167 research outputs found

    Factores asociados a la tuberculosis en poblaciones indígenas de américa durante el periodo 2005 a 2015

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    Con este documento se pretende hacer una búsqueda para conocer lo que se ha investigado sobre factores asociados a la prevalencia de Tuberculosis en poblaciones indígenas de América durante el periodo 2005 a 2015, y espera ser un elemento importante para mejorar el estado de salud de estas poblaciones.Declaraciones: Bajo la gravedad del juramento, manifiesto que: a) Soy titular de todos los derechos, tanto morales como patrimoniales de autor sobre “la obra” y en consecuencia, cuento con las autorizaciones pertinentes para autorizar cualquier tipo de uso sobre la misma y sobre los derechos que se derivan de la misma, b) Garantizo la originalidad de “la obra”, gozo de la libre disponibilidad de sus derechos, y si he incluido en ella textos, piezas gráficas u otro material de propiedad de terceros, lo he hecho con autorización de dichas personas para reproducirlos en “la obra”, igualmente si “la obra” fue preparada conjuntamente con otros autores, c) No he contraído ni contraeré compromisos, licencias o gravámenes de ninguna especie sobre “la obra”. d) Libero a la Fundación Universitaria del Área Andina, sus funcionarios, trabajadores, contratistas, fundadores y a quienes ésta libremente designe autorizar el uso y/o ceda el derecho de uso sobre “la obra”, de cualquier responsabilidad que emane del ejercicio de los derechos que se derivan de la misma, y de cualquier reclamación que terceras personas respecto de la titularidad o autorizaciones de uso de “la obra”

    The Effect of Tag Positioning on Passive Radio Frequency Identification (RFID) Performance: Case of Food Beverages

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    Smart packaging containing sensors could be considered the natural progression in packaging innovation for many consumer products. The goal of implementing sensors into the packaging is to improve product traceability and sustainability and to increase product shelf-life. Radio-frequency identification (RFID) systems have already been adopted for traceability purposes in many supply chains including apparel, electronics, pharmaceuticals, and food. The Ultra-High Frequency (UHF) range is widely used for those purposes. However, to improve the adoption of this technology several challenges need to be overcome. The goal of this research was to determine the best configuration for attaching a passive UHF RFID tag to different beverage bottles. To do this, three different packaging materials (polyethylene terephthalate (PET), clear glass, and Tetrapak®) which are commonly used in the beverage industries, and three commercially available passive UHF RFID tags with different designs were used. The influence of the RFID positioning (bottom or top) on the performance of tags using empty and water-filled bottles was assessed. Power on tag Forward and Theoretical Read Range were used as the indicators of the tag performance. The results of this study confirmed that tag positioning affects the performance of the RFID system. In order to have the best passive UHF RFID tag performance, packaging and labeling industries should consider the effect of tag design, packaging material, and food composition

    Neurologic and Psychiatric Manifestations of Bradykinin-Mediated Angioedema: Old and New Challenges

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    Neurologic manifestations have been occasionally described in patients with bradykinin-mediated angioedema. The existing literature is currently limited to case series and case reports mainly described in the hereditary forms (HAE) concerning central nervous system (CNS) involvement. On the contrary, very little is known about peripheral and autonomic nervous system manifestations. CNS involvement in HAE may present with symptoms including severe headaches, visual disturbance, seizures, and various focal and generalized deficits. In addition, a stroke-like clinical picture may present in HAE patients. In turn, some drugs used in patients with cardiovascular and neurologic disorders, such as recombinant tissue plasminogen activator (r-tPA) and angiotensin-converting enzyme inhibitors (ACEI), may produce medication-induced angioedema, resulting in a diagnostic challenge. Finally, most patients with HAE have higher levels of psychological distress, anxiety, and depression. With this review, we aimed to provide an organized and detailed analysis of the existing literature on neurologic and psychiatric manifestations of HAE to shed light on these potentially invalidating symptoms and lay the foundation for further personalized diagnostic pathways for patients affected by this protean disease

    Low-cost GPS/GNSS Real Time Kinematic receiver to build a cartographic grid on the ground for an archaeological survey at Piscina Torta (Italy)

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    The collection of samples and finds for archaeological surveys is traditionally based on the establishment of grids that allow the area under study to be discretized into generally square cells in order to allow a statistical assessment of the highest or lowest concentration of finds. Currently, such grids are implemented in a local coordinate system established by means of total stations or tape measures. We validated the capabilities of a low-cost GPS/GNSS Real Time Kinematic (RTK) receiver to build a grid during the intensive archaeological survey of the Piscina Torta site (Italy), in the framework of the Salt and Power project of the University of Groningen. We also tested not using a local grid but a cartographic grid (WGS84 UTM zone 33 N) and naming the single cells with the coordinates of one of its vertices. This approach is greatly facilitated by the recent availability of inexpensive RTK receivers with few centimetres accuracy, very small in size and weight and with hardware protected enough to be used in the field. This would facilitate the use and exchange of the data (e.g. about the materials collected in the cell) among the scientific community and can be thought of as a proposal for standardization

