115 research outputs found

    Effect of Psoralea corylifolia extract on physically induced depression in mice.

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    The mouse forced swimming test (FST) and tail suspension test (TST) are widely used to predict anti-depressant efficacy indicated by immobility time to be reduced by several different classes of anti-depressant drugs. PCE feeding at the dose of 75,150 and 300 mg/kg reduced the immobility duration at 14-days and 21-days, however the decrease was significant in mice treated with PCE for 21-days also, extract had no effect on spontaneous motor activity in mice, indicating that extract had no excitatory or inhibitory action on central nervous system in effective dose range, which eliminated the probability of false-positive results in forced swimming test and tail suspension test. Interestingly, the dose-response effect of PCE on reduction of serum CRF levels was concomitance with that on increase of brain 5-HT contents, as well as on swimming increase, indicating that the serotonergic system and the HPA axis responds with the production of 5-HT and CRF profiles that is characteristic for PCE applied in the mouse FST. Our results demonstrate that the oral administration of PCE possesses an anti-depressant-like activity, as evidenced by behavioural studies. Detailed investigations are needed to fully elucidate the mechanism of action at cellular level for the bioactive constituents present in the extract.

    Nutritional requirement at high-altitude with special emphasises to behaviour of gastro-intestinal tract and hormonal changes

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    When people are exposed to the extreme environmental conditions, such as high altitude (HA) where there is decrease in temperature and partial pressure of oxygen induces fatigue, insomnia, loss of appetite and increased cardiac output. Hence there is need to improve the appetite through the diet and digestion clout of the individual. In the present review paper we have discussed the efficiency of digestion is compromised at HA. Also about, Hypoxia, resulting by decreased partial pressure of oxygen can be classified into acute hypoxia and chronic hypoxia based on the exposure time. There is increased formation of reactive oxygen species (ROS) due to less oxygen available in the air at HA which leads to oxidative stress. Lipid peroxidation caused by oxidative stress. Hypoxia is mediated through hypoxia inducible factors which maintain oxygen haemostasis in the body. At HA diet rich in carbohydrates have been found to be beneficial as it increases glucose metabolism. Requirement of nutrients such as vitamin A, vitamin E and vitamin C as well as micronutrients such as zinc, iron, selenium, copper and manganese will be required at HA. Hypoxia effect on the intestine leads to malabsorption and the lipid storage is stimulated and lipid catabolism is inhibited through β-oxidation

    Determination Of Vitamin C Stability In Different Packaging Materials At Refrigerated Conditions By Hplc Analysis

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    The stability of Vitamin C depends on storage temperature, time, and packaging material. Vitamin C is known to prevent the oxidation of low-density lipoprotein primarily by scavenging the free radicals and other reactive oxygen species in the aqueous milieu, ascorbic acid combats cancer by promoting collagen synthesis and thus prevents tumors from invading other tissues. Aim: The present study aims at investigating the Vitamin C content of two citrus fruits under refrigerated conditions after a specific time interval, in different packaging materials. Material: In the present study, two citrus fruits – Amla & Lemon were used to study the stability of Vitamin C in different packaging materials viz., perforated zip lock cover, brown paper cover & plastic container under refrigerated conditions (5-6°C) at 0th day, 15th day, 30th day and 45th day. Vitamin C was estimated by the HPLC method and compared with the standard Ascorbic Acid. Results: The stability of Vitamin C in both Amla and Lemon stored in a perforated Zip lock cover was better than the other 2 packaging materials viz., Brown paper cover and Plastic container during the period of 0th to 45th day. The vitamin C content of Amla at 0th day - 200mg and 45th - day 163mg, and Lemon at 0th day - 43mg and 45th day - 26mg packed in perforated zip lock cover. Conclusion: From the present study it can be concluded that a perforated Zip lock cover is the most suitable packaging material for the retention of vitamin C under refrigerated conditio

    Nutritional Studies and Antioxidant Profile of Pickled Oyster Mushrooms of North East India

