8 research outputs found

    Factors Affecting Market Participation Decision and Intensity of Participation of Cow Milk Producers in Gemechis District, Ethiopia

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    Cow milk is a daily produced high value product that plays a significant role for both home consumption and income generating. However, in the selling of raw milk marketed supply, the producers do not attain potential gains. Thus, this study attempted to identifying factors affecting farmers’ decision to participate and determinants of the level of cow milk marketable surplus supply in Gemechis district. Both primary and secondary sources were used to collect data. Data were collected from a sample of 152 cow milk producers were analyzed through STATA ver. 15. Double hurdle model was applied. The first-hurdle model estimation result demonstrated that education level, distance to district market, the proportion of land allocated for forage production, size of milk output per day, access to milk market information, and frequency of extension contact influences farmers’ decision to participate in cow milk market. The second-hurdle model results investigated that children under six years, the proportion of land allocated for forage production, size of milk output per day and access to credit were significantly affects the level of cow milk marketable surplus supply. Therefore, the study recommends that emphasis should have to give on encouraging flow of milk market information, intensification of land use, and enabling farmers as they produce more through improving production and productivity of cow. Keywords: Cow milk, Double hurdle, Gemechis district DOI: 10.7176/JBAH/13-5-03 Publication date: April 30th 2023

    Assessment of the Role of Agricultural Cooperatives in Input Output Market in Boke, Anchar and Darolebu Districts of West Hararghe Zone, Oromia Region, Ethiopia

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    The study was conducted in three districts where agricultural cooperatives have been well promoted in West Hararghe zone to identify role of primary agricultural Cooperatives and factors affecting its role in the study area. Structured interview schedule were used to collect data from 180 cooperative members and non-members selected randomly from six agricultural cooperatives and its surrounding. Focus group discussions were also conducted to collect qualitative data from respondents. In this study, the statistical tools like descriptive statistics such as mean, frequency distribution and percentage, SWOT analysis and an index score was used to rank major constraints. Out of interviewed respondents, 66.7% were member of cooperative while 33.3% were non-members of the cooperatives. Most primary cooperative mainly focuses on the activities like provision of fertilizer (DAP, UREA and NPS), consumable food items (sugar and cooking oil) and rarely involved in improved seed distributions. Lack market interest, climate change, lack of market information, insufficient capital and low price of the marketable commodity were major constraints found in agricultural commodities in study area. Strengthening training, improve their capital, services and transparency, increasing members participation, sharing dividend to the members and annual auditing their status were major recommendation  delivered  for  responsible bodies by the study. Keywords: agricultural cooperative, role, inputs, outputs DOI: 10.7176/JNSR/10-11-03 Publication date:June 30th 202

    Factors Affecting Market Participation Decision and Intensity of Participation of Cow Milk Producers in Gemechis District, Ethiopia

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    Cow milk is a daily produced high value product that plays a significant role for both home consumption and income generating. However, in the selling of raw milk marketed supply, the producers do not attain potential gains. Thus, this study attempted to identifying factors affecting farmers’ decision to participate and determinants of the level of cow milk marketable surplus supply in Gemechis district. Both primary and secondary sources were used to collect data. Data were collected from a sample of 152 cow milk producers were analyzed through STATA ver. 15. Double hurdle model was applied. The first-hurdle model estimation result demonstrated that education level, distance to district market, the proportion of land allocated for forage production, size of milk output per day, access to milk market information, and frequency of extension contact influences farmers’ decision to participate in cow milk market. The second-hurdle model results investigated that children under six years, the proportion of land allocated for forage production, size of milk output per day and access to credit were significantly affects the level of cow milk marketable surplus supply. Therefore, the study recommends that emphasis should have to give on encouraging flow of milk market information, intensification of land use, and enabling farmers as they produce more through improving production and productivity of cow. Keywords: Cow milk, Double hurdle, Gemechis district DOI: 10.7176/JMCR/89-02 Publication date: April 30th 202

    Medication counselling practices amid COVID -19 pandemic and associated factors in drug retail outlets of Jimma town, Southwest Ethiopia: cross-sectional study

