9 research outputs found

    Over-the-counter medicines and dietary supplements consumption among academic youth in Poland

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    Over-the-counter (OTC) medicines and dietary supplements are increasingly popular in Poland, potentially improving overall health but also posing a threat to public health. The study goal is to characterize and assess behaviors related to use of OTC medicines and dietary supplements among Polish university students. A questionnaire-based survey was performed with students divided into groups (gender, subjects studied, period of studies). The majority of students declared using the products, significantly more females and younger students in their early years. Females tended to be more attentive to product information. Students with a background in biological or medical sciences were also more attentive and less influenced by advertising. We conclude that the differences between the defined groups of students should be utilized in tailored educational activities, aiming to rationalize high consumption of OTC medicines and dietary supplements. Targeting other, especially poor and less-educated groups, should follow

    Studies on the influence of phthalates on the two dimensional lipid systems

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    Niniejsza praca magisterska poświęcona została badaniom wpływu wybranych ftalanów mających powszechne zastosowanie w życiu codziennym na modelowe dwuwymiarowe układy lipidowe. Głównym celem pracy było określenie wpływu czterech związków należących do grupy estrów kwasu ftalowego o krótkich alkilowych łańcuchach estrowych (w szeregu homologicznym od metylu do butylu) na dwuwymiarowe układy utworzone na granicy faz roztwór wodny/powietrze przez lipidy stanowiące podstawowe komponenty naturalnych biomembran komórek zwierzęcych i roślinnych. Dla osiągnięcia celu zastosowano technikę monowarstw Langmuira oraz mikroskopię kąta Brewstera. W toku badań stwierdzono, iż wpływ ftalanów na monowarstwy lipidowe zmienia się w szeregu DMPh<DEPH<DPPh<DBPh, a powinowactwo cząsteczek ftalanów do warstwy lipidowej potęgowane jest stężeniem oraz wielkością podstawnika estrowego. Największy wpływ zaobserwowano przy niskich wartościach ciśnienia powierzchniowego, kiedy cząsteczki ftalanów miały największą predyspozycję do wbudowywania się w monowarstwę. Głównym efektem było obniżenie stopnia jej kondensacji potwierdzone również wizualizacją monowarstw przy użyciu mikroskopii BAM. Ponadto, obecność ftalanów w warstwie lipidowej skutkowała w określonych przypadkach modelowych błon biologicznych całkowitą dezintegracją monowarstwy poprzez tworzenie się struktur wielowymiarowych.The Master thesis is dedicated to the studies on the influence of selected phthalates, widely applied in everyday life on the model lipid systems. The main goal of this thesis was to determine the effect of four compounds belonging to the group of phthalic acid esters with short alkyl ester chains (in homologous series form methyl to buthyl) on the two dimensional lipid systems formed at the aqueous solution/air interface by the lipids which are natural components of animal and plant cell membrans. In order to achieve this goal the Langmuir monolayer technique complemented with Brewster angle microscopy was applied. It was found that the effects of phthalates on lipid monolayers change in DMPh<DEPh<DPPh<DBPh series and that the affinity of phthalate molecules to the surface lipid layer is heighten by the concentration and size of the ester substituent. The largest influence was observed at the low surface pressure values when phthalate molecules revealed the greatest predisposition to incorporate into a monolayer. The main effect of this process was conneted with the decrease of monolayers condensation confirmed also by the visualization performed with BAM microscopy. Moreover, the presence of phthalates in the lipid layer resulted, in some cases of model biological membranes, in disintegration through the formation of multidimensional structures

    Studies on Speciation of Selected Ions Occurring in Minerals from Ecologically-degraded areas of Rio Tinto and processes of their transport to the liquid phase.

