16 research outputs found

    Bis[dichlorido(5,5′-dimethyl-2,2′-bi­pyridine-κ2 N,N′)gold(III)] tetra­chlorido­aurate(III) dichloridooaurate(I)

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    The title compound, [AuIIICl2(C12H12N2)]2[AuIIICl4][AuICl2], contains three distinct types of Au atom. In the cation, the AuIII atom is four-coordinated in a distorted square-planar arrangement by an N,N′-bidentate 5,5′-dimethyl-2,2′-bipyridine ligand and two terminal Cl atoms. In the [AuCl4]− anion, the centrosymmetric AuIII atom has a square-planar coordination. The centrosymmetric [AuCl2]− anion is linear. Intra- and inter­molecular C—H⋯Cl hydrogen bonds help to establish the conformation and packing

    The Patient Satisfaction With Nursing Care Quality Questionnaire Adaptation: A Case Study

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    02.07.2018 tarihine kadar kullanımı yazar tarafından kısıtlanmıştırİstanbul Bilim Üniversitesi, Sağlık Bilimleri Enstitüsü, Hemşirelik Doktora ProgramıBu araştırma, “Hemşirelik Bakım Kalitesi Memnuniyet Ölçeği”nin uyarlama çalışmasını yaparak geçerli-güvenilir bir ölçme aracı olduğunu belirlemek ve hastaların hemşirelik bakım kalitesine ilişkin memnuniyetlerini ve bu memnuniyeti etkileyen faktörleri değerlendirmek amacıyla planlandı. Bu araştırma metodolojik ve tanımlayıcı tipte bir araştırma olarak gerçekleştirildi. Araştırma verilerinin toplanmasında hastaların sosyo-demografik özelliklerini belirlemek amacı ile oluşturulan “Anket Formu” ile “Hemşirelik Bakım Kalitesi Memnuniyet Ölçeği” kullanıldı. Araştırma, özel bir hastanede tedavi görmek için yatan ve araştırmaya katılmayı kabul eden taburcu olacak 635 hastada gerçekleştirildi. Ölçekten alınan en yüksek puanı (1,74 ± 0,856) “Size Verilen Bilgi: Hemşirelerin testler, işlemler, tedaviler ve bunların sonuçları hakkında yaptığı açıklamaların yeterliliği” maddesi alırken, en düşük puanı (1,38 ± 0,657) “Hemşirelerin İlgisi ve Bakımı: Hemşirelerin size gösterdiği saygı, güler yüz ve nezaket düzeyi” maddesi aldı. Ölçeğin güvenilirlik katsayısı 0,98 olarak bulundu. Hastaların %63,9’u “Hastanede kaldığınız süre içinde sunulan hemşirelik bakımının kalitesi”ni mükemmel olarak nitelendirdi. Hastaların ölçek puanları sosyo-demografik özelliklerine göre karşılaştırıldığında; yaş durumu, medeni durum, eğitim durumu ve gelir durumu arasındaki fark istatistiksel olarak anlamlı bulunurken (p0,05). Sonuç olarak “Hemşirelik Bakım Kalitesi Memnuniyet Ölçeği”nin oldukça yüksek geçerlik ve güvenilirlik göstergelerine sahip ve Türk toplumunda hasta memnuniyetini ölçmek amacıyla kullanılabilir bir ölçme aracı olduğu belirlendi. Ayrıca araştırmanın yapıldığı özel hastanede hastaların hemşirelik bakımından memnuniyet düzeylerinin iyi seviyede olduğu ve dolaysıyla hemşirelerin bakım yaklaşımlarının hastaların beklentilerini karşılamada yeterli düzeyde olduğu görüldü.This research - in which "The Patient Satisfaction with Nursing Care Quality Questionnaire" adaptation study was done - was planned for the purposes of determining whether this questionnaire was a valid/reliable measuring tool or not and evaluating patients' satisfaction with nursing care quality and the factors effecting this satisfaction. This research was done as a methodological and descriptive research. In order to collect data for the research, a "Survey Form" - which was created to specify socio-demographic characteristics of patients - and "The Patient Satisfaction with Nursing Care Quality Questionnaire" were used. The research was done on 635 patients who were staying in a private hospital's for treatment and accepted to participate in the research and were waiting to be released from the hospital. The highest score (1,74 ± 0,856) from the questionnaire was received by the article: “Information Given to You: Adequacy of the statements made by nurses on tests, procedures, treatments and their results”, and the lowest score (1,38 ± 0,657) was received by the article: “Nurse Interest and Care: Respect, friendliness and politeness of nurses for patients.” Questionnaire reliability coefficient was 0,98. 63,9% of patients reviewed the article: “Nursing care quality of the hospital during your stay" as perfect. When the patients' questionnaire scores were compared according to their socio-demographic characteristics; it was found that there was a statistically significant relation between age status, marital status, educational status and income status (p0,05). As a result it was determined that “The Patient Satisfaction with Nursing Care Quality Questionnaire” was a highly valid and reliable measurement tool which can be used in Turkish society for measuring patient satisfaction. Besides it was seen that the level of patients' satisfaction with nursing care in the private hospital where the research was done was very well and thus the care approaches of nurses were sufficiently meeting patient expectations

