17 research outputs found

    Identification of a novel mycovirus isolated from Rhizoctonia solani (AG 2-2 IV) provides further information about genome plasticity within the order Tymovirales

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    Bartholomäus A, Wibberg D, Winkler A, Pühler A, Schlüter A, Varrelmann M. Identification of a novel mycovirus isolated from Rhizoctonia solani (AG 2-2 IV) provides further information about genome plasticity within the order Tymovirales. Archives of Virology. 2017;162(2):555-559.The complete genome of a novel mycovirus, named Rhizoctonia solani flexivirus 1 (RsFV-1), which infects an avirulent strain of Rhizoctonia solani AG 2-2 IV, was sequenced and analyzed. Its RNA genome consists of 10,621 nucleotides, excluding the poly-A tail, and encodes a single protein of 3477 amino acids. The identification of conserved motifs of methyltransferase, helicase and RNA-dependent RNA polymerase revealed its relatedness to members of the alphavirus-like superfamily of positive-strand RNA viruses. Phylogenetic analysis of these fused domains suggested that this virus should be assigned to the order Tymovirales. The recently described Fusarium graminearum deltaflexivirus 1 was found to be its closest relative. However, the whole genome, as well as the encoded protein of RsFV-1, is larger than that of other known members of the order Tymovirales, and unlike all other viruses belonging to this order, its methyltransferase domain is not located at the N-terminus of the replicase. Although genome diversity, as a result of recombination and gene loss, is a well-documented trait in members of the order Tymovirales, no related virus with a comparable genome alteration has been reported before. For these reasons, RsFV-1 broadens our perception about genome plasticity and diversity within the order Tymovirales

    Smart monitoring of knee range of motion and activity type for knee rehabilitation

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    <p>The RdRp domains of the newly identified <i>Rhizoctonia solani mycovirus 2</i> (RsMV-2) (KX349062) and the unassigned mycoviruses <i>Gremmeniella abietina RNA virus 6</i> (GaRV-6) (AIU98624.1); <i>Heterobasidion RNA virus 6</i> (HRV-6) (AHA82547.1); <i>Fusarium graminearum dsRNA mycovirus 4</i> (FgV-4) (YP_003288790.1); <i>Penicillium aurantiogriseum bipartite virus 1</i> (PabV-1) (YP_009182335.1); <i>Cryphonectria parasitica bipartite mycovirus 1</i> (CpbMV-1) (YP_007985675.1) and <i>Rhizoctonia solani dsRNA virus 1</i> (RsRV-1) (AFZ85210.1) were aligned using MEGA 6.06 and the sequence alignment algorithm MUSCLE [<a href="http://www.plosone.org/article/info:doi/10.1371/journal.pone.0165965#pone.0165965.ref046" target="_blank">46</a>]. Conserved motifs A to G were marked according to Bruenn 2003, Černý et al. 2014, Koonin et al. 1993, Boehr et al. 2014 and Xu et al. 2003 [<a href="http://www.plosone.org/article/info:doi/10.1371/journal.pone.0165965#pone.0165965.ref030" target="_blank">30</a>, <a href="http://www.plosone.org/article/info:doi/10.1371/journal.pone.0165965#pone.0165965.ref034" target="_blank">34</a>, <a href="http://www.plosone.org/article/info:doi/10.1371/journal.pone.0165965#pone.0165965.ref042" target="_blank">42</a>–<a href="http://www.plosone.org/article/info:doi/10.1371/journal.pone.0165965#pone.0165965.ref044" target="_blank">44</a>]. Shading indicates level of conservation and the consensus sequence is displayed.</p

    Identification of the conserved motifs A to G in the RdRp domain of a novel group of mycoviruses related to SsRV-L.

