106 research outputs found

    Cosmological baryon transfer in the simba simulations

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    We present a framework for characterizing the large-scale movement of baryons relative to dark matter in cosmological simulations, requiring only the initial conditions and final state of the simulation. This is performed using the spread metric that quantifies the distance in the final conditions between initially neighbouring particles, and by analysing the baryonic content of final haloes relative to that of the initial Lagrangian regions (LRs) defined by their dark matter component. Applying this framework to the SIMBA cosmological simulations, we show that 40 per cent (10 per cent) of cosmological baryons have moved > 1 h−1 Mpc (3 h−1 Mpc) by z = 0, primarily due to entrainment of gas by jets powered by an active galactic nucleus, with baryons moving up to 12 h−1 Mpc away in extreme cases. Baryons decouple from the dynamics of the dark matter component due to hydrodynamic forces, radiative cooling, and feedback processes. As a result, only 60 per cent of the gas content in a given halo at z = 0 originates from its LR, roughly independent of halo mass. A typical halo in the mass range Mvir = 1012–1013 M only retains 20 per cent of the gas originally contained in its LR. We show that up to 20 per cent of the gas content in a typical Milky Way-mass halo may originate in the region defined by the dark matter of another halo. This inter-Lagrangian baryon transfer may have important implications for the origin of gas and metals in the circumgalactic medium of galaxies, as well as for semi-analytic models of galaxy formation and ‘zoom-in’ simulations

    Torque-Limited Growth of Massive Black Holes in Galaxies Across Cosmic Time

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    We combine cosmological hydrodynamic simulations with analytic models to evaluate the role of galaxy-scale gravitational torques on the evolution of massive black holes at the centers of star-forming galaxies. We confirm and extend our earlier results to show that torque-limited growth yields black holes and host galaxies evolving on average along the Mbh-Mbulge relation from early times down to z = 0 and that convergence onto the scaling relation occurs independent of the initial conditions and with no need for mass averaging through mergers or additional self-regulation processes. Smooth accretion dominates the long-term evolution, with black hole mergers with mass ratios >1:5 representing typically a small fraction of the total growth. Winds from the accretion disk are required to eject significant mass to suppress black hole growth, but there is no need for coupling this wind to galactic-scale gas to regulate black holes in a non-linear feedback loop. Torque-limited growth yields a close-to-linear relation for the star formation rate and the black hole accretion rate averaged over galaxy evolution time scales. However, the SFR-AGN connection has significant scatter owing to strong variability of black hole accretion at all resolved time scales. Eddington ratios can be described by a broad lognormal distribution with median value evolving roughly as (1 + z)^1.9, suggesting a main sequence for black hole growth similar to the cosmic evolution of specific SFRs. Our results offer an attractive scenario consistent with available observations in which cosmological gas infall and transport of angular momentum in the galaxy by gravitational instabilities regulate the long-term co-evolution of black holes and star-forming galaxies.Comment: 26 pages, 15 figures, replaced by published versio

    Jet Feedback and the Photon Underproduction Crisis in Simba

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    We examine the impact of black hole jet feedback on the properties of the low-redshift intergalactic medium (IGM) in the SIMBA simulation, with a focus on the Lyα\alpha forest mean flux decrement DAD_A. Without jet feedback, we confirm the Photon Underproduction Crisis (PUC) in which ΓHI\Gamma_{\rm HI} at z=0z=0 must be increased by ×6\times6 over the Haardt & Madau value in order to match the observed DAD_{A}. Turning on jet feedback lowers this discrepancy to âˆŒĂ—2.5\sim\times 2.5, and additionally using the recent Faucher-Gigu\`ere background mostly resolves the PUC, along with producing a flux probability distribution function in accord with observations. The PUC becomes apparent at late epochs (zâ‰Č1z \lesssim 1) where the jet and no-jet simulations diverge; at higher redshifts SIMBA reproduces the observed DAD_{A} with no adjustment, with or without jets. The main impact of jet feedback is to lower the cosmic baryon fraction in the diffuse IGM from 39% to 16% at z=0z=0, while increasing the warm-hot intergalactic medium (WHIM) baryon fraction from 30% to 70%; the lowering of the diffuse IGM content directly translates into a lowering of DAD_{A} by a similar factor. Comparing to the older MUFASA simulation that employs different quenching feedback but is otherwise similar to SIMBA, MUFASA matches DAD_{A} less well than SIMBA, suggesting that low-redshift measurements of DAD_{A} and ΓHI\Gamma_{\rm HI} could provide constraints on feedback mechanisms. Our results suggest that widespread IGM heating at late times is a plausible solution to the PUC, and that SIMBA's jet AGN feedback model, included to quench massive galaxies, approximately yields this required heating.Comment: 19 pages, 11 Figures, accepted to MNRA

