32 research outputs found

    Mediterranean diet and health in the elderly

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    The Mediterranean diet has probably been the most studied diet since the early 1950s. American physiologist Ancel Keys coined the term since it was based on the dietary habits of those populations bordering the Mediterranean basin, particularly the island of Crete and southern Italy. The motivation for the early studies lay in understanding why these populations had greater longevity and lower occurrence of chronic-degenerative diseases and forms of cancer when compared with the peoples of Northern Europe and North America. Traditionally, this dietary regimen was based on the seasonality of foods and the consumption of unrefined grains, legumes, fish, vegetables, fruits, little meat and use of olive oil as a condiment. The purpose of this paper is to understand, based on current scientific knowledge, how the different nutrients present in such a diet can play a preventive role in the onset of today's most frequent diseases

    The peel essential oil composition of bergamot fruit (Citrus bergamia, Risso) of Reggio Calabria (Italy): a review.

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    Bergamot (Citrus bergamia, Risso) grows exclusively in the province of Reggio Calabria (Southern Italy). Most part of this territory lies on by the Ionian or the Tyrrhenian sea, with over 700 kilometers of coastline, it has one of the highest values of heliophany in Italy and it is protected, from the Northern winds, by the Aspromonte mountain massif. Most part of the bergamot cultivation area is located between Scilla (West) and Monasterace (East) in a coastal strip with a width up to 12 km from the coast. Bergamot fruit is produced between November and March in relation to the geographical area. Over the last decades, environmental climate changes occurred also in this area. This phenomenon, together with new applied industrial processes may have influenced the bergamot essential oil composition. In addition, the modern analytical apparatus gives more detailed information. The aim of this review is to describe the evolution of studies on the volatile fraction of the bergamot peel essential oil over the years

    Spatial distribution of major and trace elements in artificial lakes in Serbia: health risk indices and suitability of water for drinking and irrigation purposes

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    Lakes and reservoirs are the main water resources for household, irrigation, and industrial use. Hence, it is necessary to control water pollution and have reliable information on water quality, which refers to its suitability for a particular purpose. The main objective of this study was to evaluate the suitability of water for drinking and irrigation purposes from ten artificial lakes on the territory of the Republic of Serbia. The physicochemical parameters were determined using standard analytical methods, whereas the optical emission spectrometry with inductively coupled plasma, ICP-OES, was used to determine the concentrations of 23 macro-, micro-, and trace elements in water. Health risk indices of drinking water and its suitability for irrigation purposes were evaluated. The results of physicochemical parameters, except for total organic matter, indicated that most samples were within the recommended values. Among analyzed elements, the concentration of Mg was elevated in the water of the lakes Srebrno and Prvonek. The results of health risk assessment clearly showed that there was no acute health risk (HQA < 1), whereas long-term risk (HQL) in the studied lakes was observed with respect to As (lakes Grlište and Srebrno), Mn (lakes Srebrno and Prvonek), Ni (Lake Vrutci), and Sr (Lake Grlište). The irrigation criteria indicated that the water from the examined lakes had satisfactory quality for this purpose, except for residual sodium carbonates (RSC). This criterion indicated low quality or unsuitability of the water in 7 lakes. The main outcomes provided valuable information on the suitability of water from the artificial lakes for intended uses

    Essential oils rich in pulegone for insecticide purpose against legume bruchus species: Case of <i>Ziziphora hispanica</i> L. and <i>Mentha pulegium</i> L.

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    Ziziphora hispanica L. and Mentha pulegium L. are aromatic shrubs known to produce essential oils demanded by food industries. This study reports on the insecticidal activity of these two oils harvested in Khenifra (Morocco) and of its major compound (Pulegone) against the main legume bruchids. Chromatographic analysis revealed the presence of 33 compounds in the essential oil of Ziziphora hispanica (EOZH) and 24 compounds in the essential oil of Mentha pulegium (EOMP), with pulegone being the most dominant in both with percentages respectively of 79.1% and 63.8%. According to the insecticidal activities exerted, the two essential oils, as well as the pulegone, showed significant results against all the bruchids tested of legumes. Pulegone has shown good insecticidal activity, thus the lethal doses of 50% are between 61.6mg/g and 74.4mg/g, which explains the remarkable activity of the two essential oils which are rich in this molecule. moreover, the addition of essential oils in the storage of legumes does not have a significant effect on the legumes and does not diminish their nutritional qualities. This study indicates that essential oils and their main constituent have the potential to be developed into botanical insecticides

    Evaluation of baseline cleanliness of food contact surfaces in Basrah Governorate restaurants using ATP-bioluminescence to assess the effectiveness of HACCP application in Iraq

