17 research outputs found

    Assesment of person's attractiveness with regard to sex, context and frequency of alcohol consumption

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    Cilj ovog istraÅ£ivanja jest ispitati razlike u procijenjenoj privlačnosti osoba suprotnog spola s obzirom na njihov kontekst i učestalost konzumacije alkoholnih pića te spol, i utvrditi odnos izmeĎu preferirane učestalosti i količine pijenja potencijalnog romantičnog partnera i stvarne partnerove te sudionikove količine i učestalosti pijenja alkoholnih pića. IstraÅ£ivanje je provedeno online, putem druÅ”tvenih mreÅ£a, a u njemu je sudjelovalo 423 studenata s različitih fakulteta unutar cijele Hrvatske, od kojih je 215 bilo Å£enskog spola. Nakon popunjavanja osnovnih sociodemografskih podataka, sudionici su ispunjavali upitnik konstruiran za potrebe ovog istraÅ£ivanja, a koji mjeri privlačnost osobe suprotnoga spola za prijateljski, suradnički te kratkoročni i dugoročni romantični odnos, ovisno o učestalosti i kontekstu konzumacije alkoholnih pića te osobe. Konstruiran je i upitnik koji mjeri učestalost i količinu pijenja alkoholnih pića sudionika, njegovog trenutnog romantičnog partnera te preferiranu količinu i učestalost pijenja alkoholnih pićaa kod potencijalnog romantičnog partnera. Primijenjen je i IPIP50 (Mlačić i Goldberg, 2007) za ispitivanje osobina ličnosti sudionika. Rezultati su pokazali da su osobe koje piju Å”est ili viÅ”e alkoholnih pića jednom tjedno procjenjivane značajno manje privlačnima za suradnički i dugoročni romantični odnos od osoba koje ne piju ili piju umjereno. Samotno i socijalno pijenje alkoholnih pića pokazali su se podjednako privlačnima za sve oblike meĎuljudskih odnosa. Općenito, muÅ”karci su Å£enske profile procjenjivali značajno privlačnijima, nego Å£ene muÅ”ke profile. Sudionici su preferirali partnere koji imaju slične navike pijenja alkoholnih pića kao i oni, pri čemu su Å£ene koje konzumiraju veću količinu alkoholnih pića, bile uspjeÅ”nije od muÅ”karaca u pronalaÅ£enju partnera sličnih navika pijenja. Ključne riječi: privlačnost, konzumacija alkohola, romantična vezaThe aim of this study is to explore the differences in estimated attractiveness of persons of the opposite sex with regard to their alcohol consumption context and frequency, as well as participant sex. An additional objective is to determine the relationship between the favoured frequency and amount of drinking of a potential romantic partner and the real amount and frequency of drinking of the partner and the participant. The study has been carried out online using social networks, and 423 students from different faculties within Croatia, of which 215 were female, have participated in the study. After filling out basic socio-demographic information, the participants took part in a survey which was constructed for the purpose of this study. The survey measures attractiveness of a person of the opposite sex for a friendly relationship, co-operative relationship and short-term as well as long-term romantic relationship, depending on the frequency and context of alcohol consumption of the person in question. An additional questionnare was developed to estimate the frequency and amount of drinking of the participant and their current romantic partner as well as the favoured amount and frequency of alcohol consumption of a potential romantic partner. The participants etimated their personality traits by filling out IPIP 50 questionnaire (Mlačić & Goldberg, 2007). The results showed that the persons who drink six or more alcoholic beverages per week were evaluated as significantly less attractive for a co-operative and long-term romantic relationship than persons who do not drink alcohol or drink it moderately. Solitary and social drinking were evaluated to be equally attractive. Men generally evaluated female profiles as significantly more attractive than vice versa. The participants preferred the partners with similar drinking habits, with women who consume greater amounts of alcohol being more successful at finding a partner with similar drinking habits in comparison with men

    Hepatic and Pancreatic Glycosphingolipid Phenotypes of the Neurological Different Rat Strains

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    Among three commonly used strains of laboratory rats,Wistar rats perform more neurological tasks better then Lewis and Sprague-Dawley (SD) rats. Liver is the main site of insulin-like growth factor (IGF) production and pancreas is the exclusive site of insulin production. Insulin stimulates neuronal development and appropriate IGF-I input is critical in brain growth. Glycosphingolipids (GSLs) are important mediators of insulin secretion and action. Therefore, this study investigated GSL phenotypes of liver and pancreas with hypothesis that they are different in three rat strains. Total GSL fractions (neutral and gangliosides) were analysed by high performance thin-layer chromatography (HPTLC). Complex gangliosides were detected by HPTLC immunostaining using cholera toxin B subunit after neuraminidase pretreatment. Wistar rats had the highest liver weight/body weight ratio and SD rats had the highest pancreas weight/body weight ratio. Ganglioside GM3 was more expressed in the liver of Wistar compared to Lewis and SD rats. SD rats contained scarce quantities of GD1a and b-series gangliosides in the liver compared to Wistar and Lewis rats. Pancreatic b-series ganglioside content was also the lowest in SD rats. This study represents differences in the hepatic and pancreatic ganglioside phenotypes of three rat strains that could influence IGF and insulin secretion and action