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    Niniejsza praca poświęcona została badaniom form specjacyjnych, w jakich występują takie jony, jak: żelazo, ołów, cynk i siarka, obecne w minerałach z obszaru Rio Tinto, zlokalizowanego w prowincji Huelva na południowym-zachodzie Hiszpanii. Głównym celem pracy było wykazanie związku pomiędzy formą, w jakiej poszczególne jony występują w fazie stałej, a ich tendencją do przechodzenia do roztworu wodnego o zróżnicowanym pH. Dla osiągnięcia celu konieczna była identyfikacja składników mineralnych obecnych w zebranym materiale skalnym za pomocą dyfraktometrii rentgenowskiej oraz potwierdzenie ich składu pierwiastkowego metodą fluorescencji rentgenowskiej. Drugi cel operacyjny stanowiło określenie warunków, które sprzyjają procesom uwalniania poszczególnych rodzajów jonów do roztworu w zależności od pH. Postępujące w czasie zmiany stężenia jonów metali śledzono przy pomocy analiz metodą ASA, zaś jonów siarczkowych – przy użyciu dedykowanego testu. W toku badań stwierdzono, iż najbardziej zaawansowane procesy elucji dla jonów zachodzą w kwaśnym pH. Wykazano, iż jony żelaza wykazują dużą tendencję do przechodzenia do roztworów kwaśnych w przypadku minerałów, w których żelazo(III) koordynowane jest oktaedrycznie.The thesis is dedicated to the studies on speciation of such selected ions as: iron, lead, zinc and sulfur, occurring in minerals from Rio Tinto area, Huelva province, South-West Spain. The main goal of this thesis was to establish a link between the form of occurrence of the ions mentioned above in the investigated mineral samples and their tendency to cross the interface solid-liquid at various pH. To achieve this goal an identification of the mineral components in the collected rock samples was done by using the X-ray diffraction, whereas the elemental composition was confirmed by X-ray fluorescence method. The second operational goal was to determine the parameters favoring the process of elution of the selected ions to the solution depending on pH. Changes in ion concentrations were monitored by ASA and by using the dedicated test for sulfide ions. It was stated that the most advanced progress in elution process takes place in acidic solutions. A correlation between octahedral coordination of iron(III) ions in mineral material and its high tendency to cross to the interface solid-liquid was found

    RT-PCR Detection of SARS-CoV-2 among Individuals from the Upper Silesian Region&mdash;Analysis of 108,516 Tests

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    Background: The COVID-19 pandemic triggered by the novel severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2) has left a huge mark on everyday lives, introducing restrictions and plunging the global economy. This study aimed to analyze the available epidemiological data from the register of one of the largest laboratories testing for SARS-CoV-2 in the Silesian voivodship of Poland. Methods: This analysis is based upon the epidemiological records collected between 30 March 2020, and 30 April 2021, by the Silesian Park of Medical Technology Kardio-Med Silesia (Zabrze, Poland). In addition, we performed SARS-CoV-2 variant detection in samples from patients reinfected with SARS-CoV-2. Results: Our results confirm that SARS-CoV-2 infections are more common in urban areas. Laboratory-confirmed COVID-19 cases represent 13.21% of all RT-PCR test results during the 13 months of our laboratory diagnostics for SARS-CoV-2 infections. Detection of SARS-CoV-2 variants in samples of potentially reinfected patients showed discrepancies in the results. Conclusions: Due to the higher risk of SARS-CoV-2 infection among the Upper Silesian population, the region is at greater risk of deteriorating economic situation and healthcare as compared to other areas of Poland. RT-PCR methods are inexpensive and suitable for large-scale screening, but they can be untrustworthy so detection of SARS-CoV-2 variants in samples should be confirmed by sequencing

    The skin condition and the efectiveness of sonophoresis in smoking and non-smoking women aged 21-26. Preliminary report

