16 research outputs found

    Disulfide sulfur (Sd)

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    Effects of hyper-enriched reactive Fe on sulfidisation in a tidally inundated acid sulfate soil wetland

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    Solid phase Fe and S fractions were examined in an acid sulfate soil (ASS) wetland undergoing remediation via tidal inundation. Considerable diagenetic enrichment of reactive Fe(III) oxides (HCl- and dithionite-extractable) occurred near the soil surface (0ā€“0.05 m depth), where extremely large concentrations up to 3534 Ī¼mol/g accounted for ~90% of the total Fe pool. This major source of reactive Fe exerts a substantial influence on S cycling and the formation, speciation and transformation of reduced inorganic S (RIS) in tidally inundated ASS. Under these geochemical conditions, acid volatile sulfide (AVS; up to 57 Ī¼mol/g) and elemental sulfur (S0; up to 41 Ī¼mol/g) were the dominant fractions of RIS in near surface soils. AVSā€“S to pyriteā€“S ratios exceeded 2.9 near the surface, indicating that abundant reactive Fe favoured the accumulation of AVS minerals and S0 over pyrite. This is supported by the significant correlation of poorly crystalline Fe with AVSā€“S and S0ā€“S contents (r = 0.83 and r = 0.85, respectively, P \u3c 0.01). XANES spectroscopy provided direct evidence for the presence of a greigite-like phase in AVSā€“S measured by chemical extraction. While the abundant reactive Fe may limit the transformation of AVS minerals and S0 to pyrite during early diagenesis (~5 years), continued sulfidisation over longer time scales is likely to eventually lead to enhanced sequestration of S within pyrite (with a predicted 8% pyrite by mass). These findings provide an important understanding of sulfidisation processes occurring in reactive Fe-enriched, tidally inundated ASS landscapes

    Abundance and fractionation of Al, Fe and trace metals following tidal inundation of a tropical acid sulfate soil

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    Tidal inundation was restored to a severely degraded tropical acid sulfate soil landscape and subsequent changes in the abundance and fractionation of Al, Fe and selected trace metals were investigated. After 5 a of regular tidal inundation there were large decreases in water-soluble and exchangeable Al fractions within former sulfuric horizons. This was strongly associated with decreased soil acidity and increases in pH, suggesting pH-dependent immobilisation of Al via precipitation as poorly soluble phases. The water-soluble fractions of Fe, Zn, Ni and Mn also decreased. However, there was substantial enrichment (2ĀØC5Ā”Ɓ) of the reactive Fe fraction (FeR; 1 M HCl extractable) near the soil surface, plus a closely corresponding enrichment of 1 M HCl extractable Cr, Zn, Ni and Mn. Surficial accumulations of Fe(III) minerals in the inter-tidal zone were poorly crystalline (up to 38% FeR) and comprised mainly of schwertmannite (Fe8O8(OH)6SO4) with minor quantities of goethite (Ā¦Ć-FeOOH) and lepidocrocite (Ā¦Ćƒ-FeOOH). These Fe (III) mineral accumulations provide an effective substrate for the adsorption/co-precipitation and accumulation of trace metals. Arsenic displayed contrary behaviour to trace metals with peak concentrations (60 Ā¦ĆŒg gāˆ’1) near the redox minima. Changes in the abundance and fractionation of the various metals can be primarily explained by the shift in the geochemical regime from oxicĀØCacidic to reducing-circumneutral conditions, combined with the enrichment of reactive Fe near the soil surface. Whilst increasing sequestration of trace metals via sulfidisation is likely to occur over the long-term, the current abundance of reactive Fe near the sedimentĀØCwater interface favours a dynamic environment with respect to metals in the tidally inundated areas

    Contemporary pedogenesis of severely degraded tropical acid sulfate soils after introduction of regular tidal inundation

