31 research outputs found

    Genetic characterization of clinical and agri-food isolates of multi drug resistant Salmonella enterica serovar Heidelberg from Canada

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p><it>Salmonella enterica </it>serovar Heidelberg ranks amongst the most prevalent causes of human salmonellosis in Canada and an increase in resistance to extended spectrum cephalosporins (ESC) has been observed by the Canadian Integrated Program for Antimicrobial Resistance Surveillance. This study examined the genetic relationship between <it>S</it>. Heidelberg isolates from livestock, abattoir, retail meat, and clinical human specimens to determine whether there was a link between the emergence of MDR <it>S</it>. Heidelberg in chicken agri-food sources and the simultaneous increase of MDR <it>S</it>. Heidelberg in human clinical samples.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>Chromosomal genetic homogeneity was observed by pulsed-field gel electrophoresis (PFGE), DNA sequence-based typing (SBT) and DNA microarray-based comparative genomic hybridization (CGH). Sixty one percent of isolates were indistinguishable by PFGE conducted using <it>Xba</it>I and <it>Bln</it>I restriction enzymes. An additional 15% of isolates had PFGE patterns that were closely related to the main cluster. SBT did not identify DNA polymorphisms and CGH revealed only genetic differences between the reference <it>S</it>. Typhimurium strain and <it>S</it>. Heidelberg isolates. Genetic variation observed by CGH between <it>S</it>. Heidelberg isolates could be attributed to experimental variation. Alternatively, plasmid content was responsible for differences in antimicrobial susceptibility, and restriction fragment length polymorphism (RFLP) analyses followed by replicon typing identified two divergent plasmid types responsible for ESC resistance.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>Due to the overall limited genetic diversity among the isolates, it was not possible to identify variable traits that would be suitable for source tracking between human and agri-food isolates of <it>S</it>. Heidelberg in Canada.</p

    Limited genetic diversity in Salmonella enterica Serovar Enteritidis PT13

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p><it>Salmonella enterica </it>serovar Enteritidis has emerged as a significant foodborne pathogen throughout the world and is commonly characterized by phage typing. In Canada phage types (PT) 4, 8 and 13 predominate and in 2005 a large foodborne PT13 outbreak occurred in the province of Ontario. The ability to link strains during this outbreak was difficult due to the apparent clonality of PT13 isolates in Canada, as there was a single dominant pulsed-field gel electrophoresis (PFGE) profile amongst epidemiologically linked human and food isolates as well as concurrent sporadic strains. The aim of this study was to perform comparative genomic hybridization (CGH), DNA sequence-based typing (SBT) genomic analyses, plasmid analyses, and automated repetitive sequence-based PCR (rep-PCR) to identify epidemiologically significant traits capable of subtyping <it>S</it>. Enteritidis PT13.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>CGH using an oligonucleotide array based upon chromosomal coding sequences of <it>S. enterica </it>serovar Typhimurium strain LT2 and the <it>Salmonella </it>genomic island 1 successfully determined major genetic differences between <it>S</it>. Typhimurium and <it>S</it>. Enteritidis PT13, but no significant strain-to-strain differences were observed between <it>S</it>. Enteritidis PT13 isolates. Individual loci (<it>safA </it>and <it>fliC</it>) that were identified as potentially divergent in the CGH data set were sequenced in a panel of <it>S</it>. Enteritidis strains, and no differences were detected between the PT13 strains. Additional sequence-based typing was performed at the <it>fimA</it>, <it>mdh</it>, <it>manB</it>, <it>cyaA</it>, <it>citT</it>, <it>caiC</it>, <it>dmsA</it>, <it>ratA </it>and STM0660 loci. Similarly, no diversity was observed amongst PT13 strains. Variation in plasmid content between PT13 strains was observed, but macrorestriction with B<it>gl</it>II did not identify further differences. Automated rep-PCR patterns were variable between serovars, but <it>S</it>. Enteritidis PT13 strains could not be differentiated.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>None of the methods identified any significant variation between PT13 strains. Greater than 11,300 base pairs of sequence for each of seven <it>S</it>. Enteritidis PT13 strains were analyzed without detecting a single polymorphic site, although diversity between different phage types of <it>S</it>. Enteritidis was observed. These data suggest that Canadian <it>S</it>. Enteritidis PT13 strains are highly related genetically.</p