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    Wstęp: Nikotyna ma negatywny wpływ na organizm człowieka, a przede wszystkim na skórę, może przyczynić się do dłuższego gojenia ran, wystąpienia nowotworu skóry i błon śluzowych, a także wcześniejszego jej starzenia się. Dym tytoniowy uszkadza DNA nasilając produkcję wolnych rodników. Na skórze pojawiają się zmarszczki, naczynia krwionośne zostają uszkodzone, a skóra traci jędrność i elastyczność poprzez uszkodzenie włókien kolagenowych i elastynowych. Cel pracy: Ocena wpływu czynnego palenia tytoniu na stan nawilżenia, natłuszczenia i złuszczania skóry u młodych kobiet. Materiały i metody: Grupa badana liczyła 40 kobiet (20 osób palących, 20 osób niepalących) w wieku 21-26 lat. Wśród wszystkich badanych przeprowadzono wywiad kosmetyczny. Badanie natłuszczenia, złuszczania oraz nawilżenia skóry zostało przeprowadzone za pomocą urządzenia Nati Analizer frmy Beauty of Science. Skóra osób badanych od dnia poprzedniego nie była umyta żadnym preparatem oraz nie został nałożony żaden preparat pielęgnujący. Dodatkowo przez okres pięciu tygodni badane były poddane zabiegowi sonoforezy z wprowadzeniem ampułki nawilżająco- seboregulującej, celem sprawdzenia skuteczności zabiegu kosmetycznego. Po serii zabiegów wykonano ponownie badanie przy pomocy Nati Analizer. Przed przystąpieniem do badań przyjęto hipotezę, iż osoby czynnie palące nikotynę będą miały gorszy stan skóry od osób niepalących. Wyniki: Z przeprowadzonego wywiadu kosmetycznego wynika, iż osoby palące zdają sobie sprawę z negatywnego wpływu nikotyny na stan skóry, dlatego przykładają większą wagę do pielęgnacji codziennej, stosując kosmetyki o działaniu silnie nawilżającym. Stan skóry osób palących i niepalących nie różnił się. Wnioski: Na podstawie uzyskanych wyników nie potwierdzono postawionej hipotezy, iż stan skóry osób czynnie palących jest gorszy. Zabiegi sonoforezy miały większy wpływ na zmniejszenie wydzielania łoju u niepalących, natomiast na stopień nawilżenia u niepalących.Background: Nicotine has a negative infuence on the human body, but its efect is particularly noticeable on the skin. It might quicken the natural skin aging process, cause unfavorable skin changes or intensify the course of many skin or mucosa diseases including cancer. It might also inhibit wound healing processes. Furthermore, tobacco smoke damages DNA as it is the source of free radicals. Nicotine increases the degradation of collagen and elastic fbres forming the basic skin structure and causes angiogenesis, too. These processes result in forming wrinkles and losing skin frmness as well as elasticity. Aim of the study: The study aims at assessing the infuence of active tobacco smoke on skin condition factors like hydration, lubrication, faking and the infammation of epidermis in a group of young women. Material and methods: The study was carried out in a group of young women (20 with tobacco dependence and 20 never smoking) aged 21-26. An interview was performed before the study. The study of greasiness, exfoliation and skin hydration was done using the device named Nati Analizer Beauty of Science. The skin of the subjects was not washed before the test and any skin caring preparations had not been applied since the day before. For a period of fve weeks the subjects underwent the treatments with the use of sonophoresis along with the introduction of a moisturizing and sebum regulating ampoule, in order to verify the efectiveness of cosmetic treatment. After a series of treatments the test was performed again with the use of the same device. Before the study, the researchers hypothesized that active nicotine smokers will have a worse skin condition than non-smokers. Results: The interview performed did show that smokers are aware of negative efects of nicotine on their skin, so they pay more attention to daily care, and use cosmetics with a strong moisturizing action. Active nicotine smokers did not have a worse skin condition than non-smokers. Conclusions: The results received have not confrmed the hypothesis and popular beliefs that skin condition of active smokers is worse than this of none-smokers. The sonophoresis treatment had a greater impact on reducing sebum secretion in nonsmokers, but they increased the degree of moisture in non-smokers

    An Immune Response to Heterologous ChAdOx1/BNT162b2 Vaccination against COVID-19: Evaluation of the anti-RBD Specific IgG Antibodies Titers and Interferon Gamma Release Assay (IGRA) Test Results