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    <p>The RdRp domains of the three newly identified mycoviruses <i>Rhizoctonia solani RNA virus 1 to 3</i> (RsRV-1, -2, -3) and <i>Sclerotinia sclerotiorum RNA virus L</i> (SsRV-L) (ACE88957.1) were aligned using MEGA 6.06 and the sequence alignment algorithm MUSCLE [<a href="http://www.plosone.org/article/info:doi/10.1371/journal.pone.0165965#pone.0165965.ref045" target="_blank">45</a>]. Conserved motifs A to G were marked according to Bruenn 2003, Černý et al. 2014, Koonin et al. 1993, Boehr et al. 2014 and Xu et al. 2003 [<a href="http://www.plosone.org/article/info:doi/10.1371/journal.pone.0165965#pone.0165965.ref030" target="_blank">30</a>, <a href="http://www.plosone.org/article/info:doi/10.1371/journal.pone.0165965#pone.0165965.ref042" target="_blank">42</a>–<a href="http://www.plosone.org/article/info:doi/10.1371/journal.pone.0165965#pone.0165965.ref044" target="_blank">44</a>]. Shading indicates level of conservation and the consensus sequence is displayed.</p

    Identification of the conserved motifs A to F in the RdRp domain of the genus <i>Mitovirus</i>.

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    <p>The RdRp domains of putative mitoviruses identified in <i>R</i>. <i>solani</i> DC17 and recognized members of the genus mitovirus [<a href="http://www.plosone.org/article/info:doi/10.1371/journal.pone.0165965#pone.0165965.ref008" target="_blank">8</a>] were aligned using MEGA 6.06 and the sequence alignment algorithm MUSCLE [<a href="http://www.plosone.org/article/info:doi/10.1371/journal.pone.0165965#pone.0165965.ref047" target="_blank">47</a>]. Conserved motifs A-F were marked according to Bruenn 2003, Černý et al. 2014, Koonin et al. 1993, Boehr et al. 2014 and Xu et al. 2003 [<a href="http://www.plosone.org/article/info:doi/10.1371/journal.pone.0165965#pone.0165965.ref032" target="_blank">32</a>, <a href="http://www.plosone.org/article/info:doi/10.1371/journal.pone.0165965#pone.0165965.ref036" target="_blank">36</a>, <a href="http://www.plosone.org/article/info:doi/10.1371/journal.pone.0165965#pone.0165965.ref044" target="_blank">44</a>–<a href="http://www.plosone.org/article/info:doi/10.1371/journal.pone.0165965#pone.0165965.ref046" target="_blank">46</a>]. CpMV-1, <i>Cryphonectria parasitica mitovirus</i> (NP_660174.1); OMV-3a, <i>Ophiostoma mitovirus 3a</i> (CAJ32468.1); OMV-4, <i>Ophiostoma mitovirus 4</i> (NP_660179.1); OMV-5, <i>Ophiostoma mitovirus 5</i> (NP_660180.1); OMV-6, <i>Ophiostoma mitovirus 6</i> (NP_660181.1), RsMV-9, <i>Rhizoctonia solani mitovirus 9</i> DC17 (KX349058); RsMV-16, <i>Rhizoctonia solani mitovirus 16</i> (KX349057); RsMV-17, <i>Rhizoctonia solani mitovirus 17</i> (KX349059); RsMV-18, <i>Rhizoctonia solani mitovirus 18</i> (KX349060); RsMV-19, <i>Rhizoctonia solani mitovirus 19</i> (KX349056); RsMV-20, <i>Rhizoctonia solani mitovirus 20</i> (KX291005). Shading indicates level of conservation and the consensus sequence is displayed.</p

    Phylogenetic analysis of selected type species within the families of the picornavirus-like superfamily.