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    The Hazard Analysis and Critical Control Points (HACCP) system prevents and manages physical, chemical and biological risks at places where foods and beverages are processed, packaged, distributed and consumed. The present study (1) assessed the level of microbial contamination of food contact surfaces using adenosine triphosphate (ATP)-bioluminescence in Iraq restaurants; (2) investigated the level of microbial contamination of food contact surfaces; and (3) evaluated the efficiency of sanitizers in removing biological hazards from food contact surfaces. The ATP-bioluminescence discovered the presence of Escherichia coli and Staphylococcus aureus on surfaces and tools. Results also showed that the HACCP application was very effective in the amelioration of food quality

    The addition of Capsicum baccatum to Calabrian monovarietal extra virgin olive oils leads to flavoured olive oils with enhanced oxidative stability

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    This study aimed to evaluate the influence of Capsicum baccatum L. Aji Angelo and Bishop crown cultivars to the quality parameters of flavoured olive oils (FOOs) obtained by the addition of both fresh and dried pepper powders (1%) to Dolce di Rossano and Roggianella monovarietal extra virgin olive oils (EVOOs). First, pepper extracts were investigated for their total phenolic, flavonoid, carotenoid content as well as phenolic acids, fatty acid profile, and vitamin C and E content. In order to evaluate the impact of both fresh and dried peppers on the oxidative stability of FOOs, the Rancimat test was applied. 2,2-Azinobis(3-ethylbenzothiazoline-6-sulfonic) acid (ABTS), 2,2-diphenyl-1-picrylhydrazyl (DPPH), ?-carotene bleaching (B-CB) and ferric reducing antioxidant power (FRAP) assays were used to investigate the antioxidant potential. Bishop crown dried extracts showed the highest phenolic, carotenoid and vitamin content, whereas Aji Angelo had the highest amount of capsaicinoids. Among EVOOs, Roggianella EVOO showed the highest antioxidant activity as well as the highest induction time (39.6 h). Remarkably, FOO obtained by the addition of Bishop crown dried pepper extract to Roggianella EVOO showed a higher induction time (44.9 h) with respect to the corresponding EVOO

    Colorectal cancer after bariatric surgery (Cric-Abs 2020): Sicob (Italian society of obesity surgery) endorsed national survey

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    Background The published colorectal cancer (CRC) outcomes after bariatric surgery (BS) are conflicting, with some anecdotal studies reporting increased risks. The present nationwide survey CRIC-ABS 2020 (Colo-Rectal Cancer Incidence-After Bariatric Surgery-2020), endorsed by the Italian Society of Obesity Surgery (SICOB), aims to report its incidence in Italy after BS, comparing the two commonest laparoscopic procedures-Sleeve Gastrectomy (SG) and Roux-en-Y gastric bypass (GBP). Methods Two online questionnaires-first having 11 questions on SG/GBP frequency with a follow-up of 5-10 years, and the second containing 15 questions on CRC incidence and management, were administered to 53 referral bariatric, high volume centers. A standardized incidence ratio (SIR-a ratio of the observed number of cases to the expected number) with 95% confidence intervals (CI) was calculated along with CRC incidence risk computation for baseline characteristics. Results Data for 20,571 patients from 34 (63%) centers between 2010 and 2015 were collected, of which 14,431 had SG (70%) and 6140 GBP (30%). 22 patients (0.10%, mean age = 53 +/- 12 years, 13 males), SG: 12 and GBP: 10, developed CRC after 4.3 +/- 2.3 years. Overall incidence was higher among males for both groups (SG: 0.15% vs 0.05%; GBP: 0.35% vs 0.09%) and the GBP cohort having slightly older patients. The right colon was most affected (n = 13) and SIR categorized/sex had fewer values &lt; 1, except for GBP males (SIR = 1.07). Conclusion Low CRC incidence after BS at 10 years (0.10%), and no difference between procedures was seen, suggesting that BS does not trigger the neoplasm development

    Evolution of Fatty Alcohols in Olive Oils produced in Calabria (Southern Italy) during Fruit Ripening

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    A study was conducted on olive oils extracted from olives collected in South West Calabria (Southern Italy) over three harvest years 2010-2011-2012. Three autochthonous cultivars were considered: Cassanese, Ottobratica and Sinopolese and seven allochtonous cultivars: Coratina, Itrana, Leccino, Nocellara Messinese, Nociara, Pendolino and Picholine. Thin Layer Chromatography - Gas Chromatograph (TLC-GC) technique permitted the separation and analysis of the fatty alcohol compounds. A general decline in fatty alcohol content was found during the three months of sampling, most evident in hexacosanol. Pendolino showed the greatest decline. A less evident decrease was measured in the odd chained fatty alcohols, mainly in heptacosanol. Both harvest date and cultivar significantly influenced the fatty alcohol content. This is the first report about the fatty alcohol variation during ripening in olive oil produced in South West Calabria (Southern Italy)