235 research outputs found

    Anthropological characteristics of a case of microcephaly

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    The article describes a female skull from the contemporary cementary of Pestkovo, Bulgaria, with morphological traits of microcephaly (skull capacity - 907 cm3 ). The skull was characterised by means of measurements with reference to 60 skulls of contemporary Bulgarians. Thus the normalised data and values of natural Perkal’s indices were obtained. Obtained data indicate morphological differences of skull with microcephaly compared with the normal ones. In general, the analysed skull is of a smaller size although the values of its height (porion-bregma), total facial height (nasiongnathion) and palatial length (orale-staphylion) are bigger than in the control group

    Does IGF-1 play a role in the biology of endometrial cancer?

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    Insulin-like growth factor 1 (IGF-1) is a mitogen which plays a key role in regulating cell proliferation, differentiation, and apoptosis. It belongs to the family of proteins also composed of insulin-like growth factor 2 (IGF-2), two types of membrane receptors (IGF-1R and IGF-2R), 6 binding proteins (IGFBP 1–6), hydrolyzing proteases, and reactive molecules binding proteins, which regulate the activity of growth factors. Disturbances in the functioning of IGFBP/IGF/1GF1R can lead to induction of carcinogenesis, which has been demonstrated in breast, prostate or colon cancers. Findings evaluating the role of IGF-1 in endometrial cancer biology are ambiguous and contradictory. Therefore, in the present study, we analyzed the role of IGF-1 in the process of carcinogenesis of endometrial cancer, based on the available literature

    Disease activity, quality of life and indirect costs of psoriatic arthritis in Poland

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    The aim of the study was to assess the indirect costs, health-related quality of life and clinical characteristics of patients with psoriatic arthritis (PsA), measured using a PsA disease activity index in Poland. Additionally, we aimed to investigate the association between the activity, utility of PsA-affected patients and productivity loss in a Polish setting. A questionnaire survey was conducted to assess disease activity, as well as productivity loss, and a paper version of the EuroQoly-5D-3L questionnaire was used to assess productivity loss and the quality of life. Indirect costs were assessed with the human capital approach employing the gross domestic product (GDP) per capita, gross value added (GVA) and gross income (GI) per worker in 2014 in Poland and were expressed in Polish zlotys (PLN) as well as in euros. The correlation was presented using the Spearman correlation coefficient. Our analysis was performed on the basis of 50 full questionnaires collected. We observed a mean utility value of 0.6567. The mean number of days off work was 2.88 days per month, and mean on-the-job productivity loss was 24.1 %. Average monthly indirect costs per patient were €206.7 (864.01 PLN) calculated using the GDP; €484.56 (2025.46 PLN) calculated using the GVA; and €209.70 (876.56 PLN) calculated using the GI. PsA reduces the patients’ quality of life as well as their productivity loss associated with both absenteeism and presenteeism. Total indirect costs were negatively correlated with utility. The greater the disease activity, the lower the utility and the greater the indirect costs

    Nad wodami Zatoki Perskiej. Brytyjsko-osmańskie stosunki za panowania Abdülhamida II

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    The main purpose of the article is an attempt to present the relationship that occurred between London and Constantinople during the reign of Abdülhamid II within in the Persian Gulf region and to show the effects of the British policy, which greatly limited the Ottoman sovereignty in the area. The Ottoman forces conquered Arabia and the Persian Gulf during the era of the Süleyman I. The influence of the Ottomans had loosened to a great extent in the following ages. Britain emerged as the winner of the showdown among the Western Great Powers in the Gulf in the 19th century and subsequently it established its supremacy over the region. The Anglo-Ottoman relations relations greatly deteriorated with the beginning of Abdülhamid II`s rule. The British menace to the Ottoman existence in the Gulf was the consequence of the shift in the British policy aiming at the breakdown and disintegration of the Ottoman Empire. Evidence of the British threat to the Ottoman presence in the region was that Britain, in principle, did not want any challenge to its supremacy in the region, so it thwarted all foreign interventions into the Gulf.The main purpose of the article is an attempt to present the relationship that occurred between London and Constantinople during the reign of Abdülhamid II within in the Persian Gulf region and to show the effects of the British policy, which greatly limited the Ottoman sovereignty in the area. The Ottoman forces conquered Arabia and the Persian Gulf during the era of the Süleyman I. The influence of the Ottomans had loosened to a great extent in the following ages. Britain emerged as the winner of the showdown among the Western Great Powers in the Gulf in the 19th century and subsequently it established its supremacy over the region. The Anglo-Ottoman relations relations greatly deteriorated with the beginning of Abdülhamid II`s rule. The British menace to the Ottoman existence in the Gulf was the consequence of the shift in the British policy aiming at the breakdown and disintegration of the Ottoman Empire. Evidence of the British threat to the Ottoman presence in the region was that Britain, in principle, did not want any challenge to its supremacy in the region, so it thwarted all foreign interventions into the Gulf