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    <p>An unrooted phylogenetic tree of the picornavirus-like superfamily was calculated based on the alignment of the RdRp domain spanning the conserved motifs A to G using the neighbor-joining method with 1000 bootstrap replicates. The scale represents a genetic distance of 0.1 amino acid substitutions per site. Bootstrap values > 50% are not shown. Newly identified species are marked with dots and compared to their next relatives and selected type species within families proposed to form the picornavirus-like superfamily [<a href="http://www.plosone.org/article/info:doi/10.1371/journal.pone.0165965#pone.0165965.ref008" target="_blank">8</a>, <a href="http://www.plosone.org/article/info:doi/10.1371/journal.pone.0165965#pone.0165965.ref029" target="_blank">29</a>]. Analysis was conducted using MEGA 6.06 and the sequence alignment algorithm MUSCLE [<a href="http://www.plosone.org/article/info:doi/10.1371/journal.pone.0165965#pone.0165965.ref045" target="_blank">45</a>]. PMBV-1, <i>Pleosporales megabirnavirus 1</i> (ALO50147.1); RnMBV-1, Rosellinia necatrix megabirnavirus 1/W779 (YP_003288763.1); SsMBV-1, <i>Sclerotinia sclerotiorum megabirnavirus 1</i> (YP_009143529.1); TtV-1, <i>Thelephora terrestris virus 1</i> (YP_009209482.1); RfV-1, <i>Rhizoctonia fumigatavirus</i> 1 (AJE29745.1); PgV-1, <i>Phlebiopsis gigantea mycovirus dsRNA 1</i> (YP_003541123.1); GaRV-6, <i>Gremmeniella abietina RNA virus 6</i> (AIU98624.1); HRV-6, <i>Heterobasidion RNA virus 6</i> (AHA82547.1); FgV-4, <i>Fusarium graminearum dsRNA mycovirus 4</i> (YP_003288790.1); PabV-1, <i>Penicillium aurantiogriseum bipartite virus 1</i> (YP_009182335.1); CpbMV-1, <i>Cryphonectria parasitica bipartite mycovirus 1</i> (YP_007985675.1); RsRV-1, <i>Rhizoctonia solani dsRNA virus 1</i> (AFZ85210.1); AfsV-2, <i>Aspergillus foetidus slow virus 2</i> (CCD33025.1), PaflV, <i>Penicillium aurantiogriseum foetidus-like virus</i> (YP_009182156.1); RnMV-2, <i>Rosellinia necatrix mycovirus 2</i> (BAM36407.1); PsV-F, <i>Penicillium stoloniferum virus F</i> (YP_271922.1); BCV-3, <i>Beet cryptic virus 3</i> (AAB27624.1); PcV1, <i>Pepper cryptic virus 1</i> (AEJ07890.1); FCV, <i>Fig cryptic virus</i> (YP_004429258.1); CpV-1, <i>Cryptosporidium parvum virus 1</i> (BAU19336.1); WcCV1, <i>White clover cryptic virus 1</i> (YP_086754.1); BCV-1, <i>Beet cryptic virus 1</i> (YP_002308574.1); WcCV-2, <i>White clover cryptic virus 2</i> (YP_007889821.1); AhV RCCV-2, <i>Red clover cryptic virus 2</i> (YP_007889823.1); RsV-717, <i>Rhizoctonia solani virus 717</i> (AJE29742.1); BBLV, <i>Blueberry latent virus (</i>YP_003934623.1); RhVA, <i>Rhododendron virus A</i> (ADM36020.1); STV, <i>Southern tomato virus</i> (ALM54938.1); AstV-1, <i>Avastrovirus 1</i> (CAB95006.3); AstV-3, <i>Avastrovirus 3</i> (AAF60952.1); HAstV-1, <i>Human astrovirus 1</i> (Q67726.1); MAstV-2, <i>Mamastrovirus 2</i> (AII82242.1); MBV, <i>Mushroom bacilliform virus</i> (NP_042510.2); NAV-1, <i>Newbury agent 1</i> (YP_529897.1); NV, <i>Norwalk virus</i> (AAC64602.1); RHDV, <i>Rabbit hemorrhagic disease virus</i> (AMQ25852.1); Hv145SV, <i>Helminthosporium victoriae 145S virus</i> (YP_052858.1); PcV, <i>Penicillium chrysogenum virus</i> (YP_392482.1); ABPV, <i>Acute bee paralysis virus</i> (Q9DSN9.1); CHV-3, <i>Cryphonectria hypovirus 3</i> (NP_613266.1); IFV, <i>Infectious flacherie virus</i> (ADP24157.1); BYDV-PAV, <i>Barley yellow dwarf virus-PAV</i> (CAH18868.1); BLRV, <i>Bean leafroll virus</i> (ALX34940.1); PEMV-1, <i>Pea enation mosaic virus 1</i> (P29154.2); PLRV, <i>Potato leafroll virus</i> (AHA43772.1); HaRNAV, <i>Heterosigma akashiwo RNA virus</i> (NP_944776.1); FMDV, <i>Foot-and-mouth disease virus—type O</i> (BAU20293.1); BaYMV, <i>Barley yellow mosaic virus</i> (BAG70349.1); BVY, <i>Blackberry virus Y</i> (YP_851006.1); MacMV, <i>Maclura mosaic virus</i> (AAB02823.1); PVY, <i>Potato virus Y</i> (BAN16607.1); RnQV1, <i>Rosellinia necatrix quadrivirus 1</i> (BAM93353.1); BBWV-1, <i>Broad bean wilt virus 1</i> (AAX12375.1); GLV, <i>Giardia lamblia virus</i> (NP_620070.1); LRV-1, <i>Leishmania RNA virus 1</i> (AHJ90430.1); ScV-L-A, <i>Saccharomyces cerevisiae virus L-A</i> (NP_620495.1); TVV-2, <i>Trichomonas vaginalis virus 2</i> (AKE98370.1), RsPV-1, <i>Rhizoctonia solani partitivirus 1</i> (KX349061); RsMV-1, <i>Rhizoctonia solani mycovirus 1</i> (KX349063); RsMV-2, <i>Rhizoctonia solani mycovirus 2</i> (KX349062); RsMV-3, <i>Rhizoctonia solani mycovirus 3</i> (KX349070); RsMBV-1, <i>Rhizoctonia solani megabirnavirus 1</i> (KX349071).</p

