1,338 research outputs found

    Generation and near-field imaging of Airy surface plasmons

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    We demonstrate experimentally the generation and near-field imaging of nondiffracting surface waves - plasmonic Airy beams, propagating on the surface of a gold metal film. The Airy plasmons are excited by an engineered nanoscale phase grating, and demonstrate significant beam bending over their propagation. We show that the observed Airy plasmons exhibit self-healing properties, suggesting novel applications in plasmonic circuitry and surface optical manipulation.Comment: 4 pages, 4 figure

    Generation and Near-Field Imaging of Airy Surface Plasmons

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    We demonstrate experimentally the generation and near-field imaging of nondiffracting surface waves, plasmonic Airy beams, propagating on the surface of a gold metal film. The Airy plasmons are excited by an engineered nanoscale phase grating, and demonstrate significant beam bending over their propagation. We show that the observed Airy plasmons exhibit self-healing properties, suggesting novel applications in plasmonic circuitry and surface optical manipulation

    Controlling plasmonic hot spots by interfering Airy beams

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    We predict and demonstrate the generation of a plasmonic hot spot on the surface of a metal film by the interference of two Airy surface plasmons. We show that the position of the hot spot can be controlled by the distance between the excitation gratings as well as by the phase front of the initial excitation. The observed effect constitutes a planar analogy to Airy beam autofocusing and offers new opportunities for spatially resolved surface plasmon sensing and optical surface tweezers.We acknowledge support from the German Research Foundation [SPP 1391 “Ultrafast Nanooptics” and Jena School for Microbial Communication (JSMC)], the German Federal Ministry of Education and Research (PhoNa), the Thuringian Ministry of Education Science and Culture (MeMa), the Australian Research Council, the Go-8 Australia-Germany (Go8-DAAD) Joint Research Cooperation Scheme, and the Australian National Computational Infrastructure

    Adolescent Medicine at the Crossroads: A Review of Fellowship Training and Recommendations for Reform

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    This report examines the current state of adolescent medicine fellowship programs -- including the supply and recruitment of fellows; the nature and content of clinical, research, and leadership training; and the institutional and financial challenges facing training programs today -- and offers recommendations for building the field. The report is based on findings from the first comprehensive national survey of adolescent medicine fellowship program directors, conducted in the spring of 2007 by Incenter Strategies. The document also presents selected findings from two other Incenter Strategies’ surveys conducted in 2007: one of pediatric residency program directors and the other of adolescent medicine faculty responsible for the one-month pediatric residency rotation. In addition, the report presents findings from key informant interviews and an extensive literature review

    Pet-saúde como ferramenta de identificação dos níveis de estresse nos profissionais da atenção primária em saúde

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    Evidenciado na atualidade que as condições de trabalho podem contribuir para alterações da saúde física e mental dos indivíduos, estudos apontam a relação destes transtornos com a insatisfação, falta de reconhecimento profissional, desgaste provocado pelo contato direto com o paciente, as recompensas insuficientes, a falta de autonomia, as relações interpessoais disfuncionais, os conflitos de valores, a falta de recursos humanos e materiais, a longa jornada de trabalho, a baixa remuneração, o estreitamento do mercado de trabalho, a alta exposição a riscos ocupacionais e a indefinição do papel profissional. A pesquisa emergiu das vivências iniciais do projeto PET-Saúde Interprofissionalidade. Objetivo: Analisar níveis de estresse entre os profissionais de um Centro de Saúde da Família (CSF), através da aplicação do teste de Lipp - Inventário de Sintomas de Stress Lipp (ISSL). Metodologia: Realizou-se a pesquisa quantitativa, descritiva, transversal. Participaram da pesquisa 30 profissionais que atuavam no serviço. Resultados: Dos profissionais avaliados, 6,7% apresentaram-se na fase de alerta, 56,6% em fase de resistência e 16,7% em fasede exaustão. Os sintomas mais identificados foram os físicos, uma vez que, os sintomas psicológicos encontrados são intrínsecos e identificados mediante informações dadas pelos profissionais. Conclusão: Desta forma, torna se necessário a realização de estratégias para prevenção e controle de transtornos que acometem e/ou tendem a acometer estes profissionais, melhorando, assim, sua qualidade de vida, bem como a assistência aos usuários.Evidenced today that working conditions can contribute to changes in the physical and mental health of individuals, studies point to the relationship of these disorders with dissatisfaction, lack of professional recognition, exhaustion caused by direct contact with the patient, insufficient rewards, lack of autonomy, dysfunctional interpersonal relationships, conflict of values, lack of human and material resources, long working hours, low pay, narrowing of the labor market, high exposure to occupational risks and the lack of definition of the professional role. The research emerged from the initial experiences of the PET-Saúde Interprofissionalidade project. Objective: Analyze stress levels among professionals at a Family Health Center (FHC), through the application of the Lipp test - Lipp Stress Symptoms Inventory (ISSL). Methodology: A quantitative, descriptive, transversal research was carried out. Thirty professionals who worked in the service participated in the research. Results: Of the professionals evaluated, 6.7% were in the alert phase, 56.6% in the resistance phase and 16.7% in the exhaustion phase. The most identified symptoms were physical, since the psychological symptoms found are intrinsic and identified through information given by professionals. Conclusion: In this way, it is necessary to carry out strategies for the prevention and control of disorders that affect and/or tend to affect these professionals, thus improving their quality of life, as well as assistance to users

    Education for deaf people in Brazil and Portugal: linguistic recognition, bilingualism, and teacher education policies