    Ocena bezpieczeństwa i wczesnych wyników leczenia zaburzeń statyki narządów płciowych (ZSNP) w zależności od rodzaju zastosowanej siatki i techniki jej zakładania

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    Objectives: Evaluation of safety and effectiveness of POP (pelvic organ prolapse) treatment with the use of polypropylene mesh depending on type of mesh and application technique. Materials and methods: We carried out a retrospective study and compared the frequency of perioperative complications and treatment results three months after the surgical procedure in two groups of patients, divided according to POP type. The first group comprise of patients with anterior compartment disorders who had Prolift Anterior (n=100) or Pelvimesh Anterior (n=98) placed. The second group included patients with posterior and central compartment who had Prolifit Posterior (n=72) and Pelvimesh Posterior (n=89) fitted. Early peri- and postoperative complications criteria were: profuse intraoperative bleeding (hemoglobin decrease of 3g%), intraoperative damage of urinary bladder and bowel, presence of hematoma in paravesical and perirectal space, urine retention after miction on the second day after the operation (>100ml), uroschesis after catheter removal, early operative failure (during 3 months after the operation), mesh erosion. Results: No statistically significant differences in peri- and postoperative complications were reported between the studied groups (Pelvimesh vs. Prolift). No damage of urinary bladder or bowel was found in any of the studied groups. Other complications in Prolift Ant. Vs. Pelvimesh Ant groups were: postoperative anemia (4.00% vs. 4.09%); presence of hematoma (1.00% vs. 1.03%); postoperative urine retention (7.00% vs. 5.11%); uroschesis (1.00% vs. 1.03%); mesh erosion (2.00% vs. 1.03%); early operative failure (1.00% vs. 3.07%). Early postoperative results did not statistically differ between the Pelvimesh and the Prolift group. Results in the Prolift Post. vs. Pelvimesh Post. Groups were: postoperative anemia (2.78% vs. 5.62%); mesh erosion (1.38% vs. 0%), early operative failure (1.38% vs. 5.62%). Damage to bowel and hematoma was not observed in these groups. Conclusions: Our research failed to observe an advantage of any of the ready POP treatment kits. Despite application of different systems for mesh placement and pulling the arms through ligaments (either obturator foramen or sacrospinous ligament), no statistically significant differences were demonstrated with regard to the occurrence of early peri- and postoperative complications or efficiency in POP treatment in Prolift Anterior vs. Pelvimesh Anterior and Prolift Posterior vs. Prolift Pelvimesh groups.Cel pracy: Ocena