    Identification of the conserved motifs A to G in the RdRp domain of <i>Rhizoctonia solani megabirnavirus 1</i> (RsMBV-1) and <i>Rhizoctonia solani mycovirus 3</i> (RsMV-3).

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    <p>The RdRp domains of the newly identified <i>Rhizoctonia solani megabirnavirus 1</i> (RsMBV-1) (KX349071), <i>Rhizoctonia solani mycovirus 3</i> (RsMV-3) (KX349070) and proposed members of the family <i>Megabirnaviridae</i> were aligned using MEGA 6.06 and the sequence alignment algorithm MUSCLE [<a href="http://www.plosone.org/article/info:doi/10.1371/journal.pone.0165965#pone.0165965.ref045" target="_blank">45</a>]. Conserved motifs A to G were marked according to Bruenn 2003, Černý et al. 2014, Koonin et al. 1993, Boehr et al. 2014 and Xu et al. 2003 [<a href="http://www.plosone.org/article/info:doi/10.1371/journal.pone.0165965#pone.0165965.ref030" target="_blank">30</a>, <a href="http://www.plosone.org/article/info:doi/10.1371/journal.pone.0165965#pone.0165965.ref034" target="_blank">34</a>, <a href="http://www.plosone.org/article/info:doi/10.1371/journal.pone.0165965#pone.0165965.ref042" target="_blank">42</a>–<a href="http://www.plosone.org/article/info:doi/10.1371/journal.pone.0165965#pone.0165965.ref044" target="_blank">44</a>]. PMBV-1, <i>Pleosporales megabirnavirus 1</i> (ALO50147.1); RnMBV-1, <i>Rosellinia necatrix megabirnavirus 1</i>/W779 (YP_003288763.1); RnMBV-2, <i>Rosellinia necatrix megabirnavirus 2-W8</i> (YP_009227124.1); SsMBV-1, <i>Sclerotinia sclerotiorum megabirnavirus 1</i> (YP_009143529.1); TtV-1, <i>Thelephora terrestris virus 1</i> (YP_009209482.1); RfV-1, <i>Rhizoctonia fumigata mycovirus</i> (AJE29745.1); LeV-HKB, <i>Lentinula edodes mycovirus HKB</i> (BAG71788.2); PgV-1, <i>Phlebiopsis gigantea mycovirus dsRNA 1</i> (YP_003541123.1). Shading indicates level of conservation and the consensus sequence is displayed.</p