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    Este artigo analisa as políticas de educação de surdos produzidas no Brasil e em Portugal, nos últimos anos, no que refere ao reconhecimento das línguas gestuais/de sinais, às proposições para a educação para surdos, bem como à formação de professores para atuarem com alunos surdos. Nesse sentido, realiza-se uma análise dos processos de produção dos textos legais e das suas relações com outros documentos, bem como dos processos da sua implementação/interpretação. Destacam-se nesta análise o Decreto Federal brasileiro nº 5.626/2005 e o Decreto-Lei português nº 3 de 7 de janeiro de 2008. Em muitos aspectos Portugal e Brasil se assemelham, como, por exemplo, no reconhecimento, sem a oficialização, das suas línguas gestuais/de sinais (LGP e Libras, respectivamente). No entanto, há outros aspectos em que se distinguem, como por exemplo o fato de em Portugal estar mais explícita a influência da União Europeia nas suas decisões políticas, bem como nas decisões e ações do movimento associativo surdo. Conclui-se que as políticas de educação de surdos em ambos os países são resultado das negociações entre, por um lado, as lutas travadas pelos movimentos surdos, e, por outro, a emergência de políticas inclusivas. Torna-se evidente que a luta dos movimentos surdos precisou negociar os seus significados para ser assumida como política pública, e isso ocorreu em um contexto de implementação da política inclusiva.This article analyses deaf education policies produced in Brazil and Portugal in the last few years with regard to recognition of gesture/sign languages, propositions for deaf education, and the education of teachers to work with deaf students. In this respect, we analyze the processes of production of specific legislation and how that legislation relates with other documents, as well as processes for implementing/interpreting such legislation. In our analysis, we highlight the Brazilian Federal Decree 5,626/2005 and the Portuguese Decree-Law 3 of January 7, 2008. In many aspects, Portugal and Brazil show similarities, such as the non-officialized recognition of both countries’ gesture/sign languages (LGP and Libras, respectively). However, the two countries differ in other aspects, such as the European Union’s more explicit influence on Portugal’s political decisions, as well as the EU’s influence on decisions and actions of the deaf associative movement in that country. We conclude that deaf education policies in both countries are the result of negotiations between, on the one hand, struggles waged by deaf movements, and, on the other, the emergence of inclusive policies. It becomes evident that the struggle of deaf movements has had to negotiate its meanings in order to be incorporated as public policies, and that occurred in a context of implementation of inclusive policies

    Pet-saúde como ferramenta de identificação dos níveis de estresse nos profissionais da atenção primária em saúde

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    Evidenciado na atualidade que as condições de trabalho podem contribuir para alterações da saúde física e mental dos indivíduos, estudos apontam a relação destes transtornos com a insatisfação, falta de reconhecimento profissional, desgaste provocado pelo contato direto com o paciente, as recompensas insuficientes, a falta de autonomia, as relações interpessoais disfuncionais, os conflitos de valores, a falta de recursos humanos e materiais, a longa jornada de trabalho, a baixa remuneração, o estreitamento do mercado de trabalho, a alta exposição a riscos ocupacionais e a indefinição do papel profissional. A pesquisa emergiu das vivências iniciais do projeto PET-Saúde Interprofissionalidade. Objetivo: Analisar níveis de estresse entre os profissionais de um Centro de Saúde da Família (CSF), através da aplicação do teste de Lipp - Inventário de Sintomas de Stress Lipp (ISSL). Metodologia: Realizou-se a pesquisa quantitativa, descritiva, transversal. Participaram da pesquisa 30 profissionais que atuavam no serviço. Resultados: Dos profissionais avaliados, 6,7% apresentaram-se na fase de alerta, 56,6% em fase de resistência e 16,7% em fasede exaustão. Os sintomas mais identificados foram os físicos, uma vez que, os sintomas psicológicos encontrados são intrínsecos e identificados mediante informações dadas pelos profissionais. Conclusão: Desta forma, torna se necessário a realização de estratégias para prevenção e controle de transtornos que acometem e/ou tendem a acometer estes profissionais, melhorando, assim, sua qualidade de vida, bem como a assistência aos usuários

    The Long-Baseline Neutrino Experiment: Exploring Fundamental Symmetries of the Universe

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    The preponderance of matter over antimatter in the early Universe, the dynamics of the supernova bursts that produced the heavy elements necessary for life and whether protons eventually decay --- these mysteries at the forefront of particle physics and astrophysics are key to understanding the early evolution of our Universe, its current state and its eventual fate. The Long-Baseline Neutrino Experiment (LBNE) represents an extensively developed plan for a world-class experiment dedicated to addressing these questions. LBNE is conceived around three central components: (1) a new, high-intensity neutrino source generated from a megawatt-class proton accelerator at Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory, (2) a near neutrino detector just downstream of the source, and (3) a massive liquid argon time-projection chamber deployed as a far detector deep underground at the Sanford Underground Research Facility. This facility, located at the site of the former Homestake Mine in Lead, South Dakota, is approximately 1,300 km from the neutrino source at Fermilab -- a distance (baseline) that delivers optimal sensitivity to neutrino charge-parity symmetry violation and mass ordering effects. This ambitious yet cost-effective design incorporates scalability and flexibility and can accommodate a variety of upgrades and contributions. With its exceptional combination of experimental configuration, technical capabilities, and potential for transformative discoveries, LBNE promises to be a vital facility for the field of particle physics worldwide, providing physicists from around the globe with opportunities to collaborate in a twenty to thirty year program of exciting science. In this document we provide a comprehensive overview of LBNE's scientific objectives, its place in the landscape of neutrino physics worldwide, the technologies it will incorporate and the capabilities it will possess.Comment: Major update of previous version. This is the reference document for LBNE science program and current status. Chapters 1, 3, and 9 provide a comprehensive overview of LBNE's scientific objectives, its place in the landscape of neutrino physics worldwide, the technologies it will incorporate and the capabilities it will possess. 288 pages, 116 figure