12 research outputs found

    SDIoT: A Software Defined based Internet of Things framework

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    The internet of things (IoT) represent the current and future state of the Internet. The large number of things (objects), which are connected to the Internet, produce a huge amount of data that needs a lot of effort and processing operations to transfer it to useful information. Moreover, the organization and control of this large volume of data requires novel ideas in the design and management of the IoT network to accelerate and enhance its performance. The software defined systems is a new paradigm that appeared recently to hide all complexity in traditional system architecture by abstracting all the controls and management operations from the underling devices (things in the IoT) and setting them inside a middleware layer, a software layer. In this work, a comprehensive software defined based framework model is proposed to simplify the IoT management process and provide a vital solution for the challenges in the traditional IoT architecture to forward, store, and secure the produced data from the IoT objects by integrating the software defined network, software defined storage, and software defined security into one software defined based control model

    Analysis of bugs in Apache Virtual Computing Lab

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    Understanding the bugs in software platforms is extremely valuable for developers, especially during the testing phase. However, this is a rarely investigated issue for open source Cloud platforms till date. In this paper, we present the analysis of 146 bug reports from Apache Virtual Computing Lab, a representative open source Cloud platform. Analysis is performed by means of an empirical approach tailored to open source Clouds. For VCL development and test teams, these results provide useful guidelines, e.g., directing volunteers' effort to components where more residual bugs are expected to be found

    SDSecurity: A Software Defined Security Experimental Framework

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    The emerging Software Defined Systems (SDSys) is a recent paradigm, which has been introduced to reduce the overhead in the control and management operations of complex computing systems. The main concept behind this technology is around isolating the data plane from the control plane. Traditional security mechanisms are facing more challenges in providing sufficient levels of protection and efficiency. SDSys for security has been proposed to address these challenges. Software Defined Security (SDSec) provides a flexible and centralized security solution by abstracting the security mechanisms from the hardware layer to a software layer. In this paper we present a novel experimental framework to provide a novel virtualized testbed environment for SDSec systems. This work builds on the Mininet simulator, where its core components, the host, switch and the controller, are customized to build the proposed experimental simulation framework for SDSec. To the best of the authors' knowledge, this is the first experimental framework and simulator for SDSec solutions. The developed simulator, will not only support the development and testing of SDSecurity solutions, it will also serve as an experimentation tool for researchers and for benchmarking purposes. The developed simulator could also be used as an educational tool to train students and novice researchers

    Software defined cloud: Survey, system and evaluation

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    Next generation cloud systems will require a paradigm shift in how they are constructed and managed. Conventional control and management platforms are facing considerable challenges regarding flexibility, dependability and security that next generation systems must handle. The cloud computing technology has already contributed in alleviating a number of the problems associated with resource allocation, utilization and management. However, many of the elements of a well-designed cloud environment remain ‘‘stiff’’ and hard to modify and adapt in an integrated fashion. This includes the underlying networking topologies, many aspects of the user control over IaaS, PaaS or SaaS layers, construction of XaaS services, provenance and meta-data collection, to mention but few. In many situations the problem may be due to inadequacy of service abstraction. Software Defined Systems (SDSys) is a concept that help abstract the actual hardware at different layers with software components; one classical example of this abstractions are hypervisors. Such abstraction provides an opportunity for system administrators to construct and manage their systems, more easily, through flexible software layers. SDSys is an umbrella for different software defined subsystems including Software Defined Networking (SDN), Software Defined Storage (SDStorage), Software Defined Servers (Virtualization), Software Defined Data Centers (SDDC), Software Defined Security (SDSec) etc. and ultimately Software Defined Clouds (SDCloud). Individual solutions and seamless integration of these different abstractions remains in many respects a challenge. In this paper, the authors introduce Software Defined Cloud (SDCloud), a novel software defined cloud management framework that integrates different software defined cloud components to handle complexities associated with cloud computing systems. The first part of paper presents, for the first time, an extensive state of the art critical review of different components of software defined systems, constructing the proposed SDCloud. The second part of the paper proposes the novel concept of SDCloud, which is implemented and evaluated for its feasibility, flexibility and potential superiority

    A novel framework for software defined based secure storage systems

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    The Software Defined Systems (SDSys) paradigm has been introduced recently as a solu- tion to reduce the overhead in the control and management operations of complex com- puting systems and to maintain a high level of security and protection. The main concept behind this technology is around isolating the data plane from the control plane. Building a Software Defined System in a real life environment is considered an expensive solution and may have a lot of risks. Thus, there is a need to simulate such systems before the real-life implementation and deployment. In this paper we present a novel experimental framework as a virtualized testbed environment for software defined based secure storage systems. Its also covers some related issues for large scale data storage and sharing such as deduplication. This work builds on the Mininet simulator, where its core components, the host, switch and the controller, are customized to build the proposed experimental sim- ulation framework. The developed emulator, will not only support the development and testing of SD-based secure storage solutions, it will also serve as an experimentation tool for researchers and for benchmarking purposes. The developed simulator/emulator could also be used as an educational tool to train students and novice researchers