    Evaluating the Relationship between Teamwork and Motivation in Nurses and Affecting Factors

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    Amaç: Bu çalışma, hemşirelerdeki motivasyon düzeyinin ekip çalış- masına olan etkisini değerlendirmek ve etkileyen faktörleri belirlemek amacıyla yapılmıştır. Yöntem: Tanımlayıcı tipteki bu çalışma, İstanbul'da özel bir hastanede gerçekleştirilmiştir. Araştırma verilerinin toplanmasında, hemşirelerin sosyo-demografi k ve çalışma yaşamına ilişkin özelliklerini belirlemek amacı ile oluşturulan "Hemşire Bilgi Formu" ile "Ekip Çalışması Tutumları Ölçeği" ve "Motivasyon Ölçeği" kullanılmıştır. Gerekli kurum ve ölçek izinleri alındıktan sonra veri toplama aşamasına geçilmiştir. Araştırmanın örneklemini araştırmaya katılmayı kabul eden 304 hemşire oluşturmuştur. Verilerin analizinde, yüzde, aritmetik ortalama, frekans, standart sapma, Mann-Whitney U, Kruskal-Wallis, Spearman's korelasyon testleri kullanılmıştır. Bulgular: Hemşirelerin %78'i kadın, %65.1'i 20-29 yaş grubunda, %67.1'i bekar, %37.8'i lisans mezunudur. "Ekip Çalışması Tutumları Ölçeği"nden en yüksek puanı (4.26±0.99) "Ekip liderleri gerektiğinde ekip üyelerinin birbirlerine yardım etmelerini sağlamalıdır" maddesi alırken, en düşük puanı (2.80±1.42) "Ekip üyelerine yardım etmek, bireyin yapacak yeterince işi olmadığının göstergesidir" maddesi almış- tır. "Motivasyon Ölçeği"nden ise en yüksek puanı (4.20±0.97) "İşimi severek yapıyorum" maddesi, en düşük puanı (2.68±1.28) "Her an işime son verilebileceği endişesini taşıyorum" maddesinin aldığı görülmüştür. Sonuç: Hemşirelerin motivasyon düzeyi ile ekip çalışması arasında anlamlı bir ilişki olduğu belirlenmiştir. Hemşirelerin sosyo-demografi k ve çalışma yaşamına ilişkin bazı özellikleri motivasyon düzeyini ve ekip çalışmasına yönelik tutumlarını etkilemektedir.Aim: To evaluate the effects of nurse motivation levels on teamwork and to determine affecting factors.Methods: This descriptive research was conducted in a private hospital in Istanbul. The Nurse Information Form, Teamwork Behavior Scale, and Motivation Scale, all of which were created to determine characteristics regarding the socio-demographic and working life of nurses, were used in collecting research data. Upon obtaining the necessary institutional and research measurement permissions, data were collected. The sample of the study comprised 304 nurses who agreed to participate in the research. In analysis of the data, percentage, arithmetic average, frequency, standard deviation, median, minimum, maximum, Mann-Whitney U, Kruskal-Wallis, and Spearman's correlation tests were used. Results: The majority of nurses were women (78%), 20-29 years old (65.1%), single (67.1%), and college/university graduates (37.8%). The statement "Team leaders must ensure that team members help each other when necessary" received the highest points (4.26±0.99) on the Teamwork Behavior Scale, while the statement "Helping team members is an indicator that the individual does not have much work to do" received the lowest points (2.80±1.42). The statement "I do my work attentively" received the highest points (4.20±0.97) on the Motivation Scale, and the statement "I worry that I could be Ş red at any moment" received the lowest points (2.68±1.28). Conclusion: We found that there is a signiŞ cant relationship between the motivation levels of nurses and teamwork. Some particular characteristics of nurses' socio-demographic and work life have been shown to affect their motivation levels and attitudes towards teamwork