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    Mushroom is a very popular food that is consumed around the globe yet it finds very limited acceptance in India, that too mainly among the elite. Non-availability of mushrooms around the year and its highly perishable nature makes it an expensive commodity for the common people to afford. Hence pickling may be viewed as a method to increase the shelf life of oyster mushrooms from 4-7 days under refrigerated condition to at least up to 12 months at room temperature. Hence a recipe for pickling of mushrooms using Indian spices was formulated so as to suit the Indian palate. The proximate analysis, calorific value, mineral and fatty acid profile along with antioxidant profile of the mushroom pickle was elucidated. Sensory parameters and shelf life and stability determining data like pH, titratable acidity and microbiological profile of the pickle was also performed. Finally it was observed that the mushroom pickle formulation has a shelf life of at least 12 months at room temperature with an overall acceptability (OAA) score above ‘very good’ mark

    Advances in the Value Addition to Foods-recent Trends

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    Value addition to foods may be done by several ways. It could be done by the use of preservative, food ingredients capable of eliciting functionalities and by fortification using micronutrients. There are novel and emerging food processing technologies that are possible to preserve the ingredients in the food intact. The shelf life enhancement of the processed food can be done by adapting newer packaging technologies. Food processing industries in many of the countries across the world generates huge quantity of by-products that can be put into use by value addition. These by-products have less use and create considerable environmental pollution. The by-products of the fruits, vegetables, etc. may be used for value addition adapting commercially viable approaches. Fermented foods are value added foods that could be developed using novel starters. It is also important to note the regulatory aspects of foods whenever the foods are preserved b y value additio

    Lettuce: a promising leafy vegetable with functional properties

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    Lactuca sativa (lettuce) belongs to Asteraceae family important leafy vegetable known for its medicinal properties. The lettuce is a food that should not lack in our meals, we should keep in mind that its low fat and carbohydrate contents and its high contents of water, it provides caloric power of only 13 Kcal /100gm are very appropriate for weight loss diets. It is rich in minerals, especially potassium that is very necessary to maintain appropriate levels of liquids in the body, together with calcium and phosphorus makes it especially for the correct well being of the bones. It contains selenium, an antioxidant that has a medicinal property in prevention of certain type of cancers, colon, prostrate and lungs. It contains many necessary amino acids for the formation of the proteins, alanine, and necessary for the construction of muscular and nervous tissues, glycine for the correct operation of immunological system. The most of therapeutic properties of this plant is due to sesquiterpene lactones- lactucin, lactucopicrin the most bioactive compound of Lactuca sativa. This review mainly focuses on the pharmacological action of the Lettuce and active constituents for the wide spectrum biological properties, such as anti-oxidant, anti-inflammatory, anti-microbial, analgesic, neuroprotective and sedative properties etc. Since Lettuce has medicinal therapeutic potential its usage in dietary supplementation can be exploited. Lettuce has also acquired a folk reputation. More clinical studies are needed to further asses the efficiency and safety in therapeutic applicatio

    Motion Sickness Manifestations and Prevention

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    Motion sickness is an ancient problem associated with transportation (ships and other vehicles), which is affecting humans since ages. Motion sickness is characteristically occurring during abnormal movements induced by the motion and when there is a conflict between various senses such as visual, vestibular and motor system. Depending on the type of motion, various kinds of sicknesses, such as air sickness, car sickness, train sickness, seasickness, etc. may occur. A very less per cent of individuals are highly susceptible to motion sickness and very less per cent of individuals are highly insusceptible for motion sickness. However, most of the population comes in between. The primary symptoms of motion sickness include nausea, vomiting, wanes, and cold sweating. Varieties of drugs are available to reduce susceptibility to motion sickness. However, nausea, pallor, sweating, headache, dizziness, malaise, increased salivation, apathy, drowsiness, belching, hyperventilation and stomach awareness are the other symptoms of motion sickness. Anti-cholinergics and anti-histamines are the most effective motion sickness prophylactics with apparent side effects such as dry mouth, drowsiness, and depression. There are theories and mechanisms which include intra-vestibular (Canal-Otolith) mismatch theory, sensory conflict theory, visual-vestibular mismatch theory, the poison theory, the postural instability theory, and the movement program theory. Benzodiazepines, anticholinergics, anti-histamines and monoamine antagonists have commonly used treatment regimes. The traditional way of tackling the problem is the consumption of ginger, peppermint, lemon, fennel, marjoram, rosemary, basil. This review summarizes prediction and evaluation, behavioural strategies to prevent or minimize symptoms of motion sickness and available countermeasures of motion sickness

