447 research outputs found

    Multimedia Content Distribution in Hybrid Wireless Networks using Weighted Clustering

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    Fixed infrastructured networks naturally support centralized approaches for group management and information provisioning. Contrary to infrastructured networks, in multi-hop ad-hoc networks each node acts as a router as well as sender and receiver. Some applications, however, requires hierarchical arrangements that-for practical reasons-has to be done locally and self-organized. An additional challenge is to deal with mobility that causes permanent network partitioning and re-organizations. Technically, these problems can be tackled by providing additional uplinks to a backbone network, which can be used to access resources in the Internet as well as to inter-link multiple ad-hoc network partitions, creating a hybrid wireless network. In this paper, we present a prototypically implemented hybrid wireless network system optimized for multimedia content distribution. To efficiently manage the ad-hoc communicating devices a weighted clustering algorithm is introduced. The proposed localized algorithm deals with mobility, but does not require geographical information or distances.Comment: 2nd ACM Workshop on Wireless Multimedia Networking and Performance Modeling 2006 (ISBN 1-59593-485

    Estimated variability of below-cloud aerosol removal by rainfall for observed aerosol size distributions

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    International audienceBelow-cloud scavenging (BCS) coefficients of aerosols by rainfall are estimated for reported aerosol size distributions measured during field experiments in various environments. The method employed is based on explicit calculations of the efficiency of collision between a raindrop and aerosol particles. Results show that BCS coefficient increases with rainfall rate and has a significant dependence on aerosol size distribution parameters. Thus, BCS is important for very small particles (with diameters less than 0.01 µm) and for coarse particles (with diameters larger than 2 µm). For rainfall rate R ~ 1 mm hr -1, the 0.5-folding time of these particles is of the order of one hour. It is shown that BCS is negligible for aerosol particles in the range [0.1-1] µm if compared with in-cloud scavenging rates for low and moderate rainfall rates (R ~ 0.1-10 mm hr -1). The results indicate that a boundary layer aerosol size distribution with coarse mode is drastically affected very shortly after rain starts (in a fraction of one hour) and consequently, the below-cloud aerosol size distribution becomes dominated by particles in the accumulation mode


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    The communication aims to emphasize the context in which the principle of subsidiarity was adopted, clarifying the dilemma about its purpose: is it a legal instrument to protect national sovereignty of the European Union’s Member States or is it a legal instrument which accelerates their federal integration. The document also approaches the problem of the Romanian Parliament in adapting procedures to the Lisbon Treaty, Protocol no. 2 on applying principles of subsidiarity and proportionality. In the described context it shall be discussed the controversial subject regarding the sovereignty transfer whenever the national parliament performs a subsidiarity check on, an EU draft legislative act

    Treatment of lipomas and diffuse lipomatosis with NDYAG 1064 NM laser and their impact on the quality of life

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    Lipomas, the most common type of benign tumours, are generally developed from adipose tissue and present an incidence of 2.1 per 1000 inhabitants. In addition to lipomas, at least three other maladies of the adipose tissue lead patients to consult a doctor, especially for aesthetic purposes: multiple familial lipomatosis, diffuse congenital lipomatosis, and adiposa doloris. Unlike lipomas, these maladies are characterized by numerous lipomas, encapsulated or not, of different sizes, symmetrical or not, which may appear in the neck, limbs, or the trunk, sometimes being painful. The life quality of these patients is affected, not only from an aesthetic point of view but also from medical considerations, like pain. Chemical lipolysis has proven unsatisfactory for patients due to several reasons: the prolonged therapy, high cost, the partial dissolution of the lipomatosis, and high recurrence at one year. Surgical treatment remains the only viable option; sometimes when numerous lipomatous tumors required large and numerous incisions, treatment was refused by patients. The result after laser liposuction is excellent, the recovery time is short, without much pain for the patient, with minimal ecchymoses and edemas, without any recurrence in time, and with an excellent degree of patient satisfaction

    Risk factors, predictive markers and prevention strategies for intrauterine fetal death. An integrative review

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    According to World Health Organization (WHO), fetal death is defined as the death of the fetus prior to its complete expulsion, independent of the duration of pregnancy, thus only ascribing the term stillbirth to fetal deaths in the case of pregnancies after 28 weeks of gestation. The great progress of perinatology care is reflected in a significant reduction in the rate of stillbirths, especially in well-developed countries, with approximately 98% of stillbirth cases now occurring in poor and developing countries. Stillbirth powerfully impacts both the patient and the practitioner. Because nearly half of stillbirth cases result from apparently uncomplicated pregnancies, we considered it critical to review the known predictive markers for intrauterine fetal death. In both preterm and term infants, perinatal mortality is increased in fetuses small for their gestational age, and this risk grows proportionally with the severity of the fetal growth restriction. A protracted first stage of labor has not been associated with an increased risk of perinatal mortality and morbidity, but a prolonged second stage of labor has been associated with mortality and neonatal morbidity characterized by sepsis, seizures, and hypoxic-ischemic encephalopathy. Ultrasound examination of the placenta and the umbilical cord is essential for appropriate pregnancy monitoring. Various findings from ultrasound examination have been related to variable adverse perinatal outcomes, including intrauterine fetal death. After reviewing the evidence for predictors of intrauterine fetal death, we offer a general strategy for reducing the likelihood of stillbirths

    Consideration regarding the quality of the steel used for making rolling stock components

