12 research outputs found

    Dominansi Dan Diversitas Lamun Dan Makrozoobenthos Pada Musim Pancaroba Di Pantai Bama, Taman Nasional Baluran, Situbondo [Dominance and Diversity of Seagrass and Macrozoobenthos on Transition Season in Bama Beach, Baluran National Park, Situbondo]

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    Lamun merupakan tanaman berbiji terbuka yang mampu tumbuh dan beradaptasi dengan lingkungan bersalinitas tinggi serta dapat berasosiasi dengan benthos. Keberadaan lamun di perairan merupakan salah satu indikator tingkat kesuburan dan produktivitas perairan. Terdapat perbedaan dominansi antara musim hujan dan musim kemarau, sehingga enelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengidentifikasi dan menghitung dominansi dan keanekaragaman lamun dan makrozoobenthos pada musim pancaroba di Pantai Bama, TN Baluran, Situbondo. Metode penelitian yang digunakan yaitu line transect quadran dengan 5 line transek quadran yang masing-masingnya dipasang 5 plot transek. Ditemukan jenis lamun yang memiliki nilai kelimpahan tertinggi di Pantai Bama, TN Baluran pada musim pancaroba yaitu C. serrulata dengan nilai 48,90% , dan makrozoobenthos dari genus Holothuria dengan nilai 52,06%. Nilai Indeks dominansi (D) mengkategorikan Pantai Bama, TN Baluran dalam perairan dengan dominansi sedang. Sedangkan berdasarkan Indeks keanekaragaman (H\u27) mengkategorikan Pantai Bama, TN Baluran dalam perairan dengan keanekaragaman rendah. Musim peralihan berpengaruh terhadap jenis, kelimpahan relatif, indeks dominansi dan indeks keanekaragaman lamun dan makrozoobenthos di Pantai Bama, TN Baluran dibandingkan musim kemarau dan hujan. Perlu dilakukan survei secara berkala untuk mengetahui keanekaragaman organisme yang berkaitan dengan produktivitas perairan

    Aplikasi Teknologi Asap Cair Dalam Pengolahan Dan Pengawetan Produk Perikanan Di Pulau Mandangin [ Technology Application of Liquid Smoke in Processing and Preservation of Fishery Products in the Mandangin Island]

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    The increase in value-added of fishery products is one of which can be done by processing. In addition to maintaining the value of the protein in the fish raw material, it would be easier if the product is stored and increase the sale value of the fish itself. The ability to perform in the fish processing in Mandangin island is still very limited. Community service activities that have been carried out by a team of the Faculty of Fisheries and Marine Universitas Airlangga was introduce smoked fish product processing with liquid smoke,because this method easier and faster so that the products can be marketed. Liquid smoke was developed because the location is very minimal in the supply of raw materials such as firewood and coconut, so the use of liquid smoke is very appropriate. The resulting refined products are expected to be a source of protein Mandangin Island community itself and is able to become an alternative source of income for the community to increase the sale value of fishery products. Mentoring process being conducted by a team from the Faculty of Fisheries and Marine Universitas Airlangga so that the products can be marketed outside Mandangin Island or even to other areas in East Java

    Diversity studies of freshwater goby species from three rivers ecosystem in Luwuk Banggai, Central Sulawesi, Indonesia

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    Inland public water areas which include freshwater lakes and several rivers in Sulawesi Island have native and endemic fish species which potential as ornamental fish. One of them is a member of Gobiidae. Several studies have reported the species of freshwater goby in Central Sulawesi Province. However, the information is still lacking, especially in the Luwuk Banggai, Central Sulawesi. Therefore, research is needed to examine the diversity of gobies in this area. Observations were conducted in three rivers (Salodik, Kintom, and Simpong). The results of fish inventory in the three Luwuk Banggai rivers obtained 131 fish specimens, namely 26 specimens from the Salodik river, 29 specimens from the Kintom river, and 76 specimens from the Simpong river. The Simpong River has the highest Shannon- Wiener index (H’) followed by the Kintom and Salodik rivers, which are 2.6313, 2.0114, and 1.3656, respectively. Similarity analysis of the three rivers produced 2 clusters. The Salodik River in fish diversity shows differences with the other two rivers, while the Simpong and Kintom rivers are in one cluster. Further research is needed related to the biodiversity of gobie

    Physicochemical properties of Bruguiera gymnorrhiza flour (BGF)

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    This research aims to study the physicochemical properties of Bruguiera gymnorrhiza flour (BGF). The peeled BG fruit was immersed in ash suspension in water (10% w/v) for 24 hours, then sundried, milled, and sieved through membrane sized 100 mesh. Particle size of BGF produced as described are of 150 µm, brown in colour, of low viscosity and adhesiveness (CR:30.25), low amylose content (14.23%), had low protein (4.82%) and fat (0.24%) content, and high crude fiber content (7.46%). Tanin content of BG fruit was succesfully reduced by pretreatment in this study (19700 ppm to 8500 ppm). HCN content in BG fruit were under the detection limits of our method to be determined. Results of the present study suggests futher studies on the use of BGF for developing flat bread ingredients