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    Marine tidal inundation was partially restored to a severely degraded tropical acid sulfate soil landscape after having been excluded for over 30 years. The effects on soil acidity and iron-sulfide mineral reformation were investigated by comparing the geochemistry of soils before and after five years of regular tidal inundation. The soil pH increased by 2ā€“3 units and titratable actual acidity (TAA) decreased by 40ā€“50 Ī¼mol H+ gāˆ’ 1 within former sulfuric horizons. Relict acidity remained at depth (\u3e 1 m) in the underlying sulfidic horizons. Ī“34S data indicate that tidal inundation caused exchange of marine solutes within former sulfuric horizons, but not within underlying sulfidic material. There was considerable reformation of pyrite within former sulfuric horizons after tidal inundation with reduced inorganic sulfur increasing by 60 Āµmol gāˆ’ 1. Acid-volatile sulfide also accumulated, but mainly near the soil surface (up to 16 Āµmol gāˆ’ 1). Reduction of Fe(III) minerals strongly influences the geochemistry of the tidally inundated soils. After tidal inundation the soil pH and Eh closely followed the iron redox couple and there was non-sulfidic solid-phase Fe(II) up to 600 Āµmol gāˆ’ 1. There was also substantial diagenetic enrichment of poorly crystalline Fe-oxides near the soil surface following tidal inundation, with reactive Fe spanning 400ā€“1800 Āµmol gāˆ’ 1. While the decreases in soil acidity documented here are likely due to a combination of marine alkalinity inputs and reduction of both Fe and SO42āˆ’, the relative importance of each process remains to be determined. This study demonstrates that marine tidal inundation can be an effective landscape-scale strategy for ameliorating severe acidity associated with drained acid sulfate soils

    Iron geochemical zonation in a tidally inundated acid sulfate soil wetland

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    Tidal inundation is a new technique for remediating coastal acid sulfate soils (CASS). Here, we examine the effects of this technique on the geochemical zonation and cycling of Fe across a tidally inundated CASS toposequence, by investigating toposequence hydrology, in situ porewater geochemistry, solid-phase Fe fractions and Fe mineralogy. Interactions between topography and tides exerted a fundamental hydrological control on the geochemical zonation, redistribution and subsequent mineralogical transformations of Fe within the landscape. Reductive dissolution of Fe(III) minerals, including jarosite (KFe3(SO4)2(OH)6), resulted in elevated concentrations of porewater Fe2+ (\u3e 30 mmol Lāˆ’1) in former sulfuric horizons in the upper-intertidal zone. Tidal forcing generated oscillating hydraulic gradients, driving upward advection of this Fe2+-enriched porewater along the intertidal slope. Subsequent oxidation of Fe2+ led to substantial accumulation of reactive Fe(III) fractions (up to 8000 Ī¼mol gāˆ’1) in redox-interfacial, tidal zone sediments. These Fe(III)-precipitates were poorly crystalline and displayed a distinct mineralisation sequence related to tidal zonation. Schwertmannite (Fe8O8(OH)6SO4) was the dominant Fe mineral phase in the upper-intertidal zone at mainly low pH (3ā€“4). This was followed by increasing lepidocrocite (Ī³-FeOOH) and goethite (Ī±-FeOOH) at circumneutral pH within lower-intertidal and subtidal zones. Relationships were evident between Fe fractions and topography. There was increasing precipitation of Fe-sulfide minerals and non-sulfidic solid-phase Fe(II) in the lower intertidal and subtidal zones. Precipitation of Fe-sulfide minerals was spatially co-incident with decreases in porewater Fe2+. A conceptual model is presented to explain the observed landscape-scale patterns of Fe mineralisation and hydro-geochemical zonation. This study provides valuable insights into the hydro-geochemical processes caused by saline tidal inundation of low lying CASS landscapes, regardless of whether inundation is an intentional strategy or due to sea-level rise

    Arsenic mobilization in a seawater inundated acid sulfate soil

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    Tidal seawater inundation of coastal acid sulfate soils can generate Fe- and SO4-reducing conditions in previously oxic-acidic sediments. This creates potential for mobilization of As during the redox transition. We explore the consequences for As by investigating the hydrology, porewater geochemistry, solid-phase speciation, and mineralogical partitioning of As across two tidal fringe toposequences. Seawater inundation induced a tidally controlled redox gradient. Maximum porewater As (400 Ī¼g/L) occurred in the shallow (\u3c1\u3em), intertidal, redox transition zone between Fe-oxidizing and SO4-reducing conditions. Primary mechanisms of As mobilization include the reduction of solid-phase As(V) to As(III), reductive dissolution of As(V)-bearing secondary Fe(III) minerals and competitive anion desorption. Porewater As concentrations decreased in the zone of contemporary pyrite reformation. Oscillating hydraulic gradients caused by tidal pumping promote upward advection of As and Fe2+-enriched porewater in the intertidal zone, leading to accumulation of As(V)-enriched Fe(III) (hydr)oxides at the oxic sedimentāˆ’water interface. While this provides a natural reactive-Fe barrier, it does not completely retard the flux of porewater As to overtopping surface waters. Furthermore, the accumulated Fe minerals may be prone to future reductive dissolution. A conceptual model describing As hydro-geochemical coupling across an intertidal fringe is presented