EU faced the COVID-19 induced economic crisis

    Hogyan våltozott az euróövezet a kezdetek óta?

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    A közös eurĂłpai fizetƑeszköz, az eurĂł 1999 Ăłta lĂ©tezik, azonban több Ă©vtizednyi monetĂĄris integrĂĄciĂł Ă©s jogi-gazdasĂĄgi-pĂ©nzĂŒgyi elƑkĂ©szĂŒletek elƑztĂ©k meg bevezetĂ©sĂ©t. A monetĂĄris uniĂł elsƑ tĂ­z Ă©ve sikeres volt, a mĂĄsodik Ă©vtized nagyrĂ©szt globĂĄliskĂ©nt indult, majd a valutaövezetre szƱkĂŒlt vĂĄlsĂĄg megoldĂĄsĂĄval telt. A kezdeti szakaszban ad hoc jellegƱ vĂĄlsĂĄgkezelĂ©s zajlott, majd elindultak a szisztematikusabb vĂ©dƑintĂ©zkedĂ©sek, intĂ©zmĂ©nyi fejlesztĂ©sek. MindazonĂĄltal inkĂĄbb az euróövezet vĂĄlsĂĄgĂĄllĂłsĂĄgĂĄt, semmint fenntarthatĂłsĂĄgĂĄt sikerĂŒlt mind ez idĂĄig megteremteni – utĂłbbi mĂ©g vĂĄrat magĂĄra

    Az Európai Központi Bank szerepének åtalakulåsa az európai vålsågkezelés sorån = The Changing Role of the European Central Bank during the European Crisis in 2008

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    Az elhĂșzĂłdĂł eurĂłpai vĂĄlsĂĄg sorĂĄn az EurĂłpai Központi Bank (EKB) szerepe is ĂĄtalakult. EgyrĂ©szt vĂĄlsĂĄg idejĂ©n, inflĂĄciĂłs nyomĂĄs helyett deflĂĄciĂłs veszĂ©llyel szembesĂŒlve, a stabilitĂĄs biztosĂ­tĂĄsa mĂĄst implikĂĄl, mint szokvĂĄnyos idƑkben. MĂĄsrĂ©szt tartĂłsan nulla szĂĄzalĂ©k körĂŒli kamat mellett az eszköztĂĄrnak kevĂ©sbĂ© bevĂĄlt tovĂĄbbi elemeit kell bevetni. Az EKB esetĂ©ben 2010. mĂĄjusban indult Ășj korszak az elsƑ eszközvĂĄsĂĄrlĂĄsi programmal, amelyet több hasonlĂł követett. A jegybank mĂ©rlege nĂ©hĂĄny Ă©v alatt több mint kĂ©tszeresĂ©re duzzadt, a legdinamikusabban bƑvĂŒlƑ tĂ©tel eszközoldalon az euróövezetbeli Ă©rtĂ©kpapĂ­rok kategĂłriĂĄja lett. Mindeközben az EKB-nak a kiĂ©pĂŒlƑ bankuniĂłban is központi szerep jutott. A bankfelĂŒgyelet Ă©lesĂ­tĂ©sĂ©re 2017 nyarĂĄn kerĂŒlt sor, az eszközvĂĄsĂĄrlĂĄsi programot pedig 2018 vĂ©gĂ©ig vezettĂ©k ki. Az EKB tehĂĄt Ășj Ă©s jelentƑs feladatokat vĂĄllalt az eurĂłpai vĂĄlsĂĄgkezelĂ©sben, alapvetƑen sikerrel. In the course of the prolonged European crisis, the role of the European Central Bank (ECB) has also changed. Firstly, in times of crisis, facing risks of deflation instead of inflationary pressure, ensuring stability implies other methods than in usual times. Secondly, with long-lastingly around-zero per cent interest rates, further, less used monetary policy tools are needed. In case of the ECB a new era started in May 2010, with the first asset purchase programme, which was then followed by several similar ones. The central bank’s balance sheet more than doubled in a few years’ time; the most dynamically growing item on the asset side was the category of Eurozone securities. In the meanwhile the ECB was assigned a central role in the newly developed banking union as well. Supervision was put in place in summer 2017 and the asset purchase programme was phased out by the end of 2018. Overall, the ECB undertook new and significant roles in European crisis management – fundamentally with success

    How Has the Eurozone Changed Since Its Inception?

