812 research outputs found


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    Homicide with concealment of the corpse is a rarely encountered phenomenon in routine forensic work. Such cases represent a challenge by the fact that the bodies or parts thereof are unknown, without any relevant history, and usually depict well-established changes of putrefaction at autopsy. However, a proper scrutiny of the circumstances along with discovery of significant injuries at autopsy may bring a breakthrough to the case. A case of putrefied and unidentified male dead body is hereby described that was killed by ligature strangulation followed by dumping into a deep water channel which was, however, preceded by tying-up of extremities with a strong metallic chain. The postmortem findings along with the ancillary investigations and case circumstances helped in concluding the cause and manner of death which was subsequently followed by the arrest of the perpetrators who submitted and explained the whole story of the crime. Various possible means of suicide, including a self-application of restraint, were excluded from the study

    TGFβ receptor internalization into EEA1-enriched early endosomes: role in signaling to Smad2

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    Transforming growth factor (TGF)β is an important physiological regulator of cellular growth and differentiation. It activates a receptor threonine/serine kinase that phosphorylates the transcription factor Smad2, which then translocates into the nucleus to trigger specific transcriptional events. Here we show that activated type I and II TGFβ receptors internalize into endosomes containing the early endosomal protein EEA1. The extent of TGFβ-stimulated Smad2 phosphorylation, Smad2 nuclear translocation, and TGFβ-stimulated transcription correlated closely with the extent of internalization of the receptor. TGFβ signaling also requires SARA (Smad anchor for receptor activation), a 135-kD polypeptide that contains a FYVE Zn++ finger motif. Here we show that SARA localizes to endosomes containing EEA1, and that disruption of this localization inhibits TGFβ-induced Smad2 nuclear translocation. These results indicate that traffic of the TGFβ receptor into the endosome enables TGFβ signaling, revealing a novel function for the endosome as a compartment specialized for the amplification of certain extracellular signals

    Microstructure-Mechanical Property Relationships in Carbon Nanofibers

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    Carbon nanofibers, though radially more homogeneous compared to carbon fibers, currently do not possess mechanical properties as high as carbon fibers. By principles of size effect, carbon nanofibers are expected to possess considerably higher strengths than carbon fibers. Theoretically, CNFs are expected to have strengths as high as 14GPa. However, at present, CNFs possess strengths much lower than expected. The gap in theoretical and experimental work points to three main reasons: graphitic alignment in the nanofiber, radial structure of the nanofiber and presence of surface defects. The work presented in this dissertation aims at closing the gap via relating the microstructure and mechanical properties of carbon nanofibers. Graphitic alignment in carbon nanofibers imparts high modulus and strength to the fibers. This alignment of graphitic domains arises from the induced molecular alignment in precursor fiber. The precursor is polyacrylonitrile (PAN) fiber obtained from electrospinning of PAN in Dimethylformamide (DMF) solution. Limited molecular alignment is achievable with electrospinning, which creates the need to use other methods to improve molecular alignment. The research uses a method for hot drawing, which takes place at temperatures above the Tg of the polymer. The temperature aids chain mobility in the fiber, allowing it to stretch. The molecular alignment obtained in the hot drawing process facilitates the improvement in graphitic alignment in the carbon nanofiber formed. The effect of this enhanced alignment on single carbon nanofibers is studied via mechanical tests performed on single carbon nanofibers, with diameters of 250nm-700nm, using a microelectromechanical system (MEMS) device in conjunction with digital image correlation (DIC). It has been observed that improvement in the molecular alignment of the precursor fiber leads to improvement in strength and modulus of carbon nanofibers. This increase can be related to improvement in graphitic orientation and size of crystallites in the CNF. In summary, it has been observed that molecular alignment in the PAN fiber prior to the stabilization stage is crucial in the evolution of graphitic domains, which was achieved via hot drawing. This effort presents a systematic study of molecular alignment and its effect on the mechanical properties of CNFs. Qualitative assessment of the morphology of the fibers is accomplished using Fourier Transform Infrared (FTIR), X-Ray diffraction (XRD), Selected Area Electron Diffraction (SAED), and Transmission Electron Microscopy (TEM)

