704 research outputs found

    Nano Composite Materials for Optoelectronic Devices Application

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    Study on the design, preparation, application and performance of nano-scale materials has been attracting attentions of researchers in related fields. Nanocomposite structures in all dimensions can play an effective role in optoelectronic materials and devices. It can become the basic component of a variety of optoelectronic devices, such as organic solar cell (OSC), organic light-emitting diode (OLED), optoelectronic sensor, quantum dot light-emitting diode (QLED), etc., and give these optoelectronic devices unique electrical, optical and mechanical properties, providing a new way to prepare novel optoelectronic functional devices with high performance. With the design of novel structures and the development of materials, the application field scope of nanocomposites continues to broaden and the costs continue to be reduced. These all promote the development of related electronics manufacturing, aerospace and biomedical fields

    What is the future trend of decision-making?

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    Many intelligent decision-making tools have been developed over the past few decades. However, the real-life application of these tools is still limited even a high degree of consistency and flexibility of these models are reported. Perhaps, from the decision-makers’ perspective, the lack of understanding about the models would be a major source of resistance. Also, the trade-off between gains and dedications associated with the model development as well as implementation would be another bottleneck. In this connection, the future trend of decision-making model development should consider the interaction of the end users and the decision environment. In addition to the transformation of the domain knowledge into decision rules, it is also vital to recognise WHY the users prefer one decision over others under a specific decision environment, and HOW they may change their preferences. With this "learning’ ability, such decision-making tool may be able to generate decisions that are not necessarily the optimum but rational from the users’ viewpoint. This would increase the user acceptance since the tools would behave more like them. Due to technological development, environmental data can be readily collected and analysed. Hence, a data-driven approach which employs artificial intelligence to uncover the connectivity between key environmental factors and users’ preferences should be adopted

    Cross-talk between nicotinic acetylcholine (nAChR) and serotonin (5HT3R) receptors in sympathetic neurons

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    Serotoninergic type 3 receptors (5HT3Rs) are members of the Cys-loop family of ligand-gated ion channels (LGIC), which includes nicotinic ACh, glycine, GABA-A and GABA-C receptors. All members of this family are widely expressed in the central and peripheral nervous systems, where they mostly participate in fast synaptic transmission. Activation of 5HT3Rs on vagal sensory nerve endings affect respiration, circulation, emesis and nociception; and in the central nervous system they are implicated in anxiety, depression, and drug dependence. In contrast, the function of 5HT3Rs in sympathetic neurons has not been fully determined. We discovered that 5HT3Rs interact with nicotinic acetylcholine receptors (nAChRs), the main drivers of the fast cholinergic autonomic synapse, through cross-talk mechanisms. We examined cross-talk by the patch-clamp technique on cultured mouse superior cervical ganglia (SCG) neurons. Co-stimulation of 5HT3Rs and nAChRs resulted in the generation of a combined current that was smaller than arithmetically predicted if the receptors did not interact with one another. This interaction, which we quantified as mean peak amplitude and mean ionic charge, was dependent on activation of 5HT3Rs and nAChRs, and independent of metabotropic receptors, Ca2+ entry and Ca2+ second messenger pathways, and of the direct action of 5HT on nAChRs. Preliminary data using an antibody targeted to the M3-M4 linker region of the 5HT3A subunit revealed that 5HT3Rs and nAChRs possibly cross-talk through physical interactions. These results revealed a potential role of the 5HT3R in the regulation of sympathetic synaptic transmission through cross-talk inhibition of nAChRs


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    This is a review of Knowing (2009)

    [REC] 2

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    This is a review of [REC] 2 (2009)

    Infrared spectroscopy of hot methane: empirical line lists within the 1 - 2 ÎĽm region

