19 research outputs found

    USB battery tester

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    Tato práce se zabývá konstrukcí testeru akumulátorů a problematikou nejznámějších primárních a sekundárních elektrochemických článků. Je tvořena čtyřmi částmi - první se zabývá obecným popisem nejpoužívanějších elektrochemických článků v současnosti, jejich vlastnostmi, výhodami, nevýhodami a oblastí použití. Druhá se týká návrhu vlastního zařízení určeného k jejich testování, popisem jednotlivých bloků obvodu a výpočtem potřebných hodnot spolu s návrhem řídicího software. Třetí část se věnuje mechanické konstrukci a výrobě DPS. Poslední část je věnovaná srovnání vlastností několika typů článků z hlediska kapacity a jejich výkonu při rozdílných podmínkách.This bachelor's thesis contains construction of battery tester along with primary and secondary cells comparsion. It consists of four parts - the first one focuses on general description of the most commonly used electrochemical cells, their characteristics, advantages and disadvantages. Second one relates to design a custom equipment for testing these cells including software, parts values calculations and common problems with the design. Third part is mainly about mechanical design and PCB manufacture. The last section is devoted to comparsion of several models of cells in terms of capacity and performance under different conditions.

    Design of power supply for ADAHRS

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    Tato diplomová práce se nejprve zabývá popisem systému ADAHRS, normy DO-160 a dále návrhem zálohovaného napájecího zdroje s využitím superkondenzátorů. Návrh se nejprve zaměřuje na stanovení požadavků zdroje, pokračuje návrhem blokového schématu a srovnává různá zapojení regulátorů 5 V. Pro vybraný konkrétní zdroj se hlouběji věnuje jeho nastavení a možnostem. Jako hlavní téma se zabývá metodou zálohování napájení pomocí superkondenzátorů – výběru konkrétní metody a bližšímu nastavení integrovaného obvodu zodpovědného na správu superkondenzátorů. Dále obsahuje toleranční a stress analýzu použitých součástek a na závěr se věnuje testům finálního vyrobeného zařízeníThis master’s thesis contains basic description od ADAHRS system, DO-160 standard and mainly focuses on power supply desing with supercapacitors backup. It initialy deals with power supply requirements and continues with block diagram and multiple 5 V supply solutions. For selected 5 V supply it describes more deeply its properities and options. As the main theme it deals with providing power supply backup using supercapacitors – selecting particular method and configuring supercapacitor charging/discharging controller. It also includes tolerance and stress analysis of the components used in design. Lastly it describes testing of the final product.

    Vliv zavedení sankcí na makroekonomickou stabilitu Íránu

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    Andrysík M. The impact of imposition of sanctions on Iran´s marcoeconomic stability. Bachelor thesis. Brno: Mendel University, 2020. The aim of this thesis is to find out how the sanctions imposed in 2006 affected the macroeconomic stability of the Iran´s economy. In the first chapter of the theoretical part of this thesis an overview of empirical and theoretical studies dealing with impacts on macroeconomical stability is presented. The chronological outline of sanctions against Iran, imposed due to the nuclear programm, pro-cess the second chapter. In the empirical part of this thesis four macroeconomical indicators are chosen: GDP, inflation, unemployment and exchange rate. Then three countries (Algeria, Azerbaijan, Kazakhstan) with similar economical structu-re are chosen for comparison with Iran´s economy. After that the development of macroeconomic indicators in Iran is analyzed, first before the sanctions were im-posed (from 2000 to 2005) and then how these indicators were affected by the sanctions from 2006 to 2016. In the next chapter the comparison between Iran´s indicators and indicators of the other four countries is made. The results of these comparisons suggest that the sanctions imposed by UN, EU, USA and other coutries had a particularly negative impact on exchange rate, inflation, short term development of GDP and the unemployment indicator was least affected

    Effect of arachidonic acid metabolism inhibitors on c-Jun expression in human keratinocyte line HaCaT

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    Analysis of the effect of inhibitors of arachidonic acid metabolism on expression of c-Jun in human keratinocyte line HaCa

    Evaluation of the Financial Situation of the Company FormThermit, spol. s r. o. and Suggestions for Its Improvement

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    The diploma thesis deals with the evaluation of the financial situation of the internationally operating company Form-Thermit, spol. s r. o. The work consists of three parts. The first part defines the theoretical basis of the work, which are later used in the practical part. The second part of the work performs external and internal analysis of the company's surroundings, using PEST analysis, Porter's analysis and analysis of internal resources. This is followed by a financial analysis for the period 2013 to 2020. The last part of the work deals with proposals for solutions to improve the financial situation, especially more efficient use of foreign sources of funding

    Antimigraine Drug Avitriptan Is a Ligand and Agonist of Human Aryl Hydrocarbon Receptor that Induces CYP1A1 in Hepatic and Intestinal Cells

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    The efforts for therapeutic targeting of the aryl hydrocarbon receptor (AhR) have emerged in recent years. We investigated the effects of available antimigraine triptan drugs, having an indole core in their structure, on AhR signaling in human hepatic and intestinal cells. Activation of AhR in reporter gene assays was observed for Avitriptan and to a lesser extent for Donitriptan, while other triptans were very weak or no activators of AhR. Using competitive binding assay and by homology docking, we identified Avitriptan as a low-affinity ligand of AhR. Avitriptan triggered nuclear translocation of AhR and increased binding of AhR in CYP1A1 promotor DNA, as revealed by immune-fluorescence microscopy and chromatin immune-precipitation assay, respectively. Strong induction of CYP1A1 mRNA was achieved by Avitriptan in wild type but not in AhR-knockout, immortalized human hepatocytes, implying that induction of CYP1A1 is AhR-dependent. Increased levels of CYP1A1 mRNA by Avitriptan were observed in human colon carcinoma cells LS180 but not in primary cultures of human hepatocytes. Collectively, we show that Avitriptan is a weak ligand and activator of human AhR, which induces the expression of CYP1A1 in a cell-type specific manner. Our data warrant the potential off-label therapeutic application of Avitriptan as an AhR-agonist drug

    Inhibition of Aryl Hydrocarbon Receptor (AhR) Expression Disrupts Cell Proliferation and Alters Energy Metabolism and Fatty Acid Synthesis in Colon Cancer Cells

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    The aryl hydrocarbon receptor (AhR) plays a wide range of physiological roles in cellular processes such as proliferation, migration or control of immune responses. Several studies have also indicated that AhR might contribute to the regulation of energy balance or cellular metabolism. We observed that the AhR is upregulated in tumor epithelial cells derived from colon cancer patients. Using wild-type and the corresponding AhR knockout (AhR KO) variants of human colon cancer cell lines HCT116 and HT-29, we analyzed possible role(s) of the AhR in cell proliferation and metabolism, with a focus on regulation of the synthesis of fatty acids (FAs). We observed a decreased proliferation rate in the AhR KO cells, which was accompanied with altered cell cycle progression, as well as a decreased ATP production. We also found reduced mRNA levels of key enzymes of the FA biosynthetic pathway in AhR KO colon cancer cells, in particular of stearoyl-CoA desaturase 1 (SCD1). The loss of AhR was also associated with reduced expression and/or activity of components of the PI3K/Akt pathway, which controls lipid metabolism, and other lipogenic transcriptional regulators, such as sterol regulatory element binding transcription factor 1 (SREBP1). Together, our data indicate that disruption of AhR activity in colon tumor cells may, likely in a cell-specific manner, limit their proliferation, which could be linked with a suppressive effect on their endogenous FA metabolism. More attention should be paid to potential mechanistic links between overexpressed AhR and colon tumor cell metabolism