2,847 research outputs found

    Meningkatkan Kemampuan Mengapresiasikan Sastra Anak pada Materi Cerita Anak melalui Model Pembelajaran Quiz Ask Efective And Answer Effective pada Siswa Kelas VI Sdn 003 Batu Bersurat Kecamatan XIII Koto Kampar Kabupaten Kampar

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    This research is motivated by the lack of ability to appreciate the children\u27s literature children\u27s story material Class VI SDN 003 Batu Bersurat Kecamatan XIII Koto Kampar Kabupaten Kampar. This study aims to determine the increase in ability to appreciate the material children\u27s literature children\u27s story through learning model quiz efective ask and answer effective in class VI student of SDN 003 Batu Bersurat Kecamatan XIII Koto Kampar Kabupaten Kampar which is carried out for 1 month. The subjects were Class VI SDN 003 Batu Bersurat Kecamatan XIII Koto Kampar Kabupaten Kampar with the number of students as many as 21 people. Form of research is classroom action research. The research instrument consists of instruments and instrument performance data collection activity observation sheet form teacher and student activity. Based on the survey results revealed that the ability appreciating literature before action classical gained an average of 64, there was an increase in the first cycle to 80,60 while the increase also occurred in the second cycle with the average classical 88,10. This is because using model quiz question and the proper and precise responsibility, activities pupils become more active, which means students tend to be positive in the learning process given by the teacher. Under these conditions, the enrollment rate will increase and in turn can enhance the ability of children\u27s literature appreciating

    Pengaruh TIME Pressure, Resiko Audit, Locus Of Control, dan Turnover Intentions terhadap Penghentian Prematur Atas Prosedur Audit (Studi Empiris pada Kantor Akuntan Publik di Pekanbaru, Padang, Jambi dan Batam)

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    This research aimed to analyze the time pressure, the risk of audit, the external locus of control, and turnover intentions to premature Sign-off of audit procedure. The respondent of this research was the auditor working in Public Accountant Firms in Pekanbaru, Padang, Jambi dan Batam. The method of collecting data in the research was survey method with the questionnaire instrument. The data USAge in this research was primary data collecting through the questionnaires. The questionnaires proccesed were totaled as many as 67 questionnaires from 85 questionnaires diffused.According to the data quality consisted of he validity test, the reliability test and the normality test indicated that all variables could be valid, reliable, and normal so that for the next, the items of every variable concept was appropriately usd as an indicator.The result of this research indicated that the audit risk variable and turnover intentions have significanly influence to premature sign-off of audit procedure. Whilst the time pressure variable and the external locus of control don\u27t have significantly influence to premature sign-off of audit procedure

    Faktor-Faktor Pendukung Kompetensi Komunikasi Interpersonal: Studi Kasus Pada Mahasiswa Tingkat Pertama Di Universitas Paramadina

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    Â Abstract: This research is intended to explore the competence of interpersonal communication as the important factor for the students to express their opinion in the discussion, presentation in class and in oral examination. Based on research, found that the competence of students is relatively low. Also found that there is a different degree of the competence among the students in the different departments. The indicators of interpersonal communication competence are (1) the degree participation in organization, (2) frequency in public speaking, and (3) frequency in class discussion

    Analisis Kontrak pada Supply Chain Industri Kecil dan Menengah

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    Pertumbuhan pesat Industri Kecil dan Menengah (IKM) sejak tahun 2005 mendorong meningkatnyapendapatan bruto di berbagai sektor nasional. Hal ini terjadi karena IKM cenderung lebih kuat dalammenghadapi terpaan badai ekonomi sehingga mampu menjadi penopang perekonomian nasional. Industrisepatu bordir adalah salah satu sektor IKM yang tumbuh dan berkembang pesat di Jawa Timur.Kompetisi diantara pelaku bisnis IKM sepatu bordir menjadi tidak terelakkan. Koordinasi diantarapelaku bisnis dalam supply chain menjadi kunci penting untuk dapat bersaing di pasar. Salah satu bentukkoordinasi supply chain yaitu adanya kontrak kerjasama diantara pelaku supply chain. Kontrak dirancangdengan tujuan meningkatkan profit, tidak hanya profit manufaktur dan riteltetapi juga profit supply chain.Penelitian ini bertujuan menganalisis kontrak kerjasama antara IKM sepatu bordir yang berperan sebagaimanufakturdengan distributor yang berperan sebagai ritel.Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa kontrakkerjasama yang dilakukan antara IKM sepatu bordir dan ritel mengikuti modelQuantity FlexibilityContracts. Dimana pihak ritel diperbolehkan memodifikasi ordersampai pada range yang telah disepakatibersama. Kontrak ini dapat digunakan karena manufaktur yaitu IKM Sepatu Bordir dalam prosesproduksinya menerapkanflexible capacity. Bagi manufaktur kontrak ini akan meningkatkan profit yangdiperoleh seiring dengan profit supply chainnya. Ekspektasi profit yang diperoleh supply chainmerupakan penjumlahan antara ekspektasi profit pada IKM sepatu bordir dan ritel