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    Methane is one of the many hydrocarbons that is found in cool planetary atmospheres in our solar system. Its prominence also extents to hot sub-stellar environments such as brown dwarfs and hot Jupiter exoplanets. High resolution transmission spectra (0.02 \wn) have been recorded at eight different temperatures (between 294 - 1000 K) within the 1 - 2 ÎĽ\mum region using a Fourier transform infrared spectrometer and tube furnace. From these observations, temperature dependent empirical line lists have been produced that include line position, intensity, lower state energy and possible quantum number assignments. Our line lists and spectra can be used to directly simulate the atmospheric spectra of brown dwarfs and exoplanets. These experimental line lists are also compared to predictions from \textit{ab initio} variational calculations that are known to have diminished accuracy in the 1 - 2 ÎĽ\mum region


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    Sektor industri otomotif di Indonesia merupakan salah satu sector yang menyumbang pendapatan besar terhadap negara. Jumlah penggunaan kendaraan bermotor khususnya kendaraan roda dua di Indonesia dari tahun ketahun semakin meningkat. Hal tersebut tentunya perlu didukung oleh ketersediaan sparepart sebagai bagian dari perawatan berkala kendaraan. Perusahaan sparepart kendaraan bermotor roda dua dalam industri otomotif menjadi bagian yang tidak terpisahkan dan sangat dibutuhkan untuk mendukung kegiatan produksi maupun perawatan. PT. Dunia Raya adalah sebuah perusahaan penanaman modal dalam negeri (PMDN) yang bergerak dalam bidang produksi sparepart kendaraan bermotor roda dua. Keberadaan perusahaan saat ini sangat dibutuhkan karena menjadi bagian dari pemasok suku cadang kendaraan kepada pabrik dan bengkel yang ada di wilayah Jabodetabek dan sekitarnya. Dalam kegiatan operasional perusahaan Departemen Purchasing dan Departemen Warehouse memiliki peran yang penting dalam hal melakukan pengadaan bahan baku produksi. Kegiatan pengadaan barang yang dilakukan oleh Purchasing dimulai dari penerimaan permintaan pembelian dari user, seleksi pemasok, sampai dengan penerbitan pesanan. Sedangkan kegiatan pada gudang terdiri dari proses penerimaan barang, pengelolaan persediaan dan pengeluaran barang

    Integrated Vehicle Stability and Power Management Controls for Electric Vehicles

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    An integrated vehicle controller is presented for electric vehicles using independently driven wheel motors. This topology takes an optimal control approach to enhancing a vehicle's performance, stability, and energy consumption metrics simultaneously in a unified software structure. The logical output of this algorithm is a set of re-distributed wheel torques, to create torque vectoring for stability-focused yaw rate tracking, and longitudinal biasing to modify motor load for energy savings. A real-time numerical approach to solving the optimization problem is also presented, and shown to offer benefits over a closed form analytic approach. In this, solution constraints are used to link considerations such as nonlinear motor limits, tire friction envelopes, and lower-level traction control loops. To test the efficacy of this control structure, two vehicle test platforms were constructed as retrofits of production gas SUVs for electric drive. For this, the component layout is given, followed by an explanation of the software code structure as performed in a Simulink/Carsim/dSpace environment. Results from these platforms are given, with experimental and simulation data for traction control, yaw performance tracking and drive cycle power consumption. Proven performance over a variety of maneuvers and surface conditions further demonstrate the controller's stability and suitability for mass production.1 yea

    High resolution far infrared spectroscopy of HFC-134a at cold temperatures

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    Since the signing of the Montreal protocol, long-lived chlorofluorocarbons have been banned due to their high ozone depleting potential. In order to minimise the effect of such molecules, hydrofluorocarbons (HFCs) were synthesized as replacement molecules to be used as refrigerants and foam blowing agents. HFC-134a, or 1,1,1,2-tetrafluoroethane, is one of these molecules. Although HFCs do not cause ozone depletion, they are typically strong absorbers within the 10 micron atmospheric window, which lead to high global warming potentials. A high resolution FT-IR analysis of the \nub{8} band (near 665 \wn) of HFC-134a has been performed to help understand the intermode coupling between the \nub{8} vibrational state and unobserved dark states
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