35 research outputs found
Neurophysiologic Markers of Abnormal Brain Activity in Schizophrenia
Cortical electrophysiologic event-related potentials are multidimensional measures of information processing that are well-suited for efficiently parsing automatic and controlled components of cognition that span the range of deficits evidenced in schizophrenia patients. These information processes are key cognitive measures that are recognized as informative and valid targets for understanding the neurobiology of schizophrenia. These measures may be used in concert with the Measurement and Treatment Research to Improve Cognition in Schizophrenia (MATRICS) neurocognitive measures in the development of novel treatments for schizophrenia and related neuropsychiatric disorders. The employment of novel event-related potential paradigms designed to carefully characterize the early spectrum of perceptual and cognitive information processing allows investigators to identify the neurophysiologic basis of cognitive dysfunction in schizophrenia and to examine the associated clinical and functional impairments
Multi-Channel Speech Enhancement and Amplitude Modulation Analysis for Noise Robust Automatic Speech Recognition
The paper describes a system for automatic speech recognition (ASR) that is benchmarked with data of the 3rd CHiME challenge, a dataset comprising distant microphone recordings of noisy acoustic scenes in public environments. The proposed ASR system employs various methods to increase recognition accuracy and noise robustness. Two different multi-channel speech enhancement techniques are used to eliminate interfering sounds in the audio stream. One speech enhancement method aims at separating the target speaker's voice from background sources based on non-negative matrix factorization (NMF) using variational Bayesian (VB) inference to estimate NMF parameters. The second technique is based on a time-varying minimum variance distortionless response (MVDR) beamformer that uses spatial information to suppress sound signals not arriving from a desired direction. Prior to speech enhancement, a microphone channel failure detector is applied that is based on cross-comparing cha nnels using a modulation-spectral representation of the speech signal. ASR feature extraction employs the amplitude modulation filter bank (AMFB) that implicates prior information of speech to analyze its temporal dynamics. AMFBs outperform the commonly used frame splicing technique of filter bank features in conjunction with a deep neural network (DNN) based ASR system, which denotes an equivalent data-driven approach to extract modulation-spectral information. In addition, features are speaker adapted, a recurrent neural network (RNN) is employed for language modeling, and hypotheses of different ASR systems are combined to further enhance the recognition accuracy. The proposed ASR system achieves an absolute word error rate (WER) of 5.67% on the real evaluation test data, which is 0.16% lower compared to the best score reported within the 3rd CHiME challenge
Classifier architectures for acoustic scenes and events : implications for DNNs, TDNNs, and perceptual features from DCASE 2016
This paper evaluates neural network (NN) based systems and compares them to Gaussian mixture model (GMM) and hidden Markov model (HMM) approaches for acoustic scene classification (SC) and polyphonic acoustic event detection (AED) that are applied to data of the “Detection and Classification of Acoustic Scenes and Events 2016” (DCASE'16) challenge, task 1 and task 3, respectively. For both tasks, the use of deep neural networks (DNNs) and features based on an amplitude modulation filterbank and a Gabor filterbank (GFB) are evaluated and compared to standard approaches. For SC, additionally a time-delay NN approach is proposed that enables analysis of long contextual information similar to recurrent NNs but with training efforts comparable to conventional DNNs. The SC system proposed for task 1 of the DCASE'16 challenge attains a recognition accuracy of 77.5%, which is 5.6% higher compared to the DCASE'16 baseline system. For the AED task, DNNs are adopted in tandem and hybrid approaches, i.e., as part of HMM-based systems. These systems are evaluated for the polyphonic data of task 3 from the DCASE'16 challenge. Several strategies to address the issue of polyphony are considered. It is shown that DNN-based systems perform less accurate than the traditional systems for this task. Best results are achieved using GFB features in combination with a multiclass GMM-HMM back end
Reliable Measurement of Cortical Flow Patterns Using Complex Independent Component Analysis of Electroencephalographic Signals
Complex independent component analysis (ICA) of frequency-domain electroencephalographic (EEG) data [1] is a generalization of real time-domain ICA to the frequency-domain. Complex ICA aims to model functionally independent sources as representing patterns of spatio-temporal dynamics. Applied to EEG data, it may allow non-invasive measurement of flow trajectories of cortical potentials. As complex ICA has a higher complexity and number of parameters than time-domain ICA, it is important to determine the extent to which complex ICA applied to brain signals is stable across decompositions. This question is investigated for the complex ICA method applied to the 5-Hz frequency band of data from a selective attention EEG experiment