72 research outputs found

    Landslide inventory and characteristics, based on LiDAR scanning and optimised field investigations in the Kutina area, Croatia

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    This paper presents the preliminary results of analyses of landsliding processes derived from detailed LiDAR (Light Detection and Ranging) scans supported by field prospection on the south-western slopes of Mt. Moslavačka gora, in the wider Kutina area. This area is known for frequent landslides, but dedicated regional landslide research has not been previously undertaken. High resolution LiDAR scanning and orthophoto imaging enabled the production of a reliable landslide inventory, but also enabled research on landslide properties and the morphology of the area. Field mapping and prospection, sampling and borehole coring assisted in the collection of information about the material characteristics and specific features of typical landslides. In the research area, which covers more than 71 km2, more than 1200 very small landslides were detected. The majority of landslides were discovered in just several geological units indicating their high susceptibility: Pleistocene silts and sands with clayey interlayers, followed by M2 silty sands and gravels, and M7 sands. Nearly half of the landslides are estimated to be of recent and younger age, while other landslides may be considered as being historical implying a “long tradition” of landslide events in the research area. Preliminary terrain surface roughness analysis also supported the conclusion that the inventory contains landslides of several historical generations which are still detectable. In addition to slides (1123), this research also discovered numerous earthflow processes (143), which are more frequent in the predominantly sandy units. The landslides in this area are largely located on the banks of the gullies and are directly related to the action of water. Regarding that situation and the engineering properties of the encountered geological units, four types of bank instabilities can be differentiated: slides on top of rock masses; slides in firm soil mixtures; landslides in sands; landslides in predominantly coherent soil complexes

    The Effects of the Big Five Personality Traits on Stress among Robot Programming Students

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    This paper presents relationships between personality traits and stress levels in light of the transactional model of stress. The framework of the transactional model was applied to determine the significance of work with a robot for primary and secondary stress appraisal made by an individual. We decided to use the Big Five personality traits model as one which integrates the dimensions of personality and had been previously applied to research on stress. The participants in our three-wave study were 105 students doing an industrial robots programming course. Using Ten Item Personality Inventory (TIPI) and Questionnaire for Primary and Secondary Appraisal (PASA) questionnaires, we gathered information about the students’ personality, the level of anticipated stress, and the stress experienced while working with a robot after 6 and 12 weeks. The obtained results prove that emotional stability is significant for secondary appraisal of anticipated stress. The results also show that openness to experience is a negative predictor, whereas conscientiousness is a positive predictor of primary stress appraisal. The ability to cope with stress after 12 weeks of work with a robot is appraised as higher by older, more conscientious, and introverted people. The obtained results are discussed from the psychological perspective of stress and personality, which complements earlier studies in technical sciences. The limitations of the study are also indicated

    Development and validation of the Influence Regulation and Deinfluentization Scale (DEI-beh)

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    Our article presents work on the development and validation of Influence Regulation and Deinfluentization Scale (DEI-beh). Reviewing concepts regarding its influence constitutes an introduction to the original deinfluentization concept coined by Barbara Kożusznik. The author’s theory has provided the basis for creating a diagnostic tool. The elaborated DEI-beh method consists in evaluating conditions which determine managerial effectiveness and shape reciprocal influences among team members. Our article describes this tool’s creation and its validation procedure. Positive relationships between DEI-beh’s individual dimensions and temperament characteristics, defined in Pavlov’s concept (1952), and selected personality traits, proposed in the Five-Factor Model Personality by Costa and McCrae (1992), confirm the tool’s external validity

    Work Engagement - A Systematic Review of Polish Research

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    Over the past decade work engagement has gained both business and academia attention. With growing number of studies and meta-analyses the concept of work engagement is one of the pillars of positive work and organizational psychology. This systematic review presents the current state of research on work engagement in Poland. Results confirmed that work-engagement studies have not yet reached the threshold to conduct meta-analysis. The review of measurement methods and synthesis of findings allows to identify strengths and gaps in Polish studies. Discussion of limitations and biases in current research is accompanied with urge to overcome them and develop thriving stream of research on work engagement

    Zespół wirtualny jako przykład rozwiązania innowacyjnego i narzędzia do tworzenia innowacji

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    There are a lot of questions concerning virtual team being at one hand an innovation result and on the other hand a tool for its creation. The aim of the paper is to outline the problem of virtual team in the context of effectiveness. The paper is especially focused on organizational and psychological aspects that facilitate or disturb achieving the level of effectiveness and simultaneously make the innovation dynamism

    Complexes of Copper with a Flexible Bis-benzimidazole Ligand

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    The flexible bidentate ligand 1,3-bis(benzimidazol-2-yl)propane, L3, and its N-methylated derivative L4, form complexes with CUI and CUII. The X-ray crystal structure of [Cu(L4)(MeCN)] (PF6) (1) shows a trigonal coordination of the CuI with the eight-membered chelate ring adopting a half-chair conformation. With CuII in EtOH, L3 forms dimeric [(L3)Cu(μ-EtO)2Cu(L3)](ClO4)2 · 2EtOH (2) whose X-ray crystal structure shows CuII in a distorted square-planar environment with one bidentate ligand and two bridging ethoxides. The chelate ring now has a boat-chair conformation which forms a hydrophobic pocket around the metal

    Tactics of Influence and Deinfluentization, Personality and the Personal Sense of Power Among Polish Managers

