9 research outputs found

    Confirmation of the <i>DRB1-DQB1 loci</i> as the major component of <i>IDDM1</i> in the isolated founder population of Sardinia

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    There is considerable uncertainty and debate concerning the application of linkage disequilibrium (LD) mapping in common multifactorial diseases, including the choice of population and the density of the marker map. Previously, it has been shown that, in the large cosmopolitan population of the UK, the established type 1 diabetes IDDM1 locus in the HLA region could be mapped with high resolution by LD. The LD curve peaked at marker D6S2444, 85 kb from the HLA class II gene DQB1, which is known to be a major determinant of IDDM1. However, given the many unknown parameters underlying LD, a validation of the approach in a genetically distinct population is necessary. In the present report we have achieved this by the LD mapping of IDDM1 in the isolated founder population of Sardinia. Using a dense map of microsatellite markers, we determined the peak of LD to be located at marker D6S2447, which is only 6.5 kb from DQB1. Next, we typed a large number of SNPs defining allelic variation at functional candidate genes within the critical region. The association curve, with both classes of marker, peaked at the loci DRB1-DQB1. These results, while representing conclusive evidence that the class II loci DRB1-DQB1 dominate the association of the HLA region to type 1 diabetes, provide empirical support for LD mapping

    Sex-Related Bias and Exclusion Mapping of the Nonrecombinant Portion of Chromosome Y in Human Type 1 Diabetes in the Isolated Founder Population of Sardinia

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    A male excess in Sardinian type 1 diabetic cases has previously been reported and was largely restricted to those patients carrying the HLA-DR3/nonDR4 genotype. In the present study, we have measured the male- to-female (M:F) ratio in a sample set of 542 newly collected, early-onset type 1 diabetic Sardinian patients. This data not only confirm the excess of male type 1 diabetic patients overall (M:F ratio = 1.3, P = 3.9 × 10−3) but also that the bias in male incidence is largely confined to patients with the DR3/nonDR4 genotype (M:F ratio = 1.6, P = 2.0 × 10−4). These sex effects could be due to a role for allelic variation of the Y chromosome in the susceptibility to type 1 diabetes, but to date this chromosome has not been evaluated in type 1 diabetes. We, therefore, established the frequencies of the various chromosome Y lineages and haplotypes in 325 Sardinian male patients, which included 180 cases with the DR3/nonDR4 genotype, and 366 Sardinian male control subjects. Our results do not support a significant involvement of the Y chromosome in DR3/nonDR4 type 1 diabetic cases nor in early-onset type 1 diabetes as a whole. Other explanations, such as X chromosome-linked inheritance, are thus required for the male bias in incidence in type 1 diabetes in Sardinia

    Conditional linkage disequilibrium analysis of a complex disease superlocus, <i>IDDM1</i> in the HLA region, reveals the presence of independent modifying gene effects influencing the type 1 diabetes risk encoded by the major <i>HLA-DBQ1</i>, -<i>DRB1</i> disease <i>loci</i>

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    Type 1 diabetes mellitus is a common disease with a complex mode of inheritance. Its aetiology is underpinned by a major locus, insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus 1 (IDDM1) in the human leukocyte antigen (HLA) region of chromosome 6p21, and an unknown number of loci of lesser individual effect. In linkage analyses IDDM1 is a single peak, but it is evident that the linkage is caused by allelic variation of three adjacent genes in a 75 kb region, namely the class II genes, HLA-DRB1, -DQA1 and -DQB1. However, even these three genes may not explain all of the HLA association. We investigated, in the founder population of Sardinia, whether non-DQ/DR polymorphic markers within a 9.452 Mb region encompassing the whole HLA complex further influence the disease risk, after taking into account linkage disequilibrium with the disease loci HLA-DQB1, -DQA1 and -DRB1. We generalized the conditional association test, the haplotype method, to detect marker associations that are independent of the main DR/DQ disease associations. Three regions were identified as risk modifiers. These associations were not only independent of the polymorphic exon 2 sequences of HLA-DQB1, -DQA1 and -DRB1, but also independent of each other. The individual contributions of these risk modifiers were relatively modest but their combined impact was highly significant. Together, alleles of single nucleotide polymorphisms at the DMB and DOB genes, and the microsatellite locus TNFc, identified ∼40% of Sardinian DR3 haplotypes as non-predisposing. This conditional analysis approach can be applied to any chromosome region involved in the predisposition to complex traits

    Combinations of specific DRB1, DQA1, DQB1 haplotypes are associated with insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus in Sardinia

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    The Sardinian population has an extremely high incidence of IDDM (30.2 of 100.000 in the age group of 0–14 years). This study reports the molecular characterization of HLA class II genes in 120 IDDM sporadic patients and 89 healthy subjects of Sardinian origin. Compared with other Caucasians, both Sardinian patients and controls had an unusual distribution of haplotypes and genotypes. In particular, there was a high gene frequency of the DRB1*0301, DQA1*0501, DQB1*0201 susceptibility haplotype both in patients (0.58) and controls (0.23) while a reduction of the BRB1*1501, DQA1*0102, DQB1*0602 protective haplotype (0.03) was observed in the healthy population. This distribution may partially explain the high incidence of IDDM reported in Sardinia. The analysis of the DQβ57 and DQα52 residues showed that the absence of Asp 57 and the presence of Arg 52 were associated with IDDM in a dose-response manner. On the other hand, we found that (a) a very similar distribution of these residues was found when comparing Sardinians with another healthy Caucasian population from the same latitude but with a lower rate of IDDM incidence; (b) several genotypes encoding the identical DQα52/DQβ57 phenotype carried very differnt relative risks; and (c) the DRB1*0403, DQA1*0301, DQB1*0304 haplotype (DQβ57 Asp-neg and DQα52 Argpos) was found in 40% of the DR4-positive controls but not in patients (p = 0.00034), while the DRB1*0405, DQA1*0301, and DQB1*0302 haplotype carrying the same residues at the same positions was found in 70% of the DR4-positive patients and in only one control (p = 0.00003). These findings suggest that S0IDDM susceptibility cannot be completely explained by the model in which only DQα52 and DQβ57 residues are taken into account

