37 research outputs found

    Innovation in grapevine water status monitoring and drought adaptation: leaf angle and temperature regulation

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    Increase of frequency, duration, and intensity of drought and heatwave and related water and heat crops stress are among the principal effects of climate change. This paper reports: (i) the effect of calcite particle film (CaPF) as a mitigation strategy against heat stress in well-watered (WW) or in drought-stress (D) conditions; and (ii) response of leaf angle variation to stomatal conductance changes induced by drought stress of Aleatico grapevine cultivar. Results have showed that CaPF, under WW conditions, reduced leaf temperature, and increased gas exchange, but, under very severe water stress, CaPF treatment was ineffective. Leaf angle ranged from 70° (WW vines) to 100° (drought stressed vines) and showed a good fit (R2 =0.81) with stomatal conductance within the range of 0.25 – 0.05 mol m-2 s–1 proving it might be a reliable proxy of vine water status

    A TILLING allele of the tomato Aux/IAA9 gene offers new insights into fruit set mechanisms and perspectives for breeding seedless tomatoes

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    Parthenocarpy is a desired trait in fruit crops; it enables fruit set under environmental conditions suboptimal for pollination, and seedless fruits represent a valuable consumer product. We employed TILLING-based screening of a mutant tomato population to find genetic lesions in Aux/IAA9, a negative regulator of the auxin response involved in the control of fruit set. We identified three mutations located in the coding region of this gene, including two singlebase substitutions and one single-base deletion, which leads to a frame shift and premature stop codon. The transcription of IAA9 was strongly reduced in the frame-shift mutant, and partial loss of mutated protein activity was evidenced by an in vitro transactivation assay. Whereas missense mutations were predicted to be tolerated and did not cause mutant phenotypes, the frame-shift mutation-induced phenotypes expected for a loss of IAA9 function, including altered axillary shoot growth, reduced leaf compoundness and a strong tendency to produce parthenocarpic fruits. Mutant flowers showed pleiotropic anther cone defects, a phenotype frequently associated with parthenocarpy in tomato and other species. Mutant fruits were larger than those of the seeded control, with higher bri

    Preliminary high-throughput phenotyping analysis in grapevines under drought

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    This study reports correlative information between leaf water potential (ψ), total leaf area of draughted grapevines (Vitis vinifera L.) and non-destructive image analysis techniques. Four groups of 20 potted vines each were subjected to various irrigation treatments restoring 100% (control), 75%, 50% and 25% of daily water consumption within a 22-day period of drought imposition. Leaf gas exchanges (Li-Cor 6400), ψ (Scholander chamber), fluorescence (PAM − 2500), RGB and NIR (Scanalyzer 3D system, LemnaTec GmbH phenotyping platform) data were collected before and at the end of drought imposition. Values of ψ in severely stressed vines (25%) reached −1.2 MPa pre-dawn, in turn stomatal conductance and photosynthesis reached values as low as approx. 0.02 mol H2O m−2 s−1 and 1.0 μmol CO2 m−2 s−1, respectively. The high-throughput analysis preliminarily revealed a correlation between ψ (stem) and NIR Color Class (R2=0.80), and that plant leaf area might be accurately estimated through imagine analysis (R2=0.90)

    A rare case of omental extra-gastrointestinal stromal tumor showing two coexisting mutations on exon 14 of the PDGFRA gene

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    Gastrointestinal stromal tumors (GISTs) are neoplasms arising from mesenchymal cells localized into the muscularis propria of the gastrointestinal (GI) tract [1]; 5% of GISTs are extra-GISTs (EGISTs), as they differently originate from adipose tissue adjacent to the GI tract (omentum and mesentery) or from the pancreas [2]. So far, both GISTs and EGISTs have been managed indistinctively by combining surgery, histopathological distinctive features, imaging, and molecular analysis. Moreover, despite the contribution of defined genetic backgrounds whose influence is acknowledged in this type of tumor (i.e. Carney’s triad or familiar form of GIST), the pathobiology of both GISTs and EGISTs is not yet fully understood. We describe an interesting case of an extensively diffuse EGIST involving only omentum and mesocolon with multinodular growth and peculiar histological features, and for which a deeper histopathological/ molecular analysis is reported. Case presentation A 74-year-old female with a historical diagnosis of multiple myeloma was referred for anemia, alvus disorders (diarrhea and constipation), weight loss (15 kg in 6 months), and palpable mass of the right flank that had appeared 8 weeks before. On medication for multiple myeloma since 2016 (melphalan combined with prednisone and bortezomib9; carfilzomib/lenalidomide/ desametasone6 until complete remission), she also had type II diabetes, treated with oral medications and open cholecystectomy in the 1980s. Physical examination revealed the presence of a large mobile non-painful mass in the right flank apparently from the right colon, without signs of occlusion or intestinal bleeding. Blood analysis showed: hemoglobin 7.9 g/dL, white blood cells 2.3103/lL, glycemia 191 mg/dL, and a low potassium level of 2.8 mEq/L. We first treated the glycemia by insulin infusion and, second, we investigated the signs of anemia. By lower GI Submitted: 14 May 2020; Revised: 20 July 2020; Accepted: 28 July 202

