23 research outputs found


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    In some parts of the world, the common problems faced by Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs), including traditional stores, are lack of financial capital, lack of human resources, weak business networks and market penetration capabilities, unfavorable business atmosphere, lack of business media and infrastructure. Various problems faced by SMEs resulted in disruption to the increase in business continuity, the days of the decline in the number of traditional shops in the city of Denpasar. business continuity is measured by financial performance. Financial performance is influenced by various variables including funding decisions, in this case is the use of capital decisions that must be managed optimally. In addition to Funding Decisions, market orientation is a process and activity related to customer creation and satisfaction by continuously assessing the needs and desires of customers. Companies that want to be able to live and continue to grow always need capital to be able to finance the company's operations. The purpose of this study was to determine the sustainability of traditional shop business that is proxied by financial performance seen from funding decisions and market orientation. The object of this study is 139 traditional shops in Denpasar with the criteria classified as Small and Medium Enterprises, business owners from Bali and Hindus, the number of cashiers is no more than 1 unit. Data analysis is performed using partial least square (PLS). It was found that market orientation had a positive and not significant effect on business continuity. Funding decisions have a positive and significant effect on business continuity. Market orientation and funding decisions have a positive and significant effect

    Do Capital Structure and Liquidity Increasing Value of The Firm? A Mediating Role of Profitability

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    The aim of this study is to determine how profitability mediating the effects of the capital structure and company liquidity to company value. This research is conducted at the telecommunications sub-sector company on the Indonesia Stock Exchange (2015-2018). The population in this study are food and beverage companies in Indonesia Stock Exchange. Sample was conducted by purposive sampling method and then the number of samples is 12 companies. The research data is secondary data obtained from the website of the Indonesia Stock Exchange and the Indonesian Capital Market Directory from 2014 until 2017. Data analysis by path analysis technique. The results of this study that can be concluded are (1) the capital structure has negative insignificant impact on profitability, (2) the company liquidity has negative significant impact on profitability, (3) the capital structure has negative significant impact on value of the firm, (4) the company liquidity has negative insignificant impact on value of the firm, (5) the profitability had positive and significant impact on value of the firm, (6) profitability is able to mediate the effect of capital structure on value of the firm significantly, (7) the profitability is able to mediate the effect of company liquidity on value of the firm significantly

    Organizational Culture, Decision of Funding and Financial Performance: An Evidence from Small and Medium Enterprises

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    This study aims to examine the influence of organizational culture on Funding Decision and Company Financial Performance and the effect of Funding Decisions on Company Financial Performance. This research is conducted at the Small and Medium Enterprises (SME) in Bali province, including Wood Crafting and Woodworking Industry and Textile Industry and Textile Products. The study population consists of 173 business units. The sampling technique uses a random stratified proportional random sampling and obtains 121 business units. This study uses a quantitative method that is enriched with a qualitative approach, especially on Organizational Culture from the concept of local knowledge in Bali, which is Catur Purusa Artha. The study finds out that organizational culture form by local wisdom in Bali, which is “Catur Purusa Artha”, affects the owner or management of SMEs in the province of Bali in determining Decisions Funding and Financial Performance. This study confirm Resource Based View (RBV) Theory, where the organizational culture excavated from local wisdom (Catur Purusa Artha). Keywords: Organizational Culture, Decision of Funding, Financial Performanc

    Organizational Culture, Decision of Funding and Financial Performance: An Evidence from Small and Medium Enterprises

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    This study aims to examine the influence of organizational culture on Funding Decision and Company Financial Performance and the effect of Funding Decisions on Company Financial Performance. This research is conducted at the Small and Medium Enterprises (SME) in Bali province, including Wood Crafting and Woodworking Industry and Textile Industry and Textile Products. The study population consists of 173 business units. The sampling technique uses a random stratified proportional random sampling and obtains 121 business units. This study uses a quantitative method that is enriched with a qualitative approach, especially on Organizational Culture from the concept of local knowledge in Bali, which is Catur Purusa Artha. The study finds out that organizational culture form by local wisdom in Bali, which is “Catur Purusa Artha”, affects the owner or management of SMEs in the province of Bali in determining Decisions Funding and Financial Performance. This study confirm Resource Based View (RBV) Theory, where the organizational culture excavated from local wisdom (Catur Purusa Artha)


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    Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises (MSMEs) are a very important sector as a buffer for the national economy in creating growth and employment. But the obstacles that are often faced by Small and Medium Enterprises including local stores are capital, human resources, competition, networking, technology and marketing. The many problems faced by SMEs result in disruption to improving business performance. Financial performance is influenced by various variables including funding decisions, in this case is the use of capital decisions that must be managed optimally. In addition to Funding Decisions, organizational culture influences decisions taken by management or company owners with the courage to use external funding sources which will ultimately affect Financial Performance. The purpose of this study was to determine the sustainability of the local store business projected with financial performance seen from funding decisions and organizational culture. The object of this research is 139 local stores located in Denpasar city with the criteria of SMEs, business owners from Bali and Hindus, the number of cashiers is no more than 1 unit. Data analysis is performed using partial least square (PLS). It was found that organizational culture had a positive and significant effect on business performance. Funding decisions have a positive and significant effect on business performance. Organizational culture and funding decisions have a positive and significant effect

    Exploring the Competitive Advantage of Local Creative Industry in Bali, Indonesia

