126 research outputs found

    First determination of the weak charge of the proton

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    The Q(weak) experiment has measured the parity-violating asymmetry in ep elastic scattering at Q(2)=0.025(GeV/c)(2), employing 145 μA of 89% longitudinally polarized electrons on a 34.4 cm long liquid hydrogen target at Jefferson Lab. The results of the experiment's commissioning run, constituting approximately 4% of the data collected in the experiment, are reported here. From these initial results, the measured asymmetry is A(ep)=-279±35 (stat) ± 31 (syst) ppb, which is the smallest and most precise asymmetry ever measured in ep scattering. The small Q(2) of this experiment has made possible the first determination of the weak charge of the proton Q(W)(p) by incorporating earlier parity-violating electron scattering (PVES) data at higher Q(2) to constrain hadronic corrections. The value of Q(W)(p) obtained in this way is Q(W)(p)(PVES)=0.064±0.012, which is in good agreement with the standard model prediction of Q(W)(p)(SM)=0.0710±0.0007. When this result is further combined with the Cs atomic parity violation (APV) measurement, significant constraints on the weak charges of the up and down quarks can also be extracted. That PVES+APV analysis reveals the neutron's weak charge to be Q(W)(n)(PVES+APV)=-0.975±0.010.D. Androic ... R. D. Young ... et al

    Parity-violating inelastic electron-proton scattering at low Q^2 above the resonance region

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    We report the measurement of the parity-violating asymmetry for the inelastic scattering of electrons from the proton, at Q2=0.082GeV2 and W=2.23 GeV, above the resonance region. The result AInel=−13.5±2.0(stat)±3.9(syst) ppm agrees with theoretical calculations, and helps to validate the modeling of the γZ interference structure functions FγZ1 and FγZ2 used in those calculations, which are also used for determination of the two-boson exchange γ−Z box diagram (□γZ) contribution to parity-violating elastic scattering measurements. A positive parity-violating asymmetry for inclusive π− production was observed, as well as positive beam-normal single-spin asymmetry for scattered electrons and a negative beam-normal single-spin asymmetry for inclusive π− production

    Measurement of the Beam-normal Single-spin Asymmetry for Elastic Electron Scattering from ^12C and ^27Al

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    We report measurements of the parity-conserving beam-normal single-spin elastic scattering asymmetries Bn on 12C and 27Al, obtained with an electron beam polarized transverse to its momentum direction. These measurements add an additional kinematic point to a series of previous measurements of Bn on 12C and provide a first measurement on 27Al. The experiment utilized the Qweak apparatus at Jefferson Lab with a beam energy of 1.158 GeV. The average laboratory scattering angle for both targets was 7.7∘, and the average Q2 for both targets was 0.024 37 GeV2 (Q=0.1561 GeV). The asymmetries are Bn=−10.68±0.90(stat)±0.57(syst) ppm for 12C and Bn=−12.16±0.58(stat)±0.62(syst) ppm for 27Al. The results are consistent with theoretical predictions, and are compared to existing data. When scaled by Z/A, the Q dependence of all the far-forward angle (θ\u3c10∘) data from 1H to 27Al can be described by the same slope out to Q≈0.35 GeV. Larger-angle data from other experiments in the same Q range are consistent with a slope about twice as steep

    Determination of the ^27Al Neutron Distribution Radius from a Parity-Violating Electron Scattering Measurement

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    We report the first measurement of the parity-violating elastic electron scattering asymmetry on 27Al. The 27Al elastic asymmetry is APV=2.16±0.11(stat)±0.16(syst)  ppm, and was measured at ⟨Q2⟩=0.02357±0.00010  GeV2, ⟨θlab⟩=7.61°±0.02°, and ⟨Elab⟩=1.157  GeV with the Qweak apparatus at Jefferson Lab. Predictions using a simple Born approximation as well as more sophisticated distorted-wave calculations are in good agreement with this result. From this asymmetry the 27Al neutron radius Rn=2.89±0.12  fm was determined using a many-models correlation technique. The corresponding neutron skin thickness Rn−Rp=−0.04±0.12  fm is small, as expected for a light nucleus with a neutron excess of only 1. This result thus serves as a successful benchmark for electroweak determinations of neutron radii on heavier nuclei. A tree-level approach was used to extract the 27Al weak radius Rw=3.00±0.15  fm, and the weak skin thickness Rwk−Rch=−0.04±0.15  fm. The weak form factor at this Q2 is Fwk=0.39±0.04

    First Determination of the Weak Charge of the Proton

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    The Q(weak) experiment has measured the parity-violating asymmetry in (e) over right arrowp elastic scattering at Q(2) = 0.025 (GeV/c)(2), employing 145 mu A of 89% longitudinally polarized electrons on a 34.4 cm long liquid hydrogen target at Jefferson Lab. The results of the experiment\u27s commissioning run, constituting approximately 4% of the data collected in the experiment, are reported here. From these initial results, the measured asymmetry is A(ep) = -279 +/- 35 (stat) +/- 31 (syst) ppb, which is the smallest and most precise asymmetry ever measured in (e) over right arrowp scattering. The small Q(2) of this experiment has made possible the first determination of the weak charge of the proton Q(W)(p) by incorporating earlier parity-violating electron scattering (PVES) data at higher Q(2) to constrain hadronic corrections. The value of Q(W)(p) obtained in this way is Q(W)(p) (PVES) = 0.064 +/- 0.012, which is in good agreement with the standard model prediction of Q(W)(p) (SM) = 0.0710 +/- 0.0007. When this result is further combined with the Cs atomic parity violation (APV) measurement, significant constraints on the weak charges of the up and down quarks can also be extracted. That PVES + APV analysis reveals the neutron\u27s weak charge to be Q(W)(n) (PVES + APV) = -0.975 +/- 0.010

