141 research outputs found

    Mediators of the effectiveness of a kindergarten-based, family-involved intervention on pre -s choolers' snacking behaviour: The ToyBox-study

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    ObjectiveThe present study aimed to explore the mediating role of family-related determinants on the effects of the ToyBox-intervention on pre-school children''s consumption of healthy and unhealthy snacks.DesignThe ToyBox-intervention was a kindergarten-based, family-involved intervention with a cluster-randomized design, aiming to promote healthy lifestyle behaviours to prevent obesity at pre-school age.SettingKindergartens (n 309) in six European countries.SubjectsA total of 6290 pre-schoolers and their families participated in the ToyBox-intervention in 2012-2013 and data from 5212 pre-schoolers/families were included in the current analyses.ResultsEven though the total effect of the ToyBox-intervention on healthy and unhealthy snacking was not significant, the ToyBox-intervention significantly improved parental rule setting on children''s unhealthy snack consumption (i.e. restriction of snacking while watching television and permission only at certain occasions) and parental consumption of unhealthy snacks, while it increased parental knowledge on snacking recommendations. Regarding healthy snacking, the ToyBox-intervention improved children''s attitude towards fruit and vegetables (F&V). All previously mentioned family-related determinants mediated the intervention effects on pre-schoolers'' consumption of healthy and unhealthy snacks. Almost all family-related determinants examined in the study were independently associated with pre-schoolers'' consumption of healthy and unhealthy snacks.ConclusionsThe intervention was effective in improving relevant family-related determinants. Interventions aiming to promote F&V consumption and limit the consumption of unhealthy snacks in pre-schoolers should target on these mediators, but also identify new family-, school- or peer-related determinants, to enhance their effectiveness

    Complementary feeding and overweight in European preschoolers : the ToyBox-study

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    Complementary feeding (CF) should start between 4-6 months of age to ensure infants' growth but is also linked to childhood obesity. This study aimed to investigate the association of the timing of CF, breastfeeding and overweight in preschool children. Infant-feeding practices were self-reported in 2012 via a validated questionnaire by >7500 parents from six European countries participating in the ToyBox-study. The proportion of children who received breast milk and CF at 4-6 months was 51.2%. There was a positive association between timing of solid food (SF) introduction and duration of breastfeeding, as well as socioeconomic status and a negative association with smoking throughout pregnancy (p = 4 months or were formula-fed. The study did not identify any significant association between the timing of introducing SF and obesity in childhood. It is likely that other factors than timing of SF introduction may have impact on childhood obesity

    Evaluation of the Finnish Diabetes Risk Score as a screening tool for undiagnosed type 2 diabetes and dysglycaemia among early middle-aged adults in a large-scale European cohort. The Feel4Diabetes-study

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    Aim: To assess the diagnostic accuracy of the FINDRISC for undiagnosed type 2 diabetes mellitus (T2DM) and dysglycaemia (i.e. the presence of prediabetes or T2DM) among early middle-aged adults from vulnerable groups in a large-scale European cohort. Methods: Participants were recruited from low-socioeconomic areas in high-income countries (HICs) (Belgium-Finland) and in HICs under austerity measures (Greece-Spain) and from the overall population in low/middle-income countries (LMICs) (Bulgaria-Hungary). Study population comprised of 2116 parents of primary-school children from families identified at increased risk of T2DM, based on parental self-reported FINDRISC. Sensitivity (Se), specificity (Sp), area under the receiver operating characteristic curves (AUC-ROC) and the optimal cut-offs of FINDRISC that indicate an increased probability for undiagnosed T2DM or dysglycaemia were calculated. Results: The AUC-ROC for undiagnosed T2DM was 0.824 with optimal cut-off =14 (Se = 68%, Sp = 81.7%) for the total sample, 0.839 with optimal cut-off =15 (Se = 83.3%, Sp = 86.9%) for HICs, 0.794 with optimal cut-off =12 (Se = 83.3%, Sp = 61.1%) for HICs under austerity measures and 0.882 with optimal cut-off =14 (Se = 71.4%, Sp = 87.8%) for LMICs. The AUC-ROC for dysglycaemia was 0.663 with optimal cut-off =12 (Se = 58.3%, Sp = 65.7%) for the total sample, 0.656 with optimal cut-off =12 (Se = 54.5%, Sp = 64.8%) for HICs, 0.631 with optimal cut-off =12 (Se = 59.7%, Sp = 62.0%) for HICs under austerity measures and 0.735 with optimal cut-off =11 (Se = 72.7%, Sp = 70.2%) for LMICs. Conclusion: FINDRISC can be applied for screening primarily undiagnosed T2DM but also dysglycaemia among vulnerable groups across Europe, considering the use of different cut-offs for each subpopulation

    Reproducibility and relative validity of a semiquantitative food frequency questionnaire in European preschoolers: The ToyBox study

