440 research outputs found

    Mortality estimates of the four major Cichlid fishes of Umuoseriche Lake, Imo State, Nigeria

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    The mortality of the four major cichlid fishes of Urnuoseriche Lake is the subject of this paper. Mortality I as estimated by five techniques, vary amongst the cichlid fishes, viz, Tilapia carbrae, Tilapia mariac, Tilapia zilli cend (hrornoditilapfa guntheri. The highest mortality rate was recorded for T mariac where the total mortality (Z) was 2.06; and natural mortality (M) was 1.8949. This species was also the most highly exploited species of fish with an exploitation ratio of0.566 (56.6%) and exploitation rate of 0.494. The least exploited cichlid fish is (. gun/hen where an exploitation ratio of 0.43209%) and exploitation rate of 0.2225 was recorded. In C'. guntheni, total mortality was 0.726 and natural mortality was 0.413 1. In T zilli, total mortality was 1.0547 wile exploitation ratio was 0.3674 (3 6.74%) and an exploitation rate was 0.2394. In T cahrae. total mortality was 1.8662: exploitation ratio was 0.4786 with an exploitation rate of 0.4045. (7 page document

    Dysregulation of the miR-30c/DLL4 axis by circHIPK3 is essential for KSHV lytic replication

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    Non-coding RNA (ncRNA) regulatory networks are emerging as critical regulators of gene expression. These intricate networks of ncRNA:ncRNA interactions modulate multiple cellular pathways and impact the development and progression of multiple diseases. Herpesviruses, including Kaposi’s sarcoma-associated herpesvirus, are adept at utilising ncRNAs, encoding their own as well as dysregulating host ncRNAs to modulate virus gene expression and the host response to infection. Research has mainly focused on unidirectional ncRNA-mediated regulation of target protein-coding transcripts; however, we identify a novel host ncRNA regulatory network essential for KSHV lytic replication in B cells. KSHV-mediated upregulation of the host cell circRNA, circHIPK3, is a key component of this network, functioning as a competing endogenous RNA of miR-30c, leading to increased levels of the miR-30c target, DLL4. Dysregulation of this network highlights a novel mechanism of cell cycle control during KSHV lytic replication in B cells. Importantly, disruption at any point within this novel ncRNA regulatory network has a detrimental effect on KSHV lytic replication, highlighting the essential nature of this network and potential for therapeutic intervention

    Determinants of Output of Artisanal Fishers in Oguta, Imo State, Nigeria

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    The objective of the survey is to determine the variables that affect the output of artisanal fishers in Oguta Local Government Area of Imo State, Nigeria. Data used for the study were obtained from primary and secondary sources using a multi-stage random sampling technique. In the first stage, 10 villages out of the 27 villages in Oguta were selected at random. In the first second state, 4 fishers were selected from each of the villages making a total of 40 respondents in Oguta Ameshi. Similarly, 60 respondents were selected from Ubi, which is made up of 27 farm settlements (Egwes). This brought the total to 100 respondents. Instrument of data collection was via well-structured and pre-tested questionnaires. The lead equation (linear form) shows that values of fixed cost invested (X1), depreciation value of fixed assets (X4) and area of the lake fished (X5) were significantly and positively correlated with the value of outputs. The linear equation explained 51.5% of the variation in the output of artisan fishers Imo State, Nigeria. Keywords: keyword;Socio-economic, Determinants, Artisanal fishersJournal of Agriculture and Food Sciences Vol. 5 (1) 2007: pp. 29-3

    Ideological Assumptions and Covert Communication in Christian Advertisement Discourse

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    Advertising communication relies considerably on inferences and assumptions which help proceed towards eventual interpretation(s). It is the task of the audience to supply those implications based on the presumption of optimal relevance. Christian advertising as a specific domain draws largely from Christian ideological assumptions and communicates certain overt and covert messages.  The audience’s background knowledge and assumptions are crucial factors in the relevance-theoretic interpretation of advertisement messages. This work examines how ideological meanings and implicatures are communicated, what they communicate and how they are interpreted in Christian advertisements. The Relevance theoretical framework is employed for the analysis of the data. Seventeen (17) textual samples of Christian adverts drawn from handbills, posters and billboards in Abakaliki, Nigeria, are analysed. It is observed that Christian advertisers and their target audience share common values, which usually form the background, based upon which they both interact within the platform of language of advertising. The advertisers appeal to the audience through the offer of some benefits, mostly abstract, for which they cannot be held responsible if not fulfilled. Keywords: advertising, ideological assumptions, covert communication, Christian advertisements, relevance theor

    Decision making in clinical veterinary practice

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    Cultural Parenting: Igbo Mothers Raising their Children in the United States

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    This study seeks to explore the challenges Igbo women face when raising their children in 21st century American Society. The study will also explore how Igbo women are able to maneuver through two cultures and raise their children simultaneously. This research explores the occurrence of being an African woman dealing with cultural differences, race identity and gender in a Western society and how it relates to parenting. Interviews will be conducted to get real lived experiences of participants. The goal is to bring forth knowledge and awareness on African women, particularly Igbo women and what they ultimately grapple with when raising their children, but told through their lenses giving them a voice

    Influence of Preaching’s Rhetorical Appeal on Evangelical Listeners’ Motivation

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    Preaching is a form of rhetorical narratology aimed at persuading its audience via sermons to experience a renewal of the mind and the transformation of their life. While previous research established the fact that listeners comprehend sermons through their rhetorical appeal, it has been unclear how this has motivated evangelical listeners to act. The purpose of this qualitative narrative study was to explore how the rhetorical appeal of preaching influences evangelical listeners’ motivation at evangelical churches in Savannah, Georgia. A comprehensive approach to exploring a sermon’s rhetorical appeal was utilized by focusing jointly on individual perception and social context. The Narrative Transportation Theory served as the theoretical framework, and 34 participants from six churches were interviewed to reach saturation. The findings showed that the rhetorical appeal embedded in preaching, plus its narrative essence, influences evangelical listener motivation. In addition, listeners subconsciously understand that aspects of rhetoric and narrative work together in sermons to influence their motivation. This study specifically identified three themes, seven categories, 13 conditions, and 32 codes relevant for rhetorical appeal to be effective and to help motivation occur. The three themes of Relatability, Applicability, and Engagement were aligned with Ethos, Logos, and Pathos, and then integrated with Environmental, Cognitive, and Behavioral functions, to create the Sermon Listener Motivation Triangle. This study’s corroboration of preaching’s collaborative nature between the perfectly divine and the imperfectly human is shared in hopes of helping speakers prepare scripturally authentic sermons and communicate in engaging ways that inspire change

    Entrepreneurship Education Curriculum Content for Undergraduate Students in Nigerian Universities

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    University education in Nigeria, like in other developing countries, is to produce graduates grounded in generic skill and, quality education for the nation's economic development. University curriculum therefore, should reflect research about what works, as opposed to what is popular today or tomorrow. This implies that the curriculum content should enable students to attain the society's expectations, and perhaps most importantly, their needs. This work is an attempt to identify potentially viable skills for curriculum development for entrepreneurship education at undergraduate levels in Nigerian Universities, through providing 66 skills from which 550 undergraduate students of the University of Abuja were tasked to rank. The first twenty most acceptable skills ranked by students was recommended for Universities in Nigeria as the basis upon which they could select entrepreneurship curriculum contents for their students
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