    Evaluation of Nurses' Knowledge about Risk Monitoring and Risk Prevention for Pressure Ulcers

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    WOS: 000473218600011Objective: the aim of the study was to evaluate the levels of nurse's knowledge on prevention of pressure ulcers and its associated factors. Methods: This is a cross-sectional, descriptive study. the research sample consisted of 250 nurses who worked at a training research hospital from 1 September to 1 December 2016. the research data were collected using the "Nurse Information Form" and "Pressure Ulcer Prevention Knowledge Survey" prepared in light of the literature. Results: the sample was mostly undergraduate (70.0%) and the mean age was 26.11 +/- 5.33 years. Nurses (98.8%) indicated that "advanced age" has a significant influence among risk factors that cause pressure ulcers. the item on the "Pressure Ulcer Prevention Knowledge Survey", that was answered incorrectly most often (92.8%) was "when conscious patients with learning ability sit on chairs, they should be informed that they should shift their weight every 15 minutes," in the sub-dimension of "Nursing Interventions for Preventing Pressure Ulcers". There was a statistically significant difference between the knowledge level scores of nurses with respect to nurses' age, education level, working unit and pressure ulcer education (p<0.05). Conclusion: Nurses' knowledge level scores for prevention of pressure ulcers were above the average value. It is important to organize continuous education programs to increase nurses' knowledge about the risk factors for pressure ulcers and their prevention

    Psychosocial Support in Epilepsy Patient

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    Epilepsi, hastaların yaşam kalitesini olumsuz olarak etkileyen nörolojik bir hastalıktır. Hem tıbbi hem de psikolojik faktörler epilepsi hastalarının psikososyal işlevleri üzerinde önemli bir etkiye sahiptir. Epilepsi, tekrarlayan nöbetlerin varlığı ile tanımlanmakla birlikte bireyin bilişsel, psikolojik, entellektüel ve sosyal fonksiyonlarında önemli sorunlara neden olmaktadır. Epilepsi hastalarında psikososyal sorunlar, genel popülasyona göre daha fazla görülmektedir. Epilepsisi olan bireylerde anksiyete, depresyon gibi psikolojik sorunlar yanında benlik saygısında azalma, sosyal izolasyon, okul başarısında düşme, işsizlik ve yaşam kalitesinde azalma gibi sorunlar görülmektedir. Psikososyal faktörler aynı zamanda davranışsal ve bilişsel bozukluklara da neden olmaktadır. Stigma, epilepsi hastalarının karşı karşıya kaldığı en büyük sorunlardan biridir ve hastaların en sık hastalığını gizleme sebebidir. Stigma, ayırımcılık ve toplumun epilepsi hastalarına yönelik önyargılı tutumları hastalığın kendisinden daha çok epilepsi hastalarına zarar verebilmektedir. Bu nedenle, epilepside psikososyal sorunların etiyolojisi, tedavisi ve önlenmesi büyük önem taşımaktadır. Hastalığın yönetiminde, antiepileptik tedavinin etkin kullanımının yanı sıra danışmanlık, eğitim, bilişsel davranışçı terapi, hasta ve ailesine sosyal destek sunumu önemlidir. Bu derlemede; epilepsi hastalarında en çok yaşanan psikososyal sorunlar ve bu sorunlara yönelik birey, aile ve toplumda izlenmesi gereken stratejiler ve alınması gereken önlemler ele alınmaktadır.Epilepsy is a neurological disorder that affects the quality of life of patients adversely. Both medical and psychological factors have an important impact upon the psychosocial functioning of people with epilepsy. Although defined by the presence of recurrent seizures, epilepsy can be so much more and can include a very wide range of difficulties in cognition, psychiatric status, intellectual and social adaptive functioning. Psychosocial problems in patients with epilepsy are more common than in the general population. Psychological problems such as anxiety, depression in epilepsy patients may cause to decreasing of self-esteem, social isolation, decreasing of educational success, unemployment and decreasing of life quality. Psychosocial factors also affect behavioral and cognitive disorders. Stigma is the most burden of epilepsy patients and is the most common reason for concealing of their diseases. Stigma, discrimination and prejudiced attitudes towards epileptic patients in the community can damage epilepsy patients more than the disease itself. Therefore, a full accounting of the etiology, treatment, and prevention of psychosocial problems in epilepsy is important. Management of epilepsy, as well as the effective use of antiepileptic drugs consulting, training, cognitive behavioral therapy and social support are important to patients and their families. This paper addresses to present the most common psychosocial problems in epilepsy patients and the strategies to be followed for these problems and the precautions to be taken by person, family and community

