20 research outputs found

    Muzykoterapia a biocybernetyka

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    The article presents selected issues of the role of music in an every-day life of contemporary people. The background of considerations constitutes a biocybernetic perspective of the issue in question. The work briefly discusses a psychological and subjective dimension of musicotherapy on the one hand, and, on the other, the attempts to indicate the methods of the objectivisation of the influence of music on man. The issue of artotheraphy, especially in its desired and positive understanding, being a general message of the work in question, is refereed to the analysis of potential possibilities of the objectivisation of the evaluation of the emotional condition of man. The receiver, under the influence of music, reaches personally changeable emotional states, usually defined on a psychological ground, but, what is also important, generates measurable signals conveying the information on he physiological condition. In an international terminology this very area of knowledge has been recently defined as “kansei engineering”

    Real-time back surface landmark determination using a Time-of-Flight camera

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    Postural disorders, their prevention, and therapies are still growing modern problems. The currently used diagnostic methods are questionable due to the exposure to side effects (radiological methods) as well as being time-consuming and subjective (manual methods). Although the computer-aided diagnosis of posture disorders is well developed, there is still the need to improve existing solutions, search for new measurement methods, and create new algorithms for data processing. Based on point clouds from a Time-of-Flight camera, the presented method allows a non-contact, real-time detection of anatomical landmarks on the subject’s back and, thus, an objective determination of trunk surface metrics. Based on a comparison of the obtained results with the evaluation of three independent experts, the accuracy of the obtained results was confirmed. The average distance between the expert indications and method results for all landmarks was 27.73 mm. A direct comparison showed that the compared differences were statically significantly different; however, the effect was negligible. Compared with other automatic anatomical landmark detection methods, ours has a similar accuracy with the possibility of real-time analysis. The advantages of the presented method are non-invasiveness, non-contact, and the possibility of continuous observation, also during exercise. The proposed solution is another step in the general trend of objectivization in physiotherapeutic diagnostics

    Hybrid system of emotion evaluation in physiotherapeutic procedures

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    Nowadays, the dynamic development of technology allows for the design of systems based on various information sources and their integration into hybrid expert systems. One of the areas of research where such systems are especially helpful is emotion analysis. The sympathetic nervous system controls emotions, while its function is directly reflected by the electrodermal activity (EDA) signal. The presented study aimed to develop a tool and propose a physiological data set to complement the psychological data. The study group consisted of 41 students aged from 19 to 26 years. The presented research protocol was based on the acquisition of the electrodermal activity signal using the Empatica E4 device during three exercises performed in a prototype Disc4Spine system and using the psychological research methods. Different methods (hierarchical and non-hierarchical) of subsequent data clustering and optimisation in the context of emotions experienced were analysed. The best results were obtained for the k-means classifier during Exercise 3 (80.49%) and for the combination of the EDA signal with negative emotions (80.48%). A comparison of accuracy of the k-means classification with the independent division made by a psychologist revealed again the best results for negative emotions (78.05%)

    Relationship between body sway and body build in healthy adult men and women

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    Studies investigating the relationship between balance ability and body size, build and proportions tend to concentrate on body mass and height rather than breadth parameters or size of individual body segments. The purpose of this study was to determine a relationship between the ability to keep balance and the size, build and proportions, based on breadth and length dimensions of the body in healthy adult men and women during a position of free standing. This study also aimed to investigate how the lack of visual control affects the analyzed relationship. The study group consisted of 102 adults of both sexes. The investigations encompassed anthropometric measurements of the body and the ability to keep balance. The analysis covered a of series anthropometric parameters, 9 indices of body proportions, mean velocity of the COP movement (MV) and ellipse area (EA). A statistical analysis of the results was carried out taking into consideration the division into groups due to sexes. The results of the Pearson correlation have revealed that there is a statistically significant correlation (weak or moderate degree) between anthropometric parameters of the body and stabilographic values. Results differ between sexes and depend on whether Romberg’s test was performed with open or closed eyes. The obtained results showed that the surface area of ellipse significantly depends on the dimensions of these body elements which relate to the position of the centre of mass. The obtained results, which differ depending on sex, show that the values of the body sways in a position of free standing depend on breadth and length dimensions of the body, visual control and the analyzed parameter of balance

