716 research outputs found

    When One Door Closes . . .

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    Meg Angier discusses student engagement at Linfield College with regard to her participation in Residence Life.https://digitalcommons.linfield.edu/inauguration2019_students/1000/thumbnail.jp

    European social democracy is in danger of terminal decline unless it can reengage with its core values

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    With the rise of parties on the far-right and radical left of European party systems, social democratic parties now face a challenge to retain their support base in several European countries. Tom Angier writes that the primary problem facing social democrats is that they have shifted their appeal away from their core constituencies and the social organisations that previously entrenched their place in communities, such as unions and cooperatives. He argues that only be reengaging with their traditional priorities can social democrats hope to arrest this decline

    The British Left are desperate for good news – Macron and Schulz will disappoint them

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    With Jeremy Corbyn’s Labour in constant decline, those on the British mainstream left are hoping that European social democracy could at least be revived by our neighbours. But Martin Schulz and Emmanuel Macron may not achieve what many are hoping for, explains Tom Angier. He outlines three reasons why this is the case

    What French philosophy can tell us about the EU, nationhood, and the decline of social democracy

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    French philosophers have written widely on contemporary European problems, but their work has often had limited impact in the English-speaking world. Tom Angier highlights the contribution of Pierre Manent in capturing the challenges at the heart of the integration process, as well as the need for social democrats to rehabilitate and reinvigorate the idea of nationhood if they are to see off competition from the far left and far right

    The Future in Our Hands? - A Dialectical Argument against Legalising Euthanasia

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    In this paper I argue that no state should legalise euthanasia, either voluntary or non-voluntary. I begin by outlining three political arguments against such legalisation, by Russell Hittinger, Elizabeth Anscombe and David Novak. Each concludes, on different grounds, that legalised euthanasia fatally erodes the role and authority of the state. Although correct in their conclusion, the arguments they provide are deficient. To fill this gap, I elaborate what I call a ‘fourfold dialectic’ between autonomy and compassion, the two central motivations for legalising euthanasia. I show that these motivations systematically and progressively undermine each other, yielding a situation where individual autonomy and doctors’ duty of care are effectively eviscerated. It follows that state authority, which depends on upholding both of these, is itself eviscerated. In this way, the conclusion of the political arguments above finally finds demonstrative support

    Qualifying Quantifiers: A Usage-Based, Diachronic Analysis of Quantifier Constructions

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    Adnominal quantifiers have been a source of contention in existing research, owing to their unique distributional patterns that do not match those of adjectives or determiners. Traditional accounts have typically focused on one aspect of quantifier behavior without looking at the group as a whole, and existing theories are disparate and inconsistent. This study tackles the problem of quantifier variation from a diachronic, usage-based, constructionist perspective. The goal of this paper is to identify patterns of change that can explain the variation exhibited by quantifiers today, focused on whether they are best classified as adjectives, determiners, or both; why every cannot be a pronoun; and what separates quantifiers that occur in atypical positions—predeterminer, postnominal, and postposed—from those that do not. Data have been collected from the Paston Letters for the Middle English (ME) period and the British National Corpus for Present-Day English (PDE) and analyzed for frequency patterns either alone or with other nominal dependents. This paper concludes that relative quantifiers function as determiners prenominally while absolute quantifiers function as grounding adjectives. The inability for every to occur pronominally follows from its development of a collective meaning to distinguish it from each. Thepredeterminer use of all and both has been reanalyzed as a subtype of the partitive, allowing them to retain this position. Finally, the postnominal and postposed positions are functional slots for focus marking, where all and both project contrastive focus as a result of their being maximal and each as a result of its being distributive

    Connecting With Our Roles Through Post Traumatic Growth After Experiencing Medical Trauma

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    This paper explores the combination of drama therapist, Robert Landy’s (1993), Role Theory and the psychological concept of Post Traumatic Growth (Tedeschi, 2018). The author created a protocol that involved psychoeducation surrounding the five domains of Post Traumatic Growth and a role card sort involving the drama therapeutic process of role theory. A young adult client experiencing significant medical trauma participated in these processes during a three session intervention. Results indicated that the client viewed negative experiences as potentials for growth toward furthered resilience and future hope and optimism. The sample size was limited to one person and further search is needed to further understand if this intervention has efficacy

    Estelle Angier Summer Vol. I Travel Journal

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    May 15th-20, 1942 summer travel journal of Estelle Angier (Class of 1914). Accounts of her travels back to Hollins University for the Centennial of Hollins College, celebrated between May 17th-19th, 1942. Includes calendar of events, snapshots of her travel to the campus, and of participants attending the events.https://digitalcommons.hollins.edu/scrapbooks/1003/thumbnail.jp

    American housing: some of its problems and opportunities

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    Thesis (M.A.)--Boston Universit

    Estelle Angier Summer Vol. A-2 Travel Journal

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    August 3rd-7th, 1941 summer travel journal of Estelle Angier (Class of 1914). Accounts her travel between Wheaton, Illinois and Hollins University. Photos include guests of the 1941 Class Agents\u27 Houseparty and campus buildings.https://digitalcommons.hollins.edu/scrapbooks/1002/thumbnail.jp
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