7 research outputs found

    VĂ©cu Psychologique De La Parturiente En Salle D’accouchement À La MaternitĂ© Du Centre Hospitalier DĂ©partemental Et Universitaire Du Borgou À Parakou (BENIN)

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    Objective: To study parturient women’s psychological real-life experience in the delivery room of CHUD-B maternity hospital. Patients and Methods: This study shows a descriptive cross-sectional study with an analytical aim and a prospective data collection. It involves 100 parturient women who had a vaginal delivery at the gynecology and obstetrics department of Departmental University Teaching Hospital of Borgou. It covered the period from June 11 th to August 11 th 2014. Results: The average age of the parturient women was 27 years old ± 5.55. The parturient women were predominantly Muslims (58%), married (48%), and out-of-school (36%). They had a monogamous relationship (77%) with their husbands (66%). Also, they had conflict with the people around them (22%). They were anxious (58%), distressed (27%), and timorous and restless (57%). The main reasons for stress noticed among these parturient women were related to the fear of stillbirth (82%), a malformed child (76%), an infected newborn baby (76%), obstetrical trauma in the newborn baby (58%), and the newborn baby’s sex (26%). Subsequently, the fears of the parturient women were: the cesarean section (64%), maternal death (58%), the pain of childbirth (48%), traumatic maternal injury (47%), post-partum hemorrhage (45%), and the inability to face childbirth (31%). The parturient women before getting into the delivery room confided in traditional religious authorities (36%) who were either healers or marabous, witch doctors, spiritual advisors, or Christian priests. Conclusion: Delivery causes anxiety among parturient women whose apprehensions were about the pain of childbirth, the unborn baby, and their own mental ability to overcome the trial

    Influence Du Poids Maternel Sur L’evolution De La Grossesse Chez Les Gestantes Dans La Ville De Parakou En 2015 Au Benin

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    Introduction:The World Health Organization considers for many years obesity as a pandemic which affects as well the developed countries as the developing ones.The consequences of the overweight on the medical, gynaeco-obstetrical, and surgical plan are no longer demonstrating. Objective:The current paper aims to study the influence of the weight of the mother on the evolution of the pregnancy with the pregnant women in the town of Parakou. Material and methodologicalapproaches: It was about a descriptive transversal study for an analytical purpose with forecast data collection. It has been conducted on a period of six (06) months going from 23rd of February to 31st of August 2015 and had covered 272 pregnant women in the town of Parakou.The sampling probabilistic method has been used according to the survey technique. Results:The average age of the surveyed women was about 26, 1± 5, 8 years old with the extremes of 14 and 51 years old. The predominance of the overweight and the obesity with the pregnant women in Parakou was respectively about 34, 9% and 15, 8%. The diabetes pregnant woman, the exceeding of term and the macrosomy were statistically associated with obesity. The diabetes pregnant women, the exceeding of term, the resuscitation at birth were statistically associated with overweight. Conclusion: The fight against overweight is one of the great challenges of this century. It has some consequences on obstetrical plan. A planning of pregnancies with the patients of overweight would then permit a clear improvement of the undertaking of their social securitywithin the maternities and an improvement of the maternal, perinatal and neonatal indicators

    Prognosis of Pregnancy in Epileptics in Benin: A Case–Control Study

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    International audienceObjective  The main purpose of this article is to define prognosis of pregnancies in epileptic women in Benin.Methods  This was a case–control study that included 54 epileptic women who had at least one pregnancy matched to 162 controls on age, pregnancy term, and monitoring center. Information about epilepsy, treatment, pregnancy, and childbirth were collected. A logistic regression with odds ratio (OR) calculation was used to study the association.Results  During pregnancy 22.22% of epileptic women experienced an increase in seizure frequency. Epileptics had more frequent miscarriages (OR: 1.84 [1.01–3.51]), more incidents during pregnancy (OR: 4.03 [1.04–15.60]), and were more often hospitalized (OR: 3.35 [1.46–7.69]) than women without epilepsy. They, more often, had premature children before 37 weeks of amenorrhea (OR: 2.10 [1.12–3.91]) and gave birth to low-birth-weight children (OR = 2.17 [1.00–4.76]).Conclusion  Occurrence of a pregnancy in an epileptic woman in Benin is at risk and requires multidisciplinary monitoring by both neurologist and obstetrician to reduce complications

    Conformité des formulaires de demande et des comptes rendus anatomopathologiques de piÚces opératoires de cancer du sein au Bénin