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    Power in organizations creates interpersonal settings and lays the ground for designating individual roles and positions of superiors and subordinates. In such a context, influence tactics are situation-specific behaviors used to change the behavior of others and achieve organizational goals. The notion that power and influence can be based on personal or positional variables was used to de-sign the framework of the present studies intended to describe how trait- and state-like variables are related to influence tactics and deinfluentization. The subjects were 250 Polish managers. Study 1 (n = 250) was undertaken to collect data about the influence tactics of Polish managers to fill the void in information in the field of social psychology in organizations. In Study 2 (n = 104) we correlated influence tactics with the personal sense of power. The results proved that the per-ception of having the ability to exert power over others was positively related to rational persua-sion, apprising, and pressure. In Study 3 (n = 69) we investigated the relationships of influence tactics and deinfluentization with the Big Five and directiveness. The results showed that Neuroti-cism was positively correlated with pressure, legitimating, and coalition, but negatively with ra-tional persuasion and consultation. Extraversion was positively correlated with rational persuasion, so was Conscientiousness. Agreeableness was negatively related to coalition. Directiveness was in a positive relation with pressure but correlated negatively with personal appeals. Deinfluentization positively correlated with Agreeableness and negatively with directiveness

    Uncommon constellation of multiglandular deficiency with 2 mutations in AIRE gene in an 18-year-old girl — 12 years of observation

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    Zespoły autoimmunologicznej niewydolności wielogruczołowej (APS) składają się z różnych zaburzeń, zarówno endokrynnych, jak i nieendokrynnych. Zespoły te są złożone i występują z różnymi objawami. Wczesne wykrycie zaburzeń może zapobiec wielu poważnym skutkom klinicznym, które są zazwyczaj wynikiem opóźnionego rozpoznania. W pracy przedstawiono przypadek pacjentki, której objawy kliniczne przemawiają za zespołem autoimmunologicznej niewydolności wielogruczołowej. W ciągu 12 lat obserwacji i leczenia, autoimmunologiczne tło, z wyjątkiem stwierdzenia podwyższonego miana przeciwciał przeciw peroksydazie i przeciw tyreoglobulinie, nie zostało potwierdzone, podobnie jak krytyczna mutacja w genie AIRE. U pacjentki zidentyfikowano 5 polimorfizmów i 2 mutacje w eksonie 1 genu AIRE. (Endokrynol Pol 2014; 65 (6): 514–518)Autoimmune polyglandular syndromes (APS) consist of a variety of endocrine and non-endocrine disorders. The syndromes are complex and their occurrence in life does not follow any pattern. Early detection of such disorders may prevent many serious clinical consequences which are usually a result of delayed diagnosis. We present the case of a female patient whose clinical symptoms very strongly suggested APS, however neither autoimmune background except elevated anti-thyroid peroxidase and anti-thyroglobulin antibodies of multiglandular deficiency, nor critical mutations in the AIRE gene have been confirmed or detected, yet we identified five polymorphisms and two mutations in exon1 of gene AIRE during 12 years of observation and treatment. (Endokrynol Pol 2014; 65 (6): 514–518

    Hybrid system of emotion evaluation in physiotherapeutic procedures

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    Nowadays, the dynamic development of technology allows for the design of systems based on various information sources and their integration into hybrid expert systems. One of the areas of research where such systems are especially helpful is emotion analysis. The sympathetic nervous system controls emotions, while its function is directly reflected by the electrodermal activity (EDA) signal. The presented study aimed to develop a tool and propose a physiological data set to complement the psychological data. The study group consisted of 41 students aged from 19 to 26 years. The presented research protocol was based on the acquisition of the electrodermal activity signal using the Empatica E4 device during three exercises performed in a prototype Disc4Spine system and using the psychological research methods. Different methods (hierarchical and non-hierarchical) of subsequent data clustering and optimisation in the context of emotions experienced were analysed. The best results were obtained for the k-means classifier during Exercise 3 (80.49%) and for the combination of the EDA signal with negative emotions (80.48%). A comparison of accuracy of the k-means classification with the independent division made by a psychologist revealed again the best results for negative emotions (78.05%)

    The symphony of team flow in virtual teams : using artificial intelligence for its recognition and promotion

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    More and more teams are collaborating virtually across the globe, and the COVID-19 pandemic has further encouraged the dissemination of virtual teamwork. However, there are challenges for virtual teams – such as reduced informal communication – with implications for team effectiveness. Team flow is a concept with high potential for promoting team effectiveness, however its measurement and promotion are challenging. Traditional team flow measurements rely on self-report questionnaires that require interrupting the team process. Approaches in artificial intelligence, i.e., machine learning, offer methods to identify an algorithm based on behavioral and sensor data that is able to identify team flow and its dynamics over time without interrupting the process. Thus, in this article we present an approach to identify team flow in virtual teams, using machine learning methods. First of all, based on a literature review, we provide a model of team flow characteristics, composed of characteristics that are shared with individual flow and characteristics that are unique for team flow. It is argued that those characteristics that are unique for team flow are represented by the concept of collective communication. Based on that, we present physiological and behavioral correlates of team flow which are suitable – but not limited to – being assessed in virtual teams and which can be used as input data for a machine learning system to assess team flow in real time. Finally, we suggest interventions to support team flow that can be implemented in real time, in virtual environments and controlled by artificial intelligence. This article thus contributes to finding indicators and dynamics of team flow in virtual teams, to stimulate future research and to promote team effectiveness