    Phylogenetic analysis of the members of the family <i>Narnaviridae</i>.

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    <p>An unrooted phylogenetic tree of the <i>Narnaviridae</i> was calculated based on the alignment of the RdRp domain spanning the conserved motifs A to F using the neighbor-joining method with 1000 bootstrap replicates. The scale represents a genetic distance of 0.1 amino acid substitutions per site. Bootstrap values < 50% are not shown. Analyzed species include mitoviruses identified in <i>Rhizoctonia</i> as well as species of the family <i>Narnaviridae</i> recognized by the ICTV. Species identified in this study are marked with dots. Analysis was conducted using MEGA 6.06 and the sequence alignment algorithm MUSCLE [<a href="http://www.plosone.org/article/info:doi/10.1371/journal.pone.0165965#pone.0165965.ref045" target="_blank">45</a>]. CpMV-1, <i>Cryphonectria parasitica mitovirus</i> (NP_660174.1); OMV-3a, <i>Ophiostoma mitovirus 3a</i> (CAJ32468.1); OMV-4, <i>Ophiostoma mitovirus 4</i> (NP_660179.1); OMV-5, <i>Ophiostoma mitovirus 5</i> (NP_660180.1); OMV-6, <i>Ophiostoma mitovirus 6</i> (NP_660181.1); ScNV-20S, <i>Saccharomyces 20S RNA narnavirus</i> (NP_660178.1); ScNV-23S, <i>Saccharomyces 23S RNA narnavirus</i> (NP_660177.1); RsMV-1, <i>Rhizoctonia solani mitovirus 1</i> (ALD89121.1); TcMV-1, <i>Thanatephorus cucumeris mitovirus 1</i> (AAD17381.1); RsMV-2, <i>Rhizoctonia solani mitovirus 2</i> (ALD89121.1); RsMV-3, <i>Rhizoctonia solani mitovirus 3</i> (ALD89122.1); RsMV-4, <i>Rhizoctonia solani mitovirus 4</i> (ALD89123.1); RsMV-5, <i>Rhizoctonia solani mitovirus 5</i> (ALD89124.1); RsMV-6, <i>Rhizoctonia solani mitovirus 6</i> (ALD89125.1); RsMV-7, <i>Rhizoctonia solani mitovirus 7</i> (ALD89126.1); RsMV-8, <i>Rhizoctonia solani mitovirus 8</i> (ALD89127.1); RsMV-9, <i>Rhizoctonia solani mitovirus 9</i> (ALD89128.1); RsMV-10, <i>Rhizoctonia solani mitovirus 10</i> (ALD89102.1); RsMV-11, <i>Rhizoctonia solani mitovirus 11</i> (ALD89116.1); RsMV-12, <i>Rhizoctonia solani mitovirus 12</i> (ALD89117.1); RsMV-13, <i>Rhizoctonia solani mitovirus 1</i>3 (ALD89118.1); RsMV-14, <i>Rhizoctonia solani mitovirus 14</i> (ALD89119.1); RsMV-15, <i>Rhizoctonia solani mitovirus 15</i> (ALD89120.1); RsMV-K1, <i>Rhizoctonia solani mitovirus K1</i> (ALD60243.1); RcMV, <i>Rhizoctonia cerealis mitovirus</i> (AIT71973.1); RsMV-9, <i>Rhizoctonia solani mitovirus 9</i> DC17 (KX349058); RsMV-16, <i>Rhizoctonia solani mitovirus 16</i> (KX349057); RsMV-17, <i>Rhizoctonia solani mitovirus 17</i> (KX349059); RsMV-18, <i>Rhizoctonia solani mitovirus 18</i> (KX349060); RsMV-19, <i>Rhizoctonia solani mitovirus 19</i> (KX349056); RsMV-20, <i>Rhizoctonia solani mitovirus 20</i> (KX349062).</p