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    Objectives: The aim of this study was to examine the reproducibility and relative validity of a semiquantitative food frequency questionnaire (FFQ) in assessing food group estimates. Methods: Food group estimates were assessed via a 37-item FFQ and a 3-d food record (FR). Pearson's correlation coefficients for log-transformed values were calculated to assess the reproducibility and Spearman's rank correlation coefficients for log-transformed values were calculated to assess the validity. Kindergartens from six European countries participated in the preparatory substudies of the ToyBox intervention study; data from preschool children 4 to 6 y of age (n = 196, reproducibility study; n = 324, validation study) were obtained. Results: In the reproducibility study, positive Pearson's correlation coefficients for single and aggregated food groups ranged from 0.14 for pasta and rice to 0.90 for cooked vegetables. In the validation study, the FR gave higher estimates of 40 of the 50 food items (single and aggregated) examined compared with those obtained from the FFQ. Positive crude Spearman rank correlation coefficients ranged from 0.01 for total beverages (added sugar) and rice to 0.62 for tea. Corrections for the deattenuation effect did not improve observed correlations. Quartiles and tertiles were calculated for a small number of food groups (N = 14) owing to zero consumption in the rest of the groups. Conclusions: Moderately good reproducibility and low-moderate relative validity of the FFQ used in preschool children was observed. Relative validity, however, varied by food and beverage group; for some of the “key” foods/drinks targeted in the ToyBox intervention (e.g., biscuits), the validity was good. The findings should be considered in future epidemiologic and intervention studies in preschool children

    Effectiveness of a family-, school- and community-based intervention on physical activity and its correlates in Belgian families with an increased risk for type 2 diabetes mellitus: the Feel4Diabetes-study

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    BACKGROUND: The study aimed to investigate the effectiveness of the European Feel4Diabetes intervention, promoting a healthy lifestyle, on physical activity and its correlates among families at risk for type 2 diabetes mellitus (based on the Finnish Diabetes Risk Score) in Belgium. METHODS: The Feel4Diabetes intervention involved three components: family, school and community component, with the family component consisting of 6 counseling sessions for families at risk. Main outcomes were objectively measured physical activity levels and its subjectively measured correlates. The final sample consisted of 454 parents (mean age 39.4¿years; 72.0% women) and 444 children (mean age 8.0¿years; 50.1% girls). Multilevel repeated measures analyses were performed to assess intervention effectiveness after 1 year. RESULTS: In parents, there was no significant intervention effect. In children, there were only significant negative effects for moderate to vigorous physical activity (p¿=¿0.05; ¿p2¿=¿0.008) and steps (p¿=¿0.03; ¿p2¿=¿0.006%) on weekdays, with physical activity decreasing (more) in the intervention group. CONCLUSIONS: The F4D-intervention lacks effectiveness on high-risk families'' physical activity and its correlates in Belgium. This could partially be explained by low attendance rates and a large drop-out. To reach vulnerable populations, future interventions should invest in more appropriate recruitment (e.g. more face-to-face contact) and more bottom-up development of the intervention (i.e. co-creation of the intervention with the target group)

    A new measure of health motivation influencing food choices and its association with food intakes and nutritional biomarkers in European adolescents

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    Objective:To develop a scale to assess health motivation influencing food choices and to explore its performance in the associations with food intakes and nutritional biomarkers. Design:Psychometric study using cross-sectional self-report questionnaires and nutritional biomarkers. Setting:Multi-centre investigation conducted in ten European cities. Participants:2954 adolescents who were included in the HELENA study and completed the Food Choices and Preferences (FCP) questionnaire. Results:Nineteen out of 124 items of the FCP questionnaire were in the same dimension. Sixteen presented adequate parameters for the Scale of evaluatiOn of Food choIcEs (SOFIE). The scores were positively associated with the intakes of cereals, dairy products, meats and eggs, and fish, as well as with blood concentrations of vitamin C, ß-carotene, n-3 fatty acids, cobalamin, holo-transcobalamin and folate; scores were negatively associated with the intake of alcohol. Conclusions:SOFIE can improve the assessment of motivation influencing food choices based on items with the best performance and is proposed as a new measure to health-related studies

    Lifestyle changes observed among adults participating in a family- and community-based intervention for diabetes prevention in Europe : the 1st year results of the Feel4Diabetes-study

