157 research outputs found


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    Using data from several sources, a new investment model, the Constant Growth of Expected Returns model (the CGER model) is tested as an investment strategy for individual investors. We utilize the constant growth of expected return (CGER) formula as the fundamental variable for analysis and build portfolios that we test over time compared to the Standard and Poor?s 500 Index as a benchmark. The largest companies that fit our criteria (for a maximum of 49 companies) for every year for the past twenty years (based on market cap and CGER) will be examined. And then, we compare realized returns to the S&P 500 for further analysis in different holding periods (monthly, quarterly, yearly) and three different investment strategies, namely, the High CGER Portfolio (HP), the Low CGER Portfolio (LP), and the High-Low Combination Portfolio (H-L Portfolio). We only use companies with positive earnings per share (EPS thereinafter), positive book value per share, and positive dividends. Our results show that the CGER model outperforms the S&P 500 index in various holding periods and the most impressive result came from the High CGER portfolio. By comparing the returns of the holding periods, we show that the most consistent results were garnered by utilizing both the High and Low CGER portfolios over different holding periods

    Masked Hard-Attention Transformers and Boolean RASP Recognize Exactly the Star-Free Languages

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    We consider transformer encoders with hard attention (in which all attention is focused on exactly one position) and strict future masking (in which each position only attends to positions strictly to its left), and prove that the class of languages recognized by these networks is exactly the star-free languages. Adding position embeddings increases the class of recognized languages to other well-studied classes. A key technique in these proofs is Boolean RASP, a variant of RASP that is restricted to Boolean values. Via the star-free languages, we relate transformers to first-order logic, temporal logic, and algebraic automata theory

    Contribution of mangrove forest and socio-economic development of local communities in Kudat District, Sabah Malaysia

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    Mangroves provide many direct and indirect benefits to humans of which also identified as ecosystem services of the forest. Villagers living within, and around the mangrove area use goods and services from the forest as their source of livelihood. The purpose of this study was to identify goods and services taken from the mangrove forest and to determine its value based on income derived by the local community. Six villages were selected as study sites located in the division of Kudat, Sabah. The method used was semi-structured interview involving 60 respondents representing the head of households. The results indicate that the primary products collected from the mangrove forest are of two main categories namely non-forest products (mud crab (Scylla serrata), fishes, ‘lokan’ (Geloina coaxans) and mud creepers (Cerithidea obtusa)); and the forest products (fuelwood and firewood (Rhizophora’s), Tannin (bark), flavorings (Tengar bark), nuts (Sonneratia’s), piling poles and medicinal plants). The non-forest products generated the highest income with an average of RM432.75 per household/month, whilst forest products contributed to an average of RM40.85. The study also revealed that 73 percent of the total respondents were living under the hardcore poor earning bracket with a monthly income of less than RM500. Further studies are required to learn more on the adaptation of the community towards the importance of mangrove forest and their livelihoo

    Muscleblind1, but Not Dmpk or Six5, Contributes to a Complex Phenotype of Muscular and Motivational Deficits in Mouse Models of Myotonic Dystrophy

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    Assessment of molecular defects that underlie cognitive deficits observed in mendelian disorders provides a unique opportunity to identify key regulators of human cognition. Congenital Myotonic Dystrophy 1 (cDM1), a multi-system disorder is characterized by both cognitive deficits and a spectrum of behavioral abnormalities, which include visuo-spatial memory deficits, anxiety and apathy. Decreased levels of DMPK (Dystrophia Myotonica-protein kinase), SIX5, a transcription factor or MBNL1 (Muscleblind-like 1), an RNA splice regulator have been demonstrated to contribute to distinct features of cDM1. Mouse strains in which either Dmpk, Six5 or Mbnl1 are inactivated were therefore studied to determine the relative contribution of each gene to these cognitive functions. The open field and elevated plus maze tasks were used to examine anxiety, sucrose consumption was used to assess motivation, whereas the water maze and context fear conditioning were used to examine spatial learning and memory. Cognitive and behavioral abnormalities were observed only in Mbnl1 deficient mice, which demonstrate behavior consistent with motivational deficits in the Morris water maze, a complex visuo-spatial task and in the sucrose consumption test for anhedonia. All three models of cDM1 exhibit normal spatial learning and memory. These data identify MBNL1 as a potential regulator of emotional state with decreased MBNL1 levels underlying the motivational deficits observed in cDM1