    Simba:The average properties of the circumgalactic medium of 2 ≀ z ≀ 3 quasars are determined primarily by stellar feedback

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    We use the Simba cosmological hydrodynamic simulation suite to explore the impact of feedback on the circumgalactic medium (CGM) and intergalactic medium (IGM) around 2≀z≀32 \leq z \leq 3 quasars. We identify quasars in Simba as the most rapidly-accreting black holes, and show that they are well-matched in bolometric luminosity and correlation strength to real quasars. We extract Lyman-alpha (Ly-a) absorption in spectra passing at different transverse distances (10 kpc â‰Čbâ‰Č\lesssim b \lesssim 10 Mpc) around those quasars, and compare to observations of the mean Ly-a absorption profile. The observations are well reproduced, except within 100 kpc from the foreground quasar, where Simba overproduces absorption; this could potentially be mitigated by including ionisation from the quasar itself. By comparing runs with different feedback modules activated, we find that (mechanical) AGN feedback has little impact on the surrounding CGM even around these most highly luminous black holes, while stellar feedback has a significant impact. By further investigating thermodynamic and kinematic properties of CGM gas, we find that stellar feedback, and not AGN feedback, is the primary physical driver in determining the average properties of the CGM around z∌2−3z\sim 2-3 quasars. We also compare our results with previous works, and find that Simba predicts much more absorption within 100 kpc than the Nyx and Illustris simulations, showing that the Ly-a absorption profile can be a powerful constraint on simulations. Instruments such as VLT-MUSE and upcoming surveys (e.g., WEAVE and DESI) promise to further improve such constraints.Comment: Published in MNRAS. This is a pre-copyedited, author-produced PDF of an article accepted for publication in MNRAS following peer review. The version of record (Volume 499, Issue 2, December 2020, Pages 2760-2784) is available online at: https://academic.oup.com/mnras/article/499/2/2760/591800

    An Observationally Driven Multifield Approach for Probing the Circum-Galactic Medium with Convolutional Neural Networks

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    The circum-galactic medium (CGM) can feasibly be mapped by multiwavelength surveys covering broad swaths of the sky. With multiple large datasets becoming available in the near future, we develop a likelihood-free Deep Learning technique using convolutional neural networks (CNNs) to infer broad-scale physical properties of a galaxy's CGM and its halo mass for the first time. Using CAMELS (Cosmology and Astrophysics with MachinE Learning Simulations) data, including IllustrisTNG, SIMBA, and Astrid models, we train CNNs on Soft X-ray and 21-cm (HI) radio 2D maps to trace hot and cool gas, respectively, around galaxies, groups, and clusters. Our CNNs offer the unique ability to train and test on ''multifield'' datasets comprised of both HI and X-ray maps, providing complementary information about physical CGM properties and improved inferences. Applying eRASS:4 survey limits shows that X-ray is not powerful enough to infer individual halos with masses log⁡(Mhalo/M⊙)<12.5\log(M_{\rm{halo}}/M_{\odot}) < 12.5. The multifield improves the inference for all halo masses. Generally, the CNN trained and tested on Astrid (SIMBA) can most (least) accurately infer CGM properties. Cross-simulation analysis -- training on one galaxy formation model and testing on another -- highlights the challenges of developing CNNs trained on a single model to marginalize over astrophysical uncertainties and perform robust inferences on real data. The next crucial step in improving the resulting inferences on physical CGM properties hinges on our ability to interpret these deep-learning models