    Low-cost GPS/GNSS Real Time Kinematic receiver to build a cartographic grid on the ground for an archaeological survey at Piscina Torta (Italy)

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    The collection of samples and finds for archaeological surveys is traditionally based on the establishment of grids that allow the area under study to be discretized into generally square cells in order to allow a statistical assessment of the highest or lowest concentration of finds. Currently, such grids are implemented in a local coordinate system established by means of total stations or tape measures. We validated the capabilities of a low-cost GPS/GNSS Real Time Kinematic (RTK) receiver to build a grid during the intensive archaeological survey of the Piscina Torta site (Italy), in the framework of the Salt and Power project of the University of Groningen. We also tested not using a local grid but a cartographic grid (WGS84 UTM zone 33 N) and naming the single cells with the coordinates of one of its vertices. This approach is greatly facilitated by the recent availability of inexpensive RTK receivers with few centimetres accuracy, very small in size and weight and with hardware protected enough to be used in the field. This would facilitate the use and exchange of the data (e.g. about the materials collected in the cell) among the scientific community and can be thought of as a proposal for standardization

    Immunogenicity and Safety of Anti-SARS-CoV-2 mRNA Vaccines in a Cohort of Patients with Hereditary Angioedema

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    Many factors may trigger hereditary angioedema (HAE) attacks. This study aims to gain insights into the benefits and potential risks of COVID-19 vaccination in HAE patients, focusing particularly on the possibility of triggering attacks. We enrolled 31 patients with HAE undergoing two doses of the SARS-CoV-2 mRNA Comirnaty-BioNTech/Pfizer vaccine. To evaluate the possible influence of the vaccine on disease control and attack frequency, we administered the angioedema control test (AECT) 4-week version before (T0), 21 days after the first dose (T1), and between 21 and 28 days after the second dose (T2). Despite 5 patients (16.1%) experiencing attacks within 72 h of the first dose administration, no significant variation in attack frequency was observed before and after vaccination [F(2,60) = 0.123; p = 0.799]. In addition, patients reported higher AECT scores at T1 and T2 compared to T0 [F(2,44) = 6.541; p < 0.05; post hoc p < 0.05)], indicating that the disease was rather more controlled after vaccinations than in the previous period. All patients showed a positive serological response to the vaccine without significant differences from healthy controls (U = 162; p = 0.062). These observations suggest that the vaccine administration is safe and effective in HAE patients

    Experiencia do usuário no processo de reformulação do design de um Ambiente Virtual de Aprendizagem: : um olhar centrado na perspectiva do usuário professor

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    The contemporaneity is marked by intense transformations that began in the IndustrialRevolution of England in the 18th century and continues until the present moment, identifiedas the Fourth Phase of the Industrial Revolution that is responsible for affecting several characteristicsof the production process. These changes will be responsible for changing theeconomic, commercial, social, environmental, technological and educational dimensions. Inthis context, we can understand the creation of different platforms within the educational environment.Thus, in this universe of hyperconnection, we increasingly interact with platformsthat are responsible for helping us organize daily tasks. Faced with all these changes broughtabout by the modern world, this work aims to analyze and characterize the interactions and modifications performed by the teacher user in the Virtual Learning Environment (VLE), PVANet.La contemporaneidad está marcada por intensas transformaciones que comenzaron enla Revolución Industrial de Inglaterra en el siglo XVIII y continúa hasta el momento presente,identificada como la Cuarta Fase de la Revolución Industrial que es responsable de afectarvarias características del proceso de producción. Estos cambios serán responsables de cambiarlas dimensiones económica, comercial, social, ambiental, tecnológica y educativa. Eneste contexto, podemos entender la creación de diferentes plataformas dentro del entornoeducativo. Por lo tanto, en este universo de hiperconexión, interactuamos cada vez más conplataformas que son responsables de ayudarnos a organizar las tareas diarias. Frente a todosestos cambios provocados por el mundo moderno, este trabajo tiene como objetivo analizary caracterizar las interacciones y modificaciones realizadas por el usuario docente en el entornode aprendizaje virtual (VLE), PVANet.A contemporaneidade é demarcada por intensas transformações que tem início na Revolução Industrial da Inglaterra do século XVIII e perdura até o momento presente, identificado como Quarta Fase da Revolução Industrial que é responsável por afetar diversas características do processo produtivo. Essas transformações serão responsáveis pela alteração das dimensões econômicas, comerciais, sociais, ambientais, tecnológicas e educacionais. Neste contexto, podemos entender a criação de diversas plataformas dentro do ambiente educacional. Assim, neste universo de hiperconexão, cada vez mais interagimos com plataformas que são responsáveis por nos ajudar na organização de tarefas diárias. Frente a todas estas mudanças proporcionadas pelo mundo moderno, este trabalho tem como objetivo analisar e caracterizar as interações e modificações realizadas pelo usuário professor no Ambiente Virtual de Aprendizagem (AVA), PVANet