    Reducing Wireless Harmonics using Dynamic Spread Spectrum Clocking and Dynamic Adaptation of MIPI Frequency

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    Harmonics of digital signals generated by components of a mobile device can get coupled to useful signals via the device antenna and appear as noise and desensitize the receiver. This disclosure describes techniques of dynamic spread spectrum clocking (SSC) and dynamic MIPI (mobile industry processor interface) frequency adjustment to arrest the degradation of receiver/antenna performance caused by harmonics generated by device components. Examples of device components include the camera, the MIPI serial interface of the display, the DDIC (display driver integrated circuit) oscillator, etc. Problematic frequency ranges, e.g., frequency ranges of communication channels rich in harmonics generated by components, are identified. SSC is selectively enabled or disabled to reduce or eliminate interference. The MIPI frequency is adjusted such that MIPI harmonics do not fall in presently used communication channels

    Computational and Systems Biology Advances to Enable Bioagent-Agnostic Signatures

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    Enumerated threat agent lists have long driven biodefense priorities. The global SARS-CoV-2 pandemic demonstrated the limitations of searching for known threat agents as compared to a more agnostic approach. Recent technological advances are enabling agent-agnostic biodefense, especially through the integration of multi-modal observations of host-pathogen interactions directed by a human immunological model. Although well-developed technical assays exist for many aspects of human-pathogen interaction, the analytic methods and pipelines to combine and holistically interpret the results of such assays are immature and require further investments to exploit new technologies. In this manuscript, we discuss potential immunologically based bioagent-agnostic approaches and the computational tool gaps the community should prioritize filling

    The contributions of rubber plantation to the socio-economic development: a case study on Kanibongan project-rubber smallholders community in Pitas, Sabah

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    Sabah is recognized as the poorest state in Malaysia, whilst having numerous rural communities categorized as a hardcore poor especially in the rural district, Pitas. The Kanibongan project involving rubber smallholders in the Pitas district has been developed by the State Government for the purpose of socio-economic development. The main objectives of this study were to determine the effectiveness of the project implementation in addressing the poverty level in the area involved; and to determine the factors driving the smallholders to participate in the project and the problems faced by these smallholders. This study involved five villages, namely, Kampung Masin, Kampung Kutoyon, Kampung Sulakulong, Kampung Simpang Empat and Kampung Simpang. Data was collected with 100% sampling comprising of 195 respondents by using questionnaires and interviews. Based on the results of this study, the average monthly income of the smallholders showed significant improvement up to 30% since its implementation. The main driven factors for smallholder participation in this project were self motivation (94.3%), subsidy incentives programme by LIGS (93.3%), poverty level (92.9%), good rubber prices (90.3%), and family encouragement (88.2%). Whereas the main problems faced by the smallholders were the unstable price of rubber (84.6%) and theft of latex (74.4%). The Kanibongan rubber planting project is considered successful in reducing poverty among the smallholders involved

    Growth performance of paraserianthes falcataria (batai) planted in bioplastic pots title

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    Paraserianthes falcataria, a fast growing tree species was evaluated for 180 days planted in bioplastic pots. Six different ratios of newspaper and bioplastic mixture (N100:B0, N90:B10, N70:B30, N50:B50, N30:B70 and N10:B90) were used for pot making. The heights of the seedlings were measured together with root penetrations through the bioplastic pots at the end of evaluation period. Results showed that the seedlings planted in 100% fully newspaper pot had the highest percentage of mean height 4964.94% meanwhile the N30:B70 had the lowest percentage of height 4396.65%. No significant difference between the height and the ratio of bioplastic mixing at the p≤0.05 for the seedlings and negative impact to the plant growth. From the observation also, the number of seedling roots penetrated through the bioplastic pots were more than 10 roots where the root systems were able to break through the pot wall