    Image-based sensing of salt stress in grapevine

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    Grapevine is among the most economically important crops suffering environmental constraints, including drought and salt stress. Although imaging is increasingly used to detect abiotic stress in agriculture, image-based phenotyping in grapevine still needs optimisation. This study presents the RGB-(red, green, blue)-based phenotyping of the early stage of salt stress response in potted grapevine (Aleatico/SO4) irrigated with saline water (100 mM NaCl) for 9 days in contrast with vines irrigated with fresh water. The response was measured using stomatal conductance (gs), net photosynthetic rate (A), transpiration (E), maximum potential photosynthetic efficiency (Fv/Fm), stem water potential (SWP) concurrently with RGB imaging via a robotised platform. The image-based phenotyping of salt-stressed vines employed two sets of measurements: (i) the pixel fraction of specific colour bands (Yellow, Green, Brown and Dark Green) and (ii) the mean pixel value of R, G and B and other RGB-based colorimetric indexes. Results show that the responses of gs, A, E, Fv/Fm were closely related to increasing soil electrical conductivity (EC) and that imaging could detect the EC threshold of approx. 4 dS m-1 causing a ~60 % decrease in these physiological traits compared to the pre-stress level. The SWP declined to about –0.7 MPa at the end of the experiment. The change of the relative pixel fraction of Dark Green to increasing EC has been analysed within a dose-response context, showing that a decrease of 1 % of the Dark Green colour band corresponded to the 4 dS m-1 EC threshold. This study also examined the use of the mean pixel value of the R, G and B channels as proxies of EC along with new RGB-based indexes resulting from the rearrangement of original R, G and B mean pixel values. Results show the suitability of the mean pixel value of R and Coloration Index [(R-B)/R] to serve as predictors of EC (R2 >= 0.80)

    Image-Based Assessment of Drought Response in Grapevines

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    Many plants can modify their leaf profile rapidly in response to environmental stress. Image-based data are increasingly used to retrieve reliable information on plant water status in a non-contact manner that has the potential to be scaled to high-throughput and repeated through time. This paper examined the variation of leaf angle as measured by both 3D images and goniometer in progressively drought stressed grapevine. Grapevines, grown in pots, were subjected to a 21-day period of drought stress receiving 100% (CTRL), 60% (IRR60%) and 30% (IRR30%) of maximum soil available water capacity. Leaf angle was (i) measured manually (goniometer) and (ii) computed by a 3D reconstruction method (multi-view stereo and structure from motion). Stomatal conductance, leaf water potential, fluorescence (Fv/Fm), leaf area and 2D RGB data were simultaneously collected during drought imposition. Throughout the experiment, values of leaf water potential ranged from −0.4 (CTRL) to −1.1 MPa (IRR30%) and it linearly influenced the leaf angle when measured manually (R2 = 0.86) and with 3D image (R2 = 0.73). Drought was negatively related to stomatal conductance and leaf area growth particularly in IRR30% while photosynthetic parameters (i.e., Fv/Fm) were not impaired by water restriction. A model for leaf area estimation based on the number of pixels of 2D RGB images developed at a different phenotyping robotized platform in a closely related experiment was successfully employed (R2 = 0.78). At the end of the experiment, top view 2D RGB images showed a ∼50% reduction of greener fraction (GGF) in CTRL and IRR60% vines compared to initial values, while GGF in IRR30% increased by approximately 20%

    In Vivo Phenotyping for the Early Detection of Drought Stress in Tomato

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    Drought stress imposes a major constraint over a crop yield and can be expected to grow in importance if the climate change predicted comes about. Improved methods are needed to facilitate crop management via the prompt detection of the onset of stress. Here, we report the use of an in vivo OECT (organic electrochemical transistor) sensor, termed as bioristor, in the context of the drought response of the tomato plant. The device was integrated within the plant's stem, thereby allowing for the continuous monitoring of the plant's physiological status throughout its life cycle. Bioristor was able to detect changes of ion concentration in the sap upon drought, in particular, those dissolved and transported through the transpiration stream, thus efficiently detecting the occurrence of drought stress immediately after the priming of the defence responses. The bioristor's acquired data were coupled with those obtained in a high-throughput phenotyping platform revealing the extreme complementarity of these methods to investigate the mechanisms triggered by the plant during the drought stress event