    Macro micronutrients and Antioxidant Potentials of Plants and Fungal based Food from Tawang Area Arunachal Pradesh India

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    Certain variety of plants such as vegetables, spices and seaweed are abundantly being grown in high altitude cold desert region of Tawang in Arunachal Pradesh, India. Therefore, five different vegetables, spices and seaweed were taken from that particular cold region viz., finger millet, nori seaweed, pepper corn, bean and mushroom have been selected based on the higher consumption of people of Northeast (NE) India for the proximate analysis, mineral, antioxidant and vitamin contents. So far, there is no nutritional composition studies have been carried out with available vegetables, spices and seaweeds growing in NE. For this reason, this study was undertaken to determine the macro and micro nutrients and antioxidant potential of these plant foods. Different analyzed varieties were significantly different for proximate composition and mineral content, and each variety showed significant differences. Common bean showed higher percentage of protein with 35.09% and fat percentage of the finger millet is higher (9.2%) as compared to other varieties from other regions (1-1.5%). Higher crude fibre was assessed in mushroom with 47.77% followed with pepper corn (38.42%), bean with 30.987%, and finger millet (5.14%).Calcium was higher in finger millet with 225 mg per 100g whereas iron content was higher in mushroom with 652 mg followed with beans (543 mg), pepper corn (408 mg per 100g). Higher amount of polyphenols observed in finger millet with 8.716 µg (GAE)/mg and highest total flavonoids in pepper corn with 48.196 µg (RU)/ml. Likewise, highest FRAP in finger millet noticed with 72.0 µg of FeSO4 equivalent /mg and reducing power (ascorbic acid equivalent /mg) in mushroom (244.0) and pepper corn (242.0). All samples had higher metal chelating activity between 86.657- 83.383 IC50 µg. Similarly, higher amount of vit B6 was noted in pepper corn with 197.0 mg while lowest in seaweed with 1.76 mg/100gm. &nbsp

    Nutritional, Medicinal and Industrial Uses of Sesame (Sesamum indicum L.) Seeds - An Overview

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    Sesame (Sesamum indicum L.) seeds have been grown in tropical regions throughout the world since prehistoric times. Sesame seed, a rich source of protein, is one of the first crops processed for oil production. Its non-culinary application includes its use as an ingredient in soap, cosmetics, lubricants and medicines. Sesame seeds also contain two unique substances: sesamin and sesamolin known to have a cholesterol lowering effect in humans and to prevent high blood pressure. Both of these were also reported to increase the hepatic mitochondrial and the peroxisomal fatty acid oxidation rate in experimental animals. Cephalin, a phospholipid from sesame seed has been reported to possess hemostatic activity. The oil has wide medical and pharmaceutical applications. It is mildly laxative, emollient and demulcent. The seeds and fresh leaves may be used as a poultice. Th e antibacterial activity of seeds against Staphylococcus and Streptococcus as well as common skin fungi, such as athlete’s foot fungus has also been well recognized. The oil is also known to maintain high density lipoprotein cholesterol (HDL) and lower low density lipoprotein cholesterol (LDL). Refined sesame oil is rich with antioxidant components like lignans allowing for greater shelf-life of foods plus improving their flavor and taste. In addition to its use as an antioxidant, sesame oil contains a large amount of linoleate in triglyceride form that selectively inhibit malignant melanoma growth. Off -late, the work has also been oriented towards the production of biodiesel from sesame seed oil as a viable alternative to the diesel fuel. The ethno-botanical and medicinal uses of this commercially important, nutritionally rich oilseed need to be explored for better utilization