    Black Hole -- Galaxy Correlations in Simba

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    We examine the co-evolution of galaxies and supermassive black holes in the Simba cosmological hydrodynamic simulation. Simba grows black holes via gravitational torque-limited accretion from cold gas and Bondi accretion from hot gas, while feedback from black holes is modeled in radiative and jet modes depending on the Eddington ratio (fEddf_{Edd}). Simba shows generally good agreement with local studies of black hole properties, such as the black hole mass--stellar velocity dispersion (MBH−σM_{BH}-\sigma) relation, 2 the black hole accretion rate vs. star formation rate (BHAR--SFR), and the black hole mass function. MBH−σM_{BH}-\sigma evolves such that galaxies at a given MBHM_{BH} have higher σ\sigma at higher redshift, consistent with no evolution in MBH−M∗M_{BH}-M_*. For MBH<∌108M⊙M_{BH}<\sim 10^8 M_\odot, fEddf_{Edd} is anti-correlated with MBHM_{BH} since the BHAR is approximately independent of MBHM_{BH}, while at higher masses fEdd−MBHf_{Edd}-M_{BH} flattens and has a larger scatter. BHAR vs. SFR is invariant with redshift, but fEddf_{Edd} drops steadily with time at a given MBHM_{BH}, such that all but the most massive black holes are accreting in a radiatively efficient mode at z>∌2z>\sim 2. The black hole mass function amplitude decreases with redshift and is locally dominated by quiescent galaxies for MBH>108M⊙M_{BH}>10^{8}M_{\odot}, but for z>∌1z>\sim 1 star forming galaxies dominate at all MBHM_{BH}. The z=0z=0 fEddf_{Edd} distribution is roughly lognormal with a peak at fEdd<∌0.01f_{Edd}<\sim 0.01 as observed, shifting to higher fEddf_{Edd} at higher redshifts. Finally, we study the dependence of black hole properties with \HI\ content and find that the correlation between gas content and star formation rate is modulated by black hole properties, such that higher SFR galaxies at a given gas content have smaller black holes with higher fEddf_{Edd}Comment: 19 pages, 9 figures, MNRAS accepte

    Measuring dynamical masses from gas kinematics in simulated high-redshift galaxies

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    Advances in instrumentation have recently extended detailed measurements of gas kinematics to large samples of high-redshift galaxies. Relative to most nearby, thin disc galaxies, in which gas rotation accurately traces the gravitational potential, the interstellar medium (ISM) of z ≳ 1 galaxies is typically more dynamic and exhibits elevated turbulence. If not properly modelled, these effects can strongly bias dynamical mass measurements. We use high-resolution FIRE-2 cosmological zoom-in simulations to analyse the physical effects that must be considered to correctly infer dynamical masses from gas kinematics. Our analysis covers a range of galaxy properties from low-redshift Milky-Way-mass galaxies to massive high-redshift galaxies (M⋆ > 10ÂčÂč M⊙ at z = 1). Selecting only snapshots where a disc is present, we calculate the rotational profile v_ϕ(r) of the cool (⁠10^(3.5) < T <10^(4.5) K⁠) gas and compare it to the circular velocity v_c = √GM_(enc)/r⁠. In the simulated galaxies, the gas rotation traces the circular velocity at intermediate radii, but the two quantities diverge significantly in the centre and in the outer disc. Our simulations appear to over-predict observed rotational velocities in the centres of massive galaxies (likely from a lack of black hole feedback), so we focus on larger radii. Gradients in the turbulent pressure at these radii can provide additional radial support and bias dynamical mass measurements low by up to 40 per cent. In both the interior and exterior, the gas’ motion can be significantly non-circular due to e.g. bars, satellites, and inflows/outflows. We discuss the accuracy of commonly used analytic models for pressure gradients (or ‘asymmetric drift’) in the ISM of high-redshift galaxies
