282 research outputs found

    Software para la construcción de operaciones distributivas con respecto a otras dadas

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    Este escrito presenta información algebraica para construir o definir operaciones distributivas en algunas estructuras finitas, para luego definir operaciones en tales estructuras, análogas a la potenciación y logaritmación en el conjunto de los números reales

    DC/DC Converter Parametric Models for System level Simulation

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    The objective of this work is to propose a whole solution for simulating power systems based on the use of behavioral DC/DC converter models. The proposed model is a generic model whose parameters can be obtained from data sheets (especially useful to model commercial converters) or equivalent tests. The model has configurable features which can be activated or disabled in order to perform optimal simulations or to generate models with different levels of abstraction to be used in a top-down design methodology

    Modeling and Simulation Requirements for the Analysis and Design of DC Distributed Power Electronics Systems

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    The objective of this paper is to establish which are the requirements of the component models in a distributed power system in order to satisfy the necessities of the system architect. Based on the information that will help the designer to make the right decision for its architecture and the selection of their components, different levels of modeling will be required for each simulation. The paper also shows the implication of the modeling approach on the requirements for the simulator and the description language

    A Parametrization Tool for Power Electronics Design at System Level

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    This paper describes a parameterization software used for the generation of behavioral models of power converters. This tool eases the capture and generation of fast and accurate models based on the information provided by manufacturers and measures. The models incorporate many behavioral features and can be used at different levels in the analysis, design and verification of complete power distribution systems like aircraft and automotive power systems. Simulations of common tests of power systems are presented to show the functionality of the models

    Robustness Analysis of DC Distributed Power Systems by Means of Behavioral DC-DC Converter Models

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    The aim of this paper is to determine the model requirements for dc-dc converters in order to analyze and evaluate the performance of different architectures of DC distributed power systems and to assure that all the specifications are met under all parameter variations. Based on these requirements a parametric model for the dc-dc converters is presented that can be identified as a function of the information given by the manufacturers in their datasheets. In this way, it is possible to make sensitivity and worst case analysis that can help the designer to evaluate the robustness of their architectures

    Top-down methodology employing hardware description languages (HDLs) for designing digital control in power converters

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    This paper presents a research line oriented to develop methodologies that takes advantage of hardware description languages in order to simplify the design of power converters that employ digital control techniques. The methodology focuses on setting the adequate communications among subsystems in order to simplify the change of the levels of abstraction of the subsystem’s models (from the conceptual level to the actual electric + synthesizable code). Changing the level of abstraction in the design process pretends: first to provide useful models at early designing steps; second, to optimize the simulation of the system, and at same time optimize the verification step

    Mantenimiento preventivo para la mejora de la disponibilidad de equipos en una empresa industrial: una revisión de la literatura científica en el período 2010-2019

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    El presente trabajo de investigación aborda la temática del mantenimiento preventivo a nivel industrial. Este es un aspecto importante, ya que su correcta utilización ayuda a mantener e incrementar la disponibilidad de los equipos y permite seguir fortaleciendo los eslabones de todo un proceso. El objetivo de esta investigación es analizar y determinar la relación existente entre las variables mantenimiento preventivo y disponibilidad de equipos a partir de una revisión de la literatura científica entre los años 2010 y 2019. En la presente investigación, se emplearon diversas fuentes de información, tales como Google Académico, Redalyc, ProQuest, Refseek, EBSCOhost, Scielo y Dialnet, de donde se seleccionaron 26 documentos científicos. Este derrotero de fuentes bibliográficas fue seleccionado a partir del establecimiento de criterios de inclusión/exclusión y de la consideración de las variables de estudio que serán mencionados más adelante en la sección correspondiente a la explanación teórica sobre la metodología a emplear. Los resultados obtenidos están relaciones directamente con el objetivo de la investigación y sus variables. Asimismo, la limitación que se presentó, durante la búsqueda de información, fue poder encontrar los artículos pertinentes ante la dificultad de utilizar los términos más adecuados

    Fast architecture generation and evaluation techniques for the design of large power systems

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    This paper presents a methodology used to simplify the design of power supply systems based on high level of abstraction simulation models. This approach allows the designer to make decisions concerning the power system architecture and its components. This paper is focused on the techniques to identify topology candidates that can be built with available voltage regulator technologies and find the solution with best trade-off among energy efficiency, size and cost. In order to solve the problem when the number of possible options is very large, metaheuristic algorithms are used

    Procesos de representación de algunas estructuras algebraicas finitas

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    Presentamos un conjunto de actividades matemáticas elementales para abstraer algunas estructuras finitas como los campos Z2 y Z3, y el concepto de isomorfismo de estructuras algebraicas. Se enfatiza en dos procesos: el paso de la estructura a los modelos y el paso de las representaciones a la estructura. Finalmente hacemos algunas aplicaciones a la lógica