    Fatty acids profiles and growth performances of Artemia franciscana fed with different types of microalgae

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    Artemia has been considered as one of the most important live diets for crustacean and finfish larviculture as well as broodstocks. However, the basal nutrient of Artemia has been reported to be poor in polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFA’s) especially eicosapentaenoic acids (EPA) and docosahexaenoic acids (DHA), essential fatty acids for larval normal growth and gonad maturity in shrimp broodstocks. Thus, the present study aimed at investigating the effect of different microalgal diets on fatty acid content, growth performances and survival rate of Artemia francisciana. The study was performed by culturing instar I nauplii of A. franciscana for 12 days at a stocking density of 100 nauplii/L and fed with one of these microalgae: Chaetoceros calcitrans (T1), Dunaliella salina (T2), Tetraselmis chuii (T3), and Nanochloropsis oculata (T4). The results showed that the different microalgal diets affected fatty acid content, growth and survival rate of A. fransicana. The highest DHA content was obtained from those Artemia fed on D. salina, p<0.05. While DHA content of A. fransciscana fed with the other three microalgae was not significantly different, p>0.05. Another result indicated that EPA contents in the Artemia biomass were not significantly affected by the microalgal diets, p>0.05. In terms of growth and survival rate, A. franciscana fed on C. calcitrans and T. chuii had better growth and survival rate compared to that of Artemia fed on either D. salina or N. oculata, p<0.05. Due to the faster growth, it was also observed that Artemia fed on T. chuii started producing eggs on day 12. Further studies by feeding the Artemia with a mix of microalgal species either a mix of T. chuii and D. salina or a mix of C. calcitrans and D. salina are highly recommended for better PUFA contents, specific growth rate (SGR) as well as survival rates of Artemia


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    Ikan Cupang Betta splendens adalah salah satu jenis ikan hias peliharaan yang mempunyai daya tarik pada warna yang dimunculkan dari tubuhnya. Ikan cupang memiliki nilai ekspor US$ 4,911. Kualitas warna ikan hias menentukan nilai ekonomis, tampilan warna yang indah merupakan salah satu indikator yang menjadi daya tarik. Salah satu usaha yang dilakukan untuk mendapatkan warna cerah yang merata pada ikan adalah dengan teknik manipulasi pigmen ke dalam pakan. Mikroalga Porphyridium cruentum merupakan mikroalga merah yang memiliki manfaat yang digunakan sebagai sumber pigmen alami. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh penambahan P. cruentum pada pakan terhadap kecerahan warna, dan kelulushidupan ikan cupang. Metode penelitian ini menggunakan rancangan Acak Lengkap (RAL) dan perlakuan yang dilakukan dalam penelitian ini menggunakan perbedaan dosis P. cruentum yang berbeda yaitu menggunakan P0 sebagai kontrol dengan pemberian cacing darah, P1 dengan dosis P. cruentum 0%,P2 dosis P. cruentum 1%, P3 dosis P. cruentum 3%, P4 dosis P. cruentum 5%. Kemudian dilakukan ulangan 4 kali. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa penambahan P. cruentum berpengaruh terhadap perubahan kecerahan warna ikan cupang. Perubahan kecerahan warna ikan cupang dilihat dari perubahan nilai hue ( o ). Penambahan P. cruentum tidak berpengaruh terhadap kelulushidupan. Penambahan dosis 1% P. cruentum pada pakan menghasilkan kecerahan warna terbaik selama empat minggu yaitu 8.50 , 15.50 , 21.00, dan 27.50 sedangkan dosis 0% menghasilkan kecerahan warna terendah yaitu 0.00 . Nilai kelulushidupan selama penelitian pada tiap perlakukan tidak berbeda nyata yaitu 100%

    Analisis Potensi Sonneratia SP. Di Wilayah Pesisir Pantai Timur Surabaya Melalui Pendekatan Ekologi Dan Sosial-Ekonomi [Potency Analysis of Sonneratia SP. at East Coast Surabaya Through Ecology and Social Economy Studies]

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    The damages in mangrove forest recently rise due to the exploitation, either in farming or housing. It can cause the loss of mangrove function as marine ecosystem, affect marine biota survival, environment damage and reduce fishermen income in the future. For solving these problems, some efforts can be done by maximize the mangrove forest potential. Mangrove economic value analysis was done through two approaches. The first was Direct Use Value which use for knowing the benefit of the mangrove directly. The second was statistic analysis by multiple linear regression. The result of the research shows as many as 20 % of respondent make use of Sonneratia directly, either fruits, leaves or woods. Others, as many as 80% of respondents felt the benefit of Sonneratia indirectly. The research was done at mangrove forest of the Surabaya East Coast, East Java, Indonesia