1,350 research outputs found

    King Cotton and the Rising Sun: The Japanese Navy’s Confederate Ironclad

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    When the American Civil War ended in 1865, the United States government sold off naval vessels as the country transitioned to Reconstruction. One of those vessels, the CSS Stonewall, traveled to countless and unexpected locations. The CSS Stonewall never fought in the American Civil War as it was intended to do, but instead was destined to fight in the civil war between the Japanese shogunate and emperor as the first ironclad warship of the Imperial Japanese Navy

    A Tale of Two Universities: Harvard and Georgetown Accept Their Ties to Slavery

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    The Washington Ideas Forum, a Washington D.C. hot-ticket event, reconvened for its eighth year on September 28th and 29th, 2016. Leaders in politics, policy, race and justice, education, science and technology, and even food met to share ideas and have meaningful conversations at the event hosted by The Atlantic and the Aspen Institute. From Speaker of the House Paul Ryan and Secretary of State John Kerry to author Chimamanda Adichie and chef and founder of Momofuku, David Chang, the best and the brightest were all in attendance. [excerpt

    Throwing Light on Life at The Wayside

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    Over the course of these past ten weeks, I have come a long way since I started my internship at the beginning of June at Minute Man National Historical Park. This is my second Brian C. Pohanka Internship; last summer, I lived and worked at Harpers Ferry National Historical Park. In Harpers Ferry, I was given a lot of responsibility while working for the education department, but at Minute Man, my responsibilities far exceeded just working with children. [excerpt

    Of the Human Heart : Personal Significance and the Key to Interpretation

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    About seven months ago, I was asked during an interview for my current internship what I thought the National Park Service could do to gain the interest of more millennials. This question was posed to me in light of the fact that I am a member of the millennial generation. And what was my incredibly insightful answer, you may ask? “I don’t know.” There were some rambling and incoherent sentences before I finally delivered that bombshell of a response, but that was my final answer, much to my embarrassment. Now that I am almost a month into my second National Park Service Internship at Minute Man National Historical Park in Concord, Massachusetts, I feel like I can answer that question, even if I am seven months late. [excerpt

    Embrapa Caprinos e Ovinos trabalha no desenvolvimento de tecnologias reprodutivas para o aproveitamento da genética superior de matrizes e machos contaminados com Artrite Encefalite Caprina (CAE).

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    Risky Business Provocation and Interpretation

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    The fourth commandment of Freeman Tilden’s six principles for interpretation is, “The chief aim of Interpretation is not instruction, but provocation.” This statement is both profound and problematic because the very heart of provocation is goading some sort of reaction from someone or something. Provocation usually has a negative connotation associated with it, like to purposely play the devil’s advocate in order to upset someone. Of course, a museum’s goal is never to intentionally upset visitors. However, at the same time, a museum may want to change the way visitors might think about a certain topic in order to view a familiar subject in a new light. There must be a delicate balance between provocation and instruction that provides visitors with enough information in order for them to make a personal revelation; to take away something that resonates with them. This is one of the challenges of the provocative interpretation that Tilden writes about in his 1957 book, Interpreting Our Heritage, and one that I have witnessed at my summer internship at the Seminary Ridge Museum in Gettysburg, PA

    A Beacon of Hope: Contraband Camps, Harpers Ferry, and John Brown

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    Stereoviews were created by using a twin-lens camera that captured the same subject from two slightly different angles. The photographer then placed the two images on a stereoview card that could be inserted into a special viewer that merged the two images together and created a life-like, three-dimensional image. Stereoviews’ low cost meant they were an inexpensive way to insert one’s self into realistic three-dimensional scenes like the pictured contraband camp

    Bem-estar e produção animal.

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    Mudanças no conceito de visão do mundo das pessoas estão mudando devido à limitação dos recursos naturais, questões de origem ética sobre o bem-estar de animais, emergência e re-emergência de enfermidades e qualidade dos alimentos. A sociedade começou a se interessar mais em saber como seu alimento é produzido e exigir produtos que sejam ?limpos, verdes e éticos?, em que se preconiza o uso de práticas que minimizem ou evitem completamente tratamentos químicos ou hormonais nos animais e preservem, dessa forma, a saúde humana. Bem-estar é um termo amplo que inclui uma somatória de elementos que contribuem para a qualidade de vida do animal, levando-o a um bom estado de harmonia com o seu ambiente, caracterizado por condições físicas e fisiológicas adequadas. Para que os animais apresentem um bom estado de bem-estar animal, eles devem sentir-se bem, ter um bom funcionamento e viver de forma natural. Economicamente, os animais têm sido vistos apenas como recursos a serem empregados visando à produção e o lucro. Estudos têm mostrado que o estresse excessivo nos animais pode acarretar numa baixa produção e ainda afetar seu crescimento, reprodução e aumentar a incidência de doenças e produção de carne de qualidade inferior. Ocorrem duas linhas de pesquisa do ponto de vista de como avaliar o bem-estar dos animais e sua sobreposição no campo científico e produtivo, são elas, o estado biológico e as experiências subjetivas. A saúde e o bem-estar dos animais devem também ser incluídos como fatores relacionados ao ambiente. Devem ser escolhidas instalações que propiciem um bom local para os animais.bitstream/CNPC-2010/23061/1/doc93.pd

    A experiência de uma atividade de resolução de problemas na educação de jovens e adultos

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    Anais do II Seminário Seminário Estadual PIBID do Paraná: tecendo saberes / organizado por Dulcyene Maria Ribeiro e Catarina Costa Fernandes — Foz do Iguaçu: Unioeste; Unila, 2014Busca-se relatar neste trabalho algumas informações sobre a EJA, o ensino da matemática na EJA e a aplicação de uma atividade com os alunos com carga horária correspondente ao 8o e 9o ano do ensino fundamental. Inicialmente, são mostrados alguns fatores importantes sobre a EJA, ou seja, quando foi decretada a lei que concretiza esta modalidade de ensino e seus objetivos. Em seguida, é mostrado brevemente como é o ensino da matemática na EJA. Tais informações foram obtidas por uma pesquisa teórica. Posteriormente, é relatada a aplicação de uma atividade que envolve a equação de segundo grau utilizando o método de resolução de problemas, em que foi dada a imagem de uma figura retangular com área estabelecida com o intuito de que descobrissem o tamanho de cada lado do retângulo. A atividade proporcionou o interesse por parte dos alunos, os quais buscaram caminhos para resolver o problem

    Elastographic presentation of medullary thyroid carcinoma

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    Aim of the study was to evaluate the elastographic appearance of medullary thyroid carcinoma (MTC) by a retrospective evaluation of 18 nodules histologically proven as MTC. Free-hand qualitative elastography was performed using Hitachi Logos EUB 7500. The elasticity score (ES), was assessed based on a colour elastogram, the blue colour being correlated with hard tissue, red colour with soft tissue, and green with intermediate hardness. Nodules were classified into four classes. A alleged diagnosis of malignancy was assigned to nodules with ES3 or 4 and a presumptive diagnosis of benignity was assigned to nodules with an ES1 or 2. More than half (55.6 %) of MTCs have a low-intermediate grade of elasticity. The hardest lesions (ES4) were those with ultrasonographic features highly suspicious for malignancy. In conclusion, most of MTCs present an elastographic pattern of benignity. Therefore, qualitative elastography does not add useful information in pointing out MTC on the basis of its hardness. Our data suggest a marginal role for this technique in MTC evaluation
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