33 research outputs found


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    It was examined a new method for correction of hepatic failure by transplantation of liver support biounit (liver cells, immobilized on biocompatible and biodegradable 3D-matrixes ElastoPOB®) into small intestine mesentery. It was determined that after modeling of acute hepatic failure on dogs by 65–70% liver resection) and transplantation liver support biounit the restoration of disturbed biochemical indecies (such as total protein, lactate, cytolytic ensymes-ALT, AST, ALP, LDH, fibrinogen, protrombine index and others) took place more rapidly on 9–14th day instead of 18th day in control. It was made a preposition about efficiency of the suggested method for correction both acute hepatic failure because even 90 days after transplantation of liver support biounit alive hepatocytes and neogenic plethoric vessels, growing through matrix were revealed


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    It was examined a new method for correction of hepatic failure by transplantation of liver support biounit (liver cells, immobilized on biocompatible and biodegradable 3D-matrixes ElastoPOB®) into small intestine mesentery. It was determined that after modeling of acute hepatic failure on dogs by 65–70% liver resection) and transplantation liver support biounit the restoration of disturbed biochemical indecies (such as total protein, lactate, cytolytic ensymes-ALT, AST, ALP, LDH, fibrinogen, protrombine index and others) took place more rapidly on 9–14th day instead of 18th day in control. It was made a preposition about efficiency of the suggested method for correction both acute hepatic failure because even 90 days after transplantation of liver support biounit alive hepatocytes and neogenic plethoric vessels, growing through matrix were revealed. В работе предложен и изучен новый способ коррекции печеночной недостаточности путем трансплан- тации в брыжейку тонкой кишки биомодуля (клетки печени, иммобилизованные на биосовместимом и биодеградируемом 3-мерном матриксе ЭластоПОБ®) – «вспомогательная печень». Установлено, что в опытах с моделированием острой печеночной недостаточности у собак (резекция 65–70% ткани печени) и трансплантацией биомодуля на 9–14-й день происходит восстановление нарушенных биохимических показателей (содержание общего белка, лактата, ферментов цитолиза, протромбинового индекса и дру- гих коагулогических показателей). Выявление живых клеток с фенотипом гепатоцитов и новообразован- ных полнокровных сосудов в деградируемом матриксе через 90 суток после трансплантации биомодулей позволяет предполагать эффективность предложенного метода для коррекции острой печеночной недо- статочности.

    Biology and distribution of the Stellate Edelweiss (Leontopodium stellatum, Asteraceae), an endemic species of the northern coast of the Sea of Okhotsk

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    Stellate Edelweiss – Leontopodium stellatum Khokhr. – is the endemic species distributed locally at the coast of Tauysk Inlet (the northern coast of the Sea of Okhotsk). The natural habitat of the species is only 1.5–2 km2. The description of plant communities and their microclimate conditions are given. Edelweiss is mesoxerophyte, growing on the steep seaside slopes of S, SW expositions in the forb and grass-forb meadows which alternate with rocks and stones. The information concerning biomorphology, age status, ontogenetic spectrum and phenology is also given. It is shown that Edelweiss has high seed production, and seeds keep viability more than 90 % during 3.5 years. It is recommended to include L. stellatum in the Regional Red Data List as vulnerable, endemic plant of the northern coast of the Sea of Okhotsk. The habitats of the plant need special protection.</p

    The Impact of Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus on Long-Term Prognosis in Patients of Different Ages with Myocardial Infarction

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    The objective of the study was to assess the impact of DM2 at baseline on long-term mortality after acute myocardial infarction (MI) among different age groups. The data were taken from: “Register of Acute Myocardial Infarction.” A total of 862 patients were followed for five years after acute myocardial infarction. The primary endpoint was death from any cause. The patients were categorized into 2 groups based on their ages: group 1—comprised patients older than working age (n=358) and group 2—comprised employable patients (n=504). A total of 208 patients were diagnosed with both cardiovascular disease and DM2. Elderly patients with DM2 had worse prognosis and increased five-year mortality compared with patients of the same age group without DM2. Statistically significant differences in long-term outcomes were found in adult patients (p=0.004) only in group with longer duration of diabetes, unlike the group with DM2 onset. In conclusion, Type 2 DM increased 5-year mortality rate of elderly patients with myocardial infarction. However, younger patients with both myocardial infarction and DM2 had more complications in the early post-MI period compared with patients of the same age group without DM2 but did not show any statistically significant differences in the long-term outcome


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    Genetic diversity and structure of four populations L. sibirica of mountain and plain areas of the Urals has been studied using 10 pairs of nuclear microsatellite markers. 116 allelic variants were detected. According to the AMOVA results, inter-population variation to 5%, and the remaining 95% of the variability is concentrated within populations. The differentiation of four populations of larch based on SSR markers exceeded 16% (FIS = 0.162).Работа выполнена при частичной финансовой поддержке задания 2014/153 государственных работ в сфере научной деятельности в рамках базовой части госзадания Минобрнауки России и средств Федерального научно-образовательного центра лесов, опасных природных явлений и ландшафта (BFW, Австрия). Авторы выражают огромную благодарность руководителю отдела исследований генома BFW доктору Бертольду Хайнце