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    Background: Patients’ good understanding and awareness of drug information received at the drug retail outlet is paramount to gaining expected outcomes. In the COVID-19 pandemic, the routine counselling practice faced multifactorial challenges.Objectives: The study aimed to assess medication counseling practice and associated factors in drug retail outlets of Jimma town, southwest Ethiopia.Methods: A facility-based cross-sectional study was conducted using an interviewer administered questionnaire. The data were analysed by using SPSS version 23. A multivariable logistic regression model was used to identify factors associated with medicationcounselling practice.Results: A total of 180 pharmacy professionals were enrolled in the study, about half (51.1%) of the participants reported good medication counselling provision for their patients. In A multivariable logistic regression analysis, reduced pharmacist’s level of communication (AOR=0.008; CI: 0.001-0.292; p= 0.009) and shortage of personal protective equipment (AOR=0.021; CI: 0.002-0.226; p=0.002) due Covid-19 were factors associated with poor medication counselling practice.  Conclusion: Reduced level of communication and shortage of personal protective equipment due to Covid-19 were factors associated with poor medication counselling practice. In general, Jimma town health offices and Oromia Region Health bureau should struggle in association with other stakeholders to improve the identified bottleneck of pharmacist’s counselling practice. Keywords: Counseling practice; COVID -19; drug retail outlet; Jimma

    Prevalence and factors associated with domestic violence against married women in Mana District, Jimma zone, Southwest Ethiopia: A community-Based Cross-Sectional study

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    Background: There is a dearth of research done about domestic abuse against married women residing in this study setting. Thus, this study aimed to assess the prevalence of domestic violence and its associated factors among married reproductive-aged women in Yebu town, Jimma, Southwest Ethiopia from March 1 to 31, 2021 GC. Methods: A community-based cross-sectional study was conducted to select 360 study participants from March 1–31, 2021. Systematic random sampling technique was used. Married women were interviewed using pretested, structured, interviewer-administered questionnaires that were adapted from W.H.O multi-country. Before entry, data was checked for completeness and amended on unclean data, then entered to Epidata 4.6 and exported to SPSS version 23 for further analysis. Adjusted Odds Ratio at a 95% confidence interval was computed, and variables having a P-value less than 0.05 were declared statistically significant associations. Results: A total of 121 (33.5 %) study participants reported having been the victim of domestic violence. The most frequently reported types of domestic violence were psychological violence 128 (46 %), followed by physical violence 85 (31 %).Variables such as being having polygamous marriage (AOR = 3.67 (1.33–10.16),monthly income 1000–3000 ETB (AOR = 0.15 (95 % CI = 0.07–0.31), household monthly income > 3000ETB (AOR = 0.25(0.12–0.51), khat chewing by husband (AOR = 9.89(95 %CI = 5.09–19.22) were significantly associated with domestic violence. Conclusions: The results of this study revealed that high prevalence of domestic abuse in this study area. Awareness creation for couples about risks of polygamous marriages, discouraging khat chewing, and financial advising are very mandatory to mitigate the occurrence of domestic violence

    Factors associated with friendly care and its comparison among mothers who get and did not get the care provider of their choice at Jimma medical center, Jimma, Southwest Ethiopia

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    Background: Friendly care during labor and delivery is considered part of companionate maternal care throughout the perinatal period. It is vital to understand that women deserve friendly care to improve maternal use of health care facilities and the quality of care in general. This study aimed to assess the level of friendly care during labor and delivery and identify possible significant factors associated with it as well as make a comparison in receiving friendly care between mothers cared for by the provider they want and those who did not get the provider they wanted. Method: An institution-based cross-sectional study was conducted on 348 mothers at the postnatal units of Jimma medical center. The sample size was determined using a single population proportion formula and a systematic random sampling technique was applied to select study participants. Data were collected using a pretested semi-structured questionnaire prepared in local languages. Data were entered into Epi Data version 4.2 and the analysis was conducted using statistical packages for social sciences version 23. The level of significance was determined with a p-value of <0.05 in the final multivariable logistic regression model. The results are presented in the tables, charts, and narratives. Result: The study had a response rate of 100%. The analysis indicated that 314 (90.23%) participants had received friendly care. There was a significant difference in friendly care between mothers who received the provider they wanted and those who did not (Z = −5.78; p < 0.001). The type of delivery (p < 0.001), longer stay in the facility after delivery (p = 0.005) and presence of any complication in the last delivery (p = 0.009) were factors significantly associated with friendly care. Conclusion: There was relatively good friendly care in Jimma medical center. It is recommended that mothers receive care from the provider of their choice to make the care friendlier. It is also revealed that it is necessary to consider the type of delivery, avoid unnecessary mothers’ stay of after delivery, and prevent and manage the complications of childbirth early to help mothers get care that is friendly