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    This study aimed to assess the magnitude of anti-SARS-CoV-2 immunoglobulin G (IgG) titers and Interferon-Gamma Release Assay (IGRA) test results following administration of booster BNT162b2 in 48 ChAd-primed participants (vaccination schedule: ChAd/ChAd/BNT). Whole blood samples were collected: first, before and second, 21 days after the booster dose. The IgG level was measured using chemiluminescent immunoassay; the intensity of the T-cell response—IFNγ concentration—was assessed using IGRA test. At 21 days after the booster, all subjects achieved reactive/positive anti-SARS-CoV-2 IgG, and IGRA test results showed a significant increase compared to the results before booster administration. We compared the results before and after the booster between participants with and without prior history of COVID-19. The IFNγ concentrations in both cohorts were higher in convalescents (both before booster and 21 days after). The IgG titers were subtly lower in COVID-19 convalescents than in naïve but without statistical significance. Data on cell-mediated immunity are scarce, especially with regard to the general population. A better understanding of the complexity of the immune response to SARS-CoV-2 could contribute to developing more effective vaccination strategies

    Relationship between anthropometric and body composition parameters and anti-SARS-CoV-2 specific IgG titers in females vaccinated against COVID-19 according to the heterologous vaccination course: A cohort study.

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    IntroductionThe aim of this cohort study was to evaluate the relationship between anthropometric and body composition parameters and anti-SARS-CoV-2 IgG titers in a group of females who were vaccinated against COVID-19 with two doses of ChAdOx1 vaccine and then boosted with the BNT162b2 vaccine.Materials and methodsThe study group consisted of 63 women. Basic demographic and clinical data were collected. To assess the anti-SARS-CoV-2 immunoglobulin G titers following the vaccination, five blood draws were performed: 1) before the first dose, 2) before the second dose, 3) 14-21 days after the primary vaccination, 4) before the booster, and 5) 21 days after the booster. Blood samples were analyzed using a two-step enzymatic chemiluminescent assay. Body mass index and body composition were evaluated using bioelectrical impedance analysis. To select the most distinguishing parameters and correlations between anthropometric and body composition parameters and anti-SARS-CoV-2 IgG titers, factor analysis using the Principal Component Analysis was conducted.ResultsSixty-three females (mean age: 46.52 years) who met the inclusion criteria were enrolled. 40 of them (63.50%) participated in the post-booster follow-up. After receiving two doses of the ChAdOx1 vaccine, the study group's anti-SARS-CoV-2 IgG titers were 67.19 ± 77.44 AU/mL (mean ± SD), whereas after receiving a heterologous mRNA booster, the level of anti-SARS-CoV-2 IgG titers was about three-times higher and amounted to 212.64 ± 146.40 AU/mL (mean ± SD). Our data shows that seropositivity, obesity, non-fat-related, and fat-related body composition parameters all had a significant effect on the level of IgG titer after a two-dose vaccination of ChAdOx1. However, only non-fat-related and fat-related body composition parameters had a significant effect on the IgG titer after booster vaccination.ConclusionCOVID-19 infection before the first dose of vaccination is not related to IgG titer after booster administration. Body composition has a significant effect on the production of anti-SARS-CoV-2 IgG after booster vaccination in females

    Epigenetic age prediction in semen marker selection and model development

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    DNA methylation analysis is becoming increasingly useful in biomedical research and forensic practice. The discovery of differentially methylated sites (DMSs) that continuously change over an individual's lifetime has led to breakthroughs in molecular age estimation. Although semen samples are often used in forensic DNA analysis, previous epigenetic age prediction studies mainly focused on somatic cell types. Here, Infinium MethylationEPIC BeadChip arrays were applied to semen-derived DNA samples, which identified numerous novel DMSs moderately correlated with age. Validation of the ten most age-correlated novel DMSs and three previously known sites in an independent set of semen-derived DNA samples using targeted bisulfite massively parallel sequencing, confirmed age-correlation for nine new and three previously known markers. Prediction modelling revealed the best model for semen, based on 6 CpGs from newly identified genes SH2B2, EXOC3, IFITM2, and GALR2 as well as the previously known FOLH1B gene, which predict age with a mean absolute error of 5.1 years in an independent test set. Further increases in the accuracy of age prediction from semen DNA will require technological progress to allow sensitive, simultaneous analysis of a much larger number of age correlated DMSs from the compromised DNA typical of forensic semen stains