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    The common European currency, the euro has existed since 1999; however, its introduction followed after decades of monetary integration and legal, economic and financial preparation. The first ten years of the monetary union were successful. The second decade was dominated by managing the crisis that was first global in character but then became limited to the crisis of the currency zone. In the initial phase, ad hoc type crisis management measures were taken; later, more systematic protection measures and institutional developments followed. Nevertheless, it is the resistance of the currency zone to future crises that has been established rather than its sustainability-the latter is yet to be ensured

    First report of Serratia marcescens from oleander in Hungary

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    Oleander (Nerium oleander L.) is a popular woody ornamental plant, often used for decorating public areas, terraces and gardens. Many diseases may decrease in the ornamental value of these plantings. Between 2018 and 2020, plant pathogenic bacteria of oleander were examined, and many samples of infected plants were collected from different sites in Hungary. Two non-pigmented Serratia marcescens isolates were identified from oleander by classical and molecular methods. The isolates caused necrotic lesions on oleander leaves. Serratia marcescens is known as an opportunistic mammal or plant pathogen, but non-pathogenic strains are known to be useful biological control agents or plant growth-promoting bacteria. This is the first report of the plant pathogen S. marcescens from oleander, and the first identification of the bacterium in Hungary.


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    The title compound, C19H11NO, is stabilized by one intra­molecular C—H⋯O hydrogen bond. The compound can be synthesized in good yield (49%), by transformation of functional groups [starting with 5-(fluoren-9-ylidenemeth­yl)furan-2-carbaldehyde]. The flourene and furan ring systems are nearly coplanar, with a dihedral angle of 6.36 (7)°

    Biological Activity of Sour Cherry Fruit on the Bacterial Flora of Human Saliva in vitro

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    U radu je prvi put prikazan antibakterijski učinak mađarskih kultivara viĆĄanja. Ispitana je bioloĆĄka aktivnost soka od ovih sorata: Érdi jubileum, Érdi bƑtermƑ, Maliga emlĂ©ke and KĂĄntorjĂĄnosi 3, ubranih u različitim fazama zrelosti, te njihov učinak na suzbijanje bakterija u ljudskoj slini. Različitim metodama određivan je utjecaj viĆĄanja na mijeĆĄanu bakterijsku floru sline 10 dobrovoljaca. Baktericidni je učinak procijenjen određivanjem minimalne inhibitorne koncentracije (metodom difuzije agara) i određivanjem najmanjeg baktericidnog razrjeđenja (brojanjem preĆŸivjelih bakterijskih stanica u razrijeđenim sokovima). Antibakterijski je učinak također utvrđen praćenjem broja bakterijskih stanica preostalih nakon obrade nerazrijeđenim sokovima. Ispitani sokovi od viĆĄanja imali su impresivni baktericidni učinak na bakterije u ljudskoj slini, tj. smanjili su broj stanica za 10-100× u kratkom vremenskom roku (10-40 min). Sorta Érdi jubileum bila je učinkovitija od ostalih sorata (smanjila je broj stanica za 100 000× tijekom 270 min), a njezin je baktericidni učinak ovisio o zrelosti i datumu berbe. BioloĆĄki aktivne komponente sokova bile su učinkovite protiv ĆĄirokog spektra oportunističkih patogenih bakterija, kao ĆĄto su: Pseudomonas, Klebsiella, Pantoea spp. i Escherichia coli, uključujući i bakteriju Pseudomonas aeruginosa koja je otporna na antibiotike, a nisu utjecale na korisne probiotičke vrste Lactobacillus spp. Rezultati su potvrdili da su svi ispitani sokovi od viĆĄanja imali antibakterijski učinak, pa je zaključeno da se konzumiranjem viĆĄanja ili njihova soka moĆŸe pozitivno utjecati na higijenu usne ĆĄupljine.This study is the first report on the antibacterial effect of Hungarian sour cherry cultivars. Biological activity of sour cherry juices prepared from fruits Érdi jubileum, Érdi bƑtermƑ, Maliga emlĂ©ke and KĂĄntorjĂĄnosi 3 harvested at different maturity stages was investigated on bacteria present in human saliva. The influence of sour cherry on a mixed bacterial flora of human saliva of 10 volunteers was determined by different experimental approaches. Bactericidal effects were evaluated by minimum inhibitory concentration (MIC) using agar diffusion methods and by minimum bactericidal dilution (MBD) assays counting the number of surviving bacterial cells in the diluted juices. Time-dependent antibacterial effects were also determined by monitoring the decrease in bacterial cell numbers after the treatment with undiluted juices. The investigated sour cherry juices displayed an impressive bactericidal effect against human saliva bacteria (10–100× reduction of cell numbers) within a short time frame (10–40 min). Érdi jubileum was more effective (100 000× reduction of cell number after 270 min) than the other studied cultivars. Bactericidal effect was influenced by ripening of samples of Érdi jubileum obtained at different harvesting dates. Biologically active components were effective against a large spectrum of opportunistic bacterial pathogens such as Pseudomonas, Klebsiella, Pantoea spp. and Escherichia coli, including the antibiotic-resistant Pseudomonas aeruginosa but they were ineffective against beneficial probiotic Lactobacillus spp. Results confirmed the antibacterial potential of all the investigated sour cherry fruits, therefore the consumption of the fruit or its juice for positive influence on oral hygiene is highly recommended