    Evaluation of Nurses’ Knowledge Levels of Diabetic Foot Care Management

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    Background. Nurses, important members of the diabetes treatment team, have an essential role in the prevention of diabetic foot problems and in the care and education of patients at risk of diabetic foot problems. Objective. The study evaluated the knowledge levels of nurses regarding diabetic foot care management and determined influencing factors. Methods. This was a cross-sectional, descriptive study. The research sample comprised 435 nurses who worked in a private hospital. The research data were collected using the “Nurse Information Form” and “Nurses’ Knowledge Level Form on Diabetic Foot Management”. Results. It was found that 66% of the nurses did not receive training in diabetic foot care, 80.9% did not educate patients with diabetic foot problems, and 77.5% did not perform foot examinations on diabetic patients. Conclusion. Nurses’ knowledge level scores regarding diabetic foot management are adequate, but this knowledge is not used during patient care. In order to facilitate nurses’ involvement in diabetic foot management, theoretical and practical training programs should be organized and nurses should be encouraged to participate in these programs

    Patient satisfaction with the quality of nursing care

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    WOS: 000461835600033PubMed ID: 30918704Aim To evaluate patients' satisfaction with the quality of nursing care and examine associated factors. Design A cross-sectional, descriptive survey study. Methods The sample was composed of 635 patients discharged from a private hospital. Data were collected using "Patient Satisfaction with Nursing Care Quality Questionnaire" with a total of 19 items, and a questionnaire designed to record socio-demographic characteristics and medical histories between January 1-May 31, 2015. Results Patients were more satisfied with the "Concern and Caring by Nurses" and less satisfied with the "Information You Were Given." Patients (63.9%) described nursing care offered during hospitalization as excellent. Patients who were 18-35 years old, married, college or university graduates, treated at the surgery and obstetrics-gynaecology units, and patients who stated their health as excellent and hospitalized once or at least five times were more satisfied with the nursing care. According to this study, the nurses needed to show greater amount of interest to the information-giving process

    Meme Kanserinde Birincil ve İkincil Korunma Önlemlerine ilişkin Ebe ve Hemşirenin Rolü