    Sequence-based typing of genetic targets encoded outside of the O-antigen gene cluster is indicative of Shiga toxin-producing Escherichia coli serogroup lineages

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    Serogroup classifications based upon the O-somatic antigen of Shiga toxin-producing Escherichia coli (STEC) provide significant epidemiological information on clinical isolates. Each O-antigen determinant is encoded by a unique cluster of genes present between the gnd and galF chromosomal genes. Alternatively, serogroup-specific polymorphisms might be encoded in loci that are encoded outside of the O-antigen gene cluster. Segments of the core bacterial loci mdh, gnd, gcl, ppk, metA, ftsZ, relA and metG for 30 O26 STEC strains have previously been sequenced, and comparative analyses to O157 distinguished these two serogroups. To screen these loci for serogroup-specific traits within a broader range of clinically significant serogroups, DNA sequences were obtained for 19 strains of 10 additional STEC serogroups. Unique alleles were observed at the gnd locus for each examined STEC serogroup, and this correlation persisted when comparative analyses were extended to 144 gnd sequences from 26 O-serogroups (comprising 42 O : H-serotypes). These included O157, O121, O103, O26, O5 : non-motile (NM), O145 : NM, O113 : H21, O111 : NM and O117 : H7 STEC; and furthermore, non-toxin encoding O157, O26, O55, O6 and O117 strains encoded distinct gnd alleles compared to STEC strains of the same serogroup. DNA sequencing of a 643 bp region of gnd was, therefore, sufficient to minimally determine the O-antigen of STEC through molecular means, and the location of gnd next to the O-antigen gene cluster offered additional support for the co-inheritance of these determinants. The gnd DNA sequence-based serogrouping method could improve the typing capabilities for STEC in clinical laboratories, and was used successfully to characterize O121 : H19, O26 : H11 and O177 : NM clinical isolates prior to serological confirmation during outbreak investigations

    An Effective Method to Purify Plasmodium falciparum DNA Directly from Clinical Blood Samples for Whole Genome High-Throughput Sequencing

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    Highly parallel sequencing technologies permit cost-effective whole genome sequencing of hundreds of Plasmodium parasites. The ability to sequence clinical Plasmodium samples, extracted directly from patient blood without a culture step, presents a unique opportunity to sample the diversity of “natural” parasite populations in high resolution clinical and epidemiological studies. A major challenge to sequencing clinical Plasmodium samples is the abundance of human DNA, which may substantially reduce the yield of Plasmodium sequence. We tested a range of human white blood cell (WBC) depletion methods on P. falciparum-infected patient samples in search of a method displaying an optimal balance of WBC-removal efficacy, cost, simplicity, and applicability to low resource settings. In the first of a two-part study, combinations of three different WBC depletion methods were tested on 43 patient blood samples in Mali. A two-step combination of Lymphoprep plus Plasmodipur best fitted our requirements, although moderate variability was observed in human DNA quantity. This approach was further assessed in a larger sample of 76 patients from Burkina Faso. WBC-removal efficacy remained high (<30% human DNA in >70% samples) and lower variation was observed in human DNA quantities. In order to assess the Plasmodium sequence yield at different human DNA proportions, 59 samples with up to 60% human DNA contamination were sequenced on the Illumina Genome Analyzer platform. An average ∼40-fold coverage of the genome was observed per lane for samples with ≤30% human DNA. Even in low resource settings, using a simple two-step combination of Lymphoprep plus Plasmodipur, over 70% of clinical sample preparations should exhibit sufficiently low human DNA quantities to enable ∼40-fold sequence coverage of the P. falciparum genome using a single lane on the Illumina Genome Analyzer platform. This approach should greatly facilitate large-scale clinical and epidemiologic studies of P. falciparum