    Affective State during Physiotherapy and Its Analysis Using Machine Learning Methods

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    Invasive or uncomfortable procedures especially during healthcare trigger emotions. Technological development of the equipment and systems for monitoring and recording psychophysiological functions enables continuous observation of changes to a situation responding to a situation. The presented study aimed to focus on the analysis of the individual’s affective state. The results reflect the excitation expressed by the subjects’ statements collected with psychological questionnaires. The research group consisted of 49 participants (22 women and 25 men). The measurement protocol included acquiring the electrodermal activity signal, cardiac signals, and accelerometric signals in three axes. Subjective measurements were acquired for affective state using the JAWS questionnaires, for cognitive skills the DST, and for verbal fluency the VFT. The physiological and psychological data were subjected to statistical analysis and then to a machine learning process using different features selection methods (JMI or PCA). The highest accuracy of the kNN classifier was achieved in combination with the JMI method (81.63%) concerning the division complying with the JAWS test results. The classification sensitivity and specificity were 85.71% and 71.43%

    Road safety education as a societal challenge in XXIst century

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    W artykule przedstawiono wybrane problemy krzewienia kultury technicznej w ramach szkolnego obowiązku kształcenia z zakresu techniki. W szczególności rozważania skierowano na obszar wychowania motoryzacyjnego, warunkującego zrównoważony rozwój społeczny. Na tle wyników analizy poziomu wiedzy z zakresu prawa o ruchu drogowym, reprezentatywnego dla osób dorosłych, posiadających prawo jazdy, wyłoniono związki przyczynowo-skutkowe, dla których wspólną cechą jest deficyt wiedzy z zakresu podstaw fizyki. Zaproponowano prosty sposób komputerowego wspomagania ćwiczeniowego składnika procesu dydaktycznego w przekonaniu, że nauczanie symulacyjne istotnie uzupełni doświadczenia z praktyki ruchu drogowego.The article presents some problems of technical culture promotion in the school education obligation, especially in the field of technology. In particular, consideration was directed to the area of road safety education, which determines a balanced human development. On the background of results analysis of knowledge level regarding to the traffic law, by adults having driving licenses, cause-effect relationships were selected, for which the common feature is a lack of knowledge in basic physics. A simple computer-aided method was proposed to practice the experimental component of the educational process, in the belief that the simulation teaching significantly complement the experience with the practice of traffic

    Analog tachogram analysis in the Euclidean coordinates

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    The article presents methods for processing image of circular tachograph disc (used to register vehicle’s and driver’s work) to the rectangular coordinates. Selected techniques were described in detail and also the images obtained as a result of their use were compared. In addition, the practical examples of the processed tachogram images analysis were indicated

    Comprehensive social cost of traffic events as a determinant of automotive education

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    W artykule zaprezentowano zagadnienie systemowego podejścia do edukacji w zakresie wychowania motoryzacyjnego. Problem zasadniczo adresowany jest do środowisk odpowiedzialnych za efektywne nauczanie zasad współistnienia w ogólnodostępnej przestrzeni drogi publicznej. Zaproponowana w materiale koncepcja wyodrębnienia zadania edukacji motoryzacyjnej jest spójna z cywilizacyjnymi aspiracjami rozwijającego się społeczeństwa. Autorzy zwracają uwagę na powaŜne koszty społeczne, których postrzeganie, co gorsza, nie jest oczywiste, co naturalnie implikuje niewłaściwy stosunek do problemu optymalizacji. W podsumowaniu sugeruje się kompleksowe podejście systemowe, zastępujące działania spontaniczneIn the paper a systematic approach to the issue of education in the area of automotive education is presented. Actually, the problem is addressed to these groups of interests that are responsible for the effective teaching of coexistence principles in the common space of public roads. The proposed concept of automotive education task extraction is consistent with modern aspirations of developing society. The authors pay attention for important comprehensive social cost (moreover, their perception is not evident), what naturally implies the incorrect attitude towards the optimization problem. Concluding, a comprehensive system approach is proposed, instead of the most popular spontaneous actions