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    Meme kanseri, birçok ülkede kadınlarda en sık görülen kanser türü ve ölüm nedenidir. Meme kanserinin kesin nedeni bilinmemekle beraber genetik, çevresel ve hormonal etkenlerin önemli rol oynadığı bildirilmektedir. Meme kanserine karşın kesin koruyucu hiçbir yöntem bulunmadığından dolayı korunmada hastalığın erken dönemde saptanması oldukça önemlidir. Meme kanserinin gelişimi, riski azaltacak ya da en aza indirgeyecek tutum ve davranışlar yoluyla önlenebilmekte, erken tanı ve etkili tedavi yöntemleriyle yaşam süresi ve kalitesi yükseltilebilmektedir. Bu nedenle, birincil ve ikincil korunma yöntemlerinin kadınlara öğretilmesi büyük önem taşımaktadır. Yüksek yağlı diyet, alkol tüketimi, fiziksel egzersiz eksikliği gibi yaşam tarzı ve çevresel faktörlerin meme kanseri gelişimine etkisini gösteren kanıt temelli çalışmalar bulunmaktadır. Bu etkenlerin ortadan kaldırılması morbidite ve mortalitenin azalmasına katkıda bulunabilmektedir (birincil korunma). Klinik meme muayenesi, kendi kendine meme muayenesi, mamografi gibi tanı testlerini içeren ikincil korunma önlemler ise premalign veya subklinik kanserlerin tanımlanması ve tedavisinde önemli rol oynamaktadır. Ayrıca, kadınların meme kanseri ile ilgili bilinçlenmesi ve davranış deği-şikliklerinde bulunması meme kanseri insidansını azaltmada önemli ölçüde katkı sağlayabilmek-tedir. Bu konuda, ebe ve hemşireler kadınlara meme kanserinde yaşam tarzı değişiklikleri ve erken tanı yöntemlerine ilişkin eğitimler vererek meme kanserinde farkındalığın artmasında büyük rol oynayabilirler. Bu derlemenin amacı meme kanserinde birincil ve ikincil korunma önlemlerine ilişkin ebe ve hemşirelerin rol ve sorumlulukları hakkında bilgi vermektir

    Bis(phenanthridinium) hexachloridoplatinate(IV) dimethyl sulfoxide disolvate

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    The asymmetric unit of the title compound, (C(13)H(10)N)(2)-[ PtCl(6)]center dot 2C(2)H(6)OS, contains one independent protonated phenanthridinium cation, half of a centrosymmetric [PtCl(6)](2-) anion and one dimethyl sulfoxide solvent molecule. Intramolecular N-H center dot center dot center dot O and intermolecular C-H center dot center dot center dot Cl hydrogen-bonding interactions seem to be effective in the stabilization of the structure

    Transformation strains and temperatures of a nickel–titanium–hafnium high temperature shape memory alloy

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    A combined experimental and theoretical investigation of the transformation temperature and transformation strain behaviors of a promising new Ni_(50.3)Ti_(29.7)Hf_(20) high-temperature shape memory alloy was conducted. Actuation behavior of single crystals with loading orientations near [001]_(B2), [110]_(B2), and [111]_(B2), as well as polycrystalline material in aged and unaged conditions was studied, together with the superelastic, polycrystalline torsion response. These results were compared to analytic calculations of the ideal transformation strains for tension, compression, and torsion loading of single crystals as a function of single crystal orientation, and polycrystalline material of common processing textures. H-phase precipitates on the order of 10–30 nm were shown to increase transformation temperatures and also to narrow thermal hysteresis, compared to unaged material. The mechanical effects of increased residual stresses and numbers of transformation nucleation sites caused by the precipitates provide a plausible explanation for the observed transformation temperature trends. Grain boundaries were shown to have similar effects on transformation temperatures. The work output and recoverable strain exhibited by the alloy were shown to approach maximums at stresses of 500–800 MPa, suggesting these to be optimal working loads with respect to single cycle performance. The potential for transformation strain in single crystals of this material was calculated to be superior to binary NiTi in tension, compression, and torsion loading modes. However, the large volume fraction of precipitate phase, in part, prevents the material from realizing its full single crystal transformation strain potential in return for outstanding functional stability by inhibiting plastic strain accumulation during transformation. Finally, calculations showed that of the studied polycrystalline textures, [001]_(B2) fiber texture results in superior torsion performance, while [011]_(B2) fiber texture results in superior tensile behavior, and both [011]_(B2) and random textures will result in the best possible compression performance