4 research outputs found


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    Aujourd’hui, alors que tous les modĂšles globaux de dĂ©veloppement et d’organisation de l’action collective sont mis Ă  mal, l’initiative individuelle paraĂźt reine. La performance des acteurs et la libertĂ© d’entreprendre semblent totales avec pour corollaire, une multiplication des figures de la rĂ©ussite. A l’évidence la facultĂ© d’entreprendre ne relĂšve pas du seul domaine Ă©conomique ; elle est le fait d’acteurs qui, pour rĂ©ussir, investissent simultanĂ©ment plusieurs sphĂšres (religieuses, politi..

    Security Systems in Francophone Africa

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    This research report is a broad-based study that seeks to understand the structural and developmental processes that characterise the security sector in Francophone Africa. Although each country has a distinct political history and tradition, similarities in the security apparatus, rooted in its inheritance from the colonial and post-colonial periods, can be found between Francophone countries in Africa. In the former French colonies, there are similarities to the French security system which are very strong on the normative side, such as the legal and institutional framework or the defence and security actors. However, even if these Francophone African countries borrow a lot from an originally French security system in terms of the institutional design of their security apparatus, they deviate considerably from it in terms of daily practice. The issue at stake in this paper is to highlight the kind of institutional framework prevailing in this set of countries and the specific considerations that international assistance will have to take into account. The paper also analyses briefly the difference between Anglophone and Francophone security systems. Finally, it makes some recommendations that might assist the security sector reform policy agenda and donor and recipient responses to the security challenges faced in Francophone AfricaAfrican Security Sector Networ