    A Demographic and Etiological Study of Dyspepsia Patients Presenting to a Rural Hospital in South-West Rajasthan

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    Introduction: Dyspepsia is one of the most common complaints of patients coming to a hospital causing great economic and social burden over a society. A proper understanding of its causes in a specific region can greatly help in reducing the cost of healthcare and in increasing productivity. Material and methods: A total of 128 patients were included in the study. Proper history-taking, physical examination and relevant investigations including upper gastrointestinal endoscopy (UGIE) + rapid urease test (RUT) and ultrasound abdomen were done to evaluate the causes of dyspepsia. Rome III diagnostic criteria-based questionnaire was used to find out functional dyspepsia. Results: Amongst the various causes of dyspepsia, gastroduodenitis was the most common cause of dyspepsia (89%), out of which 77.2% were Helicobacter pylori positive, and as many as 22.8% were H. pylori negative. On the other hand, of all the patients who were H. pylori positive (total 91 patients, i.e., 71.1%), 96.7% (88 out of 91) patients had gastroduodenitis and/or peptic ulcer disease. Functional dyspepsia was found only in 8.6% patients. Majority of patients (60.2%) consumed drinking water from reverse osmosis supply. UGIE could lead to a definitive diagnosis in as many as 91.5% cases. Conclusion: In the South-West Rajasthan region, H. pylori infection has a strong correlation with gastroduodenitis and peptic ulcer disease although all gastroduodenitis patients may not be H. pyloripositive. Functional dyspepsia is not a very common entity in this region. In our study, reverse osmosis water seems to provide no protection from dyspepsia

    Production of tetanus toxin by using media substantially free from meat and blood

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    The present study was to redesign the conventional Mueller and Miller medium to produce tetanus toxin from Clostridium tetani. Meat based ingredients (such as Bovine Heart/ Brain/ Liver Infusion) were replaced with vegetable peptone & alternate casein hydrolysate and scaled up from 100mL to 1000mL. Modified Mueller and Miller Medium containing vegetable peptone (substitute of BHI) and alternate casein hydrolysate were used for production and scale -up of tetanus toxin. Detoxification of tetanus toxin was carried out by using formaldehyde to produce tetanus toxoid. Purification of tetanus toxoid was achieved by fractional precipitation. It was found that under optimum conditions, use of meat free media leads to production of tetanus toxin with equal limes flocculation (Lf) titer and high antigenic content at par with conventional meat based media without any post vaccination infections. The yield of toxin was improved during scale-up of the process. The present study provides a method for growth of Clostridium tetani that maximizes tetanus toxin production without any use of animal-derived components

    Practical guidance on insulin injection practice in diabetes self-management in the Indian setting: an expert consensus statement

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    This consensus statement aimed to provide a simple and easily implementable practical educational guide- line for healthcare professionals (HCPs) and patients regarding insulin injection practice in diabetes self- management in the Indian setting. A group of experts analysed published data from guidelines, clinical trials and real world evidence to reach consensus recommendations on optimal insulin injection practices in terms of a) the injection sites (preparation of site of injection, choosing the injec- tion site, site rotation), b) choice of device and storage of insulins, and c) safety precautions, sharp disposal practice and complications. Findings from Global and Indian arm of 2014-2015 ITQ Study were considered to emphasize a need for improved practice by HCPs covering all the vital topics essential to proper injection habits. The consensus statement provides a simple and easily implementable practical educational guideline for HCPs and patients to optimize insulin injection practices in accordance with recent advances in device manufac- turing, newer research findings, and updated interna- tional guidelines as well as widespread concerns about neglected safety precautions such as single-patient use of pens and appropriate sharp disposal practices.This consensus statement aimed to provide a simple and easily implementable practical educational guide- line for healthcare professionals (HCPs) and patients regarding insulin injection practice in diabetes self- management in the Indian setting. A group of experts analysed published data from guidelines, clinical trials and real world evidence to reach consensus recommendations on optimal insulin injection practices in terms of a) the injection sites (preparation of site of injection, choosing the injec- tion site, site rotation), b) choice of device and storage of insulins, and c) safety precautions, sharp disposal practice and complications. Findings from Global and Indian arm of 2014-2015 ITQ Study were considered to emphasize a need for improved practice by HCPs covering all the vital topics essential to proper injection habits. The consensus statement provides a simple and easily implementable practical educational guideline for HCPs and patients to optimize insulin injection practices in accordance with recent advances in device manufac- turing, newer research findings, and updated interna- tional guidelines as well as widespread concerns about neglected safety precautions such as single-patient use of pens and appropriate sharp disposal practices

