147 research outputs found

    Algebraic Approach to Molecular thermodynamics

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    An algebraic model based on Lie-algebraic and discrete symmetry techniques is applied to the analysis of thermodynamic vibrational properties of molecules. The local anharmonic effects are described by a Morse-like potential and the corresponding anharmonic bosons are associated with the SU(2) algebra. A vibrational high-temperature partition function and the related thermodynamic functions are derived and studied in terms of the parameters of the model. The idea of a critical temperature is introduced in relation with the specific heat. A physical interpretation of a quantum deformation associated with the model is given.Comment: 18 pages, 6 figures, submitted to J Physics: Condensed Matte

    A study of discrete wavelet transform based denoising to reduce the effect of artificial light interferences for indoor optical wireless communication

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    The optical power penalty (OPP) due to the artificial light interferences (ALIs) can be significantly high in an indoor optical wireless communication (OWC) channel making such link practically infeasible. A discrete wavelet transform (DWT) is an effective technique in reducing the ALI effects. The DWT has the advantage over the high pass filtering (HPF) to reduce ALI in terms of complexity and performance. In this paper, a comprehensive study of the DWT based denoising for the on-off keying (OOK), pulse position modulation (PPM) and digital pulse interval modulation (DPIM) is provided. The OPPs due to ALIs and DWT based denoising for these modulation techniques are presented

    Bit error performance of diffuse indoor optical wireless channel pulse position modulation system employing artificial neural networks for channel equalisation

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    The bit-error rate (BER) performance of a pulse position modulation (PPM) scheme for non-line-of-sight indoor optical links employing channel equalisation based on the artificial neural network (ANN) is reported. Channel equalisation is achieved by training a multilayer perceptrons ANN. A comparative study of the unequalised `soft' decision decoding and the `hard' decision decoding along with the neural equalised `soft' decision decoding is presented for different bit resolutions for optical channels with different delay spread. We show that the unequalised `hard' decision decoding performs the worst for all values of normalised delayed spread, becoming impractical beyond a normalised delayed spread of 0.6. However, `soft' decision decoding with/without equalisation displays relatively improved performance for all values of the delay spread. The study shows that for a highly diffuse channel, the signal-to-noise ratio requirement to achieve a BER of 10−5 for the ANN-based equaliser is ~10 dB lower compared with the unequalised `soft' decoding for 16-PPM at a data rate of 155 Mbps. Our results indicate that for all range of delay spread, neural network equalisation is an effective tool of mitigating the inter-symbol interference

    Wavelet—Artificial Neural Network Receiver for Indoor Optical Wireless Communications

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    The multipath induced intersymbol interference (ISI) and fluorescent light interference (FLI) are the two most important system impairments that affect the performance of indoor optical wireless communication (OWC) systems. The presence of either incurs a high optical power penalty (OPP) and hence the interferences should be mitigated with suitable techniques to ensure optimum system performance. The discrete wavelet transform (DWT) and the artificial neural network (ANN) based receiver to mitigate the effect of FLI and ISI has been proposed in the previous study for the one-off keying (OOK) modulation scheme. It offers performance improvement compared to the traditional methods of employing a high pass filter (HPF) and a finite impulse response (FIR) equalizer. In this paper, the investigation of the DWT-ANN based receiver for baseband modulation techniques including OOK, pulse position modulation (PPM) and digital pulse interval modulation (DPIM) are reported. The proposed system is implemented using digital signal processing (DSP) board and results are verified by comparison with simulation data

    Effective denoising and adaptive equalization of indoor optical wireless channel with artificial light using the discrete wavelet transform and artificial neural network

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    Indoor diffuse optical wireless (OW) communication systems performance is limited due to a number of effects; interference from natural and artificial light sources and multipath induced intersymbol interference (ISI). Artificial light interference (ALI) is a periodic signal with a spectrum profile extending up to the MHz range. It is the dominant source of performance degradation at low data rates, which can be removed using a high-pass filter (HPF). On the other hand, ISI is more severe at high data rates and an equalizing filter is incorporated at the receiver to compensate for the ISI. This paper provides the simulation results for a discrete wavelet transform (DWT)—artificial neural network (ANN)-based receiver architecture for on-and-off keying (OOK) non-return-to-zero (NRZ) scheme for a diffuse indoor OW link in the presence of ALI and ISI. ANN is adopted for classification acting as an efficient equalizer compared to the traditional equalizers. The ALI is effectively reduced by proper selection of the DWT coefficients resulting in improved receiver performance compared to the digital HPF. The simulated bit error rate (BER) performance of proposed DWT-ANN receiver structure for a diffuse indoor OW link operating at a data range of 10-200 Mbps is presented and discussed. The results are compared with performance of a diffuse link with an HPF-equalizer, ALI with/without filtering, and a line-of-sight (LOS) without filtering. We show that the DWT-ANN display a lower power requirement when compared to the receiver with an HPF-equalizer over a full range of delay spread in presence of ALI. However, as expected compared to the ideal LOS link the power penalty is higher reaching to 6 dB at 200 Mbps data rate

    Performance of the wavelet-transform-neural network based receiver for DPIM in diffuse indoor optical wireless links in presence of artificial light interference

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    Artificial neural network (ANN) has application in communication engineering in diverse areas such as channel equalization, channel modeling, error control code because of its capability of nonlinear processing, adaptability, and parallel processing. On the other hand, wavelet transform (WT) with both the time and the frequency resolution provides the exact representation of signal in both domains. Applying these signal processing tools for channel compensation and noise reduction can provide an enhanced performance compared to the traditional tools. In this paper, the slot error rate (SER) performance of digital pulse interval modulation (DPIM) in diffuse indoor optical wireless (OW) links subjected to the artificial light interference (ALI) is reported with new receiver structure based on the discrete WT (DWT) and ANN. Simulation results show that the DWT-ANN based receiver is very effective in reducing the effect of multipath induced inter-symbol interference (ISI) and ALI