5,454 research outputs found

    Optimization of an axial fan for air cooled condensers

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    We report on the low noise optimization of an axial fan specifically designed for the cooling of CSP power plants. The duty point presents an uncommon combination of a load coefficient of 0.11, a flow coefficient of 0.23 and a static efficiency ηstat > 0.6. Calculated fan Reynolds number is equal to Re = 2.85 x 107. Here we present a process used to optimize and numerically verify the fan performance. The optimization of the blade was carried out with a Python code through a brute-force-search algorithm. Using this approach the chord and pitch distributions of the original blade are varied under geometrical constraints, generating a population of over 24000 different possible individuals. Each individual was then tested using an axisymmetric Python code. The software is based on a blade element axisymmetric principle whereby the rotor blade is divided into a number of streamlines. For each of these streamlines, relationships for velocity and pressure are derived from conservation laws for mass, tangential momentum and energy of incompressible flows. The final geometry was eventually chosen among the individuals with the maximum efficiency. The final design performance was then validated through with a CFD simulation. The simulation was carried out using a RANS approach, with the cubic k -  low Reynolds turbulence closure of Lien et al. The numerical simulation was able to verify the air performance of the fan and was used to derive blade-to-blade distributions of design parameters such as flow deviation, velocity components, specific work and diffusion factor of the optimized blade. All the computations were performed in OpenFoam, an open source C++- based CFD library. This work was carried out under MinWaterCSP project, funded by EU H2020 programme

    The discovery of 12min X-ray pulsations from 1WGA J1958.2+3232

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    During a systematic search for periodic signals in a sample of ROSAT PSPC (0.1-2.4 keV) light curves, we discovered 12min large amplitude X-ray pulsations in 1WGA J1958.2+3232, an X-ray source which lies close to the galactic plane. The energy spectrum is well fit by a power law with a photon index of 0.8, corresponding to an X-ray flux of about 10E-12 ergs cmE-2 sE-1. The source is probably a long period, low luminosity X-ray pulsar, similar to X Per, or an intermediate polar.Comment: 5 pages (figures included). Accepted for publication on MNRA

    X-ray view of four high-luminosity Swift/BAT AGN: Unveiling obscuration and reflection with Suzaku

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    The Swift/BAT nine-month survey observed 153 AGN, all with ultra-hard X-ray BAT fluxes in excess of 10^-11 erg cm^-2 s^-1 and an average redshift of 0.03. Among them, four of the most luminous BAT AGN (44.73 < Log L(BAT) < 45.31) were selected as targets of Suzaku follow-up observations: J2246.0+3941 (3C 452), J0407.4+0339 (3C 105), J0318.7+6828, and J0918.5+0425. The column density, scattered/reflected emission, the properties of the Fe K line, and a possible variability are fully analyzed. For the latter, the spectral properties from Chandra, XMM-Newton and Swift/XRT public observations were compared with the present Suzaku analysis. Of our sample, 3C 452 is the only certain Compton-thick AGN candidate because of i) the high absorption and strong Compton reflection; ii) the lack of variability; iii) the "buried" nature, i.e. the low scattering fraction (<0.5%) and the extremely low relative [OIII] luminosity. In contrast 3C 105 is not reflection-dominated, despite the comparable column density, X-ray luminosity and radio morphology, but shows a strong long-term variability in flux and scattering fraction, consistent with the soft emission being scattered from a distant region (e.g., the narrow emission line region). The sample presents high (>100) X-to-[OIII] luminosity ratios, confirming the [OIII] luminosity to be affected by residual extinction in presence of mild absorption, especially for "buried" AGN such as 3C 452. Three of our targets are powerful FRII radio galaxies, making them the most luminous and absorbed AGN of the BAT Seyfert survey despite the inversely proportional N_H - L_X relation.Comment: A&A paper in press, 17 page

    Deterministic Annealing as a jet clustering algorithm in hadronic collisions

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    We show that a general purpose clusterization algorithm, Deterministic Annealing, can be adapted to the problem of jet identification in particle production by high energy collisions. In particular we consider the problem of jet searching in events generated at hadronic colliders. Deterministic Annealing is able to reproduce the results obtained by traditional jet algorithms and to exhibit a higher degree of flexibility.Comment: 13 pages, 6 figure

    Valorisation of hemp inflorescence after seed harvest: Cultivation site and harvest time influence agronomic characteristics and essential oil yield and composition