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    International audienceAdequacy of histopathology request forms and pathological reports of breast cancer surgical specimens in Benin Introduction. Le cancer du sein requiert une prise en charge pluridisciplinaire. Les anatomopathologistes et les mĂ©decins communiquent grĂące au formulaire de demande et au compte rendu d’examen anatomopathologique. Il est crucial que ces deux documents soient bien rĂ©digĂ©s pour une bonne prise en charge des patientes. Objectif. Évaluer la complĂ©tude des formulaires de demande et des comptes rendus d’examen anatomopathologique de piĂšces opĂ©ratoires de cancers du sein chez les femmes au Sud du BĂ©nin. MĂ©thode. Il s’agissait d’une Ă©tude transversale, descriptive et analytique, avec une collecte rĂ©trospective de donnĂ©es sur 57 mois (4 ans et 9 mois). Nous avons utilisĂ© les recommandations de la Haute AutoritĂ© de SantĂ© de France comme rĂ©fĂ©rentiel et le logiciel SPSS pour traiter les donnĂ©es. RĂ©sultats. 31,3 % des formulaires de demande Ă©taient conformes aux recommandations. Les comptes rendus Ă©taient narratifs dans 92,7 % des cas et 68,8 % comportaient les critĂšres minimaux. La prĂ©sence d’emboles vasculaires, le statut HER2 et les rĂ©cepteurs hormonaux Ă©taient tous simultanĂ©ment renseignĂ©s dans seulement 29,2 % des comptes rendus. La prĂ©sence d’emboles vasculaires Ă©tait le facteur pronostique le plus souvent renseignĂ©. Discussion. Les chirurgiens et les anatomopathologistes ne rĂ©digent pas toujours entiĂšrement les formulaires de demande et les comptes rendus d’examen anatomopathologique. Ceci peut s’expliquer par l’absence de rĂ©fĂ©rentiels nationaux, et les difficultĂ©s d’accĂšs Ă  l’immunohistochimie. L’élaboration de rĂ©fĂ©rentiels nationaux et l’utilisation de comptes rendus synoptiques pourraient amĂ©liorer les pratiques. ConformitĂ© des formulaires de demande et des comptes rendus anatomopathologiques de piĂšces opĂ©ratoires de cancer du sein au BĂ©nin Introduction. Breast cancer requires multidisciplinary management. Pathologists and physicians commu-nicate using the histopathology request form and the pathology report. There are some minimal criteria that both should respect. Objective. We assessed the adequacy of histopathology request forms and pathology reports in the ma-nagement of female breast cancer specimens in Southern Benin. Method. This was a cross-sectional, descriptive and analytical study, with retrospective data collection over 57 months (4 years and 9 months). The adequacy of the histopathology request forms and patho-logy reports was assessed on the basis of the recommendations of the Haute AutoritĂ© de SantĂ© (HAS) of France. Data processing was done using SPSS software. We checked frequencies with the ChiÂČ test, with a significance level set at 5%. Results. 31.3% of histopathology request forms complied with HAS recommendations. Pathology re-ports were presented in a narrative way in 92.7% of cases and 68.8% met the minimal criteria. The pre-sence of vascular embolus, of hormone receptors and the HER2 status were all reported in only 29.2% of the reports. Discussion. The draft of histopathology request forms and pathology reports did not comply to the re-quired minimal criteria. This situation could mainly be explained by the inexistence of consensus between physicians and pathologists and by the lack of immunohistochemistry. Editing national referentials and using synoptic reports would give better results.R ÉSU M É Introduction. Le cancer du sein requiert une prise en charge pluridisciplinaire. Les anatomopathologistes et les mĂ©decins communiquent grĂące au formulaire de demande et au compte rendu d'examen anatomopathologique. Il est crucial que ces deux documents soient bien rĂ©digĂ©s pour une bonne prise en charge des patientes. Objectif. Évaluer la complĂ©tude des formulaires de demande et des comptes rendus d'examen anatomopathologique de piĂšces opĂ©ratoires de cancers du sein chez les femmes au Sud du BĂ©nin. MĂ©thode. Il s'agissait d'une Ă©tude transversale, descriptive et analytique, avec une collecte rĂ©trospective de donnĂ©es sur 57 mois (4 ans et 9 mois). Nous avons utilisĂ© les recommandations de la Haute AutoritĂ© de SantĂ© de France comme rĂ©fĂ©rentiel et le logiciel SPSS pour traiter les donnĂ©es. RĂ©sultats. 31,3 % des formulaires de demande Ă©taient conformes aux recommandations. Les comptes rendus Ă©taient narratifs dans 92,7 % des cas et 68,8 % comportaient les critĂšres minimaux. La prĂ©sence d'emboles vasculaires, le statut HER2 et les rĂ©cepteurs hormonaux Ă©taient tous simultanĂ©ment renseignĂ©s dans seulement 29,2 % des comptes rendus. La prĂ©sence d'emboles vasculaires Ă©tait le facteur pronostique le plus souvent renseignĂ©. Discussion. Les chirurgiens et les anatomopathologistes ne rĂ©digent pas toujours entiĂšrement les formulaires de demande et les comptes rendus d'examen anatomopathologique. Ceci peut s'expliquer par l'absence de rĂ©fĂ©rentiels nationaux, et les difficultĂ©s d'accĂšs Ă  l'immunohistochimie. L'Ă©laboration de rĂ©fĂ©rentiels nationaux et l'utilisation de comptes rendus synoptiques pourraient amĂ©liorer les pratiques. Mots clĂ©s : Cancer du sein, Chirurgie oncologique, ConformitĂ©, Formulaire de demande d'examen, Compte rendu d'examen anatomopathologique, BĂ©nin, Afrique subsaharienne A BST R AC T Introduction. Breast cancer requires multidisciplinary management. Pathologists and physicians communicate using the histopathology request form and the pathology report. There are some minimal criteria that both should respect. Objective. We assessed the adequacy of histopathology request forms and pathology reports in the management of female breast cancer specimens in Southern Benin. Method. This was a cross-sectional, descriptive and analytical study, with retrospective data collection over 57 months (4 years and 9 months). The adequacy of the histopathology request forms and pathology reports was assessed on the basis of the recommendations of th