    Characterization of two antimicrobial peptides produced by a halotolerant Bacillus subtilis strain SK.DU.4 isolated from a rhizosphere soil sample

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    A bacterial strain producing two antimicrobial peptides was isolated from a rhizosphere soil sample and identified as Bacillus subtilis based on both phenotypic and 16S rRNA gene sequence phylogenetic analysis. It grew optimally up to 14% NaCl and produced antimicrobial peptide within 24 h of growth. The peptides were purified using a combination of chemical extraction and chromatographic techniques. The MALDI-TOF analysis of HPLC purified fractions revealed that the strain SK.DU.4 secreted a bacteriocin-like peptide with molecular mass of 5323.9 Da and a surface-active lipopeptide (m/z 1056 Da). The peptide mass fingerprinting of low-molecular-weight bacteriocin exhibited significant similarity with stretches of secreted lipoprotein of Methylomicrobium album BG8 and displayed 70% sequence coverage. MALDI MS/MS analysis elucidated the lipopeptide as a cyclic lipopeptide with a β-hydroxy fatty acid linked to Ser of a peptide with seven α-amino acids (Asp-Tyr-Asn-Gln-Pro-Asn-Ser) and assigned it to iturin-like group of antimicrobial biosurfactants. However, it differed in amino acid composition with other members of the iturin family. Both peptides were active against Gram-positive bacteria, suggesting that they had an additive effect

    Identification of Map4k4 as a novel suppressor of skeletal muscle differentiation

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    Myoblast differentiation into mature myotubes is a critical step in the development and repair of human skeletal muscle. Here we show that small interfering RNA (siRNA)-based silencing of the Ste20-like mitogen-activated protein 4 kinase 4 (Map4k4) in C2C12 myoblasts markedly enhances expression of myogenic differentiation genes, myoblast fusion, and myotube diameter. In contrast, adenovirus-mediated expression of native Map4k4 in C2C12 cells attenuates each of these processes, indicating that Map4k4 is a negative regulator of myogenic differentiation and hypertrophy. Expression of a Map4k4 kinase-inactive mutant enhances myotube formation, suggesting that the kinase activity of Map4k4 is essential for its inhibition of muscle differentiation. Map4k4 regulation of myogenesis is unlikely to be mediated by classic mitogen-activated protein kinase (MAPK) signaling pathways, because no significant difference in phosphorylation of extracellular signal-regulated kinase (ERK), p38, or c-Jun N-terminal kinase (JNK) is observed in Map4k4-silenced cells. Furthermore, silencing of these other MAPKs does not result in a hypertrophic myotube phenotype like that seen with Map4k4 depletion. Uniquely, Map4k4 silencing upregulates the expression of the myogenic regulatory factor Myf5, whose depletion inhibits myogenesis. Furthermore, Myf5 is required for enhancement of myotube formation in Map4k4-silenced cells, while Myf5 overexpression rescues Map4k4-mediated inhibition of myogenic differentiation. These results demonstrate that Map4k4 is a novel suppressor of skeletal muscle differentiation, acting through a Myf5-dependent mechanism