16 research outputs found

    Effective interventions for prevention of aggression among 5th - 8th grade pupils

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    Aggression in schools is a cause for reasonable worry in the entirety of society.The aim of the current review is to depict the methodological framework in the context of causes and factors for the appearance of aggressive behavior in school age and based on that to propose effective interventions for prevention of the aggression among pupils from 5 to 8 school grade.Part of the modeling factors for aggressive behavior are reviewed as a theoretical base for preventive strategies and effective interventions. Several techniques for group work with pupils are proposed as well as some separate group modules - groups for developing emotional intelligence in kids and groups for social–psychological training.The proposed by the public health students idea about simultaneous interventions with pupils, parents and teachers is presented. It is expected that the common activities will show significant effect because of the involvement of all parties that are related both with the occurrence of and the coping with the problem behavior in school age

    Psychological support and effectiveness of resistance and power training with the relapsing-remitting multiple sclerosis (RRMS) population (work case)

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    Множествената склероза е заболяване, което може да обхване всички жизнени функции, нарушавайки ежедневната дейност. Възникването на функционални ограничения провокират усещане за загуба на идентичност, на социална роля (приоритетно при болни с кратки ремисии), особено в случаите, при които рязко спада предишната ролева и физическа активност. Представеният случай е на жена с пристъпно-ремитентна форма на множествена склероза. Целта е да се илюстрира както мястото на психологичната работа, в кратък период след обостряне на симптоматиката, така и ползата от интензивните упражнения и тренировките с тежести за положителната промяна във физическото състояние при хора със слаба и умерено изразена форма на заболяването.Multiple Sclerosis is a condition that often affects all functional systems in the body, seriously impeding daily activities. The occurrence of functional disturbances results in loss of identity or social performance (mainly in patients with short remissions), especially in cases when the previous physical activity is strongly reduced.The present case concerns a woman diagnosed with relapsing-remitting multiple sclerosis. The case work illustrates both the psychological methodology used in short terms, especially in the relapse period, and the benefits of resistance and power training, resulting in a positive change in patients with mild or moderate form of the condition

    Phytosanitary Status of Wheat Crops in Northeastern Bulgaria

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    In the present work, the results of a survey of wheat crops in the area of the IASS quot%253BObraztsov chiflikquot%253B ndash%253B Ruse are presented. The study was carried out during the period 2018-2021, at the experimental field of the institute, according to accepted methods for weed infestation, species composition of the entomofauna and economically important wheat diseases. The aim of the study is to determine the species composition of weeds, diseases and insect pest in wheat crops under the relevant agro-climatic conditions. Weed species composition differed by year, with a total of 15 weed species from 10 families recorded. Veronica agrestis L., Lamium purpureum L., Anthemis arvensis L., Convolvulus arvensis L. and Cirsium arvense L. are ubiquitous in surveyed crop. Insects belonging to the orders Coleoptera, Diptera, Hemiptera, Homoptera, Hymenoptera, Lepidoptera, Neuroptera and Orthoptera were identified. The proportion of the orders to which the species belonged in the three years of the study differed in culture. The total number of insects detected during the three years of the test varied on average (CV%253D15.63%25) ndash%253B 373 pcs. in 2019, 280 pcs. in 2020 and 372 pcs. in 2021. During the period, 3 fungal pathogens of the genera Puccinia, Erysiphe and Septoria were identified. The development of Puccinia and Erysiphe pathogens during the study period was within acceptable limits according to the SEV scale (from 10%25 to 25%25). Massive development of the pathogen Septoria sp. was observed, with the affected plant area reaching up to 65%25, according to the SEV scale

    bgGLUE: A Bulgarian General Language Understanding Evaluation Benchmark

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    We present bgGLUE (Bulgarian General Language Understanding Evaluation), a benchmark for evaluating language models on Natural Language Understanding (NLU) tasks in Bulgarian. Our benchmark includes NLU tasks targeting a variety of NLP problems (e.g., natural language inference, fact-checking, named entity recognition, sentiment analysis, question answering, etc.) and machine learning tasks (sequence labeling, document-level classification, and regression). We run the first systematic evaluation of pre-trained language models for Bulgarian, comparing and contrasting results across the nine tasks in the benchmark. The evaluation results show strong performance on sequence labeling tasks, but there is a lot of room for improvement for tasks that require more complex reasoning. We make bgGLUE publicly available together with the fine-tuning and the evaluation code, as well as a public leaderboard at https://bgglue.github.io/, and we hope that it will enable further advancements in developing NLU models for Bulgarian.Comment: Accepted to ACL 2023 (Main Conference

    Conceptual Model of Decision Making Information Used by Managers in Bulgarian Non-hospital Medical Organizations

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    Managerial decision making process is broadly discussed in the specialized literature. There is a great number of views and opinions about the needed prerequisites to achieve better managerial performance. No consensus on the problem has been achieved so far and the universal formula for managerial success is still a chimera. The only point upon which everyone agrees is that the information access is the milestone of an effective decision making process. That was the reason why we decided to investigate what types of information are needed by the managers in Bulgarian non-hospital medical centers to take their managerial decisions. Medical centers are specific organizations which offer specific services. They are highly regulated and this unifies to a great extent the information needs of healthcare managers. Therefore we were able to develop a conceptual model for the decision making process. The model is based on the results of a scientific research which investigates managerial practices of most successful non-hospital healthcare managers in Varna, Bulgaria. The main purpose of the conceptual model is to illustrate the relationships between the basic information needs of the healthcare managers in non-hospital medical care, their managerial decisions and conducted managerial functions. On one hand it gives an opportunity for development of more useful and complete information system for healthcare purposes. On the other hand it can serve to healthcare managers as a good start point for further development of their managerial potential in the needed directions

