10 research outputs found

    The first ten years of the Academy

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    Structural Features of Cultural Landscape in the Karst Area (Landscape in Transition)

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    Na območju krasa se je v dolgi zgodovinski kontinuiteti razvil svojevrsten krajinski tip, kar je pripisati raznovrstnim podnebnim, geomorfološkim, topografskim kot tudi družbeno-gospodarskim razmeram. To zvrst označuje velika tipološka raznolikost, ki sloni na avtentičnih značilnostih naravnega in kulturnega izvora, nastala pa je kot nasledek uravnotežene gospodarske rabe tal od zgodnjih obdobij dalje. Glavna kvaliteta kraških krajin izvira iz edinstvenih vzorcev rabe prostora, ki pomenijo eno najvrednejših prostorskih dediščin v celotnem Sredozemlju. Toda novejši razvoj, predvsem v družbenogospodarski sferi, je izzval daljnosežne posledice na podeželju, kar močno prizadeva celovitost in tradicionalno skladnost krasa nasploh in njegovih pokrajin posebej. Temeljni namen prispevka je orisati to preobrazbo kot resno grožnjo in veliko izgubo nacionalne kulturne dediščine ter podčrtati odgovornost naše generacije v teh procesih.During a long historical continuity in the karst area a specific landscape type has evolved due to varied climatic, geomorphological, topographic as well as socio-economic conditions. This is characterized by great typological diversity based on authentic features both of natural and cultural origin. These have occurred as a consequence of balanced economic land-uses from early periods on. The main quality of these landscapes is derived from unique agricultural land-use patterns, which constitute one of the most valuable spatial heritages in the entire Mediterranean. However, the recent evolution, mainly in the socio-economic sphere, generated far-reaching impacts in the rural areas which largely affect the integrity and traditional harmony the karst countryside in general and the landscape in particular. The basic intention of the paper is to outline these transformations as a serious threat and immense loss of the national cultural heritage and to emphasize the great responsibility of this generation in these processes

    Construction with porous concrete in earthquake-prone areas

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    članku se opovrgava opće uvjerenje o manjoj potresnoj otpornosti zidanih zgrada. Obrađuje se primjena europskih norma za proračun zidanih konstrukcija od porastog betona i uporaba rezultata dobivenih ispitivanjima modela zgrade. Pokazano je da je građenje porastim betonom moguće u svim potresnim područjima Hrvatske. Moguća katnost zgrada smanjuje se s povećanjem seizmičnosti što je prirodno i nije prepreka primjeni sustava građenja zidanih konstrukcija od porastoga betona.The general notion that masonry buildings are less resistant to earthquake action is challenged in the paper. The use of European standards in the design of porous-concrete masonry structures is analyzed, and the application of results obtained by building model testing is considered. It is shown that porous concrete can be used for construction purposes in all earthquake-prone areas in Croatia. Possible number of floors reduces wit the increase of earthquake hazard, which is quite natural and does not hinder the use of construction systems involving porous concrete masonry structures

    30. znanstveno zborište Akademije tehničkih znanosti Hrvatske

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    Dana je vijest o održanom 30. znanstvenom zborištu Akademije tehničkih znanosti Hrvatske

    Zagreb cathedral in the 1880 earthquake and its present day renovation

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    Prikazani su temeljni podaci o seizmičnosti zagrebačkoga područja. Navedeni su izvorni podaci o oštećenjima zidanih zgrada u Zagrebu i na monumentalnoj zagrebačkoj katedrali. Upozoreno je na nepostojanje seizmičke mikrorajonizacije Zagreba. Ocijenjeni su obnoviteljski radovi s kraja 19. stoljeća i današnje konstrukcijsko stanje katedrale. Predloženo je da se provedu istražni radovi poradi utvrđivanja stanja gradiva te da se provjeri potresna otpornost ove vrijedne građevine.Principal data on the seismic activity in Zagreb area are presented. Original data on damage inflicted on masonry buildings in Zagreb and, in particular, on monumental Zagreb cathedral, are given. It is emphasized that the seismic microzoning has still not been made for the city of Zagreb. The rehabilitation activities undertaken in the late 19th century and current structural condition of the cathedral are analyzed. Additional investigations are proposed to determine the condition of building materials and to verify resistance of this valuable edifice to earthquake action

    Croatian and European approach to seismic resistance of immovable cultural assets

