36 research outputs found

    Quantum backreaction (Casimir) effect I. What are admissible idealizations?

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    Casimir effect, in a broad interpretation which we adopt here, consists in a backreaction of a quantum system to adiabatically changing external conditions. Although the system is usually taken to be a quantum field, we show that this restriction rather blurs than helps to clarify the statement of the problem. We discuss the problem from the point of view of algebraic structure of quantum theory, which is most appropriate in this context. The system in question may be any quantum system, among others both finite as infinite dimensional canonical systems are allowed. A simple finite-dimensional model is discussed. We identify precisely the source of difficulties and infinities in most of traditional treatments of the problem for infinite dimensional systems (such as quantum fields), which is incompatibility of algebras of observables or their representations. We formulate conditions on model idealizations which are acceptable for the discussion of the adiabatic backreaction problem. In the case of quantum field models in that class we find that the normal ordered energy density is a well defined distribution, yielding global energy in the limit of a unit test function. Although we see the "zero point" expressions as inappropriate, we show how they can arise in the quantum field theory context as a result of uncontrollable manipulations.Comment: 40 pages, AMS-LaTeX; to appear in Ann. H. Poincar

    Asymptotic algebra for charged particles and radiation

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    A C*-algebra of asymptotic fields which properly describes the infrared structure in quantum electrodynamics is proposed. The algebra is generated by the null asymptotic of electromagnetic field and the time asymptotic of charged matter fields which incorporate the corresponding Coulomb fields. As a consequence Gauss' law is satisfied in the algebraic setting. Within this algebra the observables can be identified by the principle of gauge invariance. A class of representations of the asymptotic algebra is constructed which resembles the Kulish-Faddeev treatment of electrically charged asymptotic fields.Comment: 28 pages, LaTeX; minor corrections, a reference adde

    Infrared problem and spatially local observables in electrodynamics

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    An algebra previously proposed as an asymptotic field structure in electrodynamics is considered in respect of localization properties of fields. Fields are 'spatially local' -- localized in regions resulting as unions of two intersecting (solid) lightcones: a future- and a past-lightcone. This localization remains in concord with the usual idealizations connected with the scattering theory. Fields thus localized naturally include infrared characteristics normally placed at spacelike infinity and form a structure respecting Gauss law. When applied to the description of the radiation of an external classical current the model is free of 'infrared catastrophe'.Comment: 30 pages; accepted for publication in Ann. Henri Poincare; a few minor correction

    Quantum backreaction (Casimir) effect. II. Scalar and electromagnetic fields

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    Casimir effect in most general terms may be understood as a backreaction of a quantum system causing an adiabatic change of the external conditions under which it is placed. This paper is the second installment of a work scrutinizing this effect with the use of algebraic methods in quantum theory. The general scheme worked out in the first part is applied here to the discussion of particular models. We consider models of the quantum scalar field subject to external interaction with ``softened'' Dirichlet or Neumann boundary conditions on two parallel planes. We show that the case of electromagnetic field with softened perfect conductor conditions on the planes may be reduced to the other two. The ``softening'' is implemented on the level of the dynamics, and is not imposed ad hoc, as is usual in most treatments, on the level of observables. We calculate formulas for the backreaction energy in these models. We find that the common belief that for electromagnetic field the backreaction force tends to the strict Casimir formula in the limit of ``removed cutoff'' is not confirmed by our strict analysis. The formula is model dependent and the Casimir value is merely a term in the asymptotic expansion of the formula in inverse powers of the distance of the planes. Typical behaviour of the energy for large separation of the plates in the class of models considered is a quadratic fall-of. Depending on the details of the ``softening'' of the boundary conditions the backreaction force may become repulsive for large separations.Comment: 50 pages, AMS-LaTeX; to appear in Ann. H. Poincar

    Massless asymptotic fields and Haag-Ruelle theory

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    We revisit the problem of the existence of asymptotic massless boson fields in quantum field theory. The well-known construction of such fields by Buchholz [2], [4] is based on locality and the existence of vacuum vector, at least in regions spacelike to spacelike cones. Our analysis does not depend on these assumptions and supplies a more general framework for fields only very weakly decaying in spacelike directions. In this setting the existence of appropriate null asymptotes of fields is linked with their spectral properties in the neighborhood of the lightcone. The main technical tool is one of the results of a recent analysis by one of us [11], which allows application of the null asymptotic limit separately to creation/annihilation parts of a wide class of non-local fields. In vacuum representation the scheme allows application of the methods of the Haag-Ruelle theory closely analogous to those of the massive case. In local case this Haag-Ruelle procedure may be combined with the Buchholz method, which leads to significant simplification.Comment: 39 pages; to appear in Lett. Math. Phy

    Generalized uncertainty relations

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    The standard uncertainty relations (UR) in quantum mechanics are typically used for unbounded operators (like the canonical pair). This implies the need for the control of the domain problems. On the other hand, the use of (possibly bounded) functions of basic observables usually leads to more complex and less readily interpretable relations. Also, UR may turn trivial for certain states if the commutator of observables is not proportional to a positive operator. In this letter we consider a generalization of standard UR resulting from the use of two, instead of one, vector states. The possibility to link these states to each other in various ways adds additional flexibility to UR, which may compensate some of the above mentioned drawbacks. We discuss applications of the general scheme, leading not only to technical improvements, but also to interesting new insight.Comment: 13 page

    Infrared limit in external field scattering

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    Scattering of electrons/positrons by external classical electromagnetic wave packet is considered in infrared limit. In this limit the scattering operator exists and produces physical effects, although the scattering cross-section is trivial.Comment: 12 pages; published version; minor corrections; comments adde

    Infrared problem vs gauge choice: scattering of classical Dirac field

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    We consider the Dirac equation for the classical spinor field placed in an external, time-dependent electromagnetic field of the form typical for scattering settings: F=Fret+Fin=Fadv+FoutF=F^\mathrm{ret}+F^\mathrm{in}=F^\mathrm{adv}+F^\mathrm{out}, where the current producing Fret/advF^{\mathrm{ret}/\mathrm{adv}} has past and future asymptotes homogeneous of degree 3-3, and the free fields Fin/outF^{\mathrm{in}/\mathrm{out}} are radiation fields produced by currents with similar asymptotic behavior. We show the existence of the electromagnetic gauges in which the particle has 'in' and 'out' asymptotic states approaching free field states, with no long-time corrections of the free dynamics. Using a special Cauchy foliation of the spacetime we show in this context the existence and asymptotic completeness of the wave operators. Moreover, we define a special 'evolution picture' in which the free evolution operator has well-defined limits for t±t\to\pm\infty, thus the scattering wave operators do not need the free evolution counteraction.Comment: 57 page

    There is no 'velocity kick' memory in electrodynamics

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    The memory effect in electrodynamics, as discovered in 1981 by Staruszkiewicz, and also analysed later, consists of adiabatic shift of the position of a test particle. The proposed 'velocity kick' memory effect, supposedly discovered recently, is in contradiction to these findings. We show that the 'velocity kick' memory is an artefact resulting from an unjustified interchange of limits. This example is a warning against drawing uncritical conclusions for spacetime fields, from their asymptotic behavior.Comment: 5 pages, a few misprints in formulas correcte