    Comparative study of DNA extraction methods for identification of medicinal mushrooms

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    The isolation of high quantity and intact DNA is of a great significance for molecular identification of higher fungi. The aim of this study was to compare two DNA extraction methods for isolation of DNA from medicinal mushrooms of Agaricomycetes class. A modified CTAB method and a modified SDS method were compared by the yield and purity of the extracted DNA, its fragmentation state and suitability for amplification. The results demonstrated high efficiency of both methods in regard to DNA yield (14.18 -144.28 ng DNA/mg biomass with CTAB method and 15.03 -108.34 ng DNA/mg biomass with SDS method). The CTAB method provided DNA extracts with higher purity (A260/A280 ranged from 1.83 to 1.99) in comparison with the SDS method (A260/A280 = 1.53 -1.86). The modified CTAB method produced amplifiable DNA from all mushroom isolates, while the SDS method demonstrated suitability for amplification only in 50% of the samples. Therefore, the modified CTAB method could be the method of choice for DNA extraction from medicinal mushrooms. The analyzed isolates were subjected to molecular identification by ITS1-5.8S-ITS2 rRNA gene sequence analysis and were identified as Ganoderma resinaceum, Trametes versicolor, Fomitopsis pinicola and Inonotus hispidus

    Influence of Systematic Mineral Fertilization on the Yield and Quality of Malting Barley Variety quot%253BAhatquot%253B

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    The study was carried out during the period of 2019-2021 in the experimental field of the IASS quot%253BObraztsov chiflikquot%253B - Ruse in a long-term stationary fertilizer trial with a 4-pole crop rotation, including interchange of corn, barley, beans and wheat, according to the scheme of Georges Ville in three replications located according Rümker. Fertilization options are the individual and combined application of the three macroelements ndash%253B nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium and the non-fertilized control is used for comparison. The yields of the wintering malting barley variety quot%253BAhatquot%253B grown in the conditions of permanent fertilizer experiment are affected by the weather conditions, and during the research period 2020 appears to be the most favorable for the development of the crop, due to the sufficient amount of evenly distributed precipitation and its combination with optimal average monthly temperatures during the growing season. In all years of testing, the variants with individual and combined application of nitrogen showed proven higher yields compared to the control. The long-term accumulation of phosphorus and potassium in the variants with their individual and combined applications has a depressing effect on the plants, and hence a negative impact on the yield. The quantitative and qualitative indicators of the grain are changed under the influence of fertilization, analogously to yields. The parameters mass per 1000 grains, germination and crude protein content were higher in the variants with nitrogen fertilization and decreased or close to the control in the other variants. Differences in hectoliter weight and grain uniformity are not statistically proven

    [Reviews] Endocrine aspects of obstructive sleep apnea

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    publisher[Abstract] Obstructive sleep apnea (OSA) is a common clinical condition that has variety of adverse effects on human health. Studies suggest that OSA increases the cardiovascular risk, and a link between OSA and glucose metabolism has been described. Some endocrine and metabolic conditions (obesity, acromegaly, hypothyroidism, polycystic ovary disease, etc.) can be associated with OSA that may be improved by treatment of underlying endocrine disorders like hypothyroidism and acromegaly, where OSA is mainly related to upper airways narrowing due to reversible thickening of the pharyngeal walls. In other cases proper treatment of OSA has a beneficial effect on different endocrine disturbances. Central obesity is an important risk factor both in diabetes and sleep apnea, and recent evidence supports the direct association between them. There may be a positive feed back circle between the two disorders : sleep problems may affect endocrine function and metabolic conditions, while metabolic abnormalities potentially interfere with sleep regulation


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    Impacted teeth are a common pathology in dental practice. With the greatest frequency is third molars impaction of the upper and lower jaw. Essential for the proper treatment plan has an accurate assessment of the situation of these teeth in the jaw, as well as their relationship with surrounding structures. Of great importance is to determine the position of impacted third molars of the lower jaw to the mandibular channel, in order to prevent complications related to vascular-nerve bundle in this channel. This review article presents a significant X-ray features published by several authors in the literature. Compare the diagnostic capabilities between two-dimensional method –Orthopantomography (OPG) and three-dimensional Cone-beam computed tomography (CBCT)

    [Reviews] Endocrine aspects of obstructive sleep apnea

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    [Abstract] Obstructive sleep apnea (OSA) is a common clinical condition that has variety of adverse effects on human health. Studies suggest that OSA increases the cardiovascular risk, and a link between OSA and glucose metabolism has been described. Some endocrine and metabolic conditions (obesity, acromegaly, hypothyroidism, polycystic ovary disease, etc.) can be associated with OSA that may be improved by treatment of underlying endocrine disorders like hypothyroidism and acromegaly, where OSA is mainly related to upper airways narrowing due to reversible thickening of the pharyngeal walls. In other cases proper treatment of OSA has a beneficial effect on different endocrine disturbances. Central obesity is an important risk factor both in diabetes and sleep apnea, and recent evidence supports the direct association between them. There may be a positive feed back circle between the two disorders : sleep problems may affect endocrine function and metabolic conditions, while metabolic abnormalities potentially interfere with sleep regulation