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    The Feel4Diabetes intervention was a school and community-based intervention aiming to promote healthy lifestyle and tackle obesity and obesity-related metabolic risk factors for the prevention of type 2 diabetes (T2D) among families at risk of developing this disease. The current study aims to present the results on lifestyle behaviors obtained from parents during the first year of the Feel4Diabetes intervention. This multicomponent intervention had a cluster randomized design and was implemented in Belgium, Bulgaria, Finland, Greece, Hungary and Spain over two years (2016–2018). Standardized protocols and procedures were used by the participating centers in all countries to collect data on parents’ lifestyle behaviors (diet, physical activity, sedentary behavior). The Feel4Diabetes intervention was registered at clinicaltrials.gov (registration number: NCT02393872). In total, 2110 high-risk parents participated in the baseline and 12-month follow-up examination measurements. Participants allocated to the intervention group reduced their daily consumption of sugary drinks (p = 0.037) and sweets (p = 0.031) and their daily screen time (p = 0.032), compared with the control group. In addition, participants in the intervention group in Greece and Spain increased their consumption of breakfast (p = 0.034) and fruits (p = 0.029), while in Belgium and Finland they increased their water intake (p = 0.024). These findings indicate that the first year of the Feel4Diabetes intervention resulted in the improvement of certain lifestyle behaviors in parents from high-risk families

    Measuring nutritional knowledge using Item Response Theory and its validity in European adolescents

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    Objective: To analyse the Nutritional Knowledge Test (NKT) using Item Response Theory (ITR) analysis and to assess the construct validity of the Nutritional Knowledge Scale (NKTS) and its associations with adolescent food group consumption and nutritional biomarkers. DesignCross-sectional study: SettingMulticentre investigation conducted in ten European cities.ParticipantsAdolescents aged 12·5-17·5 years (n 3215) who completed over 75 % of the NKT. Results: Factor analysis indicated that the NKT can be analysed with a one-dimensional model. Eleven out of twenty-three items from the NKT presented adequate parameters and were selected to be included in the NKTS. Nutrition knowledge was positively associated with consumption of fruits, cereals, dairy products, pulses, meat and eggs, and fish, as well as with blood concentrations of vitamin C, ß-carotene, n-3 fatty acids, holo-transcobalamin, cobalamin and folate; nutrition knowledge was negatively associated with intake of olives and avocado, alcohol and savoury snacks. Conclusions: The NKTS assessed nutritional knowledge adequately and it is proposed as a new tool to investigate this subject in future studies

    Do physical activity and screen time mediate the association between European fathers' and their children's weight status? Cross-sectional data from the Feel4Diabetes-study

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    BACKGROUND: Most research on parenting and childhood obesity and obesity-related behaviours has focused on mothers while fathers have been underrepresented. Yet, recent literature has suggested that fathers uniquely influence their children''s lifestyle behaviours, and hence could also affect their weight status, but this has not yet been scientifically proven. Therefore, the present study aimed to determine whether the association between fathers'' weight status and their children''s weight status is mediated by fathers'' and children''s movement behaviours (i.e. physical activity (PA) and screen time (ST)). METHODS: Cross-sectional data of 899 European fathers and their children were analyzed. Fathers/male caregivers (mean age =¿43.79¿±¿5.92¿years, mean BMI =¿27.08¿±¿3.95) completed a questionnaire assessing their own and their children''s (mean age =¿8.19¿±¿0.99¿years, 50.90% boys, mean BMIzscore =¿0.44¿±¿1.07) movement behaviours. Body Mass Index (BMI, in kg/m2) was calculated based on self-reported (fathers) and objectively measured (children) height and weight. For children, BMI z-scores (SD scores) were calculated to obtain an optimal measure for their weight status. Serial mediation analyses were performed using IBM SPSS 25.0 Statistics for Windows to test whether the association between fathers'' BMI and children''s BMI is mediated by fathers'' PA and children''s PA (model 1) and fathers'' ST and children''s ST (model 2), respectively. RESULTS: The present study showed a (partial) mediation effect of fathers'' PA and children''s PA (but not father''s ST and children''s ST) on the association between fathers'' BMI and children''s BMI (model for PA; coefficient: 0.001, 95% CI: [0.0001, 0.002]; model for ST; coefficient: 0.001, 95% CI: [0.000, 0.002]). Furthermore, fathers'' movement behaviours (PA and ST) were positively associated with their children''s movement behaviours (PA and ST) (model for PA, coefficient: 0.281, SE: 0.023, p <¿0.001; model for ST, coefficient: 0.345, SE: 0.025, p¿<¿0.001). CONCLUSIONS: These findings indicate that the influence of fathers on their children''s weight status partially occurs through the association between fathers'' PA and children''s PA (but not their ST). As such, intervening by focusing on PA of fathers but preferably of both members of the father-child dyad (e.g. engaging fathers and their children in co-PA) might be a novel and potentially effective strategy for interventions aiming to prevent childhood overweight and obesity. Longitudinal studies or intervention studies confirming these findings are however warranted to make meaningful recommendations for health intervention and policy. TRIAL REGISTRATION: The Feel4Diabetes-study is registered with the clinical trials registry http://clinicaltrials.gov , ID: 643708