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    Bali as one of the tourism destination in Indonesia is strongly supported by the creative industry. This industry has produces products and services as a tourism and economic support in Bali. The creative industry development policy is carried out by the Bali provincial government, including in Buleleng regency. The potential of Buleleng Regency is a creative culture based on local culture. Tourism development, craft development, arts, and agricultural culture have been carried out in Buleleng Regency, but other potentially creative industry sectors are not mapped optimally. The aim of this study is to create a potential mapping of creative industries in Buleleng Regency and to optimizing its development strategy. This study use Importance Performance Analysis (IPA). This study showed the creative industry in Buleleng regency is in the level of empowered and independent qualifications. The empowerment level has the percentage of establishment 20% - 50%. This level consisting of Applications and game developers; Photography; Product design; Mode; Film, video, animation; Culinary; Music; Publishing; Advertising; Television and Radio. The independent level, with a percentage of establishment 51% - 80% consist of 5 creative industry sectors, which is Architecture; Design; Visual communication; Craft; Performing arts and visual ar

    The Influence Effect of Entrepreneurial Orientation and Funding Decision Toward the Business Performance (A Study on of SMEs on Bali)

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    SMEs spa products are currently being sought by local and foreign tourists. SMEs spa product in Bali has been able to penetrate the international market. Various problems faced by SMEs cause interference to increase business performance. Business performance is measured by financial performance of SMEs. The present study determines the financial performance of SMEs spa, viewed of the funding decisions and entrepreneurial orientation. The subjects are 8 spa products existing in SMEs Bali registered in the Department of Cooperative and SMEs Bali Province. Data analysis was carried out using partial least squares (PLS). It was found that the entrepreneurial orientation has a positive and significant impact on the sustainability of the business. Funding decision significantly has positive effect on business continuity and entrepreneurial orientation

    Analisa Kepuasan Mahasiswa terhadap Kualitas Pelayanan Pendidikan

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    Abstract-During the learning process, students have experience with educational services at the University. This experience will create a perspective on the quality of education services provided. This will be related to the level of student satisfaction. This level of satisfaction will made an opinions. That generally will quickly spread, to family, friends and society. Bad opinion will affect the University's image, so it is important to analyze student satisfaction. A survey are held to gain information about student satisfaction.. This research was conducted at Warmadewa University, a private university in Denpasar, Bali. Survey results are summarized in the index of student satisfaction with the quality of education services at Warmadewa University. Based on the dimensions of service quality, namely tangibles, reliability, empathy, responsiveness, assurance students feel "satisfied". The overall survey results show that students assess the quality of education services at a "satisfying" level. Keywords: Student Satisfaction; Educational Service Quality Abstrak-Selama proses pembelajaran, mahasiswa memiliki pengalaman terkait pelayanan pendidikan di Universitas. Pengalaman ini menciptakan persepsi terhadap kualitas pelayanan pendidikan yang akan membentuk kepuasan bagi mahasiswa. Tingkat kepuasan tertentu akan membentuk opini. Ini akan menyebar dengan cepat, pada keluarga, teman dan masyarakat. Persepsi yang buruk akan mempengaruhi citra Universitas. Tujuan dari penelitian ini untuk menganalisa tingkat kepuasan mahasiswa terhadap kualitas pelayanan pendidikan di Universitas. Populasi penelitian ini adalah seluruh mahasiswa aktif Penelitian ini dilakukan di Universitas Warmadewa, Denpasar, Bali. Penelitian dilakukan dengan metode survey. Hasil survey terangkum dalam indeks kepuasan mahasiswa terhadap kualitas pelayanan pendidikan di Universitas Warmadewa. Berdasarkan dimensi kualitas layanan yaitu bukti fisik, kehandalan, empati, daya tanggap dan jaminan, mahasiswa merasa “puas”. Hasil survey keseluruhan menunjukkan bahwa mahasiswa menilai kualitas layanan pendidikan pada tingkat “memuaskan” Kata kunci : Kepuasan Mahasiswa ; Kualitas Pelayanan Pendidika


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    Every business requires intrinsic and extrinsic resource. Intrinsic resource including financial literacy and passion or entrepreneur intention. Extrinsic resource is access to finance or capital. They needs capital to increase and developing business. Access to capital also plays an important role in increasing business. The aim of this study was to determine how can entrepreneurs in University student increase during covid-19 pandemic? How does interaction between financial literacy and access to capital on entrepreneurial intention among student university students in Bali, Indonesia? This study uses primary data, questionnaires collected from 257 participants. Data analyze using path analysis. The findings in this study, entrepreneurs in University student are significantly increase during covid-19 pandemic. Access to capital has no significant effect on student entrepreneurial intentions, financial literacy has a significant positive effect on entrepreneurial intentions, and access to capital of university students in Bali, Indonesia


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    Firm value is a reflection of company performance which is explicitly shown through share prices. The stock price is one of the parameters for investors in investing. The higher the stock price, the better the company's performance. This study aims to analyze the interaction of firm value with other financial variables as reflected in the company's financial statements, namely leverage, profitability and dividend policy, which are also considered by investors in long-term investment. The population in this study were Food and Beverages companies on the IDX from 2017 to 2019. The population of this study was 31 Food and Beverages companies, the sampling technique using purposive sampling method was obtained as many as 19 sample companies. Data analysis using path analysis techniques. The findings of this study: (1) Leverage has a positive and significant effect on firm value, (2) Leverage has a negative and significant effect on dividend policy. (3) Profitability has a positive andsignificant effect on firm value, (4) Profitability has a positive and significant effect on dividend policy, (5) Dividend policy has a positive and insignificant effect on firm value. (6) Leverage has a positive and significant effect on firm value through dividend policy mediation. (7) Profitability has a positive and significant effect on firm value through dividend policy mediation