424 research outputs found

    Hormonal responses to water deficit in cambial tissues of Populus alba L.

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    Changes of the concentration of bioactive gibberellins and abscisic acid in the cambial region of white poplar (Populus alba L.) were investigated in one-year-old plants, to highlight how these phytohormone signals are modulated in response to water deficit. Plants were cultivated in pots outdoor and, at the time of maximum cambial growth (T0), irrigation was withdrawn for 8 d, inducing a mild water deficit, thus mimicking a condition that is recurrent in mediterranean climates when white poplar attains its maximum growth rate. The water deficit was suspended by resuming irrigation (Tmax), throughout a recovery period of two weeks (Trec). Cambial tissues were sampled at T0, Tmax and Trec. Significant changes of leaf and stem relative water content, leaf water potential, stomatal conductance, transpiration, carbon assimilation, stem shrinkage and leaf number were induced by soil water shortage, which also negatively affected cambium development. Nevertheless, these responses were almost fully reversed following the resumption of irrigation. Water deficit induced the accumulation of large amounts of abscisic acid in cambial tissues, but the hormone was brought back to pre-stress levels after the recovery period. With regard to bioactive gibberellins, GA1 was several fold more abundant than GA4 and reached the greatest level in the plants recovering from the water status imbalance. The possible functions of gibberellins and abscisic acid in the response of cambial tissues to water deficit are discussed in view of the known physiological roles and molecular mechanisms of action of these hormonal signals

    Tonsillar carcinoma spreading metastases to central nervous system – Case report and literature review

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    We present a case report of a 51-year-old left-handed gentleman with a background of HPV 16-positive tonsil squamous cell carcinoma presenting with tonic-clonic seizure and a radiological diagnosis of secondary metastatic deposits. These were initially treated with Stereotactic RadioSurgery (SRS), and subsequently with surgery. Surgical resection was performed under general anaesthesia with right-sided temporal and parietal approaches. Both the parietal and temporal deposits were removed, while the intraventricular mass was intentionally left to avoid post-op deficits. Adjuvant radiotherapy and chemotherapy were administered post-op. The patient experienced a satisfactory recovery post-op and was re-operated for recurrence 4 months later. He maintained a good quality of life and an excellent performance status throughout, but unfortunately passed away in November 2018 due to septic complications. This case history stresses the difficulty in managing SCC with brain metastatic deposits. There are no current guidelines about the management of patients presenting with such a rare condition. More data is thus desirable in order to better define treatment guidelines and protocols when SCC brain metastases are present

    Multiproxy archaeological investigation and Garden Archaeology in the Charterhouse of Calci (Tuscany, central Italy) and its territory: results and research data

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    A wide-ranging archaeological research programme at the Charterhouse and in the broader area of the Municipality of Calci has been performed since 2018. The archaeological research included the collection of legacy and aerial archaeology data, invasive and non-invasive investigations, as well as natural scientific analysis in the monastic complex. Special attention was paid to the archaeological investigations of three different monks’ cells gardens (the Prior’s, the Apothecary’s, and the Master’s), and stratigraphic excavations were combined with archeozoological and archaeobotanical analyses to define the horticultural practices implemented over the centuries of occupation of the Charterhouse. Among the three case studies, the most representative is the Prior’s meditation garden, where the excavation explored the phases prior to the construction of the building (14th century), the 18th-century renovation in the current form, and its abandonment at the end of the 20th century. Pollen analysis has allowed to reconstruct the richness of herbal species characterising an ever-blooming garden, with flowers and ornamental plants, such as roses, lilac, and water lilies, and also vegetables. According to charcoal and fruit-remain analyses, the Charterhouse exploited local hilly woods, satisfying the requirements of fuel by maquis and thermophilous deciduous forest. The agricultural practices included the cultivation of fruit trees, such as chestnut, olive, almond, and vine. Finally, archaeozoological analysis attests the domestic cat as the most frequent taxon in all contexts, probably common in the monastery as a pet and cell companion. This paper presents an overview and a discussion of the results of the investigations conducted and the complete archaeological dataset

    Rational Use of Monoclonal Antibodies as Therapeutic Treatment in an Oncologic Patient with Long COVID

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    We present the case of a 76-year-old male patient persistently infected by severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2) in the setting of a stage IIIC cutaneous melanoma and non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma (NHL). Due to the persistent coronavirus disease 19 (COVID-19), all cancer treatments were discontinued. Because of the worsening of his clinical state and the persistence of SARS-CoV-2 positivity for more than six months, the patient was treated with sotrovimab, which was ineffective due to resistance mutations acquired during that time. In order to resume cancer treatment and make the patient free from SARS-CoV-2, an in vitro screening of Evusheld monoclonal antibodies (tixagevumab–cilgavimab) against the viral strains isolated from the subject was performed. The promising results obtained during in vitro testing led to the authorization of the off-label use of Evusheld, which made the patient negative for SARS-CoV-2, thus, allowing him to resume his cancer treatment. This study highlights the Evusheld monoclonal antibodies’ efficacy, not only in prevention but also in successful therapy against prolonged COVID-19. Therefore, testing neutralizing monoclonal antibodies in vitro against SARS-CoV-2 mutants directly isolated from patients could provide useful information for the treatment of people affected by long COVID
