23 research outputs found

    Comparison of peritumoral and subareolar injection of Tc99m sulphur colloid and blue-dye for detection of the sentinel lymph node in breast cancer

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    BACKGROUND: The new trend in diagnosis of the lymph node is sentinel node biopsy. This method has become increasingly accepted as a minimally invasive alternative to routine axillary dissection. Although the results of numerous studies have shown that sentinel node biopsy can accurately determine the axillary nodal status, the identification rates and false-negative rates have been variable. The sentinel lymph node is defined as the first node in the lymphatic basin that receives the primary lymphatic flow. MATERIAL AND METHODS: Between September 1998 and August 2002 123 patients with primary operative breast cancer without clinical palpable axillary lymph nodes were enrolled in the study. There were two groups of patients according to sentinel node identification technique: 51 patients (Group I) received parenchymal, peritumoral injection of 1.0 ml of 16 MBq Tc99m-radiolabelled sulphur colloid and single intradermal injection of blue-dye over the tumour. The next 72 patients (Group II) received intradermal, periareolar one-site injection of 0.5 ml of 16 MBq Tc99m-radiolabelled sulphur colloid and blue-dye. RESULTS: Sentinel lymph node was found in 41 (80.4%) cases in Group I and in 67 (93.0%) cases in Group II (p = 0.028). The localisation of the axillary lymph node as a "hot spot" visualised by lymphoscintigraphy was successful in 39/51 (76.5%) cases in Group I and 67/72 (93.0%) in Group II, p = 0.004). In both groups the success of sentinel node identification in the axillary region by lymphoscintigraphy was connected with sentinel lymph node finding during surgery (Group I: p < 0.001, Group II: p < 0.001). CONCLUSIONS: This study shows that intradermal, periareolar one-site injection of Tc99m-radiolabelled sulphur colloid and bluedye is superior to peritumoral 4-sites injections Tc99m-radiolabelled sulphur colloid and single intradermal injection of bluedye over the tumour in sentinel lymph node identification

    K-RAS point mutation, and amplification of C-MYC and C-ERBB2 in colon adenocarcinoma.

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    The routine multidisciplinary management of colon cancer is based mainly on tumor staging, histology, grading and vascular invasion. In this approach, important individual information derived from molecular characteristics of the tumor may be missed, especially since significant heterogeneity of molecular aberrations in cancer cells has been observed, and recognition of every of relationships between them may be of value. K-RAS, C-MYC and C-ERBB2 are protooncogenes taking part in carcinogenesis and tumor progression in the colon. They influence cell proliferation, differentiation and survival. K-RAS point mutation, as well as amplification of C-MYC and C-ERBB2 were searched in 84 primary colon adenocarcinomas resected with curative intent. Multiplex polymerase-chain reaction and restriction fragment length polymorphism were performed to assess codon 12 K-RAS point mutation. Amplification of C-MYC and C-ERBB2 genes was evaluated by densitometry after agarose gel separation of the respective multiplex PCR products. No relation was found among mutated and/or amplified genes, and between searched molecular aberrations and pathoclinical features. In multivariate analysis, nodal status appeared to be the only independent prognostic indicator. In colon adenocarcinoma, codon 12 K-RAS point mutation and amplification of C-MYC and C-ERBB2 seem to occur independently in the process of tumor progression. Amplification of C-ERBB2 tends to associate with more advanced stage of disease. Concomitant occurrence of codon 12 K-RAS mutation, C-MYC and C-ERBB2 amplification was of no prognostic value in respect to survival

    Acute hepatologic and nephrologic effects of calcitriol in Syrian golden hamster (Mesocricetus auratus)