    Seroepidemiology of toxoplasmosis in pregnant women and detection of infection acquired during pregnancy in Cotonou, Benin

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    Assessing the prevalence of toxoplasmosis in pregnant women and the associated risk factors is the first step in defining policy for the prevention of congenital toxoplasmosis in a given population. An epidemiological study was conducted during prenatal consultations at the CHU-MEL of Cotonou (Benin) between September 2018 and April 2021 and recruited 549 pregnant women to determine the seroprevalence and potential factors associated with Toxoplasma gondii infection. Toxoplasma gondii IgG/IgM antibodies were detected using an enzyme-linked fluorescence assay (ELFA) technique, an IgG avidity test and an IgG/IgM comparative Western blot to diagnose the maternal toxoplasmosis serological status, the possibility of an infection acquired during pregnancy and congenital infection, respectively. Concomitantly, the participants answered a questionnaire investigating potential risk factors. Toxoplasmosis seroprevalence was estimated at 44.4% (95% CI 40.3–48.6) and the factors significantly associated with T. gondii seropositivity were: age over 30 years, multigravid women and contact with cats. The possibility of an infection acquired during the periconceptional period or the first trimester of pregnancy concerned six women [1.1% (95% CI 0.5–2.0)]. However, due to the low rate of serological controls in seronegative women, a significant proportion of women first tested during the 3rd trimester of pregnancy, and an insufficient sample size, the incidence of primary infection during pregnancy could not be determined. No cases of congenital transmission occurred in the newborns from the suspected cases of primary infection

    Therapeutic mobility and breast cancer in France: Experiences of African women

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    While breast cancer is the most common cancer globally, not all women have access to quality care. Long considered a disease of high-income countries, low- and middle-income countries are now facing a major public health issue regarding cancer. This is the case in sub-Saharan Africa, where access to quality breast cancer treatment is often lacking. This context leads some women to travel abroad, particularly to France, hoping to save their lives. This article aims to examine the experiences, the social cost and the perceptions associated with therapeutic mobility for breast cancer in France. To this end, this study uses a qualitative method based on nineteen biographical interviews with women from sub-Saharan Africa with breast cancer who have migrated to France seeking for treatment. It shows that these women often face significant difficulties throughout their care and life paths in France. Main issues lay in accessing care, housing insecurity, loneliness, and administrative instability. This reflects how the double biographical disruption, caused by cancer and migration, impact entire disease trajectories, from entry to care to post-breast cancer period. With this research, we suggest extending the concept of social death to the issue of women who have undergone therapeutic mobility for their breast cancer in France. Highlighting the experiences of women who remain almost invisible in the public arena, this article analyses poorly heard realities and shows how social inequalities in health can be found even in reconstructing oneself after breast cancer