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    The work presents the manner of settlement of the specific problems of steel ingot cast in a smooth cylinder format and its use as semi-finished product, compatible with the manufacturing of monoblock wheels, under the quality conditions thereof imposed by the manufacturing regulations. By means of the proposed research and experiments we intend to get to know the specific characteristics of the ingot and the optimization thereof in order to satisfy the quality requirements imposed on the products (monoblock wheels). During the manufacturing of wheels the chemical composition and the gas content (hydrogen, nitrogen, oxygen) are to a large extent the decisive elements regarding the obtaining of the main characteristics of the wheals corroborated with the hot deformation of the cast semifinished product and the adequate thermal treatment. The main physical and mechanical characteristics established for the wheels are: resistance to rupture; yield point; elastic limit; elongation; rupture resistance or energy upon shock bending; strength; K1C tenacity

    Architecture des gloses dans la première traduction en français de La Cité de Dieu

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    Le but de notre contribution est de mettre en évidence la nouveauté que la première traduction en français de l’œuvre de saint Augustin, La Cité de Dieu, effectuée avant 1380 par Raoul de Presles, apporte sur le plan du lexique et de la construction du discours. Les gloses et les reprises paraphrastiques qu’il intègre à sa traduction de La Cité de Dieu contiennent l’amorce d’un discours argumentatif savant en français, qui se faisait traditionnellement en latin auparavant, et qui engendre des changements importants au niveau sémantique, syntaxique et lexical. Cette réflexion nous permettra d’aborder de manière succincte l’analyse des modifications que Raoul de Presles fait intervenir au niveau lexical et macrostructurel du discours, ce qui ouvre aux linguistes un large champ d’études. Notre démarche sera la suivante : montrer comment dans son effort d’intégrer son propre discours argumentatif dans le texte même de la traduction, le traducteur affirme une langue vernaculaire savante plus spontanée qui s’allège dans son expression par rapport à la langue des traductions du latin et qui gagne en souplesse et en qualités communicatives auprès de son public. Nous appuyons notre analyse sur quelques exemples de changements sémantiques, syntaxiques et lexicaux dus à une émancipation de l’emprise du latin à travers les gloses et les reprises paraphrastiques. En conclusion, nous considérons que la langue de la traduction de Raoul de Presles s’affirme par une expression plus spontanée qui annonce le passage à une production littéraire rédigée directement en langue française qui aura lieu dès le premier quart du 15e siècle. À travers une traduction orientée plutôt vers la compréhension que vers une traduction mot à mot, les reprises paraphrastiques ne sont pas un hasard. Il s’agit à ce niveau d’un discours bien structuré, d’une rhétorique travaillée et d’un lexique adapté, ce qui nous conduit à constater l’existence d’une véritable architecture des gloses et des paraphrases dans la traduction de La Cité de Dieu

    Influence of copper coordination compounds and their combinations with cyanobacterial remedy bior on the activity of antioxidant enzymes in the kindey

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    Laboratorul Biochimie USMF “Nicolae Testemiţanu”The influence of copper coordination compounds CMT-28, CMT-67 and their combinations with the cyanobacterial remedy BioR on kidney antioxidant enzymes activity in rats with carbon tetrachloride poisoning. In subacute intoxication with CCl4 BioR induced the increase in superoxide dismutase, catalase and glutathione peroxidase activities in the renal tissue, which protects kidney cells and subcellular structures by neutralizing thre excess of free radicals of oxygen, oxygen hydroperoxide and other peroxides. Compound CMT-28 induces superoxide dismutase activity, while CMT-67 complex causes a significant increase in the activities of SOD, GPO and GST in kidney tissue of laboratory animals with subacute CCl4 intoxication. BioR remedy shows synergistic action with CMT-28 and CMT-67, which was caracterised by the maintainance of high activity of the investigated antioxidant enzymes. S-a efectuat studiul acţiunii compuşilor coordinativi ai cuprului CMT-28 şi CMT-67 şi a combinaţiilor lor cu remediul de origine cianbacteriană BioR asupra activităţii enzimelor antioxidante în rinichii la şobolani în intoxicaţia cu tetraclorura de carbon. În intoxicaţia subacută cu CCl4 remediul BioR condiţionează majorarea activităţii superoxid dismutazei, catalazei şi a glutationperoxidazei în ţesutul renal, ceea ce asigură protecţia celulelor renale şi a structurilor subcelulare prin neutralizarea excesului de radicali liberi ai oxigenului, hidroperoxid de oxigen şi alţi peroxizi. Compusul CMT-28 induce modificări veridice ale activităţii superoxid dismutazei, pe când complexul CMT-67 determină majorarea veridică a funcţionalităţii SOD, GPO şi GST în ţesutul renal al animalelor de laborator în intoxicaşia subacută cu CCl4. Remediul BioR manifestă sinergism de acţiune cu CMT-28 şi CMT-67, ce s-a remarcat prin menţinerea la valori înalte sau chiar amplificarea creşterii activităţii enzimelor antioxidante cercetate

    Modern concepts in non-surgical esthetics; a review

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    New non-surgical esthetics is the most dynamic field in contemporary medicine. At the same time, it is greatly influenced by our contemporary society. This paper reviews modern methods used in non-surgical esthetics, especially in Romania. From injectology and non-surgical face lifting to non-surgical body contouring, we analyzed all procedures performed by Romanian physicians, and we show the advantages and disadvantages of the advanced esthetic procedures. Injectology typically implies hyaluronic acid, botox and mesotherapy (for wrinkles and rejuvenation). Laser and radiofrequency treatment are used for wrinkles as well, with fewer unwanted adverse reactions and results exceeding those of injectables. Non-surgical lifting has gained more ground because it requires little recovery time and the results are very positive. Elective treatment for facial discoloration is the laser approach. For non-surgical body contouring, cryolipolisis, vacuum, radio frequency, and infrared systems have all revolutionized this part of esthetics, but each has limitations, and only after establishing the correct course of action, might we think of achieving favorable results and thus raising to the expectations of patients