bezpieczeństwa i wczesnych wyników leczenia zaburzeń statyki narządów płciowych (ZSNP) przy zastosowaniu siatek polipropylenowych w zależności od rodzaju zastosowanej siatki i techniki jej zakładania. Materiał i metodyka: W retrospektywnym badaniu porównywaliśmy częstość występowania powikłań okołooperacyjnych oraz wczesnych wyników leczenia w 3 miesiącu po operacji u pacjentek operowanych z powodu zaburzeń statyki narządów płciowych (ZSNP). W pierwszej grupie znajdowały się pacjentki z zaburzeniami kompartmentu przedniego, u których zakładano siatkę Prolift Anterior (n=100) oraz Pelvimesh Anterior (n=98). W drugiej grupie znalazły się pacjentki z zaburzeniami kompartmentu tylnego i szczytowego, u których zakładano siatkę Prolift Posterior (n=72) oraz Pelvimesh Posterior (n=89). Za kryterium obecności wczesnych powikłań śród- i pooperacyjnych przyjęto: obfite krwawienie śródoperacyjne (spadek hemoglobiny o 3g%), śródoperacyjne uszkodzenie pęcherza moczowego i jelita grubego, obecność krwiaków w przestrzeni zapęcherzowej i okołoodbytniczej, zaleganie moczu po mikcji w drugiej dobie po operacji (>100 ml), zatrzymanie moczu po wyjęciu cewnika, wczesny nawrót zaburzeń statyki (w ciągu 3 miesięcy po operacji), erozję siatki. Wyniki badań: W zakresie opisywanych powikłań śród- i pooperacyjnych nie odnotowano znamiennych statystycznie różnic pomiędzy badanymi grupami (Prolift vs Pelvimesh). W grupie Prolift Anterior stwierdzono jeden przypadek śródoperacyjnego uszkodzenia pęcherza, w żadnej z badanych grup nie stwierdzono uszkodzenia odbytnicy. Pozostałe powikłania w grupie Prolift Ant. Vs Pelvimesh Ant. kształtowały się następująco: niedokrwistość pooperacyjna (4,00% vs 4,09%); obecność krwiaka (1,00% vs 1,03%); pooperacyjne zaleganie moczu (7,00% vs 5,11%); zatrzymanie moczu (1,00% vs 1,03%); erozja siatki (2,00% vs 1,03%); wczesny nawrót (1,00% vs 3,07%). Wczesne pooperacyjne wyniki leczenia POP również nie różniły się istotnie statystycznie pomiędzy grupą z Proliftem a grupą z Pelvimesh. W grupie Prolift Post. vs Pelvimesh Post. uzyskano wyniki: niedokrwistość pooperacyjna (2,78% vs 5,62%); erozja siatki (1,38% vs 0%), wczesny nawrót (1,38% vs 5,62%). W żadnej z grup nie obserwowano uszkodzenia odbytnicy ani krwiaka. Wnioski: Na podstawie przeprowadzonego badania nie wykazano przewagi któregokolwiek z gotowych zestawów do leczenia POP. Pomimo stosowania odmiennych systemów do zakładania siatek i przeciągania ramion przez powłoki (przez otwór zasłoniony lub wiązadło krzyżowo-kolcowe) w grupach Prolift Anterior vs Pelvimesh Anterior oraz Prolift Posterior vs Pelvimesh Posterior nie wykazano istotnych statystycznie różnic dotyczących występowania wczesnych powikłań śród- i pooperacyjnych oraz skuteczności leczenia POP