    Phylogenetic analysis of selected type species within the families of the Alphavirus-like superfamily.

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    <p>An unrooted phylogenetic tree of the alphavirus-like superfamily was calculated based on the alignment of the RdRp domain spanning the conserved motifs A to G using the neighbor-joining method with 1000 bootstrap replicates. The scale represents a genetic distance of 0.1 amino acid substitutions per site. Bootstrap values < 50% are not shown. Newly identified species are marked with dots and compared to their next relatives and selected type species within families proposed to form the alphavirus-like superfamily [<a href="http://www.plosone.org/article/info:doi/10.1371/journal.pone.0165965#pone.0165965.ref008" target="_blank">8</a>, <a href="http://www.plosone.org/article/info:doi/10.1371/journal.pone.0165965#pone.0165965.ref029" target="_blank">29</a>]. Analysis was conducted using MEGA 6.06 and the sequence alignment algorithm MUSCLE [<a href="http://www.plosone.org/article/info:doi/10.1371/journal.pone.0165965#pone.0165965.ref045" target="_blank">45</a>]. BPEV, <i>Bell pepper endornavirus</i> (AKP92841.1); ORV, <i>Oryza rufipogon endornavirus</i> (YP_438202.1); OSV, <i>Oryza sativa endornavirus</i> (YP_438200.1); PhEV-1, <i>Phytophthora endornavirus 1</i> (YP_241110.1); Pvuv-1, <i>Phaseolus vulgaris endornavirus 1</i> (YP_009011062.1); Pvuv-1, <i>Phaseolus vulgaris endornavirus 2 (</i>ALJ56098.1); SsRV-L, <i>Sclerotinia sclerotiorum RNA virus L</i> (ACE88957.1); ACLSV, <i>Apple chlorotic leaf spot virus</i> (ABY71563.1); AcLV, <i>Aconitum latent virus</i> (NP_116487.1); ASGV, <i>Apple stem grooving virus</i> (BAA98054.1); ASPV, <i>Apple stem pitting virus</i> (AEP02955.1); BotV-F, <i>Botrytis virus F</i> (NP_068549.1); BotV-X, <i>Botrytis virus X</i> (NP_932306.1); CLBV, <i>Citrus leaf blotch virus</i> (NP_624333.1); GFkV, <i>Grapevine fleck virus</i> (NP_542612.1); GVA, <i>Grapevine virus A</i> (AAO17778.1); ICRSV, <i>Indian citrus ringspot virus</i> (NP_203553.1); LoLV, <i>Lolium latent virus</i> (YP_001718499.1); MRFV, <i>Maize rayado fino virus</i> (NP_115454.1); PVT, <i>Potato virus T</i> (BAM16482.1); PVX, <i>Potato virus X</i> (AAF89747.1); SsDRV, <i>Sclerotinia sclerotiorum debilitation-associated RNA virus</i> (YP_325662.1); ShVX, <i>Shallot virus X</i> (NP_620648.1); BMV, <i>Brome mosaic virus</i> (NP_041197.1); AMV, <i>Alfalfa mosaic virus</i> (YP_053235.1); GLRAV-3, <i>Grapevine leafroll-associated virus 3</i> (NP_813795.3); BYV, <i>Beet yellows virus</i> (NP_733949.1); LIYV, <i>Lettuce infectious yellows virus</i> (Q83045.2); GLRAV-7, <i>Grapevine leafroll-associated virus 7</i> (YP_004935919.1); HCV, <i>Hepatitis C virus</i> (ALB38672.1); BVDV-1, <i>Bovine viral diarrhea virus 1</i> (BAC55961.1); JEV, <i>Japanese encephalitis virus</i> (AEV57608.1); HEV, <i>Hepatitis E virus</i> (ALM55661.1); AHEV, <i>Avian hepatitis E virus</i> (AAL13366.1); SJNNV, <i>Striped Jack nervous necrosis virus</i> (NP_599247.1); RGNNV, <i>Redspotted grouper nervous necrosis virus</i> (ACV07658.1); SINV, <i>Sindbis virus</i> (AGT56188.1); VEEV, <i>Venezuelan equine encephalitis virus</i> (AAM28636.1); TBSV, <i>Tomato bushy stunt virus</i> (ACT67403.1); TNV-A, <i>Tobacco necrosis virus A</i> (ADE10194.1); TMV, <i>Tobacco mosaic virus</i> (AIL54434.1); TRV, <i>Tobacco rattle virus</i> (AHG52750.1); BSMV, <i>Barley stripe mosaic virus</i> (NP_604481.1); RsEV-3, <i>Rhizoctonia solani endornavirus 3</i> (KX349065); RsFV-1, <i>Rhizoctonia solani flexivirus 1</i> (KX349064); RsFV-2, <i>Rhizoctonia solani flexivirus 2</i> (KX349069), RsRV-1, <i>Rhizoctonia solani RNA virus 1</i> (KX349068); RsRV-2, <i>Rhizoctonia solani RNA virus 2</i> (KX349067); RsRV-3, <i>Rhizoctonia solani RNA virus 3</i> (KX349066).</p