    Sex-related bias and exclusion mapping of the nonrecombinant portion of chromosome Y in human type 1 diabetes in the isolated founder population of Sardinia

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    A male excess in Sardinian type 1 diabetic cases has previously been reported and was largely restricted to those patients carrying the HLA-DR3/nonDR4 genotype. In the present study, we have measured the male- to-female (M:F) ratio in a sample set of 542 newly collected, early-onset type 1 diabetic Sardinian patients. This data not only confirm the excess of male type 1 diabetic patients overall (M:F ratio = 1.3, P = 3.9 × 10−3) but also that the bias in male incidence is largely confined to patients with the DR3/nonDR4 genotype (M:F ratio = 1.6, P = 2.0 × 10−4). These sex effects could be due to a role for allelic variation of the Y chromosome in the susceptibility to type 1 diabetes, but to date this chromosome has not been evaluated in type 1 diabetes. We, therefore, established the frequencies of the various chromosome Y lineages and haplotypes in 325 Sardinian male patients, which included 180 cases with the DR3/nonDR4 genotype, and 366 Sardinian male control subjects. Our results do not support a significant involvement of the Y chromosome in DR3/nonDR4 type 1 diabetic cases nor in early-onset type 1 diabetes as a whole. Other explanations, such as X chromosome-linked inheritance, are thus required for the male bias in incidence in type 1 diabetes in Sardinia

    The Distribution of DR4 haplotypes in Sardinia suggests a primary association of type I diabetes with DRB1 and DQB1 loci

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    The contribution of genetic variation at HLA class II loci to the susceptibility to and protection from IDDM was investigated by analyzing the distribution of HLA-DRB1*04 haplotypes in 630 Sardinian newborns and 155 Sardinian IDDM patients. The different RRs and ARs of the various DR4- DQB1*0302 haplotypes, significantly ranging from the strongly associated DRB1*0405, DQB1*0302 to the protective DRB1*0403, DQB1*0302 haplotypes, provides clear-cut evidence that the DRB1 locus is crucial in conferring IDDM predisposition or protection. Also, the DQB1 locus influences IDDM predisposition or protection by restricting the disease-positive association to DRB1*0405 haplotypes carrying the susceptibility DQB1*0302 or DQB1*0201 alleles but not the protective DQB1*0301 allele. Haplotype analysis not only suggests that the DRB1 and DQB1 loci influence IDDM risk in the same way, but also that the HLA-linked protection is 'dominant' compared with 'susceptibility.' These results, obtained from a population with one of the highest IDDM incidences in the world, define more clearly the contribution of the various HLA loci to IDDM protection or susceptibility and allow a more precise calculation of AR

    No association between variation of the FOXP3 gene and common type 1 diabetes in the Sardinian population

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    Mutations of the forkhead/winged helix transcription factor FOXP3 gene on chromosome Xp11.23 cause a rare recessive monogenic disorder called IPEX (immune dysregulation, polyendocrinopathy, including type 1 diabetes, enteropathy, and X-linked syndrome). FOXP3 is necessary for the differentiation of a key immune suppressive subset of T-cells, the CD4+CD25+ regulatory T-cells. Previously, we reported a significant male-female bias in the common, multifactorial form of type 1 diabetes in Sardinia and evidence of linkage of chromosome Xp11 to the disease. These findings indicate that FOXP3 is a prime functional and positional candidate locus for the common form of type 1 diabetes. In the present study, we initially scanned 82 kb of the FOXP3 region for common polymorphisms, including sequencing all of the coding and functionally relevant portions of the gene in 64 Sardinian individuals. Then the most informative polymorphisms in 418 type 1 diabetic families and in 268 male case and 326 male control subjects were sequentially genotyped and tested for disease association. There is no evidence that variants in the FOXP3 regions analyzed are associated with type 1 diabetes and account for the male-female bias observed in Sardinia. Our data indicate that allelic variation in or near the coding regions of the FOXP3 gene does not have a major role in the inherited susceptibility to the common form of type 1 diabetes

    The <i>HLA-DPB1</i>-associated component of the <i>IDDM1</i> and its relationship to the major loci <i>HLA-DQB1, -DQA1</i>, and-<i>DRB1</i>

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    The major histocompatibility complex (MHC) HLA region on chromosome 6p21 contains the major locus of type I diabetes (IDDM1). Common allelic variants at the class II HLA-DRB1, -DQA1, and -DQB1 loci account for the major part of IDDM1. Previous studies suggested that other MHC loci are likely to contribute to IDDM1, but determination of their relative contributions and identities is difficult because of strong linkage disequilibrium between MHC loci. One prime candidate is the polymorphic HLA-DPB1 locus, which (with the DPA1 locus) encodes the third class II antigen-presenting molecule. However, the results obtained in previous studies appear to be contradictory. Therefore, we have analyzed 408 white European families (200 from Sardinia and 208 from the U.K.) using a combination of association tests designed to directly compare the effect of DPB1 variation on the relative predisposition of DR-DQ haplotypes, taking into account linkage disequilibrium between DPB1 and the DRB1, DQA1, and DQB1 loci. In these populations, the overall contribution of DPB1 to IDDM1 is small. The main component of the DPB1 contribution to IDDM1 in these populations appears to be the protection associated with DPBI*0402 on DR4-negative haplotypes. We suggest that the HLADP molecule itself contributes to IDDM1