    Case Study of Old Steel Riveted Railway Truss Bridge: From Material Characterization to Structural Analysis

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    The structural analysis of an old steel riveted railway truss bridge located over the Maruska River on the Działdowo – Olsztyn, Poland railway line is performed in this paper to check its behaviour under today’s railway loads. The mechanical properties of construction steel extracted from the old steel bridge are investigated by tensile tests, impact tests through the Charpy pendulum impact V-notch, and an optical emission spectrometer. Structural analysis exhibits that the steel bridge requires proper structural bridge improvements to meet today’s load requirements in terms of bearing capacity and serviceability state. The paper begins with a wide survey of literature carried out on the investigation of steel riveted railway bridge subject matter. This paper can provide scientists, engineers, and designers with an experimental and structural basis in the field of old steel riveted railway truss bridge construction

    Total laparoscopic radical hysterectomy and bilateral pelvic lymphadenectomy of cervical cancer stage IB – case report

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    Objective: Clinical application of minimally invasive surgical techniques in gynecology continuous to increase steadily. Laparoscopic surgery has widely replaced open surgical technique in many routine cases. This method is obviously less traumatic and painful, requires a shorter hospital stay and recovery time. The aim of the study is to present the first operation of total laparoscopic radical hysterectomy and bilateral pelvic lymphadenectomy of cervical cancer. Patient and method: A 44-year-old woman was admitted to hospital for surgery due to cervical cancer stage IB1. The patient body mass index was 23,7. She was qualified for total laparoscopic radical hysterectomy (Piver type III) and bilateral pelvic lymphadenectomy. Three 5-mm trocars and 0-degree optic laparoscopic camera were used. We also used other instruments such as two atraumatic grasping forceps, a monopolar hook, ThermostaplerR forceps (EMED) with bipolar vessel sealing system and bipolar scissors BiSectR (ERBE) for cutting, coagulation and preparation. Results: The operating time was 220 minutes. Blood loss was 100 ml. The Hb drop was 1,5 g/dl. No intraoperative or postoperative complications occurred. The postoperative hospital stay was 3 days. Final histopathologic test revealed carcinoma planoepitheliale invasivum colli uteri with negative margins of vaginal cuffs. 1 out of the 15 lymph nodes identified in the removed tissue was positive for malignancy. Conclusion: Total laparoscopic radical hysterectomy with bilateral pelvic lymphadenectomy is a safe, effective and minimally invasive technique of diagnosis and treatment in an early stage of cervical cancer. This technique requires further evidence and evaluation before its widespread use

    Does IGF-1 play a role in the biology of ovarian cancer?

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    Objectives: The aim of the study was to investigate serum concentrations of the insulin-like growth factor-1 in women with ovarian cancer and healthy controls, and to compare free IGF-1 levels with selected clinical and pathological param­eters. Correlation analysis was used to measure the following: IGF-1 concentration and Ca125; IGF-1 level and the height of the OC patients. Material and methods: The study included 70 patients with OC and 50 healthy controls. Serum concentrations of free IGF-1 were measured in all subjects. Routine diagnostic tests (CBC and USG and Ca125) were performed. Results: Significantly higher serum concentrations of free IGF-1 were found in the study group as compared to controls. No statistically significant relationships between IGF-1 serum concentrations and tumor differentiation, histological type, and disease stage were detected. No statistically significant correlations between IGF-1 and Ca125 level or between IGF-1 and growth of OC patients were found. Conclusions: Serum IGF-1 participates in the etiopathogenesis of ovarian cancer in menstruating women, while local synthesis of this factor and other components of the autocrine loop of the IGF-1 system play a greater role in their post­menopausal peers

    Why vaginal hysterectomy?

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    The article presents current view on vaginal hysterectomy. Arguments in favour of this miniinvasive, minimal access surgical technique are presented. In conclusion the authors underline that vaginal hysterectomy is a cheap, miniinvasive technique which doesn’t require expensive, sophisticated equipment and, what is the most important, which is relatively easy to learn. Due to these advantages, if hysterectomy is necessary, vaginal route should be considered as a technique of choice. While taking a decision which technique to choose, a surgeon should rather look for contraindications for vaginal hysterectomy than indications for this technique

    Uterine cervix agenesis - uterovaginal anastomosis

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    Summary Purpose: Atresia of the uterine cerix is an uncommon Mullerian anomaly. Until ten years ago many authors recommended hysterectomy as the first line treatment in case of uterine cervix atresia. Recent advances in reproductive technology and laparoscopic surgical techniques mean that conservative surgery is a possibility and should be considered as the first line treatment option. Surgical treatment of uterine cervical atresia appears to be a good choice of treatment with good functional result. Materials and methology: We report a case of a 19-year-old woman who was admitted to our Department with amenorrhea and pelvic pain. Examination found no communication between vagina and uterus. The patient under general anesthesia was placed in a lithotomy position, allowing both abdominal (laparoscopy) and vaginal approach. A large dissection between the bladder and the uterus and later between the rectum and the uterus was performed. An incision was made on the uterine fundus and a probe to identify the upper limit of artretic tissue of the cervix was inserted. The atretic tissue was resected as for the cervical conisation until the uterine cavity was reached. Then the uterus was sutured to the high vaginal mucosa with separate stitches. A Foley catheter was inserted in the uterine cavity for 21 days. During the entire post-operative treatment the patient received antibiotics, oral contraceptives and vaginal douche. Four months after the surgery a hysteroscopic evaluation revealed that the communication between the uterus and the vagina was healed. Conclusions: The result of our surgery confirms that uterine atresia may be successfully treated by utero-vaginal anastomosis