9 research outputs found

    Analisis Sektor Unggulan Dan Perubahan Struktur Ekonomi Di Kabupaten Blora Tahun 2006-2010

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    Penelitian yang berjudul “Analisis Sektor Unggulan dan Perubahan StrukturEkonomi diKabupaten Blora Tahun 2006-2010” mempunyai tujuan untuk menganalisis sektor unggulan potensial yang dimiliki kabupaten Blora dan mengetahui arah perubahan struktur ekonominya. Metode yang digunakan untuk menganalisis sektor unggulan dan perubahan struktur ekonomi dalam penelitian ini adalah analisis shiftshare Esteban Marquillas. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa semua sektor ekonomi kabupaten Blora mempunyai pengaruh pertumbuhan wilayah (Nij) yang positif dan ada tujuh sektor yang mempunyai bauran industri (Mij)yang bagus yaitu sektor jasa-jasa, sektor pertanian, sektor industri dan pengolahan, sektor listrik, gasa dan air bersih, sektor bangunan, sektor perdagangan, hotel dan restoran sektor keuangan dan persewaan.Ada Sembilan Sektor ekonomi yang mempunyai keungunggulan kompetitif (Cij) adalah sektor perdagangan, hotel dan restoran,sektor pertambangan dan penggalian,sektor industri pengolahan, sektor pertanian, sektor pengangkutan dan komunikasi, sektor keuangan dan persewaan, sektor jasa-jasa, sektor bangunan, sektor listrik, gas dan air bersih. Sektor yang mempunyai efek alokasi “positif-positif” adalah adalah sektor listrik, gas dan air bersih, sektor pertanian, sektor pertambangan dan penggalian, sektor industri pengolahan, sektor bangunan, sektor pengangkutan dan komunikasi, sektor keuangan dan persewaan, sektor perdagangan dan hotel dan restoran. Akhirnya, dapat dikatakan bahwa selama periode tahun 2006-2010 Kinerja (Dij) semua sektor ekonomi menunjukkan hasil yang positif kecuali sektor bangunan pada tahun 2006-2007 dan sektor pertambangan dan penggalian tahun 2007-2008 yang bernilai negatif dan diikuti perubahan struktur ekonomi dengan indikasi dalam masa transisi dari perekonomian yang didominasi sektor primer menuju sektor sekunder dan tersier. Berdasarkan kinerja sektor (Dij) dan efek alokasi (Aij) maka sektor ekonomi yang dapat diunggulkan pertama yaitu sektor pertanian kemudian sektor unggulan kedua yaitu sektor keuangan dan persewaan, sektor pertambangan dan penggalian. Sementara sektor industri pengolahan, sektor perdagangan, hotel dan restoran,sektor pengangkutan dan komunikasi,, sektor jasa-jasa dan sektor bangunan merupakan sektor yang berpotensi untuk diunggulkan. Sektor listrik, gas dan air bersih merupakan sektor yang tidak memiliki keunggulan

    Implementation of Discovery Learning in Human Digestive System Learning for Grade VIII Students

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    Student learning outcomes in learning in class VIII SMP Muhammadiyah 9 Yogyakarta is still low. Factors causing low learning outcomes include not using any learning model and still being teacher-centered. This study aimed to determine the effect of Discovery learning learning models on student learning outcomes in the digestive system material class VIII at SMP Muhammadiyah 9 Yogyakarta. This type of research is a quasi-experiment. This study's population were all VIII grade students of SMP Muhammadiyah 9 Yogyakarta consisting of five classes, namely classes A, B, C, D, and E, with 140 students. In this study, purposive sampling was conducted based on certain considerations so that 2 class samples were obtained, namely class VIII C as the control class and VIII E as the experimental class. Data collection techniques with tests. Data collection instruments were in the form of   pretest and  posttest questions. The analysis technique used is descriptive quantitative. Research Results Learning outcomes were analyzed by t-test statistics at the level of significance 5% obtained t-count 0.302 and t-table = 2.01063, so t-count < t-table. Therefore, the Discovery learning model does not affect the learning outcomes of VIII grade students of SMP Muhammadiyah 9 Yogyakarta

    Edukasi Kesehatan AMIR Sehat (Ayo Minum Air agar Sehat) pada Lansia

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    Indonesia will experience a very rapid increase in the elderly population until 2045. Physiologically, the elderly will experience a lack of fluids so that the body is more susceptible to dehydration so that knowledge and awareness of the elderly about the benefits of water for the body, the health risks due to dehydration and increasing the participation of the elderly in self assessment Urine Self Check (PURI) in the elderly in Tanjung Karang Pusat District, Bandar Lampung City. The purpose of service community was the changes of the behavior of drinking water and the Urine Self Check (PURI) method so that the body is healthy. The activity was carried out with a target of 52 people who joined the Elderly School in Tanjung Karang Pusat District, Bandar Lampung City. The solutions offered are health education about hydration for the elderly and the practice of self-examination of urine (PURI) using urine charts. The results obtained, before education is carried out, the knowledge of the elderly is obtained as a median of 40 with a minimum value of 20 and a maximum of 80 and after education, a median value of 90 is obtained with a minimum value of 60 and a maximum of 100. From the Wilcoxon analysis results, there is a significant difference between knowledge before and after health education (p=0.001, α= 0.005).This activity needs to be carried out in a sustainable manner as an effort to maintain health in the elderly community in Tanjung Karang Pusat District, Bandar Lampung City

    Efek Stres terhadap False Memory Recall dan Recognition

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    Memory is often thought of as a video recorder that can record and store events precisely as they occur. Whereas in addition to being constructive, memory is also reconstructive, which means that memory can change due to certain conditions, resulting in false memories. The effect of stress on false memory was tested in this between-subject design experiment.  Participants in this study (N = 38) were divided into two conditions through a random assignment process, control conditions (N = 27) and stress or experiment conditions (N = 11).  We used a modified Trier Social Stress Test-Group to induce stress and Deese-Roediger-McDermott Paradigm to measure false memory. The independent sample t-test showed that there was no significant difference on false memory recall and false memory recognition between participants in the experiment condition and participants in the control condition. This indicated that stress did not affect false memory. The implications of this finding are the importance of replicating similar studies investigating stress induction in various stages of memory processing and forms of stress induction to produce a more precise understanding of the stress and false memory mechanism

    Implementasi Discovery Learning dalam Pembelajaran Sistem Pencernaan Manusia pada Siswa Kelas VIII

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    Student learning outcomes in learning in class VIII SMP Muhammadiyah 9 Yogyakarta is still low. Factors causing low learning outcomes include not using any learning model and still being teacher-centered. This study aimed to determine the effects of Discovery learning models on student learning outcomes in the digestive system material class VIII at SMP Muhammadiyah 9 Yogyakarta. This type of research is a quasi-experiment. This study's population were all VIII grade students of SMP Muhammadiyah 9 Yogyakarta consisting of five classes, namely classes A, B, C, D, and E, with 140 students. In this study, purposive sampling was conducted based on certain considerations so that 2 class samples were obtained, namely class VIII C as the control class and VIII E as the experimental class. Data collection techniques with tests. Data collection instruments were in the form of pretest and posttest questions. The analysis technique used is descriptive quantitative. Research Results Learning outcomes were analyzed by t-test statistics at the level of significance 5% obtained t-count 0.302 and t-table = 2.01063, so t-count < t-table. Therefore, the Discovery learning model does not affect the learning outcomes of VIII grade students of SMP Muhammadiyah 9 Yogyakarta

    Implementation of Discovery Learning in Human Digestive System Learning for Grade VIII Students

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