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    U radu je prikazano današnje stanje zakonskog uređenja protupotresne zaštite nepokretnih kulturnih dobara u Hrvatskoj. Opisana je i komentirana europska norma za popravak i pojačanje zgrada i nepokretnih kulturnih dobara u potresnim područjima (ENV 1998-1-4). Uspoređena je dosadašnja hrvatska praksa i europski zahtjevi. Zaključeno je da je obnova nepokretnih kulturnih dobara u Hrvatskoj bila u skladu s novim europskim zahtjevima pa za njihovu primjenu ne bi trebalo biti teškoća.The current legislation for seismic protection of immovable cultural assets in Croatia is presented. The European standard for the repair and strengthening of buildings and immovable cultural monuments in earthquake regions (ENV 1998-1-4) is presented and commented. Present day practices in Croatia are compared with European requirements. In conclusion, it is stated that the reconstruction of immovable cultural assets undertaken so far in Croatia complies with the latest European requirements, and hence the implementation of such requirements should present no difficulties

    Structural Vocabulary of Cultural Landscape on the Island of Krk

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    V okviru raziskovanja kulturne krajine v Republiki Hrvaški gre posebno mesto območju Mediterana, na katerem je še najti, zvečine ogrožene, ostanke vredne kulturne krajine, ki se je izoblikovala pod vplivom podnebnih in talnih razmer na eni kot dolgotrajne svojevrstne kmetijske dejavnosti na drugi strani. Označujejo jo posebne strukture, zavoljo katerih ta kulturna krajina pomeni vredno kulturno dediščino in je hkrati tudi prvina nacionalne prepoznavnosti. Otok Krk v tem pogledu zbuja posebno pozornost, saj se je tu razvila raznovrstna tipologija vredne kulturne krajine. Ta prispevek je rezultat raziskav njenega strukturnega slovarja z namenom priti do boljšega umevanja in vrednotenja te krajine. Glede na kraški značaj območja so na njegovo veliko tipološko razčlenjenost najizraziteje vplivali naravni kraški pojavi (vrtače, uvale, kraška polja in suhe doline). Kot nasledek obdelovanja tal pa so nastale raznovrstne tvorbe kamnitih suhozidov, teras in drugih prvin. Ugotovljena je bila znatna pestrost krajinskih enot in vzorcev, in sicer s pomočjo struktur, ki tudi same pomenijo določeno vrednost in prispevajo k razumevanju in odčitavanju izjemne vrednosti teh krajin.Within the large-scale research project in Croatian cultural landscapes, a special place is occupied by the Mediterranean area, with its highly valuable cultural landscape structures. This area is characterised by authentic structures, which represent a valuable cultural heritage and an important element of the national identity. The island of Krk is particularly inspiring in this respect, due to an intricate cultural landscape typology that has developed there under the infl uence of natural features on the one hand, and the centuries-long agricultural activity on the other. This paper is the result of research in its structural vocabulary in order better to understand and value these unique landscapes. The complex typological articulation was generated mainly by natural karst phenomena (karst valleys and fi elds, small dolinas, dry valleys), as well as various stone walls, terraces, and similar features, formed through the process of land cultivation. A considerable diversity of landscape units and patterns has been identifi ed through particular structures which often turned out to be assets themselves, and which at the same time help to understand and interpret the outstanding value of the islandʼs landscape

    Small Karst Features (Karren) of Dugi Otok Island and Kornati Archipelago Coastal Karst (Croatia)

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    Za površje Dugega otoka in Kornatov je značilna kraška morfologija. Drobne skalne kraške površinske oblike so najbolje razvite ob obali, v območju vpliva morskih valov. Razlike v razvitosti drobnih skalnih kraških površinskih oblik so posledica součinkovanja valov, litologije, nagiba in debeline kamninskih skladov. Med različnimi tipi drobnih skalnih kraških površinskih oblik so najbolj zanimive poklinaste škraplje in mrežaste korozijske razjede, katerih začetna oblika so biokorozijske jamice. Starost nekaterih drobnih skalnih kraških površinskih oblik lahko ocenimo glede na njihovo razvitost v antičnih kamnolomih. Predvidevamo pa lahko tudi njihov bodoči razvoj.Dugi otok Island and Kornati archipelago islands are characterized by karst morphology. Small karst features are particulary well developed along the coast in the swash zone, and signifi cant differences can be observed due to different interaction of wave action, bedding attitude, bed thicknesses and lithology. Among other karren types, fissure- and network-type karren are particulary interesting, both of which start developing from initial root karren. The age of some of these small karst features can be estimated by their occurrence in ancient quarries, and we suggest their historic age. We can envisage the future development of these small coastal corrosion forms.