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    Although vitamin D is included in the group of fat-soluble vitamins, it must be considered as a prohormone. Its active forms, including calcitriol, have pleiotropic effects and play an important role in the regulation of cell proliferation, differentiation and apoptosis, as well as in hormone secretion, and they demonstrate anti-cancer properties. Since calcitriol delivery can be beneficial for the organism, and Syrian golden hamsters represent a unique experimental model, we decided to investigate its toxicity in this species. In this study, we injected calcitriol intraperitoneally at doses 0 (control), 0.180±0.009 µg/kg and 0.717±0.032 µg/kg. Animal behavior was observed for 72 hrs after injection, and afterwards blood, liver and kidneys were collected for post-mortem examination, electron microscopy, and hematology analyses. The highest dose of calcitriol induced a change in animal behavior from calm to aggressive, and the liver surface showed morphological signs of damage. Following injection of calcitriol, ultrastructural changes were also observed in the liver and kidneys, e.g. vacuolization and increased number of mitochondria. There was also a trend for increased serum levels of aspartate aminotransferase (AST), but not of alanine aminotransferase (ALT) or GGTP (gamma-glutamyl transpeptidase). There was no change in Ca, Mg and P levels, as well as in blood morphology between experimental and control groups. These results indicate that calcitriol at 0.717, but not at 0.180 µg/kg, may induce acute damage to the liver and kidneys, without inducing calcemia. We propose that the hepatotoxic effect of calcitriol in hamster constitutes the primary cause of behavioral changes

    The First Evidence of Cryptosporidium meleagridis Infection in a Colon Adenocarcinoma From an Immunocompetent Patient

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    Objectives: The potential linkage between Cryptosporidium spp. infection and colorectal human cancer was suggested by limited reports showing higher prevalence of C. parvum and C. hominis in patients with colon cancer. Here we conducted research concerning presence of Cryptosporidium spp. in malignant tissue collected from patients with colorectal cancer.Methods: Cancerous colon tissue samples collected from 145 non-HIV infected patients with colorectal cancer were screened for Cryptosporidium spp. by immunofluorescence antibody test and genus-specific nested polymerase chain reaction followed by sequencing.Results: Screened pathogen was found in cancerous tissue originating from immunocompetent man with colon adenocarcinoma. Genotyping revealed presence of Cryptosporidium meleagridis. The presence of Cryptosporidium life cycle stages (oocysts and endogenous stages) in colon carcinoma tissue was confirmed by genus-specific FITC-labeling.Conclusions: Herein, we report on a C. meleagridis infection of a colon adenocarcinoma in an immunocompetent patient. This is the first report of C. meleagridis infection in the human colon and first evidence of active development of this species in cancer tissue

    Zalecenia dotyczące postępowania diagnostyczno-terapeutycznego u chorych na pierwotne nowotwory złośliwe kości

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    Mięsaki kości u dorosłych stanowią heterogenną grupę bardzo rzadkich nowotworów pochodzenia mezenchymalnego (poniżej 0,5% nowotworów złośliwych u dorosłych). Prawidłowe rozpoznanie i skuteczne leczenie skojarzone pierwotnych nowotworów kości są sumą współpracy radiologów, chirurgów onkologów i chirurgów ortopedów, onkologów klinicznych, radioterapeutów, rehabilitantów, patologów, specjalistów medycyny nuklearnej i biologów molekularnych. Bezwzględnym warunkiem w diagnostyce i leczeniu pierwotnych nowotworów złośliwych kości jest wielodyscyplinarna współpraca wielospecjalistyczna w doświadczonych ośrodkach. Polepszenie diagnostyki mięsaków kości, wprowadzenie zasad terapii skojarzonej i postęp technologiczny spowodowały rozszerzenie wskazań do stosowania operacji oszczędzających kończynę oraz poprawiły odległe wyniki leczenia

    European silver paper on the future of health promotion and preventive actions, basic research and clinical aspects of age-related diseases

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    Analiza zależności kosztów operacyjnych i wyników produkcyjnych ścian od warunków geologicznych i górniczych w wybranych kopalniach węgla kamiennego w Polsce