    Plasmodium vivax Adherence to Placental Glycosaminoglycans

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    BACKGROUND: Plasmodium vivax infections seldom kill directly but do cause indirect mortality by reducing birth weight and causing abortion. Cytoadherence and sequestration in the microvasculature are central to the pathogenesis of severe Plasmodium falciparum malaria, but the contribution of cytoadherence to pathology in other human malarias is less clear. METHODOLOGY: The adherence properties of P. vivax infected red blood cells (PvIRBC) were evaluated under static and flow conditions. PRINCIPAL FINDINGS: P. vivax isolates from 33 patients were studied. None adhered to immobilized CD36, ICAM-1, or thrombospondin, putative ligands for P. falciparum vascular cytoadherence, or umbilical vein endothelial cells, but all adhered to immobilized chondroitin sulphate A (CSA) and hyaluronic acid (HA), the receptors for adhesion of P. falciparum in the placenta. PvIRBC also adhered to fresh placental cells (N = 5). Pre-incubation with chondroitinase prevented PvIRBC adherence to CSA, and reduced binding to HA, whereas preincubation with hyaluronidase prevented adherence to HA, but did not reduce binding to CSA significantly. Pre-incubation of PvIRBC with soluble CSA and HA reduced binding to the immobilized receptors and prevented placental binding. PvIRBC adhesion was prevented by pre-incubation with trypsin, inhibited by heparin, and reduced by EGTA. Under laminar flow conditions the mean (SD) shear stress reducing maximum attachment by 50% was 0.06 (0.02) Pa but, having adhered, the PvIRBC could then resist detachment by stresses up to 5 Pa. At 37 °C adherence began approximately 16 hours after red cell invasion with maximal adherence at 30 hours. At 39 °C adherence began earlier and peaked at 24 hours. SIGNIFICANCE: Adherence of P. vivax-infected erythrocytes to glycosaminoglycans may contribute to the pathogenesis of vivax malaria and lead to intrauterine growth retardation

    Badania innowacyjnej przędzy bawełnianej “kanalikowej”

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    Cotton is a basic raw material processed in the textile industry all over the world. Some new cotton products have been developed thanks to the inventions and efforts of scientists and engineers dealing with cotton. One of the innovative cotton products is SPINAIR yarn by Kurabo (Japan). It is so called “hollow” yarn made of cotton and PVA fibres. PVA fibres are introduced into the yarn during the spinning process. Next they are dissolved and removed in fabric finishing, thanks to which in the final product the yarn is composed only of cotton fibres. The yarn has been developed to improve the thermal insulation of cotton fabrics. Due to the dissolving of PVA fibres, the structure of yarn and fabrics made of it is loose and porous. The air trapped inside the yarn between the cotton fibres increases the thermal resistance of fabrics. Within the framework of the work presented composite “hollow” yarn 42 tex made of cotton (80%) and modified PVA (Polyvinyl alcohol) fibres (20%) was investigated within the range of its structural, mechanical and technological parameters. Woven fabric was then manufactured with the application of the 42 tex CO80/ PVA20 yarn in the weft direction. Investigation of the manufactured woven fabric with Alambeta confirmed that fabric with weft yarn 42 tex CO80/PVA20 is characterised by a higher thermal resistance and warmer sensation while touching than that made of 42 tex cotton rotor yarn in the weft.Bawełna jest podstawowym surowcem włókienniczym przerabianym w przemyśle tekstylnym na całym świecie. Dzięki wysiłkom i inwencji twórczej naukowców opracowane zostały innowacyjne wyroby włókiennicze. Jednym z nich jest przędza SPINAIR firmy KURABO (Japonia). Jest to przędza z włókien bawełnianych i PVA(alkohol poliwinylowy) zwana przez producenta przędzą kanalikową. Włókna PVA są wprowadzane do przędzy podczas procesu przędzenia. Następnie są one rozpuszczane i wypłukiwane w procesie wykańczania. Dzięki temu w końcowym produkcie przędza składa się wyłącznie z włókien bawełnianych, jednakże jej struktura jest mniej zwarta niż standardowej przędzy bawełnianej. Przędza SPINAIR została opracowana w celu zwiększenia izolacyjności cieplnej. W ramach prezentowanej pracy wykonano badania przędzy SPINAIR o masie liniowej 42 tex wykonanej z bawełny (80%) i modyfikowanych włókien PVA (20%). Badania obejmowały parametry strukturalne, mechaniczne i technologiczne. Ponadto przędzę SPINAIR zastosowano jako wątek w tkaninie o splocie płóciennym. Pomiary wykonane za pomocą przyrządu Alambeta potwierdziły, że tkanina z przędzą wątkową 42 tex CO80/PVA20 charakteryzuje się wyższym oporem cieplnym

    Osteoinductive properties of gel-derived binary CaO-SiOo2 and ternary CaO-P2O5-SiO2 bioactive glasses

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    Impact of carbon nanoforms on hiPSC-derived cardiomyocytes

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