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    Glukokortikoidi su učinkoviti u liječenju Å”irokog spektra kroničnih autoimunih i upalnih bolesti. Liječenje glukokortikoidima povezano je sa značajnim metaboličkim nuspojavama uključujući inzulinsku rezistenciju i Å”ećernu bolest. Predisponirajući čimbenici za pojavu steroidnog dijabetesa su starija dob, povećana tjelesna masa, obiteljska anamneza Å”ećerne bolesti i gestacijski dijabetes. Nekoliko mehanizama pridonose pojavi steroidnog dijabetesa, uključujući smanjenje periferne inzulinske osjetljivosti, povećanje proizvodnje glukoze u jetri i ometanje proizvodnje i lučenja inzulina iz guÅ”terače. Liječnici koji liječe bolesnike glukokortikoidima trebali bi biti upućeni u metaboličke poremećaje koje oni uzrokuju. U liječenju steroidnog dijabetesa mogu se koristiti sve skupine antidijabetika, ali inzulinska terapija bio bi najbolji izbor u liječenju većine bolesnika sa steroidnim dijabetesom.Glucocorticoids (GC) are the cornerstone in the treatment of numerous chronic autoimmune and inflammatory diseases. GC treatment is accompanied by significant metabolic adverse effects, including insulin resistance, glucose intolerance and diabetes, visceral adiposity, dyslipidemia and skeletal muscle atrophy. GCs are the most common cause of drug-induced diabetes mellitus. However, not everyone treated with glucocorticoids develops diabetes. Predictors of development of diabetes are age, weight, family history of diabetes mellitus, or personal history of gestational diabetes. There is evidence that patients with decreased insulin secretory reserve are much more likely to develop diabetes. Diabetes from topical steroid use is uncommon, but high-dose steroids have been associated with significant hyperglycemia, including development of hyperglycemic hyperosmolar syndrome and even diabetic ketoacidosis in patients with type 1 diabetes mellitus. Several mechanisms contribute to the development of hyperglycemia and steroid-induced diabetes, including decreased peripheral insulin sensitivity, increased hepatic glucose production, and inhibition of pancreatic insulin production and secretion. Physicians treating patients with GCs should be aware of the induction of metabolic disturbances and should not solely rely on fasting measurements. In addition, our review indicates that insulin therapy could be considered when treating patients on GC therapy

    Knowledge, Attitudes and Behaviours Of Mostar University Students on the harmful effects of ultraviolet radiation exposure - A KAB study

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    Various reports suggest that adolescents seem to be obsessed with tanning. Existing evidence on attitudes demonstrate that young adults focus on improving appearance through a tan, with protective behaviors often being absent. The popularity of tanning, primarily among the young adult population, further promotes unsafe sun-related behaviors. The aim of this study was to determine the knowledge level of Mostar University students on the harmful effects of ultraviolet radiation (UVR), their attitudes and sun-related behaviors, and whether medical students are more likely to apply preventive measures against UVR in comparison with students from other faculties. The survey included a total of 140 undergraduate Mostar University students: 70 medical students and 70 non-healthcare-related faculty students. The data were collected by completing the personal design questionnaire created for this study. This study shows that Mostar University students have a high level of knowledge about UVR and skin cancer, but their behavior is not sufficiently preventive and appropriate to their knowledge. Medical students often use UV protection measures and employ more preventive behavior than that of other faculty students, but it is still at a low level of prevention. Findings concurred with existing evidence that the knowledge of associated risks from UVR was not sufficient to motivate safer sun-related practices.Ā </p

    Expression of Endothelial Selectin Ligands on Leukocytes Following Repeated Dives in SCUBA Divers

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    Background and Purpose: Leukocyte cell surface adhesion molecule CD11b, decorated with CD15s, plays a critical role in the regulation of b2 integrin function during neutrophile endothelial transmigration. Hyperbaric oxygenation reduces neutrophil-endothelial cell adhesion, which is mediated by Mac-1 (CD11b/CD18) B2-integrin. Materials and Methods: This study investigated the expression of CD15 and CD15s, on leukocytes following repeated trimix dives in two series: in the first series 7 divers performed 6 consecutive dives from 55-80 m, while in the second series 7 divers performed 3 consecutive dives from 63-65 m. A more intense dive profile was used in the second series, as can be seen from the longer total dive time. Five divers took part in each of the two series. CD15 and CD15s were determined before and after the 1st and the last dive. Results and Conclusions: Leukocyte subpopulations were not elevated after either the first or last dives in series I. Only CD15+CD15s+ granulocytes were significantly decreased after the 1st dive. In the second series the monocyte proportion was increased and lymphocytes decreased within the total leukocyte population, while CD15s+ monocytes and CD14+CD15s+ granulocytes were elevated after the 1st dive. CD15+CD14+ granulocytes were decreased after the 1st and the last dive in the second series, while CD15s+ granulocytes were decreased only after the last dive in the second series. The current findings of decreased endothelial selectin ligand CD15s expression on CD15+ granulocytes after certain dives point to the role of this subpopulation in the endothelial damage prevention

    High Incidence of Glucose-6-phosphate Dehydrogenase Deficiency in Croatian Island Isolate: Example from Vis Island, Croatia

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    Aim: To determine the prevalence of glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase (G6PD) deficiency in the population of the town of Komiža on the island of Vis, which has previously been reported as a place with several cases of favism. Methods: We screened 302 randomly selected men, using the fluorescent spot test. Fluorescence readings were performed at the beginning and 5, 10, and 20 minutes after incubation, and were classified into three groups: bright fluorescence, weak fluorescence, and no fluorescence. All men found to be G6PD deficient were tested with a quantitative spectrophotometric UV method. Results: Of the 302 tested blood samples, 36 (11.9%) samples showed weak fluorescence or no fluorescence spots. Spectrophotometric UV test showed that 18 (5.96%) men were G6PD deficient. The prevalence of G6PD deficiency in the population of Komiža is significantly higher (P<0.001) than the prevalence in the whole population of Dalmatia in the south of Croatia (0.75% in men). Conclusion: On the basis of these findings, we recommend including the newborns from the island of Vis into a screening program for G6PD deficiency. Our results indicate that G6PD deficiency should be determined for all the island isolates in the Mediterranean basin and they warrant further studies