34 research outputs found

    Quality of life of the oncological patients, undergoing the chemotherapy

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    This bachelor's thesis discuss the individual perception of the qualitiy of life of the oncological patiens. It also describes the problems of livng with cancer, characterizes the palliative care and focuses on nursing care in oncology, as well as it determines the concepts - quality of life and posttraumatic growth. The main focus lies in the qulitative research, which compres the differences in perception of the quality of life between two goups of patients. First, a group of patients, currently undergoing chemotherapy, and second, a group of patients with already finished treatment and recently in remision of their oncological disease. The interviews with patients help to describe the influence of cancer on quality of their life, what good or which lesson it had brought to their lives. The other aim was to determine the "crisis level" by the "crisis curve graph"

    Effects of Designer Hyper-Interleukin 11 (H11) on Hematopoiesis in Myelosuppressed Mice - Fig 3

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    <p><b>Effect of H11 on the number of bone marrow and spleen cells after (B) chemo/radiotherapy or (C) radiotherapy induced myelosuppression compared with vehicle (PBS), IL-11-treated mice and (A) age-matched naïve mice (control).</b> The bone marrow and spleen cells were pooled from 5 animals per each time point, and the data are shown as the mean number of cells per animal, except for the results indicated by a # sign, which represents the average data from two animals.</p