    Accurate Determination of the Neutron Skin Thickness of \u3csup\u3e208\u3c/sup\u3ePb

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    We report a precision measurement of the parity-violating asymmetry Apv in the elastic scattering of longitudinally polarized electrons from 208Pb. We measure Apv = 550 ± 16(stat) ± 8(syst) parts per billion, leading to an extraction of the neutral weak form factor Fw (Q2 = 0.00616 GeV2) = 0.368 ± 0.013. Combined with our previous measurement, the extracted neutron skin thickness is Rn - Rp = 0.283 ± 0.071 fm. The result also yields the first significant direct measurement of the interior weak density of 208Pb: ρ0w = -0.0796 ± 0.0036(exp) ± 0.0013(theo) fm-3) leading to the interior baryon density ρ0b)= 0.1480 ± 0.0036(exp) ± 0.0013(theo) fm-3. The measurement accurately constrains the density dependence of the symmetry energy of nuclear matter near saturation density, with implications for the size and composition of neutron stars

    Measurement of the Parity-Violating Asymmetry in Inclusive Electroproduction of pi(-) near the Delta(0) Resonance

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    The parity-violating (PV) asymmetry of inclusive pi(-) production in electron scattering from a liquid deuterium target was measured at backward angles. The measurement was conducted as a part of the G0 experiment, at a beam energy of 360 MeV. The physics process dominating pion production for these kinematics is quasifree photoproduction off the neutron via the Delta(0) resonance. In the context of heavy-baryon chiral perturbation theory, this asymmetry is related to a low-energy constant d(Delta)(-) that characterizes the parity-violating gamma N Delta coupling. Zhu et al. calculated d(Delta)(-) in a model benchmarked by the large asymmetries seen in hyperon weak radiative decays, and predicted potentially large asymmetries for this process, ranging from A(gamma)(-) = -5.2 to + 5.2 ppm. The measurement performed in this work leads to A(gamma)(-) = -0.36 +/- 1.06 +/- 0.37 +/- 0.03 ppm (where sources of statistical, systematic and theoretical uncertainties are included), which would disfavor enchancements considered by Zhu et al. proportional to V-ud/V-us. The measurement is part of a program of inelastic scattering measurements that were conducted by the G0 experiment, seeking to determine the N - Delta axial transition form factors using PV electron scattering

    Recent results from the G(0) experiment

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    We have measured parity violating asymmetries in elastic electron-proton and quasi-elastic electron-deuteron scattering at backward electron angle. These measurements have been done at two momentum transfers : Q(2) = 0.22 and 0.63 (GeV/c)(2). Together with our previous forward angle measurement [1], we can extract strange quark contributions to the electromagnetic form factors of the nucleon, as well as nucleon axial form factor coming from the neutral weak interaction. The results indicate a strange quark magnetic contribution close to zero at these Q(2), and a possible non zero strange quark electric contribution for the high Q(2). The first Q(2) behavior measurement of the nucleon axial form factor in elastic electron scattering shows a good agreement with radiative corrections calculated at Q(2) = 0 and with a dipole form using the axial mass determined in neutrino scattering

    New Measurements of the Beam-Normal Single Spin Asymmetry in Elastic Electron Scattering Over a Range of Spin-0 Nuclei

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    We report precision determinations of the beam-normal single spin asymmetries (An) in the elastic scattering of 0.95 and 2.18 GeV electrons off 12C, 40Ca, 48Ca, and 208Pb at very forward angles where the most detailed theoretical calculations have been performed. The first measurements of An for 40Ca and 48Ca are found to be similar to that of 12C, consistent with expectations and thus demonstrating the validity of theoretical calculations for nuclei with Z ≤ 20. We also report An for 208Pb at two new momentum transfers (Q2) extending the previous measurement. Our new data confirm the surprising result previously reported, with all three data points showing significant disagreement with the results from the Z ≤ 20 nuclei. These data confirm our basic understanding of the underlying dynamics that govern An for nuclei containing ≲ 50 nucleons, but point to the need for further investigation to understand the unusual An behavior discovered for scattering off 208Pb

    Measurement of the Nucleon F\u3csup\u3en\u3c/sup\u3e₂/F\u3csup\u3ep\u3c/sup\u3e₂ Structure Function Ratio by the Jefferson Lab MARATHON Tritium/Helium-3 Deep Inelastic Scattering Experiment

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    The ratio of the nucleon F2 structure functions, Fn2/Fp2, is determined by the MARATHON experiment from measurements of deep inelastic scattering of electrons from 3H and 3He nuclei. The experiment was performed in the Hall A Facility of Jefferson Lab using two high-resolution spectrometers for electron detection, and a cryogenic target system which included a low-activity tritium cell. The data analysis used a novel technique exploiting the mirror symmetry of the two nuclei, which essentially eliminates many theoretical uncertainties in the extraction of the ratio. The results, which cover the Bjorken scaling variable range 0.19 \u3c x \u3c 0.83, represent a significant improvement compared to previous SLAC and Jefferson Lab measurements for the ratio. They are compared to recent theoretical calculations and empirical determinations of the Fn2/Fp2 ratio