    Structure/Function Analysis of Recurrent Mutations in SETD2 Protein Reveals a Critical and Conserved Role for a SET Domain Residue in Maintaining Protein Stability and Histone H3 Lys-36 Trimethylation

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    The yeast Set2 histone methyltransferase is a critical enzyme that plays a number of key roles in gene transcription and DNA repair. Recently, the human homologue, SETD2, was found to be recurrently mutated in a significant percentage of renal cell carcinomas, raising the possibility that the activity of SETD2 is tumor-suppressive. Using budding yeast and human cell line model systems, we examined the functional significance of two evolutionarily conserved residues in SETD2 that are recurrently mutated in human cancers. Whereas one of these mutations (R2510H), located in the Set2 Rpb1 interaction domain, did not result in an observable defect in SETD2 enzymatic function, a second mutation in the catalytic domain of this enzyme (R1625C) resulted in a complete loss of histone H3 Lys-36 trimethylation (H3K36me3). This mutant showed unchanged thermal stability as compared with the wild type protein but diminished binding to the histone H3 tail. Surprisingly, mutation of the conserved residue in Set2 (R195C) similarly resulted in a complete loss of H3K36me3 but did not affect dimethylated histone H3 Lys-36 (H3K36me2) or functions associated with H3K36me2 in yeast. Collectively, these data imply a critical role for Arg-1625 in maintaining the protein interaction with H3 and specific H3K36me3 function of this enzyme, which is conserved from yeast to humans. They also may provide a refined biochemical explanation for how H3K36me3 loss leads to genomic instability and cancer

    Ten-year population trends of immunoglobulin use, burden of adult antibody deficiency and feasibility of subcutaneous immunoglobulin (SCIg) replacement in Hong Kong Chinese

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    BackgroundAdult antibody deficiency remains under-recognised and under-studied – especially among Asian populations. Patterns of immunoglobulin use and the feasibility of subcutaneous immunoglobulin (SCIg) replacement among Chinese patients remains unclear.ObjectiveTo investigate the trends of immunoglobulin use, burden of adult antibody deficiency and the outcomes of patients on SCIg compared to intravenous immunoglobulin (IVIg) replacement in Hong Kong through a retrospective observational study.MethodsPopulation-wide data of immunoglobulin recipients in Hong Kong between 2012 and 2021, and longitudinal clinical data of adult immunodeficiency patients at Queen Mary Hospital were collected and analysed.ResultsTotal immunoglobulin consumption and recurrent immunoglobulin recipients increased continuously from 175,512g to 298,514g (ρ=0.99, p<0.001) and 886 to 1,508 (ρ=0.89, p=0.001) between 2012-21 in Hong Kong. Among 469 immunoglobulin recipients at Queen Mary Hospital in 2021, 344 (73.3%) were indicated for replacement. Compared to those on IVIg (n=14), patients on SCIg replacement (n=8) had fewer immunodeficiency-related hospitalisations (IRR=0.11) and shorter duration of hospitalisation stay (IRR=0.10) per year, as well as better quality of life (SF-36v2 Health Survey and Life Quality Index). Estimated annual healthcare cost of SCIg replacement per patient was lower than that of IVIg (HKD196,850 [USD25,096] vs HKD222,136 [USD28,319]).ConclusionThere was a significantly increasing burden of adult antibody deficiency and immunoglobulin consumption in Hong Kong. SCIg was feasible and more cost-effective when compared to IVIg, with SCIg patients experiencing better clinical outcomes and quality of life. Future prospective studies to confirm the long-term efficacy and superiority of SCIg are required