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    Cannabis sativa L. is a multipurpose crop, whose industrial varieties, complying with the 0.2% Δ9-tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) threshold set by the EU legislation, can be cultivated without restrictions by farmers. Other than its traditional use as a source of bast fibres from the stems, the fixed oil extracted from its seeds represents a valuable nutritional product. Its inflorescence is also a further exploitable threshing residue originating from seed harvest, as they can be used for the extraction of the essential oil (EO), a high-value added product. This study aims at contributing to the re-evaluation of industrial hemp cultivation as an agro-environmentally sustainable crop for the diversification of Mediterranean cropping systems, by exploring the possibility of recovering the EO from the inflorescence after seed harvest. The influence of the cultivation site (lowland and upland of Pisa province, Tuscany, central Italy) and the harvest time (August and September) have been investigated on the ‘Fedora 17’ monoecious hemp cultivar: the main agronomic traits in term of stem, seed and inflorescence production, as well as essential oil yield and composition have been evaluated. The crops harvested in September exhibited higher total dry yield as well as higher inflorescence and stem yields, while neither the site nor the harvesting period influenced the seed production, which was significantly influenced by harvest time x cultivation site interaction. Both seed fixed oil and crude protein content were affected by the cultivation site only, but in the opposite sense: the highest seed oil content was reached in the upland area, while the plants grown in the plain area exhibited the largest seed protein content. All the extracted EOs were rich in sesquiterpenes (mostly β-caryophyllene and its oxidized derivatives, and α-humulene), but monoterpene hydrocarbons were significantly represented as well (mainly α- and β-pinene, and myrcene). The EOs extraction yields were slightly higher in the earlier harvest for both sites

    Simultaneous Orthogonal Planarity

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    We introduce and study the OrthoSEFEk\textit{OrthoSEFE}-k problem: Given kk planar graphs each with maximum degree 4 and the same vertex set, do they admit an OrthoSEFE, that is, is there an assignment of the vertices to grid points and of the edges to paths on the grid such that the same edges in distinct graphs are assigned the same path and such that the assignment induces a planar orthogonal drawing of each of the kk graphs? We show that the problem is NP-complete for k3k \geq 3 even if the shared graph is a Hamiltonian cycle and has sunflower intersection and for k2k \geq 2 even if the shared graph consists of a cycle and of isolated vertices. Whereas the problem is polynomial-time solvable for k=2k=2 when the union graph has maximum degree five and the shared graph is biconnected. Further, when the shared graph is biconnected and has sunflower intersection, we show that every positive instance has an OrthoSEFE with at most three bends per edge.Comment: Appears in the Proceedings of the 24th International Symposium on Graph Drawing and Network Visualization (GD 2016

    The detection of variability from the candidate IR counterpart to the Anomalous X-ray Pulsar 1E1048.1-5937

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    We report on the detection of variability from the proposed IR counterpart to the Anomalous X-ray Pulsar (AXP) 1E1048.1-5937 based on Chandra and ESO optical/IR deep observations carried out in 2001-2002. Within the narrow Chandra uncertainty region for 1E1048.1-5937 we found only one relatively faint (J=22.1+/-0.3, J-Ks=2.4) source, while the recently proposed IR counterpart was not detected down to a limiting Ks magnitude of about 20.7 (3sigma confidence level). This implies a remarkable IR brightening of this object, Delta Ks>1.3, on a timescale of about 50 days. Although our knowledge of the IR properties of AXPs is rather limited (there is only another source, 1E2259+586, for which IR variability has been detected), the observed IR variability of the proposed counterpart strengthens its association with 1E1048.1-5937. Our results make the IR (and presumably optical) variability a likely common characteristic of AXPs, and provide new constraints on this class of objects.Comment: 4 pages. Accepted for publication on ApJ Letters. emulateapj5.sty macro use

    Competing interactions in arrested states of colloidal clays

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    Using experiments, theory and simulations, we show that the arrested state observed in a colloidal clay at intermediate concentrations is stabilized by the screened Coulomb repulsion (Wigner glass). Dilution experiments allow us to distinguish this high-concentration disconnected state, which melts upon addition of water, from a low-concentration gel state, which does not melt. Theoretical modelling and simulations reproduce the measured Small Angle X-Ray Scattering static structure factors and confirm the long-range electrostatic nature of the arrested structure. These findings are attributed to the different timescales controlling the competing attractive and repulsive interactions.Comment: Accepted for publication in Physical Review Letter