14 research outputs found

    Comparative Analysis of Wind Turbine Control Strategies

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    AbstractAn article describes a comparative analysis of windmill control strategies based on computer modelling in Matlab/Simulink software. For the research purposes, the mathematical windmill model we developed consisted of a wind turbine, an electric generator, an electric power converter, and an accumulator battery. The main feature of the proposed model is the universal charge controller module operating under the control of different algorithms written in a high-level programming language. The model imitates three different control strategies. The main comparative criterion of windmill efficiency is the power coefficient, i.e. the ratio of the generated electric power to the aerodynamic wind power. The testing setup was equipped with a windmill controller developed for operation under the control program that supports different control strategies. Results showed the best control strategy is to maintain the optimal tip-speed ratio, and all the results can now be applied to other types of wind turbines

    Features of Magnetocaloric Effect in Er(Co-Fe)2 Laves Phases

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    In this work the results of measurements of heat capacity (CP) and magnetocaloric effect (MCE) in Er(Co1-хFeх)2 system in the concentration range 0.07 ≤ x ≤ 0.80 are presented. Phase composition was controlled by X-ray difraction analysis. Heat capacity was measured in the temperature range 77-320 K. MCE has been studied within the temperature range 5-670 K in magnetic fields up to 70 kOe. It was found that Fe concentration increase caused the table-like (plateau) MCE temperature dependence for both magnetic entropy change date and direct ∆T-effect measurements independently on Fe concentration. The possible reasons of such behavior are discussed

    Fuzzy multi-criterial choice of geological and technical measures

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    © International Research Publication House The work solves the problem of automating the process planning of assigning geological and technical measures (GTM) at oil fields in conditions of uncertainty. A decision support system is being developed to help an expert make an informed decision about the method of influence of geological and technical measures on an oil reservoir. From the point of view of the imposed restrictions on the choice of geological and technical measures, various types of geological and physical parameters are highlighted. To solve this problem, a fuzzy-production model is proposed for the representation of expert knowledge. A feature of this model is the possibility of different types of parameters use to impose restrictions on the choice of geological and technical measures, using fuzzy restrictions and setting their weights, as well as formalizing the degree of an expert confidence in the reliability of the rule being formed. They provided the possibility of fuzzy modifier use in the conditions of fuzzy production rules for fuzzy constraint correction. To determine the weights of fuzzy constraints in the conditions of the rules, an approach is used based on a multi-criteria assessment of constraints, carried out using the hierarchy analysis method (HAM). The following were used as the criteria for evaluation the weights: the importance of the corresponding geological and physical parameter for an expert, the completeness of the available information on the studied parameter, the relevance of the values, the complexity of obtaining the values. The final choice of geological and technical measures is carried out on the basis of a fuzzy multi-criteria choice according to the following criteria: satisfaction of the fuzzy production model limitations, high technological efficiency, high economic effect, and the impact on the environment. Based on the knowledge of experts, a knowledge base has been formed that includes fuzzy production rules for choosing 81 different geological and technical measures at production wells using the restrictions on 15 geological and physical parameters. The knowledge base has been tested at the wells of the Feofanovskoye field, Alkeevskaya, Chishminskaya areas. The development of recommendations was carried out in conditions of information incompleteness on a number of parameters of the set. The results generated by the decision support system correspond to the decisions made by the experts

    Neurofuzzy model of formation of knowledge bases for selection of geological and technical measures in oil fields

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    © International Research Publication House This paper poses and solves the problem of developing the up-to-date neuro-fuzzy model of formation of a knowledge base for an intelligent decision-making support system for selection of geological and technical measures in oil fields. The analysis of the traditional approach to the formation of fuzzy knowledge bases made it possible to reveal its shortcomings associated with the need to attract experts, structure and formalize the system of decision-making rules by them. This process is laborious and does not always provide an acceptable result. To eliminate the disadvantages of the traditional approach, we proposed an approach to the automatic formation of a knowledge base based on the construction of a neuro-fuzzy model of a collective of fuzzy neural networks. We formulated the requirements in view of the formed fuzzy rules. We developed a scheme for using the rules of the knowledge base to solve the problem of selecting geological and technical measures in oil fields. We tested the generated knowledge base on the example of solving the problem of selecting geological and technical measures for various wells of the Feofanovskoye Field. Application of the knowledge base made it possible to select a list of optimal measures for given wells. The experiment results are satisfactory and are confirmed by the positive expert assessments, selecting geological and technical measures at this field