    The Impact of Electronic Devices on Psychophysical Development of Preschool Children

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    Celem opracowania była ocena wpływu niekontrolowanego użycia multimedialnych urządzeń elektronicznych powszechnego użytku na rozwój psychofizyczny dzieci w wieku przedszkolnym. Zbadano stopień koordynacji, koncentracji i spostrzegawczości 74 dzieci w wieku 4,5– 7,0 lat, obu płci, w zależności od długości szacowanego (uśrednionego) dobowego czasu korzystania z urządzeń elektronicznych. Ponadto zbadano, czy płeć wpływa różnicująco na wyżej wymienione zmienne. Wśród rodziców przeprowadzono badania ankietowe. Rozwój psychofizyczny dzieci oceniono trzema testami badającymi poziom koncentracji, koordynacji i spostrzegawczości. Połowa dzieci w wieku przedszkolnym wykorzystywała elektroniczne urządzenia multimedialne (głównie telewizor i tablet) 1–2 godz. dziennie. Wykazano, że dla nich ilość czasu spędzanego z różnymi urządzeniami elektronicznymi nie wpływała istotnie na wyniki przeprowadzonych testów. Tendencję do pogorszenia wyników testów wykazały dzieci spędzające z urządzeniami tego rodzaju 3–4 godz. w czasie doby.The aim of the work was to assess the impact of uncontrolled use of multimedia electronic devices on the psychophysical development of pre-school children. The degree of coordination, concentration and perceptiveness of 74 children aged 4.5–7.0 years, both sexes, depending on the length of the estimated (averaged) daily use time of electronic devices was examined. In addition, it was examined whether gender differentiates the above-mentioned variables. Surveys were carried out among parents. Psychophysical development of children was assessed by three tests examining the level of concentration, coordination and perceptiveness. Half of children in pre-school age used electronic multimedia devices (mainly TV and tablet) from 1 to 2 hours a day. It was shown that for them the amount of time spent with different electronic devices did not significantly affect the results of the tests. The tendency to deteriorate test results was demonstrated by children spending with devices of this type 3–4 hours a day

    About IT Education in Terms of Qualified Web Resources

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    W artykule przedstawiono wyniki badań poświęconych zagadnieniu doboru źródeł informa-cji, z których matki dzieci w wieku 6–36 miesięcy czerpią wiedzę na temat właściwego żywienia swojego potomstwa. Ze względu na fakt, że głównym źródłem wiedzy jest obecnie internet, ważną kwestią staje się edukacja kobiet w zakresie algorytmu poszukiwania informacji przygotowanych i udostępnionych przez specjalistów oraz oddzielenia ich od, często błędnych, porad zamieszcza-nych w sieci przez przypadkowe osoby. Aż 30% ankietowanych czerpie i stosuje porady w kwestii żywienia dzieci z portali społecznościowych, których rzetelność z natury rzeczy nie jest potwier-dzona. Kwestią naczelną jest przekonanie kobiet do poszukiwania wiedzy w dostępnym również w sieci kwalifikowanym piśmiennictwie oraz konsultowania diety z lekarzem specjalistą (pediatrą lub dietetykiem), co ma w zwyczaju zaledwie 20% kobiet.The paper presents research results, dedicated to the issue of sources, from which mothers of children aged 6–36 months learn about the proper nutrition of their offspring. Due to the fact that nowadays the main source of knowledge is the Internet, it is important to educate women in the search for real information, prepared and made available by professionals, and to isolate them from the sometimes erroneous advice posted on the web by random people. Even 30% of the respondents use advice on feeding children from social networking sites, which reliability is at least questionable. It is equally important to convince women to seek knowledge in qualified literature and to consult the diet with a specialist (pediatrician or dietician), which is customary for just 20% of women