    Identification of the conserved motifs A to G in the RdRp domain of the family <i>Endornaviridae</i>.

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    <p>The RdRp domains of the recognized members of the family <i>Endornaviridae</i> [<a href="http://www.plosone.org/article/info:doi/10.1371/journal.pone.0165965#pone.0165965.ref008" target="_blank">8</a>] and <i>Rhizoctonia solani endornavirus 3</i> (RsEV-3) (KX349065) were aligned using MEGA 6.06 and the sequence alignment algorithm MUSCLE [<a href="http://www.plosone.org/article/info:doi/10.1371/journal.pone.0165965#pone.0165965.ref045" target="_blank">45</a>]. Conserved motifs A-G were marked according to Bruenn 2003, Černý et al. 2014, Koonin et al. 1993, Boehr et al. 2014 and Xu et al. 2003 [<a href="http://www.plosone.org/article/info:doi/10.1371/journal.pone.0165965#pone.0165965.ref032" target="_blank">32</a>, <a href="http://www.plosone.org/article/info:doi/10.1371/journal.pone.0165965#pone.0165965.ref036" target="_blank">36</a>, <a href="http://www.plosone.org/article/info:doi/10.1371/journal.pone.0165965#pone.0165965.ref044" target="_blank">44</a>–<a href="http://www.plosone.org/article/info:doi/10.1371/journal.pone.0165965#pone.0165965.ref046" target="_blank">46</a>]. BPEV, <i>Bell pepper endornavirus</i> (AKP92841.1); ORV, <i>Oryza rufipogon endornavirus</i> (YP_438202.1); OSV, <i>Oryza sativa endornavirus</i> (YP_438200.1); PhEV-1, <i>Phytophthora endornavirus 1</i> (YP_241110.1); Pvuv-1, <i>Phaseolus vulgaris endornavirus 1</i> (YP_009011062.1); Pvuv-1, <i>Phaseolus vulgaris endornavirus 2</i> (ALJ56098.1). Shading indicates level of conservation and the consensus sequence is displayed.</p