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    This publication presents the research aimed at developing statistical models, on the basis of which it was possible to prepare credible forecasts of unit cost and coal net output for longwalls in 5 hard coal mines in Poland. The argument has been verified that there is a dependence between the level of nuisance and the level of costs, as well as longwall production results. A research procedure has been developed for that purpose, which aimed at developing two statistical models connecting the nuisance due to geological and mining conditions with costs and longwall production results. The multiple linear regression technique has been used to develop statistical models. The set of data taken into account in the analyses comprised 120 longwalls mined in the years 2010–2019. Two models have been developed – one for forecasting unit costs, the other for forecasting coal net output. Subsequently, the models’ forecasting ability has been verified on a sample of historical data. A relative forecast error for 75% of observations has been in the range of (–25%; +37%). That result has been considered satisfactory. Subsequently, using those models, forecasts of unit costs and coal net output have been prepared for 220 longwalls planned for mining in the years 2020–2030. Those forecasts have been prepared in the stipulated ranges of geological and mining nuisance influencing mining process, by means of dedicated W Ue and W Ut factors. The nuisance models for forecasting purposes have been developed using the AHP (Analytic Hierarchy Process) method. The research hypothesis has been confirmed on the basis of the obtained results. An increase in the level of nuisance leads to an increase in the unit costs for longwalls and the deterioration of production results. Unit operating costs for longwalls in specific ranges of nuisance may differ by up to 30%, being in the range of 52.0–120.3 zł/Mg. Likewise, the coal daily output of longwalls may be even 22% lower, having the average level in the range of 1.89–3.61 thousand Mg/d.Publikacja prezentuje badania zmierzające do opracowania modeli statystycznych, na podstawie których możliwe było wykonanie wiarygodnych prognoz kosztu jednostkowego i wydobycia netto ścian w 5 kopalniach węgla kamiennego w Polsce. Weryfikowano tezę, że istnieje zależność pomiędzy poziomem uciążliwości a wielkością kosztów i wynikami produkcyjnymi ścian. W tym celu opracowano procedurę badawczą prowadzącą do skonstruowania dwóch modeli statystycznych wiążących uciążliwość warunków geologicznych i górniczych z kosztami i wynikami produkcyjnymi ścian. Do skonstruowania modeli statystycznych posłużono się techniką regresji wielorakiej. Zbiór danych, które uwzględniono w analizach, obejmował 120 ścian eksploatowanych w latach 2010–2019. Powstały dwa modele – jeden dla celów prognozowania kosztów jednostkowych, drugi – produkcji węgla netto. Następnie wykonano weryfikację zdolności prognostycznej tych modeli w próbie danych historycznych. Względny błąd prognozy dla 75% obserwacji wahał się w przedziale (–25%; +37%), a jego średnia wartość dla wszystkich obserwacji nie przekraczała 5% dla obu tych modeli. Wynik ten, mimo defektów modelowania liniowego, uznano za satysfakcjonujący. Następnie przy użyciu tych modeli wykonano prognozy kosztów jednostkowych i coal net output dla 220 ścian planowanych do wydobycia w latach 2020–2030. Prognozy te wykonano w umownych przedziałach uciążliwości geologicznych i górniczych warunków procesu eksploatacji za pomocą wskaźników WUe i WUt. Modele uciążliwości dla celów prognostycznych skonstruowano z wykorzystaniem metody AHP (Analytic Hierarchy Process). Na bazie otrzymanych wyników teza badawcza została potwierdzona. Wzrost uciążliwości prowadzi do wzrostu kosztu jednostkowego ścian i pogorszenia wyników produkcyjnych. Zależność ta nie jest liniowa. Koszty jednostkowe ścian w poszczególnych przedziałach uciążliwości mogą się wahać nawet do 30%, mieszcząc się w przedziale 52,0–120,3 zł/Mg. Podobnie również wydobycie dobowe ze ścian może być niższe nawet o 22%, i kształtować na poziomie średnim w przedziale 1,89–3,61 tys. Mg/d